Arranged marriage (ItaSaku) C...

By HarrysOnlyyAngel

174K 5.2K 1K

Sakura is a medical ninja, daughter of the rich clan Haruno who grew up at her parents home, outside the vill... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 - Filler
Chapter 23 - Filler
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 - The End
Author's note!!
Author's note!! #2

Chapter 19

4.1K 143 9
By HarrysOnlyyAngel

"Daughter, we didn't need your note - or a prince's visit - to tell us you'd done nothing wrong. We know the daughter we raised. We fear for your future, but never for your character. You take our love and our trust wherever you wander. 

Father."  - Gail Carson Levine, Fairest

"Where are you going this early, Sarada?" Sakura asked her daughter who was taking her ninja boots. She turned to her mama and gave her a smile.

"I want to become the next Hokage so I have to train a lot." she answered sincerly, knowing that her mother supported her dream.

"Is Konohamaru training you today? I thought Naruto gave him a mission for tomorrow."

Sarada scratched the back of her head awkwardly.

"Yeah, I asked him. Besides, it won't take long so he will be able to pack later."

The pinkette nodded. Something was strange about her daughter today but she decided to not question her further. After all, she inherted her intelligence from her father and she could take care of herself better than anyone.

"Alright, I'm off." she waved to her mother, running out.

Her eyes scanned the forest from around the village, counting how many miles she walked. She couldn't miss that meadow.

When she found it, it was empty. Only the sun rays warmed the grass through the brances.

"You are early." she heard a raspy voice behind her. She turned around with a small smile on her face, being met by the black haired man that she looked up to. He was dressed in a black sweatshirt and black pants.

"I was excited to start the training." she blushed.

"I see. Does your mother know?"

The little raven shook her head. "No, she would probably kill me. You don't know my mother. She can destroy the entire house with a punch."

Itachi giggled. Of course she would. What mother doesn't love her child?!

"What would you want to learn first?" he asked the little girl. He wasn't a good teacher but he may learn in the process.

"Whatever you can teach me. I already can use the shurikens and kunais at a jounin level. I have some problemswith the fireballs but I guess you need to have that element to teach me."

He nodded. "Great coincidence. I do." he eyed her from head to toes wondering how such a small girl who wasn't from the Uchiha clan could handle shurikens and kunais so well at that age. He didn't quite believe her. That was strictly an Uchiha blood skill.

"Show me your skills with the weapons." he took out a kunai carving some small circles on different trees. "Stay in the middle of the meadow and hit all those spots."

Sarada nodded and inhaled deeply, closing her eyes. Itachi leaned on a tree tunk, doubting that she could do that. She took out five kunais in each hand, holding them between her small fingers.

Sarada jumped in the air, closing her eyes and mentally making a map on where the targets were placed. She twisted into the air, throwing all the kunais, each one in a different target. She landed, opening her eyes.

Itachi gasped. He never thought that a non-Uchiha could do that, ever. How much did she train? Who trained her? Most kids at her age played, especially girls. He was just one year older than her when he joined ANBU and was considered the best ninja from Konoha, yet this girl outsmarted him.

She grinned towards him. She knew that he doubted her and she felt satisfied to prove him wrong. His mouth was still open.

"So how was it?" she asked excited.

He cleared his throat, trying to seem unimpressed.

"Who taught you that?"

"My uncle."

Itachi narrowed his eyes. He never heard of such a skilled shinobi when he was in the village.

"What's his name?"

"Sa-" the sound of some figures in the woods jumping from branch to branch stopped her in the middle of the word. Mitsuki and Boruto landed in front of their black haired team mate.

"Ohayo, Sarada!" Mitsuki smiled at her. They both ignored the man behind them.

"Oi, who is that creepy guy?"  Boruto whispered into her ear, narrowing his eyes skeptically. Itachi eyed Boruto from head to toes and smirked. He was just like his father when he was young.

"Boruto, stop being disrespectful. He trains me to become Hokage."

"Again that stupid dream, dattebasa. Why would you want to be locked in a room all day and not pay attention to your family?" again Boruto let his feelings out.

"Because someone has to do it, Boruto. And the Hokage is the most respected man from the village."

"Not true, your uncle Sas-"

"I don't want to hear, Boruto. Just do your thing, I will do mine." she cut the blond, taking some steps towards Itachi.

"I am ready to learn the Fireball jutsu." she told him. He nodded and waved for her to follow, leaving her team mates behind and ignoring their existence completely.

They were both standing on a bridge, in front of a huge lake. Everything seemed quiet and the atmosphere was relaxing. She could just lay down all day but she had to become Hokage and it took great effort.

"Okay, I'm gonna show you once so pay attention."

Itachi made some hand signs, blowing a huge fireball above the lake. Sarada watched in awe, being a bit discouraged.

"You can do that." he smiled down at her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She got goosebumps and her body trembled sightly, a warm feeling spreading inside her. He felt that way too, making him frown and take off his hand. She gulped and felt the corners of her eyes itching. It was the same sensation that she got when her mother was gone for three weeks for a mission when she was four. This was the exact same sensation that she felt after she hugged her, after they missed each other dearly.

Sarada inhaled deeply and pushed the strange feeling at the back of her head, focusing on her actual task.

She made the same hand signs, blowing a smaller ball of fire above the lake, making the older Uchiha smile. He didn't know why, but he felt proud of this little girl.

"I believe that you will be a good Hokage one day." he smiled down at her. She jumped in his arms, hugging him. Nobody besides her mother had faith in her and everyone told her how stupid that dream is... until now. She felt more close to this man than she felt with her uncle. It's like they were somehow connected on a deeper level.

The action took the man by surprise but hugged her back nonetheless. As cold hearted as he may seem, he does have a heart. He loved children. He always wanted to have at least one child that would call him papa but that dream was shattered by his own clan. He frowned.


"Mama, I'm home!" Sarada announced happily. It was only 3 PM but she was exhausted and decided to train again in two days, since tonorrow she promised her mother to help her around the house.

"Welcome back, Sarada. Sasuke just came back too, he's taking a shower, then we'll eat."

The little raven nodded happily.

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