The Royal High School Student...

By yoyochan11

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Yamasaki yoyo is a normal high school student. She has an ability to see ghosts . She will try to help a chil... More

Chapter 1: Surprised
Chapter 2 : speechless
Chapter 3 : Wow
Chapter 4 : eh?
Chapter 5 : what in the world happened?
Chapter 6 : what to do
Chapter 7 : drama
Chapter 8 : shocked
Chapter 9 : weirdos
Chapter 10 : camp-1
Chapter 11 : camp-2
Chpater 12 : back to dorms
Chapter 13 : awful but fun
Chapter 14 : he killed her
Chapter 15 : Help!!!
Chapter 16 : love is the moment~
Chapter 17 : I'm back!
Chapter 18 : Trouble makers~
Chapter 19 : costume party
Chapter 20 : special
Chapter 21 : sung-min
Chapter 22 : engagement party
Chapter 23 : jeaoulsy war
Chapter 24 : loan sharks? No home?
Chapter 25 : graduation

chapter 26: THE END

417 24 10
By yoyochan11

Hello! Its been a long time since I last uploaded and active 🙈
I feel sorry for telling you guys that there wont be a season 2 so I hope you understand ,I was having a lot of pressure that school kept stressing me out by the exams, anyways here is the chapter you have been waiting for💜👇
The past six months many events have came and passed, we started our third year of highschool , hezalia and Tom went back to America, choi soo-bin went to a really famous collage, kung jo eventually started to accept choi soo-bin's feelings.

Meanwhile park hwan's family business went bankrupt, Henry went to a martial    arts collage. Paloma starter to live with her mother in their own new apartment.
Natalia choose to study acting . Shin soo was released from jail and finished his treatment.

Ai and gu young-min have a new house and a new baby born which is their new daughter gu sarang.             
Gu sung-min's family is doing well.

I remember one day, I returned from school back to home.
I saw my parents waiting for me and the Moment they saw me , they asked me to sit down.                                    

My mother said without hesitation  " yoyo we will return to Japan "

  My father said before I ask why " your grandma feels lonely back there so we will stay with her "

I hold my phone tightly and said " s sure! Yeah "

My parents asked me again to make sure if i have no problem with the idea.

That night I texted gu sung-min who continued studying abroad , he changed a lot when he went there. I mean he doesn't text me a lot only when I text him , he never ever calls just messages .  I don't blame him .

( I don't think that I will be able to see you Again . I wont be in Korea ! If you read this message I hope you reply sooner because I have something urgent to tell you about)

When the message was read by him , my heart started pounding real hard I felt hot , suddenly my mom entered the room and said " we will go to Japan tomorrow afternoon ok? "

" Why so FAST?? cant we stay here for like 2 days? I said disappointed

"2 days does not make any difference dear" she handed me a travel bag
I sighed,  my phone made a notification alert.  I opened my phone and read out loud gu sung-min's message            
( hi how have you been? What do you mean by that?? )

I texted back (I will go to Japan )
He texted  ( why? When will you return?)
(Anyways I guess its better to-) before sending my message he said
(What are you thinking about right now...?)
I deleted the text that I was about to send, how can I tell him that its better to break up rather than get more and more distanced. I know that I am a fool but I couldn't take it anymore.

I shut down my phone and started packing my clothes , I couldn't sleep so I made for myself a night snack.

The next day I visited mina and told her about me returning to Japan , I went to Ai to see her daughter.

Later on, we went to the airport then entered the airplane,  I opened my phone and found 26 messages and 6 miss calls .
I called gu sung-min and actually I didn't expect that he would answer so quickly!

"Hello?" I said shyly
" I kept thinking about your weird text"
"Oh about that forget it,  no worries"
"Yoyo , yesterday you were about to sent me a text what was it?"
I hesitated for a second
"You can tell me"
" I would like to thank you for letting me experience being in love and in a hard situations plus having fun adventures together, I think its a goodbye for us now" I said
He was quiet for a while,  a female cabin crew said " miss you need to put your phone on an airplane mode"

" ah yes I will" I replied

Before I end the call he said " its goodbye for now but I will make sure to find you again and will be back together"

The phone call ended and I flew to Japan.

-after three years -

I went to playground and joined a group of kids and played hide and seek with them

"OK I will start counting you better hide well or I will get you!" I said loudly and started counting

My daily routine was going to collage then playing with the neighbourhood kids then go and eat~
I enjoy my routine but I get bored easily.

