Cousins! (To Andi777 and maxx...

By UnderTheStarss

402 39 29

This is for my cousin Andi, and I guess for Max too about all the good times we've had as cousins. More

Christmas Break 2011
Andi and Max's house 2011
Andi and Max's house 2012! YEAH BABY!
Ages 8 through now
Random Memories
David and Gary and Gary
Andi and Max come 2012

Ages 6 and 7

50 5 3
By UnderTheStarss

Okay, I'm gonna go back to when me, Andi and Max were around 6 and 7 years old. 

Back then, Andi and Max fought a lot, and they still do.  Well, Karin set up for me, Andi, and Max to camp out in a tent in the front yard. 

I remember it a little bit.  I had to be on the far end and I was kinda scared.  I was six years old so what do you expect? Anyways, on t.v. right before that there was something about wolves attacking cows and my Auntie Barb scared us with it.  But that's not what scared me.  Okay I swear this is real and I'm not making this up, I woke up in the middle of the night and I had to go to the bathroom.  Only, everyone was sleeping and I didn't want to wake anyone up or go alone.  Then I heard some twigs snap and I'm pretty sure it was a bear.  It had heavy footsteps and it's breathing was big.  No one believed me to this day.

Then like a year later, we camped out in the same tent in the backyard.  Again in the middle of the night, something woke me up.  Something scratching at the tent.  A cat.  The neighbors cat.  It scared me half to death, but then I realized it was a cat.  But the whole night I was worried that big foot was gonna come get me.  Again I was sleeping on the end.

Also when we were around that age, we went to the aquarium.  I don't know why I'm saying this but I just remember it.  Karin took us and Andi got to sit in the front seat and me and Max were mad.  Then we got dairy queen blizzards and went home.


That's all for now!

~Manda :D

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