Born to Kill

By NovelsByRo

14K 369 15

24 year old Alexus Carter is a lawyer winning all her cases. All her life she's been living off the streets w... More

Copyright © 2017
Finale Pt.2
Book 2❤️

Finale Pt.I

363 12 0
By NovelsByRo

Omarion POV
"Danger told me the whole thing. Jade was still a part of him and his crew. So, she let us kill both Danger and Eman so she'll take over the Organisation. We gotta think smartly, we're going may be a trap to kill us all." Alexus explained.

We all nodded in agreement. My phone vibrated and I took it out of my pocket. I read the text that I had received from Jade.

Jade: Let your bitch come alone on to the blue private jet that's parked on the right -3:33am

Bitch? Everything is spinning around in my head. This shit is too confusing.

"Jade wants you to enter the jet alone." I looked at Alexus.

"Alone..?!" Her eyes widened.

"Yeah.." I slowly shook my head.

"Well, we're here anyways. Good luck sis, we're counting on you." Ty kissed her cheek.

She stepped out of the truck and we followed behind her. We watched her step on the stairs that led her into the jet. She looked back at me before walking inside. Her life could be at risk. She could die in there. I closed my eyes really tight and thought about all or memories together. I hope she does good in there.

Alexus POV
I walked into the quiet jet and found Jade standing there with a gun pointing at me. She had a smirk on her face and she laughed quietly.

"So, you had the guts to come alone?" She raised a brow.

"Look, I haven't got time to explain myself. Why the fuck did you kill Rusty? You were a part of our team! You already had a crew to run!" I looked at her unbelievably.

"Shut the fuck up!" She smacked her teeth.

"All the niggas out there are gonna die, after I kill you.." She laughed evilly.

I picked up a glass cup that was on the table and quickly threw it at the gun. It slipped out of her hand and she tried to pick it up but I kicked her head. She fell to the ground and I pounced on her punching the shit outta the ugly bitch.

"Let go of my hair!!" She screamed.

She pushed me into the wall and I fell down. She crawled to get the gun to get it but I pushed her away. I slapped her face but she punched mine. She took a knife and tried stabbing me but she missed everything I'd move. She grabbed the gun and shot my arm.

"FUCK!!" I screamed.

That's shit really hurt!! I held on to my arm but kicked the gun making it slip out of her hand, again. She got a glass wine cup and smashed it on my head. She immediately retrieved her gun and stood up, aiming it at me. She breathed heavily and smirked once more.

"It's time to finally end your life! I've been wanting to do this for a long time.." She said.

I closed my eyes tightly and heard a gunshot. It was quiet. I-I was still breathing too! I slowly opened my eyes and watched Jade slowly fall to the ground. Behind her stood Omarion. I've never felt so happy in my entire life before! I can't believe he saved me. Not showing my happiness, I rolled my eyes.

"I could've done that myself." I smacked my teeth and stood up.

I tried taking a step forwards but I dropped to the ground. I groaned a little but felt multiple hands on me. My eyes closed and I soon blacked out not knowing what was going on.

Omarion POV
"She watching a movie or something..?" I mumbled as I walked up the stairs.

I went home just to tell Leila that I was fine. I could hear some noises from upstairs. As I got closer and closer the noise got louder. I stood in front of the door and insisted on opening it but my instinct was saying no. I touched the handle of the door and pushed it downwards so the door could open. Walking in, I took a hold of my gun witnessing some messed up shit. I put my gun off safety and watched how Leila covered the duvet around her caramel body before trying to speak. The guy showed his face and his eyes widened. He put his hands up surrendering as I aimed at him.

"The fuck is goin' on?" I asked licking my lower lip.

"I didn't know we were gonna have a party here bruh." He said.

I tightened the grip on my gun and shot at him but I missed. I never miss a shot, never! He grabbed his gun that was on the floor and shot at me but the bullet went through the door.

"STOP IT, STOP IT!" Leila cried.

We both threw our gun on the floor and started to punch the shit outta each other until he was on the floor.


"Both if y'all get the fuck out." I said through gritted teeth.

"She's awake." The doctors walked towards us through the doors.

"She's been shot in the arm but we've fixed it up and she'll be alright. You may know see her." She smiled at me.

