Ignorance is Glee

By animexreader28

86 8 4

Just like with my other story, I will rewrite the parts that are already there and then continue the story. Y... More

Runaway from the pain

84 8 4
By animexreader28

Pairings: Atem, Yami, Yugi   

Seth, Joey, Seto   

Tea, Mana  

Tristan, Duke   

Bakura, Ryou, Akefia   

Isis, Ishizu   

Heba, Ushio, Keith   

Mariku, Malik, Marik  

Anzu, Mai, Serenity   

Oc, Oc, Oc (Nick, Shelby, Celty)

The Glee pairings will have a little twist to them. This takes place at the beginning of Season 2 maybe a couple weeks before.


It all started when Yugi's friends from Egypt moved to his town. He had met Atem, Yami, Seth, Mana, Bakura, Akefia, Isis, Mariku, and Marik two years ago when he went on an expedition in Egypt with his grandfather. Yugi's friends were kind of weird out when they noticed these other friends of Yugi's looked like many of their own friends. The two groups got to know each other and found out Atem and Yami were a couple, as were Bakura and Akefia, and Marik and Mariku. Bakura and Akefia fell in love with Ryou after two weeks, and Mariku and Marik the same with Malik. A week later Seth fell in love with Joey and Seto, and Tea started having feelings for Mana. Isis and Ishizu followed after. This was around the same time they started to ignore Yugi, unintentionally of course, but it still hurt him. Seeing his crushes, Atem and Yami, along with his other friends forget about him really hurt. After a month of ignoring Yugi; Ryou, and Malik started dating their counter parts, and Seto and Joey started dating Seth a few days after. Not long after Tea started dating Mana, and Isis and Ishizu started too. No one seemed to notice a hurting Yugi until a month later. Isis and Ishizu noticed Yugi looking down and decided to ask him.


"Yugi can we talk to you for a bit?" Ishizu asked the young boy. Yugi looked up in surprise.

"Y-You're actually t-talking to m-me." he stuttered out. Isis and Ishizu looked confused.

"What do you mean, Yugi?" Isis questioned.

"I-It's just that everyone's seemed to forgot me. They might be busy, but it still kinda hurts when you have to talk to yourself." Yugi looked down at the ground. Ishizu and Isis were surprised. How could they have not noticed until now. Ishizu then saw a bruise on Yugi's cheek.

"Yugi, how did you get that bruise?" she asked in concern.

"Oh this. Just something the bullies did to me the other day. They noticed I wasn't with Joey, Malik, or Tristan and Duke so they beat me up. Sad when the bullies notice you, but your friends don't." tears started to fall from his eyes. Isis and Ishizu hugged him and started apologizing multiple times.

"We need to tell the others." Isis said.

"No! Please don't. I want them to notice without help. If you point it out; they're bound to do it again!" Yugi said with pleading eyes. Ishizu and Isis agreed and they became Yugi's safe haven for him to talk too.

~End of flashback~

It's been a month after that and now Yugi is packing up his things with his grandfather's help.

"Yugi, I wish this didn't have to happen. Some friends they are." Solomon said with a sigh.

"They're probably just too busy for me, but yes. The only people I talk to are Isis and Ishizu, and they have a life to live. I can't keep making them worry about me. Plus Ishizu is disappointed in them for ignoring me and still ignoring me. She can't believe they still don't notice me. Seto and Seth have, but they don't really show their feelings; plus they can be quite busy. She's especially disappointed in Atem and Yami." Yugi had to hold in his tears at their names.

"They aren't busy. I saw it with my own eyes, Yugi. They lied to you." Solomon said hugging the fragile boy.


Yugi walked up to the group with a small smile on his face. "Hey guy, do you wanna hang out tomorrow?" he asked. No one even looked at him.

"Sorry, Yugi. We have practice." Tristan, Duke, Joey, and Malik said.

"We have dance, sorry." Anzu and Tea said.

"And Ryou is helping us to settle more in and help clean the house up." Atem said. Yugi gave them a fake smile, even though they aren't looking at him.

"Oh, okay. Maybe another time then." He never got a reply back. Yugi turned around and walked away not noticing two pairs of ice blue eyes on him. A single tear slipped silently down his cheek.

