Bandana Boy//Taylor Caniff

By GhostBrown99

575 1 0

After Jinx's parents die in a car accident she is forced to go live with her older brother Hunter. Jinx hasn'... More

Chapter 1: Birthday Party
Chapter 2: What Happened?
Chapter 3: I Can't
Chapter 4: Packing
Chapter 5: California
Chapter 6: California pt 2
Chapter 7: New Place
Chapter 8: Fun Times
Chapter 9: I Can't Believe This
Chapter 10: Amazing
Chapter 11: Fling?
Chapter 12: Just Smile, Bitch
Chapter 13: Cocktail Party PT. 1
Chapter 14: Cocktail Party PT. 2
Chapter 15: I Forgive You
Characters In The Story
Chapter 16: What?
Chapter 17: Visitors
Chapter 18: Date?
Chapter 19: What Are We?
Chapter 20: MAGCON EVENT

Chapter 21: Broken Hearted Princess

28 0 0
By GhostBrown99

-1 year later-

(Song for this chapter is Let It Hurt- Rascal Flatts) 

So Taylor and I have been together for about 2ish years. Officially a year but hey I still count the year before that. 

I wake up to the guys all jumping around and playing. They're probably making another vine or vlog. 

I crawl out of our bed, get dressed and then walk downstairs. The guys are having a smack cam challenge. Oh shit not this again. 

Taylor looks at me then stops everything and everyone. He stares at me with desire like he did when he first met me, but a tear slips from his eye. 

I walk over to him. 

"Baby, what's wrong?" I ask. 

"I wanna break-up. I'm going to college in a couple days in Princeton, and I want you to follow your dreams and accept every opportunity you get thrown your way." He says more tears falling. 

"Taylor, what are you crazy!? I am not leaving you. We can make it work. Did you forget I can go back home to Princeton with you too." I say cupping his cheek and running my thumb under his eyes to wipe away the tears. 

"No, I want you to stay here. Do things with your life no other girl will be lucky enough to do. Start getting your things started. I'll find you when I am finished." He says looking away from me. 

"Fine. If that's really what you fucking want. I thought you were mine and I was yours but man I was wrong. Taylor I fell harder in love with you than I did Colby and man I loved that boy. I still do, but he was just a fling. Go ahead and just leave. Go back to Indiana, I won't stop you,go screw all those college girls because apparently you can't bring yourself to cheat, but remember this, I won't wait forever. I can't." I say walking upstairs to pack my bags. 

I don't show any emotion. I finish packing then walk downstairs. Taylor watches me walk out the door with a stone cold face but partially sad eyes. 

The guys watch me with sad expressions, and they also look at Taylor. They look at him expecting him to change his mind and stop me, but he doesn't. 

I drive to my house that I had 4 years ago when I moved here. I kept it just in case I needed it. 

I walk inside and go straight to my bedroom. There is where I collapse. I fall to the floor, and cry. I cry so hard that my stomach tenses up and starts to hurt. I try to hold in the screams but I can't, so I just let it go. I let it hurt. 

I cry so hard that I am hyperventilating again but I could care less. I love Taylor so much. I can't believe he would just end it. 

What happened to Forever? What happened to I am his and he is mine?

I feel arms wrap around me. By the feeling of the muscles its not Taylor. I look up and see Shawn. 

He pulls me onto his lap and hugs me tightly. I just keep crying until there is nothing left to cry. 

"It's going to be okay." He coos rocking me slowly. 

"No Shawn it isn't. My heart is broken. Taylor could of just asked me to go with him. I want to go with him. I miss Princeton. That's just as much of my home as it is his. We could have figured it out." I say. 

"Maybe you aren't meant to be right now love. Listen to me, it's just a broken heart. It will stop. The pain is temporary my dear. I will be here to help you if you need me too. I won't let you continue to suffer through all of this pain. You have been through way too much." He says wiping away my tears and cleaning off my make-up.

"I don't want this to happen. I love Taylor and this broken heart won't be healing anytime soon." I cry more. Wow, who knew I could cry this much. God I am such a pussy. 

"Trust me dear it'll go away. Now look at me." He says. I look at him. "Even if he isn't the one your man is out there I promise." 

"Thank you, Shawn, but I just I want it to be him." I cry. 

"I know you do love. But you are strong you can get through this." He says kissing my forehead. 

I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. 

Maybe I will be okay, but for now I am just a Broken Hearted Princess with a fallen Tiara. 



(Sequel will be called Cold Hearted) 


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