Anyways after playing with the kids u received a call from an unknown caller,  I didn't think of anyone or who it would be.

"Hello ~" I said in Japanese


"Hello?? Hello?  HELLO FROM THE OTHER SIDE!!!!!" I said and giggled

" Hello this is your professor , ahm I wanted to warn you about the project that I received from you is INCORRECT!  You better fix it or lose your marks!" He said with a mad low voice

I gulped " Oh professor I apologize , yes I will redo it again! Forgive me~"

He ended the call and i sighed .

One little girl who lives beside our house came to me and asked " yoyo-ni  chan,  you promised me that you will draw me a picture"

I smiled and patted her head " I will give it to you tonight dont worry "

I ran back to our home and found granny holding a bouquet  of lavender ?
I kissed her cheeks and told a joke" Oh ~ is the gentleman that confessed his love to you?"

She giggled " I wonder who~?"

" granny I will go to the market to bug some things for my project do you need anything?"

She replied" not really, but my dear"

"Hm?"I hummed

"Dont be late cause its dangerous outside! "

I left and brought what I need, when I was about to pay for my things a man entered the market wearing a dark brown jacket with a black cap that seemed stylish,  he was wearing a cloth that covers his mouth and nose.
For a second he looked like an kpop idol, I whispered " Oh maybe he is a Japanese idol?"

"Actually ma'am there are a lot of famous people come to my market" the manager said and moved his eyebrows
I just took my things and went out.

On my way back home I felt that there was a car following me, I kept looking at it and when I stopped walking it stopped moving too!
I crossed my eyebrows who the hell is following me?!
I started walking faster and faster without looking back.
When I noticed the playground I immediately ran to it and hid a tube.

I kept praying that I dont run into some bad guys.
Suddenly I felt someone standing right in front of the tube exit hole, my eyes widen and kept thinking no no no dont! !!
He entered the tube and sat next to me , I didn't dare look at him.
"Miss" He said in Japanese
I slowly took a glance of him and it was that stylish idol looking guy!
" Oh you are that guy from the market" I mumbled
" you dropped this sketch book " He handed me it
"WAH thank you!! You saved me from getting into trouble with my professor! " I said and bowed
I heard his low giggle
"Are you YAMAZKI kento by any chance? " I asked
*YAMAZKI kento is a famous Japanese actor... really handsome*
"Unfortunately not" He replied
I nodded my head disappoint about the fact that he wasn't YAMAZKI kento.
He reached his hand to me and I looked at the small box.
"What? Did I drop something else?" I asked
"Just take it" He said
I took it and opened it out of curiosity,  he got out of the tube and I heard his footsteps going far, I found another box in the box.
When I opened the other box u found a nice ring that looked like this👇

It was a couple rings!!!!!!
I got out of the tube and searched for the guy but couldn't find him around.
I desperately shouted " GU SUNG-MIN! !!! YAAAAA"

-at the evening-
I was laying on My bed doing nothing , that guy was definitely gu sung-min I'm sure.
My mother entered my room with the lavender bouquet,
"Yoyo did you draw for our little neighbour's daughter as you promised her?" Asked mom

I sat down and said "not yet, mom in curious who brought that bouquet?"

"Your granny said it was from a handsome guy" My mother replied and put it on my desk

I held her hand and said " mom I think I ... saw gu sung-min today"

She held my hand " dear he is in Korea ! Your sister just sent me a picture of them with him!"

I was like then WHO THE HELL DID ALL THIS? ??

" She sent you a picture? Can you send it to me please ~ I want to see my ex - boyfriend who didn't fulfill his promise" I said
She giggled and left

I started drawing for the little girl and then went to their house and knocked the door twice.
I felt someone was watching, I started to feel uncomfortable!!
I looked around me and found no one.
The door opened and the girl said excitingly" you drew for me??"

I laughed " I sure did!!!"
I handed her the drawing and she was super happy.
I returned back home and joined the dinner with my grandma and mother , my dad actually went to sleep because he was tired.

I took an onigiri and ate it, while eating I opened my phone and checked the picture that mok send to me.

I saw gu young-min holding his daughter and Ai feeding her a spoon of baby food, gu sung-min was sitting on the floor and he was smiling.
I felt sad but satisfied by seeing him again.

"My dear the guy was so handsome and he was respectful to me! What a good boy " My granny said to my mother and they started talking

I drank my juice and then I noticed something in the picture .....!

I saw In front of gu sung-min there was a small bag and a cap... IT  WAS THE SAME CAP THAT THE GUY WHO I MET AT THE MARKET WAS WEARING!!!!!!

