BTS || Insane Love (RE-WRITE)

By flylittlebunny

53.9K 907 493

Y/n gg to move to a new place because y/m/n gonna marry a guy which soon gonna be ur stepfather .. He have a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
I n t r o
U p d a t e ! *
02 | S w e a t
N o t i c e *
V o t e *
02 | T e a r s
N o t i c e*
03 | R e a l i t y
04 | A l i v e
05 | C a p t u r e d
06 | S a v e M e
07 | J i n
08 | Y o o n g i
09 | J u n g k o o k
10 | N a m j o o n
11 | T a e h y u n g
12 | J i m i n
13 | H o s e o k + 结
G o o d B y e ㅠㅠ
Ask Me Questions
re- write

02 | B l o o d

5.8K 65 26
By flylittlebunny

In The Woods*

Jimin Pov

Aish where is she..? Damn it I shouldnt have walk away from her As I ruffle my own hair with frustration.

I try to find her. I kept running and shouting for her name trying to look for her. All I heard is none of her voice .

I thought maybe she will go back to the cabin..? So I decide to went back and hoping that she is there waiting for me.

As I about to reach to the cabin , I saw the rest of them outside the entrance about to go in. As I about to call them and they turn back giving me a serious glare and curious look.

Namjoon :
" Hey I thought I told you to stay behind and look over y/n? Why are you outside in the woods? "

Me :
I -i-i brought y/n out of the cabin.. as I playing my fingers .. I got nervous

Jin :
" hey y/n isnt in the house !! Shes gone !! "

Jungkook step towards me and grab me by the collar about to lift me up.

" Where the fuck is she ? Why you just let her go let that!!? She is ours remember?! "

" Jungkook , just let go of jimin .. its not entirely his fault . We didnt hear his whole story ."

" Im out of here . " as he let go of me and he ran away .

Namjoon look at Jin for a second and start to run in search of y/n.

" Yah Jimin .. , Im sure shes gonna be alright .. Dont worry too much.. Lets go and find her " as he pat on my shoulder.

We about to walk away only left Taehyung and Yoongi hyung.

" Yoongi hyung ..? You comin? .. "

" Once I got her out of here , Im gonna protect her away from you guys. " he mumbled softly as he playing the lighter on his hands.

" Hyung yah!! Hurry up lets go !! "

" Just go .. you does know I walk very slow. " as Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Y/N Pov

" Miss , Are you alright ..? " as the person shaking me to wake up .

I groan in pain as my hands feel numb and I just cant find myself getting up.. I open my eyes and I saw Jin face inches away from me..

" You finally woke up..? Im so glad . " he smiled

I try to speak but I cant seem to open my mouth. I figure out that maybe I have lose a lot of strength . But why??

" Maybe I should bring you back into my castle . " as he pat on my head and carrying me up in bridal style.

He brought me into a beautiful huge room. I just find myself getting weaker and weaker.. As my eyes start to close.. I went to sleep again.

I open my eyes. I realised Im still laying myself here.. I cant stay here , I need to leave here . I got myself up and finally I have the energy to walk.

I walk towards the door and open it .
I heard laughing sounds and bicycle sound?..

A group of guys is outside .. Its a completely a different place . Its not a cabin , Its like a castle here. Paintings and scruptures can be seen .

" oh you finally awake !! " as he walk towards me hugging me.

E..rmm jimin..?

" woah... how do you know my name..? " and he suddenly ran towards the boys and shout.

" heyy hyungs!! This is a first time a girl in here and know my name without me telling her !! " as he keep jumping around like a little kid.

" hey .. cant you calm your ass down.. "

" Who bring her here.. ? And I never see her before..? Why is a girl here ? "

Wait.. what just happen..? They dont know who am I ..? And what is that mean..? They never seen a girl before..? What on earth...?

" I brought her here.. she looked sick " as he stop looking at the painting and walk towards me.

" I didnt expect you bring such a beautiful girl here.. " as he smiled while taehyung smirked looking at me.

" hey so whats your name ? Little girl ? " as he walk towards me.

Did they lose some jams ..? They seriously dont know who I am..?
Taehyung about to grab my wrists but his hands got slap away from Jin.

" Yeah what is your Name ..? " as push Taehyung away .

All of then start to look at me with a curious glare.

Er..mmm Im y/n..

" oh.. Its a beautiful name just like you . "

I blushed at his remarks, I should stop being easy. I look at them .. They are the ones I known for so long but what is going on.. ? Why they look like they dont know who I am..?

" oh since you introduce yourself , I should introduce myself to you . Im-
He got cut by me.

You are Jin .

" wait wh- how do you know my name ..? "

" See I wasnt lying when I said she know my name . Maybe She got superpowers ! " as yoongi suddenly hit jimin neck.

" tche i dont believe she got superpower , Jimin just stop your crap."

You are Yoongi. The Guy with dimple is Namjoon . And They are Taehyung Jungkook , Hoseok as their mouth wide open being shook.

" you are really interesting. I cant wait to see you again . "

As suddenly all of them start to walk away from me.. Because the bell rang.

" Y/n go back to ur room and never come out of the room okay ? Btw Avoid Taehyung at all cost. " as he about to walk away he stop and went back to me again

" Oh come out when you hear the piano sound , we all will be out . " as he grab hold of me and let go walking further away from me..

