Hetalia and the philosopher's...

By Usasgi

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I'm continuing this lovely fanfic and I hope y'all like it 😁 More

Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 13 pt.2
A/n #2
Omake 1
Author Note

Chapter 14

588 19 27
By Usasgi

Disclaimer: This chapter is made to be entertaining and not provocative, so please leave a calm, yet non-threatening note. Thank You.  

As Christmas came closer, the silver snow that rested upon the castle rooftop, glimmered under the cold morning sky. The lake was frozen solid as Hogwarts awakens to its beauty. But alas, the morning peace could last for only a measly second as the Weasley twins were punished for enchanting snowballs to follow Professor Quirrell around to be pelted at and rebound again off his turban. As for the owls, who bravely flew through the cold, stormy winter night to deliver packages and mail to the students were nursed back to health by Hagrid before flying again.

Not a single soul couldn't wait for the holidays to begin. While the Gryffindor common room and the Great Hall roaring fires kept warmth within its walls, the corridors had become drafty with an icy and bitter breeze that came from the courtyard that rattled the windows in the classrooms. The dungeons weren't any better, especially that Professor Snape's class was located there. The class was so cold hat the students could see their frozen breath rise. The student's had to huddle against the boiling caldrons for warmth and keep their above in the nice warm steam.

Harry's POV

"I do feel sorry for those poor unfortunate people who have to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because they're not wanted at home," Draco snobbishly said one day in potions class. 

At that remark, stupid and stupider chuckled at the ferret's remark. The others and I knew that the ferret was using his statement to take a jab at me. I ignored his comment and continued to measure my lionfish spine powder. They knew why Malfoy was being a sour muffin. He became more unpleasant after Gryffindor won against Slytherin. Malfoy was disgusted by Slytherin's defeat, he tried to make crude jokes about me getting replaced with a wide-mouthed frog as Seeker, can you bloody believe. Though he realized nobody found it funny because they were all impressed at the way I managed to hang on, which I still don't know how, to his bucking broomstick during the Quidditch match, so naturally, he got jealous and angry and went back to taunting me about having no proper family.

True, I wasn't going back to Privet Drive for the Christmas break, but I needed a break from the Dursleys anyway. I had heard that Professor McGonagall was putting out a sign-up sheet to stay at Hogwarts for the break, without any hesitation, I signed up for a flash. I didn't feel sorry at all; this Christmas might be the best one he ever had, actually. Ron and his brothers were staying, too, because their parents were going up to Romania to visit Charlie. I also found out that the Beilschmidt brothers, the Vargas brothers, Alfred, Matthieu, Arthur, and Ivan were staying as well.

When Alfred, Matthieu, Lovino, the Bad Touch Trio, Ron Hermione, and I left the cold dungeons at the end of Potions, then we found a grand fir tree blocking the corridor up ahead. We saw two familiar humungous feet poking out from the bottom of the tree and heard heavy huffing sounds told them that Hagrid was behind it.

"Hi, Hagrid, want any help?" Ron asked, sticking his head through the branches.

"Nah, I'm fine, thanks, Ron." 

"Are jou zure?" Gilbert asked.

"Oui, I agree vith Gilbert zhat et would be easier if ve 'elp jou vith zhat grande fir," Françis stated.

"Yeh don' have to, I mean, if ya insist."

Sí, señor Hagrid, we insist!" Antonio chirped happily. 

The trio separated into three points to lift the giant fir. Before Antonio joined the other two he turned to Ron.

"Mi amigo Ron, will you help us take the fir to the... um, Hagrid where were you taking this tree?"

"Oh! I was takin' that fir to the Great Hall."

"Gracias Señor Hagrid, so will you help us carry this fir", Antonio said while his R's rolled off his tongue.

Ron was shocked, a Slytherin just asked him to help them carry a fir, carry a fir! He starred in shock, a Slytherin asking for help, and to a Gryffindor what a marvel.

"Um... why ask me?"