"As for Yolanda, she's had a few broken bones on her right arm but everything is fine. Keisha does have a fractured foot, Nala is also fine, just a few scratches. But Toby has a couple burns on his back that were now treating." She informed us.

"Thank you so much. Any news on the kids?" Orlando asked.

"The kids are fine, you've got nothing to worry about. They're with their mothers. You may make your way through." She walked off.

We all went our separate ways and I entered the room that Alexus was staying with. My 2 beautiful kids were laying there and I smiled walking over towards them. I picked up Rochelle and kissed her cheek. She looked just like Alexus I think. She had my nose but everything else was Alexus'. I placed her down and moved on to Romain. He was asleep just like he usually is. I kissed his forehead and laid him back down.

"You good?" I asked Alexus licking my lower lip.

"Yeah.." She mumbled lowly.

"Well, we won.." I looked at the wall.

"Hm.." She slowly nodded her head.

"You can go if you want.." She shrugged.

"Nah, its cool." I shook my head.

It got quiet. It was awkward between us, very awkward. I took a look at the twins and was going to say something but nothing came out.

"Thanks..For saving me, you know?" She spoke.

"I could've died tonight if it wasn't for you." She gave me a weak smile.

"Well, it's my jobs to save you. These kids need you, I need you." I looked down at my wristwatch.

"How are the others?" She asked me.

"They all broke something. Keisha has a fractured foot, Nala has a few scratches, Toby has burns and Yolanda has a broken arm." I explained.

"Not all of them broke something." She giggled a little.

"Yeah, you're right." I nodded my head.

"I feel like now's the right time.." I mumbled.

"Huh?" She scrunched her face because she couldn't hear me.

"Look, I'm sorry. I was an asshole and I shouldn't have done what I did. It's too late now and, I found out she cheated on me anyways." I shrugged.

"Ha, that's what yo' dumbass gets." She laughed and sat up a little.

I smacked my teeth and shook my head. She's right, that's what my dumbass gets. She looked at me and she put her free arm out. I put it down and laid beside as she rested her head on my chest.

"You need to seriously work out.." She said out of the blue.

"I haven't been in the gym in a long time." He kissed her forehead.

She returned the kiss but on my lips. I smiled at her and she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. This is all I need right now, just me, my future wife and my kids. I'm gonna start spending a lot of time with them. You only live once and you never know when your time's up..

Orlando POV
"Wassup?" I walked in with the babysitter.

"Who's she?" Keisha furrowed her brows.

"Because you was gone, I hired a babysitter to take care of Jeremiah. My little nigga is safe, he's was last baby standing." I smiled looking at him.

I took him from the babysitter and handed him over to Keisha.

"Here's a couple hundred. Thanks for looking after him but now that my wife's back, I won't be needing your help no more." I smiled at her.

"Thank you." She walked out.

"You don't know how happy I am to be back." She kissed him on the forehead.

"From now on, Imma be loyal to you. I deleted all the hoes from my phone and shit, it's only you, me and this nigga." I kissed her cheek.

"And our 6 kids to come." She joked.

"Yeah right." I shook my head.

I laid in bed beside her and we just talked about everything that happened. I knew one day I was gonna have to be faithful to my girl, and here I am. I've now got a son and I need to look out for him, especially because of the world that we live in.

"Imma step outside for a little. You take a minute to catch up with your little man." I walked out of the room.

I left the hospital and went round the back and lit up a blunt and began to smoke. Omarion came by and shook his head.

"I was just about to do the same thing." He slapped hands with me.

"Yeah?" I chuckled.

"How's my girlfriend and my twins?" I asked teasing him.

"Shut up bro." He punched my arm.

"I'm kidding bruh.." I laughed.

"Nah but for real, how is she?".

"She's okay. They treated the wounds as the doctor said. Shit is crazy.." He sighed.

"It really is.." I nodded my head slowly.

"I was just thinking about how I need to spend more time with my kids before time's up, you know?" He said.

"You quitting already?!" I gave him a look.

"Nah, I just need to spend more time with my family instead of dealing and killing people." He shrugged.

"Yeah, you right." I nodded my head.

I guess he's got a point..