~Later that day~

There was a knock on Yugi's door. "Coming!" the young boy said. He opened the door to see Seth and Seto at his door. "Seth, Seto? Is there something I can help you with?" Yugi said with a fake smile.

"Yugi. Don't try to fake your feeling with us. We've seen everyone ignoring you." Seth said putting his hand on Yugi's shoulder. Yugi looked at them in shock.

"Please don't tell them. I want them to figure it out for themselves." Yugi pleaded.

"We won't tell them, but in return you have to tell us if anything is wrong with you. I know we don't show a lot of feeling, but know that we are your friends and that we will help you." Seto said with a tiny smile. (AN: What the HELL did I just write?) Yugi smiled, for real, with tears in his eyes and nodded.

~The next day~

Yugi and Solomon were walking down town with smiles on their faces. That is until Yugi saw something that really broke his heart. There on the other side of the road were his friends, except Seth and Seto, having fun without him. Solomon saw his grandson stop and he became concerned.

"Yugi, what is it? Is something wrong?" he asked his almost crying grandson. Yugi shakily pointed a finger at his laughing friends.

"T-They said they were busy t-today. G-Grandpa w-why didn't they t-tell me." Yugi stuttered and hiccuped as the tears fell down his face. Solomon looked at his friends with anger for hurting his grandson's feelings. He patted Yugi's shoulder with a sad look.

"Let's get you home. I think you need to call Ishizu, Isis, Seth, and Seto. Maybe they'll make you feel better." Solomon said while Yugi sobbed with a nod. 

~Later that day~

"Ooh I can't believe they did that!" Ishizu growled. Isis patted her back to calm her down.

"Neither can I, my love. Why would they lie to Yugi saying they were busy?" Isis calmly asked.

"Puppy did have practice, but he said that they were let out early for working hard." Seto said. "Anzu and Tea got finished with dance early too." Seto continued.

"Ryou and the other got settled in faster than they thought too. They were going to call everyone to hang out since everyone was done. I didn't go because I knew they wouldn't invite Yugi, and their way of hanging out isn't my style." Seth explained. Everyone looked at a curled up Yugi. Seto came over and gently hugged Yugi. (What the HELL!!!! Where is my brain going!!!!!!!!)

"We're sorry Yugi. Is there anything we can do?" he asked. Just then Solomon walked in. Yugi looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

"I just got done talking with your sister. She thinks you should go back to America and live with her. I personally agree with her. You need to get away from this and be happy again, but it's up to you, Yugi." he explained to his grandson and his friends.

"If I do go, how would I get there? We don't have a lot of money saved up to send me all the way to America." Yugi sniffled. Seto stood up and patted Yugi's head.

"Leave that to me, Yugi. You can go on my private airplane." Seto said. Yugi looked at him in shock. Then he jumped up and hugged Seto.

"How can I ever repay you?" Yugi said in the hug. Seto chuckled and patted his head again.

"Repay me by having a better life in America and keeping in touch with us." Seto said. Yugi looked at his grandfather, Seth, Isis, and Ishizu. They all nodded with smiling faces.

"Looks like I'm moving to America." Yugi said with a smile on his face. Everyone came in for a group hug.

~End of flashback~

"Well, we don't have to worry about that now." Yugi said putting more clothes in his suitcase. After they finished packing they heard a horn honk outside. "That must be Isis and Ishizu." Yugi said looking out the window to see Ishizu's car outside. Solomon and Yugi brought his things outside. Isis got out to put the suitcases in the back. Ishizu came up to Yugi with a smile.

"Are you all set, Yugi, because we should leave before they  see us." Ishizu said with some venom in her voice. Yugi nodded.

"Just let me give grandpa one last hug, and then we can go." he said. Ishizu nodded and went to the car to give Yugi and Solomon some alone time. Yugi turned to his grandfather and hugged him tightly. "I'll miss you grandpa." he whispered.

"If you ever want to come and visit the door is always open." Solomon said with a watery smile. Yugi let go of his grandfather, and with one last wave goodbye he was in the car and on to a new life ahead. It didn't take long to get to the airport. After a long heartfelt good-bye hug from Isis and Ishizu he was on a 14 hour flight to a place he hasn't been to since his parents died. That place was Lima, Ohio. This is where his older half sisters live. Before his parents ever met, Yugi's father was with another woman. They had two kids together, but they just weren't happy. That's when his father met his mother and he was born. Yugi slept most of the flight, but was now in the Lima Airport looking around for his sister.

