I Won't Give Up on Us-Raura

By haileexoxo

61.9K 2.4K 382

It was always a competition for the brunette. She would constantly find herself competing for his attention... More

The Sleepover
Meeting with Maia
The Truth?
Maia the Devil?
Remember Her?
Ending It
The Mistake I Made
What Happens Now?
I Miss You
The Unfortunate Side
New Faces
I Need to Ask Her
Mixed Feelings
I'm So Stupid
Just Take Me
The New Old Us
Best Friends, Feelings?
The Plan
It's not Supposed to End like This
Time is Running Out
I Really Do Love You
Cheers To Us


2.4K 95 5
By haileexoxo


Ouch. She said she didn't trust me. What happened to us being best friends? What happened to us doing whatever we wanted when we hung out. What happened to us being us? Ross and Laura? Best friends forever? Apparently not.

I sighed and got up from the bench. I thought that this was going to end up different. I sighed and sat back down again, realizing I have no where to go anymore. I started humming an old Austin and Ally song that used to describe Laura and I's friendship so well...

You struggle inside, loosing your mind, fighting and trying to be yourself, then somebody lets you. Out in the cold, with no where to go feelin like no one could understand, then somebody gets you. So take a breath and let it go and try to have a little hope that someone's gonna be there when you don't, when you don't.

I didn't even realize I was singing when I heard a voice behind me. "You know, that song was always my favourite," a familiar voice says. I turn around to see Laura. This better be good. "Me too," I confess. Then I continue to speak. "Why'd you come back," I asked. Laura shrugged. "Forgot my jacket," she answered, reaching for it.

I sighed. I thought maybe she finally wanted to talk things through. "Bye Laura," I sighed. I looked at Laura who quickly waved. Before walking away again.

I got the chance to take in every single one of her features. Yes, I may have been checking her out, but it was worth it. Her hair still was that brown with blonde highlights. She was wearing pink skinny jeans with a floral tank top. The jeans fit her perfectly. She was so beautiful. Now I had no chance with her.

I took one good look at what kind of shoes she was wearing. I smiled like a goof when I saw what kind of shoes she was wearing.

Worn out pink converse.

Now that's my type of girl.

Somehow, I have to find a way to get out of this relationship with Maia. I think I have to pretend I'm happy and in the process, continue to catch up with Laura and re build what we had and when we were younger.


I walked into my house and saw Maia sitting on the couch, crying, and talking on the phone. I almost forgot what had happened. I basically ended it. Oh, that's a little hard to come back from. I ran up to our room, packed a few bags and sling them over my shoulder. I close the bedroom door and walk down the stairs and saw her still crying.

I rolled my eyes. I'm not going to suck up tot her. I left the house, slamming the door. Where to go now? A smirk arose on my face and I walked to the house next to mine. I rung the doorbell and Laura answered. "Ross, what now?" Laura whined. "Look Laura, this is serious. Maia and I broke up and I left the house. I can't stay there anymore. Can I please stay here for awhile until I can find my own place," I pleaded. When we were younger, Laura would always give into the puppy dog eyes, so maybe I need to take that approach.

I gave my best puppy dog eyes, but hers washed over with anger. She thought about it for awhile, and then kind of came to a conclusion.

"There's a spare bedroom in the basement, that's where you'll be," Laura strictly said. I ran in and down into her basement. I have to say, her house is really big and really nice. Her whole entire basement is brand new beige carpet, a flat screen TV, a pool table, and a bar. Not to mention the giant sectional couch in front of the TV.

"I know, I know. It's a lot. My parents bought it for me," Laura said gesturing to the house. "Will I get to use it?" I asked gesturing to the pool table and TV. "Yeah I guess, if you clean up," Laura said. I chuckled. She knows I hate cleaning things up. "What are you laughing at?" She asked. I just laughed harder, which caused her to laugh too. Then she stopped laughing.

I was confused, but then she left the basement. When she said she wanted nothing to do with me she was right. I sighed and walked into the spare bedroom. I flicked on the light, dropped my stuff on the ground and went to bed. I was beyond tired.

See you in the morning Laur...

The Next Morning

I work up and smelt my favourite smell ever. Pancakes. I pulled on a t-shirt, some sweats and ran upstairs and saw a plate with eight and a half pancakes sitting at a place mat for me.

Laura was cooking and didn't notice me get up. I decided I wouldn't surprise her because things are still tense between us. I don't want to make anything worse. I sat down at my spot and dug in. Man that woman can cook.

She turned around and saw me. "Hi," she said softly. "What's up?" I asked. "Making pancakes. Are they okay?" Laura asked. Since my mouth was full, I just made the perfection sign with my fingers and went back to eating. For the first time in awhile Laura did something I thought I'd never see her do again. Something I thought I'd never make her do again. I thought she had stopped doing the action.

But against everything I thought, Laura proved me wrong. She did that one impossible thing.

She smiled.


A/N; Hey guys! Here's a new chapter for you guys! This book is starting to get really good, so keep reading, because I have big plans for it!

Love you all,




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