Cinder Wolf

By hannahjenki

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We've all heard the story of Cinderella well this is that but wolves More

Death feeds my pain: Chapter 1
Missing you daddy: chapter 2
Into the woods to be loved: chapter 3
I need her right now: chapter 4
Help me: chapter 5
Not worth it: chapter 6
Where did she go: chapter 7
I need you: chapter 8
Needing you: chapter 9
Not All good: chapter 10
Why cant you let me love you: chapter 11
Its just what I do: Chapter 12
No name girl: chapter 13
Shopping: chapter 15
Time to shift: chapter 16
Shit: Chapter 17
Shift: chapter 18
Crying: chapter 19
Chapter 20: i think i know
Chapter 21: get away
Of course: chapter 22
Chapter 23: wedding day

I want you: chapter 14

4.7K 122 4
By hannahjenki

POV Cinder

"Hey can I tell you something?" I asked the little girl.

"Yes," she looked confused.

"Do you want to stay with us?" I asked her.

I saw her eyes light up and she nodded her head fast.

"Well then let's get out of this bath tub," I lifted her out and wrapped a white fuzzy towel around her. She cuddled into it as she shivered.
I picked her up in my arms and to the bed.

"Are you hungry," I asked.

"Yes please," she said.

"Okay but first let's get something for you to slip on." I found a t-shirt laying around and I slipped it on her.

"Cinder," I heard Matthew call. I turned to him. "You need more clothes you've been wearing the same ones since you've been here and the shirt doesn't fit your belly," he told me. I self cautiously tried to pull my shirt down.

"It's the only shirt I have," I said feeling tears in my eyes. He probably was disgusted by me. "I'm sorry," I whispered as I yanked my shirt down. It was just showing the bottom of my stomach.

I felt a tear slip from my eyes. "You think I'm disgusting don't you," I sobbed as I walked backwards.

"Hey no I just want to get you clothes that hit your belly." He walked closer to me but I felt a soft hand wipe a tear away.

"Don't cry," the young girl whispered. "You are very pretty," she told me.

"Oh honey you are so cute," I said kissing her forehead. "You need clothes too don't you?" I said.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Can you buy her clothes too?" I asked Matthew. "I'll find a way to pay you back," I told him.

"Your my mate. My money is your money," he told me.

"Thank you." I kissed his cheek.

"But wear one of my shirts." He handed me one of his shirts. I slipped off my other shirt and went to put the other one on but Matthew stopped me.

"What is this?" He pulled on the wrap that was around my breast.

"My make shift of a bra," I said embarrassed trying to cover myself from him.

"Well then I'll get you a bra today also," he said.

"Can I get one?" I looked over at the young girl wanting to laugh.

"And how old are you?" I asked jokingly but I also needed to know.

"I'm 6," she said.

"How about when you are 10?" I asked.

"Okay," she smiled and hopped down from the bed. I reached my arms out and she jumped in my arms and I placed her on my hip.

We got in the car an since there was no car seat so I placed her on my lap. I kept flipping threw the channels waiting for her to hear something she liked.

"Wait." She reached out to my hand in a hurry.

I pulled it away and listened to the song on. It was Ed Sheeran Happier. She smiled at the song and put her fist up and slowly moved back in forth. She had a huge smile on her face.

"Do you like this song?" I asked her.

"Yes," she giggled and continued to dance on my lap.

"You're so cute baby girl," I said.

"What's my name?" she asked me.

"You said you didn't have one," Matthew accused.

"I don't but I want one," she said.

"What name do you want?" I asked her.

"I want you to pick a name," she said.

I had a name in mind for our baby if it was a girl but I thought it was perfect for her.

"How about Paris?" I asked.

"I love it," she giggled and kissed my cheek.

Matthew pulled into the parking lot to the mall. I helped Paris got onto the floor.

She grabbed my hand and skipped as we walked. She reached out for Matthew's hand. He looked over and pretended to not see her and walked ahead. Her smile dropped and so did her head and hand.

She looked so sad. I glared at Matthew.

"Wait here sweetie," I told her as I dropped her hand. I walked over to Matthew and pulled his shoulder making him stop.

"What?" he asked.

"Don't what me," I said glaring at him. "You are being such and a*** to Paris and she's just a little girl that's been abused," I scolded him.

"That's not our child so stop pretending that that child is the one growing in your stomach," he said back in a hushed yell.

"You don't think that I know that's not the child growing in my stomach we didn't  make her but we are all she has so stop," I yelled at him in a hushed tone.

"Yeah I'm aware we didn't make her because we did it once and then you left to raise our baby in a terrible place because you were to scared to leave," he grounded out.

"Is that what you think of me?" I asked hurt.

"That's what you did," he said pissed off.

"That was the only thing I had close to a family," I yelled no longer trying to be quiet. "My mother was stabbed by someone I still don't know and hasn't been caught. I held her while she died and then I got bullied at school because people said I killed her. My dad got remarried to a terrible person that abused me and he stopped caring and her and her daughters were terrible and took pictures of my body for guys at school so I got called a slut all the time. And then my dad died and the abuse got worse. I was scared to leave because I thought you'd see I was just a worthless servant girl they made me out to be. I was afraid you'd reject me and my baby. And they were also the closest thing I had to a family," I yelled at him with tears coming down my face.

Matthew had a sad look on his face. "Baby I'm-" I cut him off though.

"You were up there living in your perfect little life with no regard for all the people like me. You were to busy in your perfect little world to give a damn. So don't say you are sorry because if you were you would have looked for me." I turned and walked back over to Paris.

"Where are you going?" Matthew yelled out to me.

"Anywhere but with you jack a***," I yelled at him.

"Baby come back," he said.

"No," I yelled back.

I felt an arm wrap around me, well the best it could considering my belly.

"I'm sorry," he whispered in my ear. I looked down at Paris.

"You don't want me either?" she asked Matthew.

"What?" Matthew asked.

"I'm not wanted anywhere," she whispered.

She took off in a full sprint and went to go after her but Matthew stopped me.

"You can't run," he told me.

"What about her?" I asked trying to get away from Matthew.

"I'll get her." He took off after her.

POV Matthew

I ran to Paris and when I was right behind her I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Let go," she cried.

"No we need to talk," I told her as she tried to wiggle out of my grip.

"Don't hurt me," she cried. I looked at her then and saw the bruises on her arms and the cut in the back of the head. I finally saw a glimpse of her pain. I felt my heart break for her.

"I won't hurt you Paris," I told her. She cried harder.

"People don't want me because I'm not good enough. You don't want me and when someone doesn't want me they hurt me," she sobbed and my heart broke even more just looking at her.

"I will never hurt you," I said. "I want you to part of my family," I told her. She stopped wiggling and turned to look at me with a tear streaked face.

"You want me?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm sorry I wasn't giving you a chance but I will now," I set her on the floor. I saw her smile and throw her arms around my neck. I lifted her off the floor while holding her to me as well. I walked over to where Cinder was standing. She was smiling.

"Hey baby girl are you okay," she asked Paris while cupping her cheek.

"Yeah," she smiled as her tears dried up.

"Do you want me to hold you?" Cinder asked.

"No thank you," she said pulling herself closer to me. I smiled at Cinder and she rubbed Paris's back as we walked into the mall.

"Let's go get you guys some clothes," I said.

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