Her Guardian.

بواسطة Narutard101

560 3 0

"I hate getting flashbacks, from things I can't even remember" -Hannah Ishiyama. The past is always hard to r... المزيد

|00| Reminders From The Past
|02| 3/5 Lyoko Warriors.
|03| Wires, Wires and More Wires
|04| 5/5 Lyoko Warriors.
|05| Déjà vu
|06| Teddygozilla
|07| Seeing Is Believing .
|08| Holiday In The Fog
|09| LogBook
|10| Image Problem

|01| Meetings & Greetings

111 1 0
بواسطة Narutard101

  "Oh no. Don't smile. You'll kill me. I stop breathing when you smile." - Tessa Dare

| Music: Kadic 01 |

| Effects: Talking | Setting: Science classroom, Kadic Academy |

"—so I'll see you after class, yeah?" A girl with short black hair and small black eyes glanced over to the short, red headed girl beside her. Said girl gave the taller one a grin and nodded her head.

"Of course Yumi! Now go to YOUR class, you'll be late!" And with that said the small red haired girl walked into the Science classroom-not glancing back at the frowning black haired girl. Hazel eyes scanned over her fellow classmates for an empty seat-they landed upon a spare seat beside a boy with neatly combed blonde hair and thick black glasses. The girl decided to walk over and stand beside the boy.

"Excuse me" Big blue eyes looked up from a science book and to the owner of the voice-cheeks becoming a bright red hue as he stared at the girl in awe.

"Is the seat next to you taken?" The boy tried to process a sentence but decided not to make a fool out of himself and shook his head 'no'. The girl flashed the boy a pearly white grin and made her way over to the seat. She set her books down and turned to the blonde boy.

"So friend, what's your name?" The boy fidgeted with the sleeve of his navvy blazer and averted his eyes away from the girl-focusing back on the open book in front of him.



"Belpois" The girl grinned and held out her hand, said boy looked down at it then to his own hand. With a hesitant sigh he placed his hand into hers-their arms moved up and down as they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you, Jeremie I'm Ishiyama!" Jeremie nodded his head and released Hannah's hand; the girl turned to face the front and opened up her science book-getting ready for class.




"Are you Ulrich Stern?" Hannah turned her head to the side to see a boy with chin length, blonde hair, a single streak of purple was at the front of his hairdo-and instead of the usual red tie Kadic made the students wear, he had a purple ascot.

'He must really like purple' the girl nodded at that thought and watched as the other boy behind the table lazily looked up. Brown eyes assessing the blonde in front of him. 'Ulrich' had short brown hair that framed his tan face, his white blouse remained untucked and his pants hung loosely off his frame.

"That depends, who wants to know?-"

"Odd Della Robbia! His brand new roommate" The boy frowned when the blonde slung his arm around his shoulders and shrugged him off.

"Uh what?"

"I'm new at the academy and the principle told me to move in with you-"

"Uh...latch on to me sound more like it-besides, I already have a roommate" Odd raised his eyebrow at the boy and frowned.


"That would be me" The three teens looked over to see an identical version of Ulrich-the only difference was that he had black hair and his uniform was slightly 'scruffier' than Ulrich's, a thick choker was wrapped around his neck and numerous piercings lined his ears. This teen looked slightly intimidating to say the least "And you're in my seat" Odd hastily moved out of the way as the boy dumped his belongings on the desk and took his seat. The boy looked over to Ulrich, his expression stoic "We have a bunk bed now..."
Ulrich shot the boy a look to explain, said boy sighed and looked over to the curious blonde-who had taken a seat in front of them.

"The principal said that there weren't enough rooms-so I'm guessing the new student is moving in with us"

"And that new student is me!" Cheered the blonde, he gave the two a grin "Relax, I'm totally cool! Trust me you won't even know I'm there"

"I sure hope so" The look alike Ulrich snickered at the brown haired boy's snide comment "Look we don't exactly go way back-so just for now let's take things nice and slow okay?" Odd smiled and nodded his head.

