One Shots

By ewgoals

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These are the stories that in my brain. Have fun. More

Don't leave me (Jargot)
why i stay (Jarley)
Hate the game (Jargot )
Taste my skittle
Long distance (Jargot)
Mexico (Gallavich)

Arrangement (Jargot Medieval AU)

241 4 1
By ewgoals

France, 1557

Margot Robbie Queen of Scotland has been hidden away at a convent for her safety since the young age of 9. Engaged since age six to the future king of France, Jared Leto. She awaits her return to the French Court...


The table was over 20 feet long and it fit almost all the women who were living at the convent at the time which made them feel like more of a family. Margot sat at the end of the table on the left side, she always sat next to a little girl maybe 10 years old the head nun placed a bowl of oatmeal in front of the Margot which of course she thanked her for. The blonde woman looked up making eye contact with another nun a few people away the nun had a far away look in her eyes before she started coughing up blood into the oatmeal then blood that was coming from what Margot could only assume was her ear showed up on the white fabric that covered the nuns head before the young and beautiful nun dropped dead into her oatmeal she had been poisoned. The little girl next to Margot screamed in horror as the head nun screamed "Save Margot take that plate away" which of course a random nun did before the head nun grabbed Margot and quickly walked away saying "you must leave immediately. This was an assassination attempt you were nearly poisoned" the blonde woman was freighted and looked at the nun "by who" she questioned to which the nun replied "someone with ties to the Protestant throne of England no doubt. They'll be found and dealt with." Margot looked back a little and said "poor sister Helen; I didn't know" the nun interrupted "that she was your taster? Every meal you've eaten has been tested for poison since you left your mother's breast. Margot, you are the queen of Scotland" Margot was shown to her chambers by the head nun and she quickly changed into a white long sleeved ball gown that was tight yet still very flowy she put a dark maroon cloak over it and pulled the hood over her head before walking out back over to the head nun who was standing by the carriage and Margot quickly walked over "I don't know if I am ready" the blonde admitted to the nun to which the nun replied "To leave here or Marry the future king of France" Margot smiled weakly "both. I hoped I would get to go back to Scotland one last time" the nun reassured the young queen with "your friends from Scotland will be there. Girls you have known your whole life. You're safer in French Court. You're nearly a women and Jared is nearly a man. It's time" Margot nodded as she hugged the nun as they pulled away the nun said "you will marry young Jared someday soon for your faith, for your people, for Scotland. He will love you" Margot stuttered out "I am not sure that matters" "it does to you" the nun replied. "Margot " the little girl that was next to Margot at the table whispered and Margot turned her attention to her "Rose," the blonde said before the little girl said "Be careful. There are ghosts there" she said handing Margot a rosary "at the castle" Margot questioned before taking the beautiful Rosary. The girl nodded "They say the halls are filled with them. Tortured souls, a girl whose face is a ruin she hides it" Margot smiled at the small tale and said "I was at French Court before, you know, when I was your age and I didn't see any ghosts" she said reassuring the girl "but what if they saw you" the little girl questioned before Margot could respond a man said "your grace" he signaled to the carriage and the blonde understood she took his hand stepping into the carriage before waving goodbye through the window as they took off towards French Court.