"Yugi!" he heard an older woman's voice. He turned to see his older sister, Sue Sylvester. Yugi's smile got brighter.

"Sue!" he called back. They ran to one another and met in a heartwarming hug. "I missed you so much." he said.

"I missed you too." Sue said squeezing him a little before letting him go. "How are you feeling?" she asked with a worried look knowing what happened since Solomon told her everything over the phone. She was absolutely pissed at how Yugi's 'Friends' treated him.

"I'll be fine. I came here to move on with my life." Yugi said with a reassuring smile. Sue smiled as well. She patted his shoulder.

"Come on let's go. You have school tomorrow. I already have all of your things for your classes." she said leading him out of the Airport.

"I hope I can have some friends in this school." Yugi said.

"I'm sure you will. Plus you have Heba, Ushio, Keith, Shelby, Celty, and Nick." Sue reassured him. "Also I'm not going to hide this from you, but there is a Glee club at this school." she said with a pained voice while saying glee club. "Heba, Ushio, Keith, Shelby, Celty, and Nick are all in the glee club. Ushio, Keith, and Nick are also on the football team." Sue explained. Yugi looked unsure. He knew how much she hated people singing and dancing covers of songs.

"So you won't be mad if I join, would you?" he asked looking up at her.

"Not at all. I think those Glee kids need some real talent and that's you." Sue said.

"I'm not that great Sue." Yugi said with modesty.

"Hun, you can play just about any instrument, you can dance better then any of my cheerleaders, and you have the voice of angels when you sing." Sue listed of with a proud look and voice. Yugi blushed a little at how proud his sister was of his talents. After that little conversation was done they changed the subject and caught up with each other since they haven't seen one another in years.

~In Japan~

"I can't believe we have the opportunity to go to America and go to school there!" Joey said in excitement. Everyone in the group was grinning.

"Yeah who would have thought our group would be picked." Anzu and Tea said together. As this was going on Seth and Seto looked at each other with smirks. 'We get to see Yugi sooner than we thought, but we have to warn him first.' they thought.

"So when are we leaving?" Malik asked.

"In a week or so." Joey said looking at the paper that had the details.

"We should get someone to come with us as adult supervision." Yami said as he sat with Atem.

"We could ask big sis and Isis. Oh and grandpa! He said he had family in the U.S. so maybe he'd like to come too." Malik said with a smile.

"Then it's settled. Let's go ask them." Atem said standing up and intertwining his hand with Yami. The others nodded not noticing the small smiles Seto and Seth had thinking about seeing Yugi again.

~In Ohio~

It was the next day in Lima. Yugi was in his bed sleeping peacefully until he was woken up.

"Come on kiddo time to wake up!" Sue called out to the sleeping boy. Yugi groaned before sitting up.

"I'm up!" he called back before stretching and getting out of bed to get ready. 'It's awesome I don't have to wear a uniform at this school.' he thought getting dressed. Thirty minutes later he was ready. He had on a black shirt with a white Chinese dragon and a purple rose wrapped around it. He had on leather pants with a slanted belt, and a choker with leather buckles around his arms. He went downstairs to be greeted by the site of his sister drinking coffee and reading a newspaper.

"Morning Suesie." he greeted her with a smile. She looked up from her newspaper.

"Morning kiddo." she greeted back with a smile of her own. Yugi sat down at the table and started to eat his breakfast. It was silent until Yugi started asking questions.

"So what's the name of the school and what's your job there again?" he asked.

"The school's name is McKinley high and I'm the cheer leading coach there." Sue answered eating some toast.

"And you treat everyone like crap." Yugi said in a matter of fact tone.

"Damn right, well except for one girl. Now that girl I treat her like you and Jean. Here name is Becky Jackson, and she has Down Syndrome like Jean and she's the sweetest thing. She'd be a good friend for you as long as you tell you're gay first so she doesn't think you're flirting with her. She can be a little boy crazy." Sue explained with a chuckle.

"I'll be sure to do that." Yugi giggled.

"Now it's off to school with you and off to my job with me." Sue said cleaning up the table.

"Right." Yugi said helping before the two left in Sue's car to Yugi's new school.