"Okay nice and slow by the way, what's your name roommate?" Odd's brown orbs looked over to the black haired student.

"It's Stern"

"Huh brothers?"

"Wow, what made you think that? Is it because we look the same or the fact that we have the same last name?" Kade rolled his eyes and opened up his text book, Ulrich covered his mouth to repress a snicker while Odd frowned. Ulrich looked around the room, his eyes catching a curious redhead
Ulrich nudged Kade causing the boy to look at him, raising an eyebrow in curiosity, his brother motioned towards the redhead watching them in the front with his eyes. Dark brown clashed with hazel.


Hannah's eyes widened, she had been caught staring. Her cheeks burned as she turned around hastily and looked down at her text book, ignoring the eyes on her back.


'..Cute..' Kade bit his lip, repressing the blush that would surely surface if their stare down remained any longer. His eyes remained on her figure-blissfully unaware of a certain someone making their way towards the twins table.

"—hi there Ulrich, Kade sweetheart~" a voice purred out, the twins (Haner: Everyone should know that by now! THEY ARE TWINS) looked over to the owner of the voice and inwardly cringed "I've got something very important to tell you two~"

"Important like uh, I lost my mascara or my pink t-shirt again?" The girl rolled her blue eyes and flicked a long strand of black hair over her shoulder, she leaned over giving the boys a good view of her cleavage as her white buttoned blouse remained unbuttoned at the top.

"Oh no! Nothing as serious as that, it's something about you two and me~ If you two want to know what it is~ Come back to my dorm at eight, I'm counting on you~" The girl winked and strutted off towards her seat, her black pleated skirt swinging in time with her hips. Odd smirked at the two annoyed twins and placed his hands behind his head.

"Ulrich sweetheart~ Kade sweetheart~" teased the blonde "Who's the good looking babe" (Haner: Literally cringed at that lmaoo)

"She's Sissi" Kade muttered out, a frown on his lips. Why did she need to come over and bother them, especially with the new kid basically hovering over their shoulders, now he's going to think they're big shots or something.

"She's the principals daughter, guys flip over her but she only flipped over us" Sighed Ulrich, pinching the bridge between his eyes-annoyed, Odd however stared at the two in awe.

"That's pretty cool-"

"No its not, she won't leave us alone, she's annoying" muttered Kade, flipping the pages to his text book nonchalantly.

"...Okay then, so not cool?"

| Music: Kadic 01 | Effects: Bell ringing, Talking, Laughing |
| Setting: Science classroom, Kadic Academy |

"So what are you doing for recess Jeremie?" Hannah asked, stacking her books neatly in a pile and holding them to her chest. Jeremie gave the girl a small smile while packing up his things hastily. "Whoa okay slow down, where are you off too?"

"..Uh...Just somewhere, I'll talk to you later Hannah" The boy rushed out of the classroom leaving the girl alone. She blinked and scratched her cheek.


✴ ✴ ✴ ✴

"Yummmiiii!" black eyes widened at the sound of running footsteps-she closed her eyes and focused as the footsteps got closer. When the time was right she moved slightly to the left-causing the source of the voice to run head first into the vending machine.


"That was your own fault" Hannah pouted and rubbed her throbbing forehead, Yumi paid no mind to her younger sibling (Haner: Yumi Ishiyama, Hannah Ishiyama, They aren't blood related but that'll be explained later~) and got her soup from the machine. Both girls supported similar , they had pleated black skirts reaching mid thigh, a white blouse neatly tucked in to the waistband of the skirt followed by a sweater with the schools crest, although Yumi wore a black sweater and Hannah a navvy sweater, to top the typical school uniform off they had black knee high socks with tan dress shoes [Formal asf v.v]. Yumi walked away with the red head trailing behind, Hannah readjusted her red scarf and scrunched up her nose in distaste.

"How can you have that soup, it's disgusting" The two completely ignored the amused looks of the three boys leaning against a wall. Odd laughed and pointed to the red head.