Royal Court Of France

Jared ran up the main stairway tucking his shirt in and slicking back his hair before he reached the top of the stairs walking up to his bastard brother Shannon and Jared sighed in relief "Shannon" the older brother smiled "Jared, we've been looking for you everywhere. Tough to find you" the younger brother chuckled "I was out riding" Shannon didn't look convinced "Yeah who?" Jared let out a chuckle before fixing his black and gold doublet "how's the mood" he asked referring to the room he was about to walk into "fathers or the mood in general. Both are tense. Planning for your sister's wedding" he said and Jared asked, "is your mother in there?" Shannon shook his head "no, only royals and their attendants allowed but your mother is in fine form, God save you. Well, I am off now that you are here" Jared sighed before whispering "lucky bastard" he walked into the room to hear "Margot, should be protected hidden" Jared's mother Constance said. The king of France just let his help put on his coat "so you've claimed. You also claimed she needed to be kept at the convent for her education but we all know she just annoyed you." Constance scoffed "Margot's arrival now upstages our daughter's wedding" "it's the perfect occasion to showcase the alliance with Scotland. Half the continent's royalty will be feeding at our trough " the King argued. Constance knew she couldn't win so she went for the low blow saying "There are those that say too many alliances make a king look weak" Henry shot back at his wife with "then why did we sell our daughter to Spain" Jared had enough of the back and forth so he interrupted "I'm told I was needed or should I just come back on my wedding day? You've chosen my wife have you set the date, too" Henry smirked a little before saying "here's the date: when I say so or England turns its sword in our direction. She's on her way" Jared nodded "Margot Robbie you mean. I heard" the king raised an eyebrow "you don't sound very enthusiastic. you were play mates once" the king reminded him and Jared just shook his head "she had skinny legs, missing front tooth and strong opinions." the king spoke up again "I am sure the adult tooth had come in and the opinions you can ignore. Isn't that right Constance" she shook her head before looking at her son "her ladies in waiting are on their way as well. Three of them are titled, the other is ridiculously rich just your type" she said referring to Henry infidelity and the king snapped back "well at least your bride has a country and an army, should you need it" the king walked away as she looked up at her son "I may not have been born with a crown but this country relies on my money' she scoffed before finishing "let him talk like a king" she chuckled along with her son "your wedding won't happen until I say so" Jared nodded before smiling as his mother put her hand on his cheek "I am on your side always." "I know"

Outside the castle

4 women stepped out of the carriage and smiled at the huge castle they will now be living at while they were looking at the masterpiece they heard another carriage pulling up and a young blonde said "there's Margot" Margot took her guards hand stepping out of the carriage and she turned her head to see her ladies in waiting and she smiled as they rushed over to her before stopping in front of her and bowing a little and Margot opened her arms wide offering a hug which they all embraced the queen with laughter "we missed you so much" one of the ladies said as Margot pulled away a little "Oh, Selena, Cara Kendall, and Karen. We are all together again" she said before turning to face the hundreds of people lined up to watch her enter the castle "Oh Margot, your hair didn't the nun teach you anything," Cara said fixing Margot's blonde hair. Trumpets started playing and Margot turned her attention to the door of the castle where a man yelled "His Majesty King Henry the 2nd" Margot saw a brunette woman next to the king and turned her head towards her ladies "is that Constance" Kendall shook her head "No that's Diane de Poitier, the king's mistress" Mary kept her attention on the people being announced. Shannon walked up and stood next to his father and Kendall whispered "is the Jared? He's gorgeous" Margot shook her head "No, That's not Jared. I know it isn't" The guard yelled, "her Majesty Queen Constance" Margot looked around not seeing Jared anywhere tell Care tapped her shoulder pointing in another direction as Jared walked up to her. The ladies behind her bowed when Jared walked up and Jared bowed slightly before Margot and she did the same in return before smiling wide "I can't believe it" Margot said as Jared replied "your grace" Margot shook her head a little "No, call me Margot, please." "Jared," he says in return before he motioned for her to start walking. Margot smiled before following him into the castle.