I started coughing and slammed the spoon on the table and said " THAT PUNK WAS REALLY SUNG-MIN!!!"

My mother hit my shoulder and said " Why are you shouting sit down!! Your father is sleeping ! And I told you he is in-"
I inturpted her by saying" the same be have i saw the guy wearing it! !!"

"Well thats possible but Ai said he is staying at their place" My mom said

I went to my room and video call Ai
"Hello yoyo!  How is collage? ?" She said cheerfully

"Is sung-min there?" I asked

"Oh sung-min ? Yes with young min. . Lemme knock the door "

"What are they doing "

"Watching football match and they are so worked up by it and if I disturb them they shout at my face and scare sarang!" Ai said

She knocked the door and let me hear

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!!!!" young-min said loudly

"DONT SHOUT YOU STUPID !!! IS SUNG-MIN THERE?" Ai shouted on young-min

" I AM HERE !! CAN YOU LET US WATCH THE MATCH? ??" replied gu sung-min

I sighed and told her " they are rude"

"I know " Ai replied

"Anyways thank you I just wanted to check! "

I ended the video call.
The next day , I went outside early to run and exercise.

I walked to the park and started stretching , a few of my neighbours said hi and continued walking.

"How was your day yesterday ?" A familiar voice approached me

I looked up and gasped " YOU! who the hell are you "

I started getting closer and closer and he was going backwards

" I couldn't sleep well because of YOU !!" I said and took of the cloth that covered his face

That was the moment that made me get shocked and run away for my life.

It was gu sung-min in front of me?! Does that make any sense???
I started running away and heard him shout " YOYO WAIT !!!"

I glanced back to see if he was following me and he was FOLLOWING ME!!!
I started screaming and ran to my neighbourhood,  suddenly a teenager riding his bike was coming straight in front of me! I jumped to the side and my knee started bleeding .

I looked at the teenager and said madly " WATCH WHERE ARE YOU GOING GOT IT!!!"

gu sung-min came and sat in front of me and said " as usual , you fell and hurt yourself  not surprised "

" you were at Ai's house yesterday? ?" I said

" well actually this whole thing was planned" He said and started laughing real hard

I was like what?

" I took a picture with Ai and my brother before coming here and I told Ai to send the picture after I arrive from two days ago and about the video call yesterday, I was talking to young-min by my phone and he told me you are calling Ai so basically I told young-min to connect my call to the speakers and thats all" He said

" im speechless! You planned for all of that like a genius!" I said

"I am a genius" He said with a smirk

I slapped his head twice and said" you stupid !! I hate you you dumb!!you are so dead!"

He gave me his back and said " do you want me to give you a piggyback and return back home?"

" sure why not" I said and hold into him

He carried me and said " aigoo you are really heavy arent you! Lose weight"

I hit his back and said " well look who is  talking ! You are fat too!"

"That is my muscles not fat"

" is that so? I impressed" I said and let a laugh

-at home-
My mother greeted gu sung-min and invited him in , he ate breakfast with us then he went to my room and said " where is the couple ring I gave you last time?"

"The black and purple ones?" I said and took it our of my drawer

He took one and said " give me your hand"

And I did so... he put the ring on my finger . I was blushing and said "they are actually prettier than the gold or silver ones"

He looked at me , I looked at him .
I don't know what he is thinking of right now but I'm sure I won't regret being with him at the moment

"Let's get married" said he

I had that face👇

" out of nowhere you are mentioning marriage?" I said with a low voice

" you occupied my head, what I mean is I keep thinking about you, I believe it's time to be back together " He said with a calm voice

I couldn't help but laugh slightly " well , I have no objection about getting married to you"

A big smile appeared on his face Lol he hugged me and kept mumbling " thank god you accepted"

"Oh we should tell our parents!" I said and pointed at the door

" My parents already know and they accepted happily " He said and headed to the door

"Let's go" He said

I remember clearly how we were nervous but confident about our love for each other.

Three days later mina invited us to her wedding ! Yes finally those two lovely couple is getting married ~ mina and taeyong ♡
They had their marriage in a unique wedding hall that looked so good with the sunset . 👰🎊
After 5 months and 1 week we got married on 26th of June which is on my birthday.🎊🎉

And we happily lived ~


To let you know about what's next after that me and gu sung-min had a beautiful daughter .👧
Meanwhile mina and taeyong had a handsome son.👦
What do you think will happen next~¿ 😏🙈

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