~Time skip~

"Alright here we are. Your class is just down the hall and to the left. Good luck and have fun." Sue said kissing Yugi's forehead before gently pushing him in the direction of his class. His first class was Math. The teacher assigned him a seat beside a boy named Noah Puckerman.

"Hey kid, name's Noah, but call me Puck." Puck said holding his hand out for Yugi to shake. Yugi smiled and shook it.

"Yugi Mouto, nice to meet you Puck." he said softly. Puck grinned before pulling his hand back.

"I know this is a weird question, but do you like to sing and dance?" Puck asked.

"I do actually. I also like to play a lot of instruments. Though I don't think I'm as good as my family says I am." Yugi said with a sheepish smile.

"Cool, would you like to try out for the Glee club? We could use more people." Puck said with a grin.

"Sure that sounds great! By the way do you know Heba Kago and Shelby Shoko?" Yugi asked him.

"Yeah, they're in the Glee club, how do you know them?" Puck asked confused.

"Oh they're my cousins." Yugi said with a smile pointing at himself. Puck looked at him in awe.

"Wait you're the awesome cousin they're always gushing over? Man how luck am I to finally meet you." Puck said with grin. "Do they even know you're here?" he asked.

"No, I want to surprise them." Yugi said with a grin.

"You and I are going to get along great." Puck said with a smirk.

"I think so too Puck. One question, how does this school treat Gays?" Yugi asked nervously.

"The only ones that do something to a gay is the jocks, but everyone else doesn't seem to mind, but if they bug you just tell me and I'll kick their ass." Puck promised.

"Thanks Puck. That means a lot." Yugi smiled.

"Hey let me see your schedule." Puck held out hand. Yugi gave him the piece of paper that had his classes on it. "Cool you're in class with at least one or more glee members." he said handing back the paper to Yugi.

"Huh I guess that's why Sue chose these classes for me." Yugi mumbled to himself, but Puck heard.

"What do you mean by that? What do you live with her?" Puck asked. It was meant to be sarcastic, but Yugi answered honestly.

"Well yeah. For one I'm too young to live on my own and two she's my half sister and my other legal guardian other than my grandfather." Yugi answered. Puck just stared at him in shock. He got out of his shock.

"It's weird that someone as sweet as you is related to her, but okay." he chuckled as they quietly talked to each other. The door opened to revile two more students, but Yugi knew them. After all they are his cousin's, Heba, boyfriends. The teacher started to scold the two for being extremely late to class.

"Ushio Kuchi and Keith Bandit you're late again! This is the fourth time just this week! What do you have to say for yourselves hmm?" the teacher lectured them.

"All we can say is that it was totally worth it.~" Ushio said as the two smirked. Yugi got a brilliant idea to get their attention.

"Ushio.~ Keith.~ No one wants to know what you two do before class.~" Yugi said in a sickly sweet voice. Upon hear that voice Ushio and Keith snapped their head in that direction. They only knew one person that sounded like a mix of an angel and demon.

"Yugi?!" they cried out in surprise. They were shocked to see him, but happy too.

"Who else boys?~" Yugi giggled and winked at the two troublemakers. "Now you still have an angry teacher to deal with.~" he cooed jokingly. The two turned back to the furious teacher who continued to yell at them.

~After class~

Yugi had told them everything. From when it started to now. None the less to say Ushio and Keith were pissed and Puck wasn't far behind.

"They did that to you?! How dare they! If I ever see them I'll rip em to shreds!" Ushio seethed. Keith nodded in agreement.

"Just forget about them Yug. If they forgot you then they aren't really your friends." Keith said. He was the calmer of the two, but he was still pissed and would probably help Ushio hide the bodies.

"Keith's right. I might have just met ya Yugi, but I see you as a friend now so I got your back." Puck said. Yugi looked at the three with a grateful smile.

"Thanks you guys. You're the best." he said happily. This was the first time in months he has smiled this big. During the rest of the day Yugi met more Glee kids and familiar faces. He met Kurt Hummel, who he found out is also gay, Finn Hutson and Rachel Berry, and his other cousin's, Shelby, boyfriend and girlfriend. It was almost time for Glee club to start. Yugi met up with Mr. Shuester. "Excuse me? You're Mr. Shuester right?" he asked shyly.