Staircase/ Jared's blacksmith room

Margot walked up the staircase that she and Jared used to run up and down as children where her old room used to be. She smiled as she traveled up the stairs running her fingertips along the beautifully crafted wood. Once the blonde reached the top of the stairs she looked around walking to a doorway looking in to see Jared who looked up as Margot was turning around he stopped what he was doing and spoke "Margot" "Jared I didn't know you" he interrupted with "What are you doing here" she stumbled on her words "I was exploring.These were my old rooms don't you remember?" he took his gloves off "Not anymore no one comes up here" "except you" she said in return to the prince. He chuckled softly before she walked in "is all of this yours" he smiled softly "I-I make knives and swords. At least I'm trying to learn" Jared looked at the table as Margot played with a handle of a sword that hasn't been connected to a blade yet "to be a bladesmith?" she asked before smiling "Is that a requirement for future kings now?" she joked and Jared said "when you say it like that is sounds ridiculous, yes" she shook her head a little "no no I think it's fantastic but did you make all of these?" she asked looking at the table filled with knives, swords and handles "why?" she asked looking at him to which he answered with "I can help thinking that every man, even a king, should have some kind of skill" he was now standing across the table from Margot and she replied to his answer with "well you are going to be a great ruler someday isn't that enough?" "I hope it will be but I meant a real skill, not one that I didn't inherit, that wasn't given to me and- and can't be taken away. My brother well my half brother Shannon. He has so many. He wants to learn something, he does, he wants to go somewhere, he goes. With my father's blessing. They don't worry about him dying so much that they don't let him live." she put the handle down "because he will never be king" Margot said as Jared nodded "I can milk a goat and cut peat for the fire. The nuns you know" he smiled "Impressive" she smiled back "I suppose if there was ever an uprising that sent my line into hiding, I could get by as a blacksmith." "but I'd save you," Margot said looking at him "and we could go to Scotland and rule there." Jared smiled his beautiful smile before saying "that's a very kind offer. I hope I never have to take you up on it" She smiled in return.

Jared's Chambers

Jared closed the door of his chambers before turning around seeing Halsey and he looked a little shocked "Halsey, Did anyone see you come in here?" she shook her head "No. They never do. They never will." she walked over to him and slide her arm out of her dress "nothing has changed here and nothing has to" Jared smirked softly before leaning down and kissing her deeply putting his hand behind her neck before he started backing up to his bed. Jared began undressing the women in laying on his bed before he heard a knock on his door, he groaned getting up before opening the door a little before closing it a little once he saw it was Margot. The blonde smiled at him before he said "Margot, what is it?" he said in kinda a rude tone and Margot replied with "I brought you something to decorate your swords with." he looked at the rock before saying "now isn't a good time you should be announced. My page is there for a reason." Margot stumbled on her words a little ""I don't understand" "You shouldn't be here." Margot was a little hurt so she said "why do you sound so... Are you alone? Are you with someone?' Jared replied with "if you are ever going to be the queen of France, you need to understand something Kings don't answer to their wives" He closed the door in Margot's face and The blonde has tears in her eyes and she sighed walking away from the door and shaking her head. Jared leaned against the door instantly feeling bad for being so cruel to her.

River's Edge/Forest entrance

Margot threw the rock she collected for Jared back into the river before turned her attention to her great Dane named Sterling who was barking like crazy at the forest entrance. "Sterling come back" the dog took off into the woods "sterling come back" the blonde said as she rushed after him before getting grabbed by Shannon and her eyes widen a little before he said "young girls - - Royals, queens do not leave the castle alone" "but my dog" the blonde managed to say "let him go. Do not go into those woods. Do you hear me?" the blonde was now curious "why not? What is in those woods besides my dog who I could've caught if you hadn't stopped me" "He'll find his was back. There's food and warmth. Who wouldn't want to be at the castle?" Shannon had both of his hands on Margot's elbows as Margot looked into his eyes before looking down "except, perhaps, you." Shannon said seeing the clear sadness on Margot's face "Rather be at the convent, would you? Eating porridge and trudging through mud" Margot got a little defensive and said "I quite like the way mud feels underfoot" he chuckled a little "maybe you will be sent back to the nuns for misbehaving" Margot chuckled a little "you're cheeky" he nodded "and you're upset about more than your dog taking a little jaunt into the wild. What is it? " Margot sighed before saying "you should ask your brother" Shannon looked a little confused "ask him what?" "Why he's such a moody arrogant ass" Shannon chuckled a little "we are a half brother by the way. Nothing in common but our father, really. But I'll mention your discontent to Jared" she shook her head a little "don't bother" Margot said starting to walk away "and I'll find your dog" Margot smiled back at him "thanks"

Margot's Chambers

Margot walked in with Kendall as Kendall said "so Shannon just happened be there for you. You don't believe that. He has a terrible reputation with women, he knows no bounds." Margot placed her red cloak on the chair before saying "maybe it runs in the family" Kendall raised an eyebrow "did something happened with Jared" Margot shook her head "no. really nothing important happened now go we have to get ready for the wedding" Kendall smiled softly "I'll tell the servants you are ready to be bathed" Margot smiled as Kendall excited the room. The blonde walked over to her chest of clothing looking through it. she didn't want to outshine Jared's sister on her big day so she picked a black gown with gold beading on it. She heard something drop so she turned her head walking over to where the noise came from. Once there she heard a voice whisper "Don't drink the wine" Margot shook her head thinking it just her imagination. The servants walk in and Margot walked over to them.