"Who's that babe-"

"Her names Hannah, not babe." The blonde boy frowned as Kade threw him a glare. Ulrich sighed and shook his head, sending his brother a warning glance.

"Her names Hannah Ishiyama, she's in the same year as us."

"Does Kade have a thing for her-"

"-Watch your mouth, Odd."

"Ooooohhhh okay, I get it~" Odd gave Kade a thumbs up and a wink, Kade intensified his glare trying to get the boy to lay off but Odd was having none of it as he got closer to the boy, wiggling his eyebrows "So have you made a move-"

"—AHHHH" Jeremie's yell of pain interrupted the three; they turned to see the blonde boy get a nasty electric shock-causing him to collapse on the floor in agony. Ulrich was the first to move and with the shout of Jeremie's name he was bending down in front of the boy, holding his shoulders.

"Are you okay?!" Ulrich didn't get a reply "I'll take him to the infirmary, tell the teacher okay?" Odd nodded and ran off to their next class. Kade bent down and threw one of Jeremie's arms around his shoulder while Ulrich had the other. The two silently made their way to the infirmary-occasionally looking down at Jeremie to see if his condition had worsened.

| Music: Code Lyoko OST 14 X.A.N.A Attacks! |
| Setting: Kadic Academy |

The vending machine behind the three boy's glitches, a strange symbol appearing on the screen, though as soon as it appeared it disappeared.

| Music: Kadic 01 | Effects: Huffing, Talking |
| Setting: Infirmary, Kadic Academy |

"—Nothing to serious, just a minor electrical shock and some superficial burns" Yolanda Perraudin, the schools nurse, said-removing the blood pressure cuff, Jeremie sat up shakily and rubbed his now throbbing upper arm.
"You wanted some Juice, well you got some" Ulrich smirked, Kade snickered while Jeremie sent the two a playful glare.

"Very funny, Stern but thank you all the same" The twins made their way out of the room, Kade waving off Jeremie's thank you. Ulrich stopped at the doorway, Kade waiting for his brother outside of the room.

"Don't mention it; I'll come by to check on you tonight after my martial arts class"

| Music: Kadic 01 | Effects: Huffing, Talking |
| Setting: Gym, Kadic Academy |

Do you know how boring it is to walk home by yourself? With no one to talk to, Hannah decided she would hang around Kadic and wait for her sister to finish up her after school class. Deciding to actually wait inside the gym that is. 

"Yuuuummmmiiii~" Hannah called out, she puffed out her cheeks and slammed the door to the gym open, interrupting Jim's speech "Are you ready to...go..." Her sentence trailed off as she took in the sight in front of her.

Yumi was on top of Ulrich, her legs curled around each side of his hips and their faces ten inches apart, both teens were blushing brightly.

"Ooooooh~ what's this?" Wiggling her eyebrows at the blushing oriental girl, she came closer to the two. Yumi quickly stood up and tried to stutter out an explanation but Hannah was having none of that "You are telling me ALL the details on our way home Yumi~"

Ulrich frowned and stood up-he made his way out of the gym, too embarrassed to deal with Hannah's taunts, too bad he was leaving a blushing Yumi to deal with the redhead.

"Well? What happened? I want all the details!"


| Music: Kadic 01 | Effects: Cursing, Talking, Barking |
| Setting: Boys Dorm, Kadic Academy |

"You have got to be fucking kidding me."

"Huh?!" Ulrich and Kade stared into their room in shock; papers and feathers had been tossed around or chewed, while a small grey dog chewed on Ulrich's blanket. Growling Ulrich made his way to Odd's bed where the boy currently resided while Kade went to the rooms shared desk. Sighing in relief when he saw the small stack of papers on top of the desk and not where he left it before-which was on the floor.

"What is with this mess?! Where did that mutt come from!?" Odd lazily looked over to the fuming, brown haired boy and smiled without a care in the world.

