Perfectly Imperfect

By Mhscheerleader

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Perfectly Imperfect

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By Mhscheerleader

Alexandria had everything in her life that she had ever dreamed of, a loving husband and three adorable young children. Her husband, Jaxson, was a successful plastic surgeon. Alexandria pursued her career as a singer and had two successful albums out. Her children, Finley 6, Flynn 3, and Delanie 1, were the loves her life. Alexandria thought her life was perfect until one day in everything changed.

 As Alexandria drove home from the organic foods store she was hit by a car and her car was flipped over.  When Jaxson heard the news he drove to the hospital to receive news from the doctor that Alexandria was now paralyzed from the waist down. Jaxson didn’t know what to make of the news; he would now have to be the “mom” along with the sole provider for the family. The question he had though was how was he supposed to tell his kids that mommy had been in an accident. As he was debating over the right way to tell his kids the news, Alexandria, came out of surgery and was able to wave as she was wheeled past him. Jaxson, ran after her and held her hand as she waited in the room for the doctor to tell her the verdict on her health. The doctor told her that she was lucky she survived the crash. The driver of the other car, a young teenager, Mitchell West, had been texting at the time of the accident, and therefore was not able to stop at the stoplight. The good news was that Alexandria would still be able to function normally she was just wheel chair bound now. Alexandria crumpled over in the hospital bed, her body shaking as she sobbed.

 All she ever wanted to do with her life and with her kids would now have to be changed to adapt to the new reality of her life. She closed her eyes and went back in time to the first time she met Jaxson.

It was the day that would change her life forever. In her black skinny jeans, pink stilettos, and white jacket, Alexandria ran into Jaxson as he was leaving Starbucks. Their eyes connected and Jaxson said high and slipped his business card into her hand and said call me. Alexandria had debated over whether or not to call him, she was in a relationship at the time, but she decided to call him anyway. They set a date for that Saturday at an up and coming club. To this day she is still grateful that she made that decision. She remembers waiting at the table thinking that Jaxson had set her up, when suddenly he walked over with a big bouquet of yellow roses. He held out his hand and said “I am so glad you called me.” From that day on Jaxson and Alexandria were inseparable and two years later they were walking down the aisle, the same day Alexandria had bumped into him at Starbucks. Three months after getting married Alexandria had found out that she was pregnant with a little girl, they were over joyed with the news of starting a family. Three years after Finley was born, along came Flynn and three years after that little Delanie joined the family.

Alexandria made a decision then and there. Her new incapability’s would not limit her from doing everything in life that her kids needed. She was going to remain strong for them and go back to doing the things she did before her accident.

A week later, Alexandria left the hospital. When she arrived home Finley, Flynn and Delanie wrapped their arms around her body and wouldn’t let go. Delanie, didn’t know what to make of the wheelchair or the fact that mommy couldn’t walk, but Finley took it upon herself to be the little mommy and care for everything and everyone. Jaxson, went back to work and hired the workers he needed to take the place of what Alexandria had done on her own before.

Alexandria decided that instead of singing again her real passion was writing and she decided to write a book about how her life went from perfect to perfectly imperfect and that no matter what you can take any curve balls life throws at you.

            Four years later, Alexandria is now thirty four and able to do all the things she wanted to do pre accident.           Her children are doing fine, Finley 10, Flynn 7, Delanie 5 and two new additions Bayler and Adyson 5 months. Her husband, Jaxson, is still a plastic surgeon and he now tours with his wife and gives motivational speeches with her. After the accident Alexandria and Jaxson took a romantic trip to Fiji and renewed their vows. Alexandria has not let the accident ruin her life or the things she wants to accomplish in her life. As far as Mitchell West, he plead guilty to hit and run and texting while driving and is currently on probation after having served 3 years in prison. He regrets what he did and Alexandria has forgiven him. Alexandria believes everything happens for a reason and she realized that becoming paralyzed has not only made her a better person, but has helped her to teach her children to be more accepting of people’s differences. She continues to pursue her dreams that she wants to accomplish. One goal that she already completed was having more children; she didn’t let the fact that she is paralyzed smash her hopes and dreams. She has realized that her life is way better now that it is perfectly imperfect.

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