My Way of Allegiant: Divergen...

By nimmie10

26.6K 573 128

This is Allegiant they way I thought it is going to go. Tris, Four and all of their friends face many problem... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Part 2: Chapter 1
Part 2: Chapter 2
Part 2: Chapter 3
Part 2: Chapter 4
Part 2: Chapter 5
Part 2: Chapter 6
Part 2: Chapter 7
Part 2: Chapter 8
Part 2: Chapter 9
Part 2: Chapter 10
Part 2: Chapter 11
Part 2: Chapter 12

Part 2: Chapter 13

481 19 11
By nimmie10

-----Two Weeks Later-----

Tobias Pov: 

"Um can I have this one?" I ask Derek and point to the old looking sports car. 

"Sure." He smiles. "I already knew you would pick that one." He tosses me the keys. "This is a mustang. My favorite car. Don't crash it." He smiles. 

"Whatever." I smile and hop into the car. 

"Oh wait! Good news!" Derek rushes over to the window. "All of the cities have been liberated." 

"No more experiments I ask?" With my eyebrows raised. 

"None." Derek smiles. "We are officially not the Republic anymore." 

I shove the keys into the ignition. "Good." 

Tris POV: 

I run out to the parking lot. After being in the new capital all day I just want to leave. They have been forcing me to fill reports out and confirm evidence for the past two weeks. 

"Hey!" Tobias Greets me. His new plaid flannel, and blue jeans suits him well. I can also see his rebel dog tags peaking through his shirt. "We have somewhere to be." 

"Yeah?" I ask while I hug him. "Where is that?" 

"The new president needs us." He mutters. 

"What no!" I mutter into his shirt. "I've been in there all day." 

"It's not in there." Tobias kisses the top of my head. "It's in the center of town." 

"What?" I ask him. 

"You'll see." He grabs my hand. "Let's go." 

-----Page Break-----

I get out of Tobias's black sports car and stand up in the parking lot. "Now what?" I laugh. 

Tobias takes my hand and leads me into the park that sits in the middle of town. As we get deeper into the park, I see a large crowd of people sitting in fancy chairs around a podium. Television cameras sit in front of the podium. 

"President's first speech." Tobias leads me to a seat near the back. 

"Who is the president anyway?" I ask Tobias. 

"We are about to find out." He smiles. 

"Attention!" A Voice says. It sounds a lot like Derek. "I present to you, the new president!" 

We all clap while a man walks onto the stage. He reaches the podium and I can't help but to smile. I know exactly who it is. "Hello!" Brecken greets. "My name is Brecken. I am the new president." I look up at Tobias to see his smile. I was not expecting that at all. "I was chosen to lead us all in a stage of recovery." He smiles. "I am not the only one who helped get us here though." 

He looks right at the camera. "I need to see a few people up here please." He pauses and steps away from the podium. "Zeke, Uriah, Ryan, Christina, Caleb, Tobias and Tris." 

I stand up with Tobias and walk to the stage. Every one else is already up there by the time Tobias and I get there. I stand next to Christina near the end of our little make-shift line. "These are the people who helped take down the Republic." The crowd claps for us. 

Breken takes out a box and comes up to us individually. He starts at the end with Tobias. "Thank you for getting us through. I am very proud of you." He shakes Tobias's hand and takes out a new dog tag from the box. "These are your new dog tags." 

Breken gets to me and shakes my hand. "Oh Tris." He smiles. "I bet you didn't see this coming." I nod my head no. I was really not expecting him to be president. "Well, I am very amazed at your determination to fight for what is right. Thank you." He takes out a set of tags and hands them to me. 

I examine the tags while Brecken continues down the line. The front says. 

Tris Prior

Republic Take Down. 

Rebel team 1

The back says: 


I smile back on the memories of when things were normal. Back when I placed my hand over the bowl with the burning coals. Dauntless taught me how to fight for what I believe and how to be free from fear. I don't know where I would be if it were not from that. 

Once Breken is done, the cameras turn off and the crowd starts to leave the park. "So what now?" I ask Brecken. 

"Well, we could sure use you guys in the government, or the army." Brecken offers. "I understand if you guys need a little time first." 

My brother looks up at Brecken. "I would like to work in the government." 

The rest of us decide that we want a military job. "Well, Caleb you come with me." He looks at us. "The rest of you, will be in your own squad. Oh and your first assignment starts in a week. You are going to go gather Republic intel from across the nation." 

I walk over to Caleb and give him a hug. "I forgive you. I realize now that I can't be holding grudges from part of us anymore." I let go of my brother and smile. 

"Thank you Tris." He smiles. 

"Right. Now good luck. I'll see you soon." I wave at him and walk back over to my group. 

"Hey what did happen to Peter?" Christina randomly questions. 

"I think he ended up getting arrested." Tobias shrugs his shoulders. 

"He shouldn't be in prison forever though." Zeke smiles. 

"Right. Well, I have to head out." Tobias smiles. "I'll meet you all back here in a week. Be ready to go." Tobias takes my hand and leads me in the direction of his car. 

"Bye guys!" I yell back at my friends. "See you in a week." 

Tobias unlocks his car and hops into his car. "I have a surprise." He tells me as I get into the passenger side. 

-----Page Break-----

After diving out of the city, Tobias drives a bit more. I watch the tress fly by as we race down a road. We laugh the whole time. 

Tobias pulls of the road next to a big hill. He gets out of the car and opens my door for me. I get out and he yells. "Race you to the top of the hill!" 

We race up the hill and once we are at the top we collapse to the ground  in laughter. "Look." Tobias points to the sun starting to dip behind the horizon. 

He cradles me in his arms and we watch the sun take the dive to the other side of the sky. I smile the whole time. This is what I have been waiting for. 

Once the sun is gone Tobias stands up and pulls me up as well. He gets on one knee and looks up at me. I watch him pull out a box. "This was your mother's." Tobias shows me the simple ring. I can feel the tears start to roll down my face in memory of my mom. 

"How did you get it?" I ask him. 

"It is a long story." He smiles. "Tris I love you. I want to spend forever with you. I promise to keep you safe and never let anything happen to you. Will you marry me?" 

I lift my hands to my mouth. "Yes." I drop my hands and smile. Tobias slides the ring onto my finger and he stands up. "I love you." I rap my hands around his neck. 

"I love you too." He leans in and connects his lips with mine. He pulls away and adds. "I love you forever." 


Well yep. That is it :) I wish the real book ended like that. :( This made me emotional a little bit. 

Thank you for reading ! You all rock. :) 

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