"Uh...that's Kiwi, my dog" Kade neatly re-arranged his pile and shot the boy a thankful look.

"Thank you for moving these..." Odd looked over to the boy and gave him a thumbs up, a genuine smile coming to his lips.

"I thought you might've been mad if Kiwi chewed on them, so I moved them-by the way, you really need to show her those drawings! She'll be flattered~" Kade looked down at the neatly sketched drawing on top of the pile and frowned; he hasn't really talked to her so it might come of as a little creepy. He traced over the outline of her face and shook his head 'no' at Odds idea. Said boy frowned then trained his eyes back on the fuming Ulrich.

"And yet you couldn't move my things?!"

"You're less scary~"

"I-I mean just look at this" Ulrich gestured to his messy room floor "My C-Ds, my clothes, he's trashed everything! A-and he GAHH did you see what he did in my bed?!" Odd moved from his bed and observed what Ulrich was pointing to, he reeled back in disgust as a foul stench hit his nostrils.

"Sorry, but I couldn't take him out with anyone around, there are no dogs allowed at Kadic" Ulrich moved back to the door and glared at the Blonde boy, beyond pissed at this point.

"No kidding, I think the principals gonna be interested to be hear about a dog on campus" sneered Ulrich, Kade ignored the two's conversation and sat at the desk-starting to sketch a new picture-it wasn't his fault if his new roommate got in trouble, he could really care less in all honesty. Odd looked down at his dog-who looked up innocently, like he didn't just take a crap-and smiled reassuringly.

"It's okay Kiwi, my little diggity dog~"

| Music: Code Lyoko OST 14 X.A.N.A Attacks! | Effects: Typing |
| Setting: Boys Dorm, Kadic Academy |

Jeremie sat alone in his room, in front of the computer just like every night-going over scripts and codes for what he had found in the old factory the other night.
A virtual world he stumbled upon when looking for spare parts for his robot inventions.

Halfway through one of the scripts his computer started to glitch before completely shutting off-Jeremie frowned and banged on the keyboard in frustration. The computer turned back on but a strange symbol appeared on the screen. It was familiar to him, but he couldn't quite put his finger on where he's seen it.

"What the...I've seen that logo before...hm" A screech brought him out of his observation as he looked to the side to see one of his inventions spazzing out-the eye lenses also appeared to have the same symbol flashing on it causing him to jump up from his chair in shock.

"What the?"

Something grasped his leg, he looked down and let out a scream as electricity coursed through his frame


✴ ✴ ✴ ✴

Ulrich stalked down the hallway, frowning at the thought of his annoying new roommate, not only that but his brother didn't back him up when scolding Odd.

"AHHHH-"Ulrich stopped walking when his ears picked up a loud scream, he turned around and started to run to the sound of the voice, gulping when he stopped outside Jeremie's room.

With a deep breath he entered the room-eyes widening in shock as he witnessed Jeremie's inventions surrounding the boy. One robot attached itself to his leg while the other climbed up his back-both sending waves of electricity through Jeremie's body. Jeremie struggled to get them off-letting out grunts of pain each time he was shocked.

"Hang on!" Ulrich called out, he ran to the boy and began prying the robot on Jeremie's back off-wincing when he got shocked, the robots started to attack the new comer to which Ulrich lifted his arm and smacked a robot across the room-instantly breaking it as it crashed into he wall.

The symbol on the computer glitches a couple of times before it disappears-the rest of the robots fell to the ground completely lifeless. Both boys let out sighs of relief and looked at each other.

"Your little friends are kind of aggressive; maybe you should check their settings" Jeremie walked over to his fallen chair and picked it back up-he turned back to the brown haired boy and pushed up his glasses.

"I had nothing to do with it! They just attacked me all of a sudden!-"

"What's going on? I heard screaming?" Kade ran into Jeremie's room, concern evident in his eyes, Ulrich turned to his brother and frowned.