"Because you asked Hagrid to help with the fir first, so we thought we could help you carry Hagrid's tree, sí?"

Ron was flabbergasted, and so was I and Hermione. A Slytherin just asked him to carry a huge fir into the Great Hall, and they helping him lift it! Man, he had his ass handed to him, oh if George and Fred where here they'll be laughing their arses off.

"Well broski are ya gonna help them, or does the hero have ta take your spot and help 'em", Alfred said teasingly but, I knew he would do it anyways. Ron shook his head, helped lift the point along with Antonio and put it onto their shoulders. As they made their way slowly towards the Great Hall, seeing a friendly union between the Slytherin trio and Ron. The moment lasted a while until a venomous drawl come from the most dreaded Slytherin that I know, Malfoy.

"Would you hurry up and move already it's freezing", Malfoy coldly said.

"Your-a ass can-a stay frozen for all I care, idioto," Lovino cursed bitterly.

"Why would I take orders from an Italian muggle-born rat, or more so look at one", Malfoy bitterly sneered.

"Malfoy how about you sod off", Ron grunted.

Malfoy's attention was now on Antonio, Francis, Gilbert, and Ron who were carrying the Fir into the Great Hall.

"Weasley, are you trying to earn some extra money? Hoping to be gamekeeper next when you leave Hogwarts, I supposed — that hut of Hagrid's must seem like a castle than what your family's used too." 

Ron was about to jump him until Antonio pulled him back causing the tree to jerk that caused Gilbert and Francis to nearly dropping the tree and slight profanity. Malfoy noticed the trio and his face of amusement turned into disgust.

"Why are you carrying that tree?"

"Well, it es Tiempo de Navidad and I thought it would brighten Sénor Hagrid's day", Antonio replied with a smile.

"You should make those other Gryffindors carry that hunk of wood, especially that American pig."

Alfred lunged at Malfoy as Snape came up the stairs.


Alfred got off of Malfoy before Snape got to speak Hagrid intervened.

"He was provoked, Professor Snape," Hagrid spoke, as he walked to Alfred's side. "Malfoy insultin' him 'cause he's an American."

"Hmm... but as it may, fighting is against Hogwarts rules, Hagrid," Snape said smoothly. "Five points from Gryffindor, Jones, come with me. Move along, all of you."

Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle pushed roughly past the tree, scattering the needles everywhere while smirking and sneered at Gilbert and Francis.

"I hope Alfie is going to okay," Matthieu whispered worryingly.

"I'll get him. One of these days, I'll get him," Ron sneered at Malfoy's retreating body.

"I hate them both," I said, "Malfoy and Snape."

"Now-a Harry it's-a Christmas so-a shut up and-a be-a damn cheerful," Lovino huffed.

"Aw, so you can be nice," Antonio teased.

"Shut up, tomato bastard," Lovino exclaimed flustered.

"Now, Lovino is right, an' I want all of ya to come with me an' see the Great Hall to help decorate."

~*~*~*~*~ With Snape and America ~*~*~*~*~

As Snape led America to his office in the dungeon, he shut the door behind him.

"Why are you picking a fight with someone without your abnormalities and, especially someone who is 200 years younger than you."

America didn't answer, he didn't want to. He just gave the floor a mournful glare to try and evade the question that Snape. Which he failed.

"Sir, even as a nation, I'm not immune to insults. I can't... I can't really ignore it sometimes."

Feeling pity for the nation Snape walked towards him and put his hand on the nation's shoulder and giving a look of sympathy. Before America noticed the look Snape put his stoic expression back on. Then, sternly, "You're not completely human, yet you feel human emotions and needs."

America was confused by what Snape had said.

"Sir, even though I'm not completely human, I believe everything has a soul that gives life into it."

"Isn't that your Native American  virtue, Mr. America?"

"Yes, yes it is."

"You may go, but don't attract any more trouble."

"No promises!"


