Two Man's War

By unicorn1379

362 54 6

"You don't know how strong you are, until strength is the only choice you have."~Google In the world of bombs... More

Terrorists' War
The real enemy: Lies
Delivering the message
Fight for Rights
This is war
How to know when you're fired
Alive and...well?
What war truly is
Don't do eveyrthing you're told
A hero means pain
Chapter 11
Inhale confidence, exhale doubt
One step closer
Caught in pursuit
War is pain
The race of life
The worry fight
One victory, one defeat
Two places at once
Fellow Wattpaders!

Planes, planes, and more planes

8 2 0
By unicorn1379

Chief's POV
I could feel something wasn't right. No one has radioed in for hours, almost a day. I could no longer take the suspense.

"Get the Naval Commander on the phone!" I said at the guards in my office.
"Yes, sir." Soon enough, I was on the phone with him.

"I have waited too long." I said over the phone.

"What are you going to do?" He asked me.

"Can you get your men to fly around the battlefield and look for my men?" I asked him.

"Of course. I'll get them in the air in 5 minutes." He replied.

"Thank you." We had hung up and I was grateful that he hadn't said no.

Kevin's POV
My boss had come to me and told me that we were going to fly. I was excited to take my men up in the air in our fighter jets. However when he told me that it was a rescue mission, I knew who it was for.

A few days ago, I had told my team what the commander's group was going to do. They were going against the chief. But now we had to make sure they got back safely. And I don't know who survived.

Maybe they shouldn't have gone against the chief. I pushed that thought out of my mind.

If they hadn't gone against the chief, they would have let Zane and Tom die.
So now I was preparing my men to fly around the army plane and make sure no one tries to shoot them down.

We have had a lot of missions, but most of them were either practices or drills.

So this was our most important task. People were counting on us to keep them safe. If we fail, the terrorists have access to us and innocent people. But I won't let that happen, no matter the cost.

I gathered my men and told the, to look for the army plane in a field. I told them to circle the plane and shoot down any foreign aircraft. They nodded like they understood and we prepared our planes.

Commander's POV
After a few minutes I knew we had to go.

"Everyone huddle up." I said and they gathered their things and formed a circle. Zane was next to me.

"Take a knee." Confused faces spread on everyone, but they kneeled down.
"I'd like to pray." I said. Everyone instantly liked my idea. Good thing they were all Christians.

We had prayed that we all would get back safely and there would be no casualties.

After we were done, we began to run towards the way we came. While I was searching for this camp, I planted tiny pink flags in the ground to mark where we went. Now, every time I passed a flag I would rip it out of the ground so no terrorist would follow our trail.

From hitting my head on the rock, I have had a pounding headache ever since. It could be a concussion and if it was...

I pushed all of my negative thoughts out of my head and focused on right now. Austin has seemed to be getting better but still coughed hard every now and then. He was hurt physically and emotionally. I can't imagine what he must be feeling; losing his friend in battle. I jogged up beside him.

"How are you holding up?" I asked him while we ran.

"I'm okay. I'm sure Zane and Tom must be feeling worse. They were beaten. But I can't help but think that the terrorists are watching us. We couldn't have gotten away that easily." He said.

"I agree. But for now, while they aren't attacking us, let's just focus on making it to the plane." I replied. He shook his head okay.

Our pace had slowed to a jog and every now and then I continued to pick up the tiny pink flags.

Zane jogged up to me.

"You okay?" I asked him. He went through a lot.

He stopped jogging and so did I. He turned to me and began to give me a hug.

"Thank you." Was all he could manage to say.

Terrorist's POV
"How could they escape?" The boss yelled at two men who told him everything that happened.

"He stole one of our cars and rammed his way through the barricade." One of the men replied.

The boss thought for a minute on what to do.

"If we send more ground troops after them, they might not return. I still have heard no news about the ones we had previously sent; whether they were alive or dead. But if I do send more troops, they could shoot them down and come back victorious." He said. "But that option is too risky.

That's out."

Suddenly, a man burst through the door. He said, "Sir, we had just secured the camp. The Americans had killed a total of five people and injured seven." He said in a thick accent.

The boss slammed his fist on his desk in anger.

"Our only choice is to send aircraft and shoot down that plane." The boss said. He turned to the man who had burst through the door.

"Prepare your men and get them in the air as soon as possible. Make sure they leave no rap let behind of that American plane." He said.

"Yes, sir." The man said and walked out of the door. He smiled a wicked smile, knowing he was about to kill everyone on that plane. And then he will have access to the American base.

Hey guys! So I have confirmed that two more chapters are left. I hope you enjoyed the book so far and please, keep reading because it isn't over yet! And don't forget to vote if you liked it!

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