"Belpois's robots attacked us" Kade raised his eyebrow and glanced over to the blonde-who nodded in confirmation at what Ulrich just stated. Kade looked around the room to see Jeremie's inventions strung all over the floor then scratched his neck in confusion.

"You lost me-do you mind explaining?"

"No...Uh...forget it" Kade looked to Ulrich who frowned and walked over to Jeremie, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"C'mon, tell us. Maybe we can help" Kade sat down on Jeremie's bed, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned up against the wall.

"What if you're suddenly attacked by a hair dryer and we're not around"

"Hah, very funny" Jeremie glared over at the smirking black haired teen. Ulrich sighed and removed his hands from Jeremie's shoulders, taking a seat in Jeremie's desk chair-waiting for the blonde boy to give in.

"Well, we are not leaving this room until we find out what's up" Jeremie sighed and leaned against his desk. He pondered for a moment and glanced at both boys, would he be able to trust these two? He decided to give them a chance.

"Okay" He shoved his hands in his pocket and made his way to the open door "What have I got to lose, I'm already in over my head so I might as well tell you two-It's just s-so crazy!" Closing his dorms door he turned to the two curious boys and frowned.

"First, tell me if you two can keep a secret"

| Music: Code Lyoko OST The Factory | Effects: Talking, Walking |
| Setting: Factory, Outskirts of Kadic Academy |

"Whoa...This is new" Kade muttered to himself, pulling himself out of the man hole and onto the bridge connecting an old abandoned factory to a forest, he turned around to see both Ulrich and Jeremie emerging from the hole.
"Ya know that tunnel in the gym is a great way to beat curfew" Ulrich joked; Jeremie gave the two nervous smiles, hesitant to show the twins what he had discovered but nonetheless made his way to the entrance of the factory, the twins following close behind.

"Yeah and there's another one on the campus as well" The three stopped at an edge of a platform, ten feet high from the ground below, they looked down at the large drop-a rope hanging in their line of visions.

"Well that's good to know Belpois" Jeremie ignored Kade's remark "Now how do we get down?"

Kade's question was answered when Jeremie grasped the rope and swung down, landing safely on the ground below-the blonde than looked up at the two boys, a minuscule smirk adorned his face.

"What's the matter? Scared of heights?"

"Pfft, as if" Kade sneered; he grabbed the rope and swung down, landing beside Jeremie with ease. Kade swung the rope towards Ulrich who caught it; he gulped and closed his eyes while he swung down-landing roughly besides the two awaiting boys. Jeremie led the two into a rundown looking elevator and with a weary sigh the two watched as the elevators door shut.

"So uh...How did you find this place?"

"Oh well, I was looking for spare parts-you know, for my robots"

"Are they normal violent or-"

"No no, they're not meant to be violent-" Jeremie was cut off when the elevator came to a halt, the boys pulled the elevators door up and stepped out into a large room. In the middle, a computer interface was attached to the ceiling along with a yellow swivel chair. The three boys walked over to the computer and took a closer look. The interface consisted of four flat screen monitors and a keyboard. There is one large monitor; the three others are smaller and positioned around the big monitor. The Stern twins looked at each other than back at Jeremie who had turned on the computer.

"Dude-"Some sort of map had appeared on a hologram in the middle of the room "Whoa..."

| Music: Code Lyoko OST The Factory | Effects: Talking, Walking |
| Setting: Factory, The Lab |

"Okay so that's the mega computer...you started up?"

"Uh-huh! It's actually a supercomputer, its ultra powerful and while I was examining it-I found out that there's a virtual universe called Lyoko"

"You know what Belpois-that electric shock must of fried your brain, this thing is just the control center of the factory that's all" Kade nodded at his brothers explanation, he looked around the small room and frowned when a small light shinned from the floor.

Jeremie continued to type and brought up a small window. A girl with short pink hair and beautiful green eyes appeared on the screen-with a triumph smirk Jeremie gestured to the screen "Oh yeah, and what would you call this huh? A program for spray painting doors"

"Hello Jeremie" The girl smiled, Kade looked away from the small hatch of light and took interest in the girl on the screen.