●○●○●○●○ Back to the Golden Trio and the nations ○●○●○●○●○●○

As the others and I waited for Alfred to get out of Snape's clutches, we helped Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick decorates the Great Hall. The whole room was captivating as twelve grand fir trees stood tall. They were decorated in silver icicles and golden candles, and the walls themselves were decorated in festoons of holly and mistletoe. 

"How many days you got left until yer holiday?" Hagrid asked. 

"Just one," said Hermione. "And that reminds me, fellows, we've got half an hour before lunch, so let's head over to the library."

"Oh! Your right Hermione, we should get going then," Ron said as he tore away his attention from the spectacle of golden bubbles that were coming from professor Flitwick wand.

"The library before the holidays?", Hagrid asked, following them." Bit keen, you lot aren't yeh?"

"Oh, we're not working," I said brightly. "We're looking for that fellow that you mention."

"Is it to find that dude, Nick flame something, right?"

The latter spooked in surprise by the voice turned to the source.

"Alfredo! You're-a back!" Feliciano squealed in joy.

Hagrid snapped out of his shocked state and replied in an even more shocked manner.

"You what? Listen here — I've told yeh — drop it. It's nothin' to you what that dog's guardin'."

"We want-a know who this bastardo is, so they can shut up and I can take a siesta," Lovino grunted.

"Lovino! You shouldn't curse," Hermione chided. "Hagrid, please, we have scoured through hundreds of books from Great Wizards of the Twentieth Century to A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry and we can't find him anywhere —  just give us a hint — I know I've read his name somewhere."

"I'm sayin' nothin'," Hagrid rebutted.

"Just going to find out for ourselves, then," Ron grumbled as they walked towards the library, leaving Hagrid a bit ruffled.

"Lovino are jou coming vith us?" Ludwig asked.

"Not-a really, potato-bastard," Romano flatly replied. "I'm just tired and I'll see-a you in the common room. Ciao."

🎇✨🎇✨🎇✨🎇✨3rd POV✨🎇✨🎇✨🎇✨🎇

As the group entered the library, Hermione gave then a list of subjects that might help comb through the large rows of books upon thousands of shelves. They split into three groups to make the search easier, and for the nations to keep an eye on each member of the Golden Trio. Ron strode off to the random areas of the library pulling off books at random with the help of Italy and America. This left Germany with a headache, knowing that he's the one that was going to sort those books. 

Meanwhile, Hermione was with Canada, China, Japan, and Russia looking at titles and subject on Flammel. She passed on the materials she found on to China and Russia to sort and take notes on, and she asked Canada and Japan to look for more material for information. She reached a peculiar book called The Spirits of the Land, and read its contents.

On the other hand, Harry wondered to the Restricted Section were the older students form the advance Defense Against the Dark Arts would get specific material that would have a note on them. He knew he couldn't get a note from one of the teachers, for it would be suspicious for a first-year to go into the Restricted Section. The BTT Trio and England Knew what he was thinking and decided to persuade him to not get curious about that set of books. Fortunately, yet unfortunately, the librarian caught them.

"What are you looking for, boys?"

Before Harry could answer, Spain beat him to it and answered.

"Well, Señora Pince we were just looking around and familiarizing la Biblioteca so we can where what es."

"Alright then, you all better get out. Go on —Shoo."

After the library escapade, the groups rejoined and left for the Great Hall as they were walking chatting about meaningless things, vacation plans, and Flammel. While the others were biding their farewells, Hermione plucked the peculiar book  that's in her grasp and decided to talk about it with Ron and Harry about it after the break.

"Hey, guys can you find more about Nicholas Flammel and owl them to me?"

"Of course, we would relay the information back to you, aru."

"Yea, unless some of us stray from having to much fun."

"Shut it limey!"

AAAAaand that's a wrap! I'm so sorry it took forever to update as the school year was a hurricane of swirling shit and procrastination just hit. Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and don't forget to Vote, Comment, Share, and Follow. See y'all next time. BYE!:-3

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