How Some Metals Melt ( Steven...

By MysticalLizard

49.9K 848 118

Your just a simple person, nothing to you. You waited for you two friends, Brendan and May, to finish school... More

The Café of Meetings
Star Light
Electric Beauty
Phone Calls
Let's Go Soon, Okay?
Majestic Waters
Drunken Confessions
Best Wishes
Sootopolis Life (Part 1)
Sootopolis Life (Part 2)
Aqua and Magma
Pained Looks
Mind Hell
The End of the Beginning

No Going Back on Wishes

1.8K 22 5
By MysticalLizard

  I was blinded by a white light, I quickly closed my eyes again before opening slowly. Wallace was slumped in a chair sitting in the corner. I could see chairs that were out of place around the room. Steven wasn't here, neither was May or Brendan.
   I sat up, and swung my legs over the side of the bed. The ground was cold, and sent a shiver up my back. I walked to one of the chairs, nearly tripping over my own feet in the process. A jacket laid on the arm, I picked it up, and slowly put it on.
    When I reached the door, no one stood out in the hall. I stumbled to the right, hoping to find my team, then leave to search for Steven. 'You don't even know where to go," I though, 'what's the point, besides your in pain. You can feel it, I know you can.'
   I reached another corner, hearing load commands, and yelling down the hall. I began to hurry stumbling with every step. I couldn't run this was the best I could do. I reached another corner, following the yells through hall, I saw light from a doorway. I walked as fast as I could limping and struggling to keep up right. I made it to the door.
   "It's too late, he's gone. Nurse, the time of death." A deep male's voice spoke.
   "1:28 am, Doctor." The female spoke, assuming she was the nurse.
   I placed my hand on the door, and pushed it open. The people in the room turned, their faces went from a sadden disappointed look, to a mortified and fearful look. I stepped closer inside, the machines had just been turned off. The only sound was the monitor sound, the straight line across the screen. Connected to that monitor, laid... Charizard. My partner, my friend, my ally laid dead.
    "Miss... I am so very sorry for your loss. We did everything that we could. We just weren't fast enough." The doctor finished, placing a hand on my should.
   I couldn't feel anything, not sadness. It felt as though I couldn't even cry if I wanted. I walked closer, the doctor pulled his hand off my shoulder. I placed my hand on Charizard's face. I expected him to wake up and lick my hand, and we would leave, looking for Steven. Instead his face was warm, cold starting to set in his body. I looked at his tail, the big beautiful bright flame was out. I wanted it to light up again, but I knew it wouldn't.
   I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. "...a...", was all I could manage.
   "Miss, what are you doing out of bed," a nurse walking by said. She stepped into the room. Immediately she stopped, and looked at the bed. "Oh my... I am so sorry." She said looking at you.
   My knees gave out, I didn't cry. I felt nothing, as though all the emotions left me. Like my partner did...


Wallace's PoV.

After the doctor told me what happened, I felt responsible. It was my fault these events happened. If I could go back I would. I stood out in the hall. The nurse was checking (Y/N) to make sure she was okay. I began to think, 'maybe it would have been best if Steven, and (Y/N) never met. I should have kept Steven here for a day longer. Then they would have never met.' Just thinking about made it out to be the best option. Though there was no way to change the past.
The door opened beside me, stepping out was the nurse. "How is she doing?" I asked.
"Fine for now, did you happen to see when she got out of bed Wallace?" The nurse asked.
I shook my head. "No, I was probably sleeping when she left..." I paused, "there's no way to bring him back."
The nurse gave me a sadden look, "I'm sure if there was a way to bring the Charizard back, I'm sure you or her would do it in a heart beat." The nurse smiled softly, patting my shoulder before moving down the hall.
'Steven...whenever you leave it's when (Y/N) needs you most.' I smiled, thinking of the time Steven talked about her.

' ... "She sounds interesting Steven, but where did you even meet this girl" I said leaning my head against a tree we were sitting by.
"Rustboro, I swear I told you this already." Steven said annoyed, I chuckled. "She had this steel, metallic colored Eevee when I first met her. Then, when I saw her again in Mauville, the Eevee was a Sylveon, but had these beautiful rose quartz eyes, and had almost an aquarium gem color for its ear and ribbons." Steven said, he seemed so fascinated with her. The first time in a while that I heard him describing something using stones and gems.
"Wow, that Sylveon must be special." I said, chuckling softly.
"Don't get me started on that Charizard. I swear that thing is gigantic compared to others I've seen. The two seem close..." Steven paused, "I want to be apart of that."
"Woah! I mean, I though it was weird that you were kinda obsessed with this girl, but wanting know what, do what you want. Don't come crying back to me when it doesn't work out." '

I shook my head, reliving the past was something I did too much. I began to walk to the gym area. I wanted to help Steven, but I promised that I would stay here with her. Though even now I wasn't really keeping my promise.
When I walked in, I began to remember when Steven had called me, asking for advice.

'..."So, what should I do." Steven asked frantically.
"Umm, I guess take her out for a meal. Like lunch or dinner, something like that." I told Steven. Walking around the gym arena. I had a battle coming up, and I had to get prepared. "I still can't believe you followed her. That's kinda creepy in my opinion."
"I'm not trying to be creepy, if it sounds that way, it's not intended to be." I smiled after Steven said that.
"Ya, sure it is." I finished, and hung up. '

I found myself walking to the front doors of the gym, and walking out of them. The hot sun mixed with the rain made it feel like horrible. I remember the time Steven said 'it'.

'..."I think I like her Wallace." Steven said.
"Ya sure you do, if that wasn't noticeable enough. They way you talk so much about her, like you know everything." I said annoyed, I was starting to get sick and tired of how all he talked about was (Y/N). It was sickening, and now he confessed that he likes her. I was jealous, though I knew Steven never felt the same about me. I felt like he had cheated on me.
"I think she likes me back." He said, completely avoiding what I said. "I gave her that mega stone and key stone. I hope she uses it wisely."
"She probably doesn't even know what it is," I grumble softly to myself. "Whatever, look I have to go."
"Wallace jealous that his friend is growing up." Steven said angrily. "Whatever, fine, go." '

He hung up on me that day, and few weeks later they were together, or by what Steven made it sound. I was jealous completely. How (Y/N) took away my best friend and ally. Now hers was gone, I felt bad. I wished that something bad would happen, so I could have my Steven back. I didn't wish this, to be honest, I was starting to like having her around. There's no way to go back now, what I wished happened, and there's no going back.

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