Margot was talking to the other kings and queen that were there when Selena's boyfriend a young man named Colin bowed before Margot before handing her a glass of wine "here's to the queen's return and the happy couple" Margot raised her glass just as she went to take a drink she remember what the voice said. The blonde looked over at Selena who looked jealous before she shook her head "Oh God no" she before walking over to Selena and at rest of her ladies "Let's go Dance" she grabbing them and taking them to the dance area. Margot and her group of ladies were dancing have a good time she totally forgot about her fight with Jared either. Margot spun like a ballerina would as the flower petals rained down on her and she smiled softly before Jared made eye contact with her and Margot walked out to be followed by Jared. Margot stood behind a wall so no one but Jared could see her and he walked over to the women and said "I've been meaning to talk to yo" he was interrupted by Margot saying "there is something I need to say to you" Jared continued "When you came to my room I shouldn't have said what I did. There were other ways of handling this" Margot raised an eyebrow "handling what? Me? You do realize we are going to be married someday, don't you?" Jared said, "believe me I know." Margot interrupted again "I know you had a life before I got here." Jared shook his head "it's not about that." Margot's voice cracked as she said: "Don't you think we owe it to each other, to our families, to our countries to give it a chance?" Jared sighed softly "it's not that simple" Margot raised her voice a little "Not that simple?! What's not simple?! We've been engaged since we were six! It's all arranged! How awful must you find me to do this?" Jared finally stopped her by saying "it's not you. You're Beautiful and clever and unpredictable, but it doesn't matter. What matters is what's right for my country. France is not as strong as you might think, or care, which maybe you don't but I do. I'm going to be king someday, responsible for my people and right now, an alliance with Scotland could destroy France" Margot took a step back before saying "you don't want to marry me.You don't want this at all." Jared shook his head "things could change" Margot snapped at him with "well it isn't your decision, it's your father's" Jared snapped back "you don't see him pushing a wedding either, do you? All engagements really do is hold alliances. He's betting we might need Scotland, I am betting we'll find more support elsewhere. I know it's not what you want to hear" Margot had tears in her eyes as she said "but you won't love me. You won't let yourself." Jared shook his head before slightly raising his voice "Love is irrelevant to people like us. We who are so privileged in so many ways with that. All I am asking you to is wait, see how things go" Margot nodded before saying "see how things go for France. I guess it is simple after all but you aren't the only one with a country to think of."

Margot's Chambers

The thunderstorm outside caused Margot to fall into a deep sleep so much that she didn't hear a man pull her sheets down slowly before straddling her waist before starting to undo his belt which causes Margot's eyes to widen and scream in fear before having her mouth cover by her attacker who looked terrified "Guards" she yelled as the door open as her royal guards rushed in. Margot finally got a good look at the attacker and her heart dropped it was Colin."Collin no!" she yelled with tears in her eyes "Please forgive me your grace" he screamed as he was carried away. The young boy didn't touch Margot but it was the thought that scared her. If she wasn't a virgin then her alliance and engagement with France and Jared would have been done.

The next morning in Margot's chambers

"How could this happen? Where were the guards? why didn't they stop him?" Sophia said as she looking around at the other three girls "if they didn't I hope Margot did. They'll question her virtue. If she isn't a virgin she will never be the queen of France and our chances at court will be over " Cara said running her hand through her hair. Selena, had tears rolling down her cheeks "you don't know what happened? Any of you" Margot walked in hearing Selena defend her attacker and said "Tell me" the blonde queen was visibly upset with the fact one of her ladies was defending someone who just tried to commit treason against her queen. "I've spoken to him. He's being held. I bribed a guard. Colin's a good man. A boy still" Margot interrupted "And what did he say? What possible defense could he have given you?" Selena raised her voice "He said he was forced. He wouldn't say by whom. He couldn't he was so afraid that he said there are people. Powerful people behind this and he had no choice" Kendall shook her head "what people?" she said looking at Selena "here in the castle" Sophia looked up at Margot "do you believe him Margot" Margot was staring off before saying "he looked so surprised that I would fight back. That I would even wake" Kendall raised an eyebrow "that you'd wake? He attacked you" Margot thought about the whisper she heard before the wedding "the wine? I was told not to drink the wine. I was warned" Selena looked a little confused "Warned by whom?" Margot shook her head "That's not important. I believe you. I believe Colin." "please help him"