"Who's the girl with the pink hair?" Ulrich asked.

"That's Maya"

"Maya?" Kade quirked his eyebrow.

"Yes Maya, She's a form of artificial intelligence who lives on Lyoko...I don't know what she's there for yet-"

"Don't mess with us-"

"-Yeah you probably programmed her Belpois"

"No!" The girl exclaimed, the twins looked at her for an explanation "I woke up the moment that Jeremie restarted the super computer...I don't know who I am, my memory has been erased"

"Maya has to hide inside some kind of a tower" 'Maya' nodded her head in agreement as Jeremie continued talking "As soon as she leaves it, she's attacked by monsters-you've got to believe me! This is an incredible discovery!" Ulrich rolled his eyes and sat in the swivel chair.

"Let's say it is...What if, what if it's just some giant video game?" Jeremie continued typing.

"Then it's a very dangerous game, my robots are programmed to just go and fetch a ball-and they just tried to kill me don't forget, you saw them" He momentarily paused his typing and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose "What's more the moment they attacked a kind of logo appeared on my computer screen, the same one that the monsters had on Lyoko"

Kade sat on the arm rest of the swivel chair and gave Ulrich an amused look as the two spun around.

"Better and better, do you mean then-that the virtual thing that attacked Maya also wants to kill you?"

"That's exactly what it sounds like"

"You know what...spin me back around Ulrich" The brown haired boy nodded and spun the chair around to face Jeremie "If that's true Belpois, if it's that dangerous then I think you should just shut it down and contact the police" Jeremie frowned and looked down at his shoes, 'Maya' looked down as well with a frown on her face.

"Okay" The blonde boy mumbled, he looked back up at the two "But first I want to help Maya to understand what she's doing on Lyoko"

"Say what?"

"I really do! And if I'm right I'll materialize her right here on earth-"

"Oh that is too much, what makes you think you can?" Jeremie gave the two a smirk and a nod towards the pink haired girl; he made his way over to a small hatch in the floor, the same hatch that caught Kade's eye a moment ago.

"Follow me"

| Music: Code Lyoko OST The Factory | Effects: Talking, Walking |
| Setting: Factory, Outskirts of Kadic Academy |

"This night just gets weirder and weirder"

The boys had arrived in a room below the lab, three tubes-or what Jeremie calls, Scanners-faced each other and were placed in the middle. Jeremie stepped inside one of the metal tubes and faced the two curious boys.

"What is all this?" Ulrich asked, Jeremie placed his hand on one of the tubes.

"Scanners, I still haven't found the program that can bring Maya back to earth, but I dug up the one which allows someone to be scanned and sent to Lyoko-In fact the supercomputer analyzes your molecular structure through these cabins and then breaks down your atoms before digitalising them and recreating a digital reincarnation in the virtual world!"

"English please, Belpois" Jeremie rolled his eyes at the twin's dumbfounded look.

"You go inside the cabin, you're teleported to the virtual world" Ulrich tapped on the cold metal and sighed.

"Jeremie, these things don't exists yet-there's no way"

"You still don't want to believe me?" Ulrich rubbed the back of his head while Kade looked over at the two from behind one of the scanners.

"I want to, but virtualization is straight out of science fiction-"

"The why don't we try it out!" Jeremie exclaimed, Ulrich backed away from the blonde boy and shook his head 'no'

"But then that way, you can see for yourself! We do however need a guinea pig" Kade's lips formed into a tight lipped smile and he tapped his brothers shoulder. Ulrich turned to the boy and raised his eyebrows.

"A guinea pig eh? Ulrich, don't you have a small, grey dog in mind?"

[Elloooooo~ So this is part one done and dusted otherwise this chapter would've been really loooong. Anyway hope you enjoy it! Litterally loved this show when I was only a smol child and thought meeh, lets make a storyyyyy]  

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