What is all this about..? I find this atmosphere weird.. is this reality ? Or am i dreaming ? Why jin said avoid tae only at all cost?.. Where am I at now..?

I stand there alone stupidly.. I quickly went back to the same room that I just got out from.

Someone came and knocking on my door. I open it slowly and saw it was Jungkook . Ever since yesterday.. , I really dont want to talk to him or even stay near him..

" ermm.. hey y/n.. ? " as he took one step closer towards me and hug me out of the sudden.

His hug feels warm to me. He suddenly cried out loud. What th-e he-ck?..
I should be the one whom cry . I push him away harshly.

He just stood there crying.. I felt a bit taken back by his actions.

" Ive been having nightmares.. I hate it so badly .. I hate living here .. it feels like hell "..


" This is the first time Ive been so close to a girl .. as he giggled "

I decided to be straightforward.. everything here just seems so weird .. are they playing me around? This is just so strange. Im the victim here . Wat the hell is he crying about?!

Hey .. Jungkook , you really forgot what u did to me yesterday? As i step towards him and he still continue to cry ..

" Those Nightmares is haunting me , y/n.. I cant sleep well all the times .. my heart hurts I dont even know why.. "

Jungkook stop playing around!!
What are you talking about !!? How can u forget what u did to me last night !!!? I broke out .

" what .. do u .. mean ? " as he scratch his head still on verge of tears.

" I hate you . " as I went out pushing him making him fall on the ground.

He just let me push him and sat down there quietly ..

I got out of the room. I remember what Jin said Come out when there is piano sounds being played .. But I didnt care and decide to figure out how to leave here instead.

I quickly try to figure out how to get out but it just get complicated. I heard footsteps getting close to me.

And the person cover my mouth in fast speed. His strength is no joke and he whisper to my ears " I need u ". He interwine with my hands and while I try to figure out who is he. I then realised its jimin. I push him harshly away from me but all he do is smile at me.

Whats wrong with him , well I mean all of them? They are getting weirder and weirder.. this is not normal , I really need to find my way out.

While I was in my thoughts , He spoke up

" They said we cant stay out here for so long remember? "

" Please Jimin , Just leave me alone. Why are u guys trapping me here ? "

" Y/n , we just save your life hoping u will stay with us and we didnt trap u here . "

" You guys .. are really creepy me out .. All i wanna do is to LEAVE HERE !! "

Suddenly A sound came all across the room.

" keep your voice down , y/n . He will hear our voices "

I ignored him and decide to walk away from instead. This is getting too much .
He drag me back and my back against his chest. His breath is near to me ..

Jimin: " He is Here Nearby , Lets go now!! " as he drag me back to my room?

"Stop pushing me around jimin!! Just Leave me Alone " .

He glared at me with some serious stares. I cant push him away as Im tired of it.. I fainted once again.

I woke up and realise Im back to the same room.

" You finally woke up , you made me so worried about you.. Jimin told me that you try to escape away from here.. "

Suddenly a voice came in and interrupt .

" Im sorry princess but here is no way out . You gonna be with us forever. "

" Why cant u guys let me go ..? Im tired all of this and you guys .. Please I hate you all."

" Im sorry I cant help you because all of us trying to get out from here too.. " as he mumbled but i still can hear.

What is he talking about.. ? They trying to get out of here..? IM THE ONE WHO TRAPPED NOT THEM. What is wrong with them..?

" You should change to a new white dress , here " as he pass me a white dress and gave me a warm smile.

They left the room leaving me blank.
If this is a Nightmare or a dream, I wish I could wake up now.

I changed into the white dress and walk out of my room ..

Along the corridor , I heard voices calling out me.. I must be hallucinating..

I walk until I finally saw them hanging around the huge table. They wore white too .. They raised their cups without saying anything.

Suddenly Jin turn towards me.

" Oh y/n you finally found us . "
As he walk towards me hugging me and release me.

" Since you are here, we have something to tell you . "

" We have rules here and since you are new here and you are a girl -" his words got cut off by yoongi.

" You gonna be lock in a room with each of us every single different day " as he shown his emotionless face again.

What the hell? Lock in a room with each of them every single day .. ? WTF ?.. They are INSANE ! They srsly changed .. Once again I look around the surrounding .. It doesnt feel like im in reality .. It looks like im in a different world ... I shivered

" Back to Earth lady , So do you agree? " as jin pass me a cup too .

The rest of them just look at me full of curiousity hoping I could accept?

" No way , There is no way I gonna do this . "

" Im sorry to say but you got no choice but to accept . " as he stood up and walk towards me holding my chin up forcing me to drink something from the cup.

Alcohol which seem like it. I closed my eyes as I winced in pain .. I lose my strength and I cant seem to stable myself anymore. I lose myself. I then realised the cup seem different from the rest of them. Am I getting poisoned.. ?

" Delicious apple for the day ! " as he ate the apple happily.

" yeah right , Im out of here " As he smirked standing up and walk away from the scene.

" Wait for me , hyung !! " as he ran after taehyung.

" Well She is kinda interesting.. " as he take the apple and walk away too.

" I agree with you hyung and she look beautiful as ever. " as he left the apple on the plate.

" Good Girl , You shall be with us forever . " As he stroke my hair and I drown myself in darkness again.

When will I ever see the light again?

- Alternate Universe

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