Throne Room

"I thank you for your protection last night but I need to speak with Colin" Constance was taken back "speak to your assailant" Henry rubbed his face at the ignorance of the girl in front of him "why?' Constance asked. Margot took a breath "because he is the love of my dear friend. And if there was a misunderstanding, If I sent the wrong message in my joy of the wedding" Constance interrupted "take care child. If anyone even knew you were asking this" Henry shook his head "Constance she needs to know" Constance continued "Gossip is poison too. It can poison a young queen reputation her heirs right to the throne, an entire kingdom." Henry looked at his wife before looking at Margot "You may have behaved foolishly but you are not responsible for your country men's actions" Margot spoke up "Colin Mcphail Is my subject. I am his queen and I demand I speak with him." Henry cocked his head a little "Witness have come forward. The boy played a plot in an English plot to destroy your engagement and Scotland's alliance with France" Margot was hurt before she said, "An English plot you're sure?" Constance chimed in with "You must know if successful in his assault you would not be fit to marry our son. To marry any royal. My dear this was not an act of passion this was treason" The king smiled "but it's all settled now. Collin's been executed" Margot was shocked "what," Henry said with no sympathy "He was beheaded this morning"

Margot's Chamber

"There was nothing I could do. I was too late" Margot said as Selena who was still crying said "He wasn't a traitor. He wasn't a rapist." Margot argued saying "They said he was involved in an English plot. I don't know who to believe or who to trust. Selena, I am so sorry" Selena stood up saying "You're the reason he is dead. Anyone who is close to you lives in constant danger. We're disposable all of us" Margot shook her head "No, Selena. You are my friends. I need you" Selena shook her head "No. Kendall is my friend. Cara and Sophia are my friends. You are my queen and we're your subjects. We are here in servers to you. Whatever that means. Whatever it cost us" Margot was tearing up "I'll protect you." Selena laughed a little "you can't even protect yourself" "I'll do better I promise" she said as all the girls looked away from her.


Margot walked out of the room where she was just hurt be all her friends. She saw Shannon walking up the stairs with her dog and smiled wide before getting on her knees and hugging her dogs crying "thank you for finding him" she said looking up at Shannon who had a smile on his face "I am sorry it's just been so hard here" Shannon nodded "I know" Margot was petting her dog "so much harder than I thought it would be" Shannon sat on the step next to her "you are not alone here" Margot nodded "I know I have my ladies" Shannon shook his head "I am not talking about your friends." she looked up at him with tears stained cheeks. Shannon looked up seeing his mother shaking her head at him and he changed his reply to "I meant I want you to be well, your grace" Margot stood up and looked at him "thank you, Shannon. Truly" she walked away with her dog. Shannon took a deep breath as his mother walked over to him "where did you find the dog" he sighed softly "in the woods. it was drawn to the blood" Diane took a deep breath "how close did you get?" Shannon looked away from his mother as she walked closer to him "Take care, my brave son, or you will bleed for a girl who will never be yours" She said looking down the way Margot just walked.