"Yes I am. How can I help you?" Mr. Shue asked with a kind smile.

"I'm Yugi Mouto. I was wondering if I could try out for the Glee club." Yugi said.

"Do you have a song ready?" Mr. Shue asked. Yugi nodded. "Alright then. Wait here and I'll tell the other members." he said before going into the room. "Alright guys we have someone new that wants to join. Please welcome Mr Yugi Mouto." he said and Yugi walked in. Heba and Shelby looked at him in shock, but smiled. "Whenever you're ready Yugi." Mr. Shue said sitting down. Yugi nodded. He asked Brad and the band if they could play the song. Brad and the band smiled that someone asked him nicely. Yugi breathed before starting.

One day, one day, one day

They're not gonna keep me down
They're not gonna shut me out
They're gonna do what they do, I'll do me
I'm moving against the crowd

I'm drowning out the doubt
They're gonna do what they do, I'll do
Something original, be unforgettable
They're gonna know my name

(One day) I'll make you a believer
(One day) I got this all I need is
(One day) Don't try to tell me I can't (tell me I can't)
(Right now) I'm writing the future
(Watch out) Won't stop I'm a mover
(One day) You're gonna know who I am
I will fly high and free
It's my fate wait and see one day

I've been afraid before,
To reach for something more
But now I see that it's mine, I'll take it
Just go ahead and try,
You're not gonna change my mind
There's no such thing as too late

(One day) I'll make you a believer
(One day) I got this all I need is
(One day) Don't try to tell me I can't (tell me I can't)
(Right now) I'm writing the future
(Watch out) Won't stop I'm a mover
(One day) You're gonna know who I am
I will fly high and free
It's my fate wait and see

I'm on a mission, no longer listening
To anyone that says don't try
Sometimes you feel it, deep in your spirit
It's like a fire that won't die

(One day) Wait and see
(One day) Ooh
(One day) Just wait and see

(One day) I'll make you a believer
(One day) I got this all I need is
(One day) Don't try to tell me I can't
(Right now) I'm writing the future
(Watch out) Won't stop I'm a mover
(One day) You're gonna know who I am (know who I am)
I will fly high and free
It's my fate wait and see one day

One day, one day
One day, one day, one day

Once he finished everyone stood up and clapped loudly. "Thank you." Yugi said with a shy smile.

"Well I think I'm speaking for everyone when I say welcome to the New Directions." Rachel said happily. She was the loudest clapping. Although she felt jealous of his talent she couldn't deny he was amazing.

"Told ya you'd make it in Yug." Puck said coming up and hugging the smaller boy.

"Oh my Ra Yugi you were amazing!" Heba said.

"You were, but what are you doing here?" Shelby asked with concern. Yugi told them the sad truth of why he was now in America and not in Japan.

"Don't think about them man, you have us now." Finn said.

"Yeah we'll be your happy little family." Kurt said hugging Yugi. Yugi smiled happily and nodded.

"Well now this happy little family is so totally going to crush Sectionals!" Mr. Shue said and the club cheered. Yugi just giggled happily. He started to forget his pain.

~In Japan~

"Alright let's get packing!" Joey cheered.

"Right!" the group said.


"Hey sis can you come with us to America?" Malik asked Ishizu.

"And Isis as well." Atem added.

"Why?" Ishizu asked calmly.

"Our group was chosen to study in Ohio for the rest of our schooling." Ryou explained to them and the group nodded.

"Alright, but if any of you misbehave we are coming right back here." Isis said. The group nodded and then went to ask Solomon if he wanted to go.

"Of course. Now you kids go pack." he smiled. The group ran out of the shop except for Seth and Seto.

"They didn't even notice or asked about him." Seto sighed.

"They'll see their mistakes soon. I just got a text from Sue that Yugi is doing fine and seems to be doing better now that he's in a club." Solomon said.

"That's good. It seems we'll be seeing him sooner than we thought huh?" Seth chuckled slightly. Solomon nodded.

"Now you two go and get packed." he smiled at them. The two bowed to the man before leaving.

/End of flashback\

"Alright see you guys later." Atem said. The group cheered and rushed off to get to their homes and pack. They were all excited about going to America, but they weren't ready for the surprise it held.


Here's the new rewrite! I hope you all enjoy and welcome new readers!

Ann out!~

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