"Nala.." I walked into her room and went to her side.

She sniffed and wiped her tears. She looked away from me and more tears fell from her eyes.

"What's wrong?" I furrowed my brows.

"You only got scratches, it's cool." I rubbed her arm.

She didn't say anything. I sat on the bed and took her hand. She looked at me and threw her arms around me as she cried a little louder.

"He tried to rape me..".

"What..?" I looked at her.

"He forced me to have sex with him.." She stopped crying.

"Did he..?" I looked at her bruised cheek.

"No, he tried to. I don't feel safe. Even if this is all over Ty, what are we gonna do? I can't go through all this again." She looked down.

"Don't worry, I'm right here." I wiped her tears.

"He hit me, abused me and all that. To go through it, it's horrible." She shook her head.

"I know..".

Just knowing that I wasn't there to help her, it hurts. I could've saved them all from that but she had to go through this. What I love about Nala was that she's stuck by me from the day I met her. If it was another girl, she would've left me along time ago because I'm in the game but Nala, she really is my Ride or Die..

"I'll do anything to protect you Nala." I kissed her forehead.

She smiled and pulled my face towards hers. Our eyes met and she looked deeply into them. She slowly placed her lips on to mine kissing it. Deepening the kiss, she slowly pulled off afterwards. She gave me a weak smile but I pulled her into a hug.

"It's good to have you back." She smiled.

"Aaah!! I can't believe this shit is happening!" Alexus pulled me into a hug.

"My nigga's going to prom!" Omarion and I slapped hands.

"Y'all look beautiful. You've taken many pictures already, let me get some of you on your own." Alexus smiled.

I stepped out of the way so she could take a picture of Nala. My girl looked beautiful. She is probably the finest girl that's gonna be there and I know for sure that she's gonna win prom queen. Looking at her smile, I realised that God gave me a beautiful girl that I'm sure I can spend my life with. We've been through bad shit with each other, we've graduated with each other and now, we going to prom together too.

"Let's go." I told them.

"I don't understand why we have to bring a spare change of clothes." She took my hand.

"Just wait and see till the night is over." I kissed her nose.

I love me some Nala..

Alexus POV
"Rochelle, your daddy is with your brother." I finished changing her diaper.

This baby loves to be around Omarion. Wherever he goes, she goes. It's cute though, their little daddy and daughter relationship. On the other hand, Romain is my little superman. He doesn't really mind who takes him, as long as he's in the arms of his mommy and daddy.

"Okay, we're gonna pick them up when prom finishes." I remind Omarion.

"Nah, it's cool. Ty has got that all under control." He smirked.

"W-No! No fucking way! I'm not letting my baby brother lose his-!".

"They love each other. We all know that they're gonna do it at some point in their lives'." He laughed at me.

"Whatever.." I stood up and left the room.

I walked downstairs holding the railings and walked into the kitchen. Looking out of the window, I sighed and thought about all of this crazy shit that has just happened. Look at what I got myself into! If Arnold was here, it would've been great. Just knowing that my brother could've helped me fight everything.

I miss that nigga..

Nala POV
"Okay, where are we now because I'm starting to get suspicious..?" I folded my arms.

"Okay, open your eyes." Ty said.

I opened my eyes and stood in front of a door. I furrowed my brows and smacked my teeth. I turned around and looked at Ty.

"Wow, a white double door. Fascinating(!)" I said sarcastically.

He took my hand and placed keys on my palm. I smirked a little then turned back around to unlock the door. After unlocking the door, I stepped inside with my eyes widened and my mouth open. I can't believe he got us this big ass room! I looked back at him and threw my arms around him. He placed his lips on to mine and we kissed for a while until I pulled off.

"So this is why we had to bring clothes? We sleeping here!" I squealed.

This hotel room was massive, literally!

"Yeah, we are." He kissed on my neck.

"I can't wait.." I mumbled and closed my eyes.

I felt him undoing my dress from behind. It slipped downwards and I stepped out of it. He turned me around and picked me up. He carried me to the bed and threw me on it.

"Ah..!" I giggled.

He looked at me before continuing, just so he can confirm. I gave him a nod and he licked his lower lip.

It's gonna get crazyyy!

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