The Lake overlook

Margot was throwing rocks into the lake before she heard a very angry Jared walked over "you defended the boy they found in your bed. What was he doing there?" Margot sighed before hearing "You can tell me. I think I know already" Margot was a little taken back, "you think I was with him to get back at you?" Jared replied fast with "I think you're impulsive and prideful" Margot shook her head "He's dead! Let it be I beg of you" she turned back around to the water. Jared walked a little closer to her and grabbed her arm making her look at him "You can't behave like this not at court. Can't you see what is at stake here?" she turn her body towards him "because we are engaged? But you have no intention of marrying me. What if I told them that? Then this would be over" Jared shook his head "You wouldn't do that because it's not true. I-I-I might marry you" Margot was getting annoyed again and she said "someday. Maybe. If" "you said you had a country to think about. Were you thinking about Scotland during any of this?" Jared replied quickly and Margot said back "I was thinking about myself, my friends, my safety" Jared understood where she was coming from but he quickly said "You could have ruined your reputation so that I couldn't marry you, even if things go the way we want them too" Margot smiled a little "the way WE want them to and how would we want things to go" she said looking into Jared eyes "If you weren't the future king of France, and I was just a girl. -- not the queen of anything, would you want this?" she asked stepping closer to him. Jared leaned in a little their noses touch as their eyes close before Jared pulled away "I can't do this. I won't" he said shaking his head before walking away.   

Breakfast area.

"The French king and queen both said Colin's attack on me was an English plot but Colin told Selena that it was someone here,  highly placed at French Court. All I know is it had to be someone opposed to Scotland's alliance with France. My engagement to Jared. England wants my country and my crown. I need this alliance with France to protect Scotland from the English and I need time before there's ever a chance of Jared Marrying me. I won't have time if I can figure out who is against me" Margot said picking up an Apple and taking a bite looking out the window "well can we help?" Margot looked back at Cara who just asked the question and she smiled "I think you might be able too. Keep an ear out bribe the maids that you know aren't virgins. Get the to sleep with lords and with the king. Find out who wants my head here from them" The girls nodded as Selena walked in looking at Margot "I'll help you as well" Margot smiled softly wrapping her arms around Selena in a hug to which Selena returned the embrace."

Throne Room

Constance was looking at her young 7 year old son "Let's agree It's a brilliant match. Madelyn's family is french so there's no question of her family's loyalty and they are very wealthy." . " she said turning her attention to the king "but they aren't royal so they are hungry for power" the king said looking at his son James "they'll pay for it" while the king and queen were talking Jared and Margot were exchanging glances before hearing "it's only right to accept the support of one's loyal subjects" Constance smiled looking at James. King Henry looked up at his son "Jared, to show our respect, I want you to accompany your little brother to the landing." "can Shannon come too?" James asked as Constance spoke "James, you know that Shannon isn't your brother he is just your father's son. His presence is disrespectful" Henry smiled "her parents won't be there they are vacationing" Margot spoke up "Perhaps I can go with Jared? I came here, too, when I was a child. Perhaps I can reassure her" the king liked the idea but he had to warn her "It's several hours journey" Margot smiled softly "then we'll take food and treats. I don't mind really" The king nodded "prepare a carriage for Margot, queen of Scotland"

Carriage Ride

Margot was sleeping leaning against the side of the carriage and Jared was looking at her lovingly before sighing softly. The young boy that was leaning against Margot smiled softly "she even smells nice Jared" the older man laughed a little before smiling at the sleeping beauty in front of him "I know" he said before looking out the window. The long ride only lasted about 30 more minutes from the small conversation the brothers had in that time Margot had woken up smiling at Jared when she woke. Jared realized he was watching her and he turned his attention to the window again. The carriage arrived on a hill that overlooked the ocean's edge Margot was looking out the window as Jared got out "can I finish my puzzle?" James said and Jared stuck his head in the window "we'll come for you once the girl's boat has arrived ashore" Jared stuck his hand out for Margot to take as she stepped out of the carriage he kept her hand with his till they were about 10 feet away from the carriage and Jared pulled his hand away. Jared looked up seeing many boat which raised suspicion "there are too many boats" after he said it he looked up again "that's not a French ship. Those are English" Margot turned her attention to where they were and her eyes got slightly wider "is that a warship?" Jared nodded "yes. Guards!" Margot was concerned asking Jared "what are they doing here?" Jared shook his head "I don't know. I think it's a hostile landing" the queen shook her head "but England and France are at peace. Are they here for me?" she asked looking at Jared which caused him to turn around and tell the guard "get Margot out of here. Hide her" he took the rope that was tied to the horse "Can you ride," he asked the queen and she nodded "Yes I can" The older guards set up ready to fire as Jared took Margot arm "Margot. Now" Shannon rode in on his horse yelling "No don't shoot stand down" which caused the guards to lower the bow and arrows they had and Jared shook his head "there's an English warship" Shannon took a breath "they come in peace. The french ship took on water. It was in distress. The English were nearby and gave rescue." Margot spoke up saying "how do you know this?" Shannon smiled at her before saying "they sent an emissary on ahead to the castle. He's being held. If they are lying they will have his head" Margot nodded in relief and Jared smiled. They got everything set up to keep the two young kids safe as they were being introduced to their future spouse. James was too shy to walk over to Madelyn so Margot walked out to the young girl smiled softly "Hello, Madelyn. I'm Margot. I know you've had a very long journey. But you're safe now" she stuck her hand out for the young girl to take and the young girl smiled taking Margot soft hand in hers. Jared and Margot stood behind the younger kid of the same gender as they were and the young kids introduced themselves to each other.

