Who Is In Control

By PrincessWriter123

54.4K 1.7K 858

[#25 in Karmagisa Rankings] Koro-sensei was gone. It should have been peaceful. But things never worked out f... More

A Cursed Serpent {Coming Soon}


7.9K 266 13
By PrincessWriter123

A week passed. Everything went smoothly, everything according to plan. And now, with the weekend brushing his fingertips and only a hair's width away, all Nagisa wanted to do was sleep. Having to pull himself out of bed early in the mornings and train every day after school, he was tired. All of it was pulling down on him and it made him want to curl up in bed, sleep. He just wanted to stop existing for a few days. It was just too stressful.

But today was special. He and Karma had planned to go and visit the old campus. Just Karma and Nagisa and their memories. It could either be wonderful. Or absolutely, irrevocably, incredibly horrible. And Nagisa didn't have any idea which it would be. Now, however, was decidedly horrid.

Nagisa couldn't tell you why, but deep in the pit of his stomach sat a heavy stone and the incessant, non-stop tapping of his fingers and toes carried a melody of harsh anxiety all through out the train ride he and Karma were forced to take to get the the campus.

As they climbed through a hole in the fence and onto the campus of Kunugigaoka Junior High School, he felt eyes on him. As they trekked towards the bottom of the mountain, he was almost sure he heard voices that weren't there calling to him. As they bounced through the mountain, following the path, Nagisa was unusually jumpy, practically having a heart attack when Karma called his name. When they reached the top of the mountain and stared at the old, decaying wooden building, fear and dread mounted in his chest, making it feel as if he were standing on a very steep roof and the shingles might give out any moment.

When his hand rest on the handle and he began to slide the door open? Well, all hell broke loose, of course.

Hey guys. Sorry for not updating. I know this is so short (only 315 words, kill me), but it was all I could get out at the moment. Again, I'm really sorry, but it's almost 2:30 A.M., I'm overly anxious, I really need sleep, and I have once again bitten my finger nails into unhealthily short stubs. Some one help me. Anyways, I'll try to update again soon, and a good night (I guess it's actually good morning?) to you all.

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