Engagement Celebration

"I would think the English would be among your favorite guests" the doctor of the castle Dahmer said to Constance "because they hate Margot? Well if only their aggression were limited to Scotland but they want France too. They want everything." Dahmer nodded "thus the alliance with Scotland. The one you tried to destroy by blackmailing a boy into taking Mary's Virtue by force." Constance shook her head "well if it would have worked Jared might evade the fate you predict. How do I tell my son you see his death? That his union with Margot will be the cause?" Dahmer nodded "Jared doesn't believe in prophecies. He'd ignore it." Constance sighed "I trust your visions and let us keep our secret and let it rest in peace with the Scottish boy who carried them out" The duo split apart from each other as Margot walked over to the English envoy "you're English, Lord Brook but you say that you did not come with the warship? You reside in France?" the man smiled "I have a home in Paris but I often stay at court. Call me Andy please so we can be friendly and frank with one another. Not like the French who simply say what you want to hear. How is your engagement going?" Margot smiled "quite well. We're very happy" Andy raised an eyebrow "then why haven't you set a date? James and Madelyn are only Seven, but they'll be wed on her 14th birthday. France's commitment to Scotland is hollow. They're playing both sides. If threatened would they really come to your defense" Margot replied back with "I believe that is the very definition of an alliance but of course you knew that" she said smirking softly. Jared looked over seeing that Margot was face to face with her enemy and kept an eye there. "I know this from one look at you. You're of age. You should be married " Andy said to Margot which caused her to reply with "are you proposing or are you trying to scare me?" the man got closer and whispered "Pack your pretty friends and hopes of salvation and go back to Scotland" Margot didn't look intimidated at all as she said "and how long until the English attack full force If I do so? I am not going anywhere." he smiled softly before saying "Didn't the nuns raised a brave girl. Sent to them for your protection as I recall? How was the oatmeal at the convent? We thought it needed a little seasoning" the comment made Margot's eyes widen and she looked up at the man before she could say anything back Jared walked over grabbing her wrists "Darling, you're missing the game. Antoine's had seven cups of wine. Every time he hiccups or burps we must have one ourselves" he said before turning his attention to Andy "Andy. Back at court?" Andy smiled "and very pleased to be here." he looked back at Margot "I have another game in mind for you." he said pulling her away from the tense situation before taking her around the corner and lightly moving her so her back was to the wall so they were hidden from sight "what are you doing" Margot asked as his back hit the wall "Don't move. Don't push me away you're shaking. You can't show them you are scared." Jared said putting his hand on hers and the other above her head giving the illusion they were kissing "he threatened me here at French court. He wanted me to know they tried to poison me at the Convent." Jared nodded "He's heard things about my reluctance to marry you" she looked even more scared "then they are aware that I don't have your countries protection" Jared leaned in a little closer "You do. You do." Margot looked over a little "there English everywhere" Jared could tell the fear running through her body "I'm at your side and while I am there you are safe. We will prove our union is strong" hearing Jared words gave her a little relief till he said strong union "but it isn't" she replied and he smiled "well, they'll think it is before their visit is over"   

A/N: Let me Know if you want more. I have lots 

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