13 Years Later

By oliviabenson48

10K 246 69

Paige has been in foster care since birth. Her real parents don't even know she's alive. 13 year old Paige is... More

A Day in the life
Starbucks and Secrets
A Kiss Started All Of This
Liv is having doubts Part One
Liv is having doubts
authors note

Morning Routine

744 11 3
By oliviabenson48


Olivia's POV
Sunday, March 25

The next morning Elliot came over as I was waking up. I felt muscular arms wrapped around my waist.

I roll over and smile, "morning baby, when did you get here?"

"About two minutes ago" he laughs smiling as he kisses my forehead

"You're the cutest. Go wake up Paige." I smile stretching.

"Why don't we baby make for a bit first?" He smirks

"Baby make?" I raise an eyebrow

"We want more kids right? We should start. Right now."

"We haven't had sex since we conceived Paigey." I rub his back

"Well... I mean we haven't been dating long but I've mentally been dating you since the day we met." El responds lovingly planting a kiss on my lips

"You're such a good boyfriend." I smile "and I've been mentally dating you too" I kiss him softly and breathe deeply

"I like my shirt on you." El smiles and takes off his... well my nypd shirt.

"It's like a night gown on me" I smile and take off his shirt tracing his tattoo with my fingers

"Let's make a baby El." I smile and work on taking off his pants.

"Let's make a baby Liv. But let's make one and stay together this time." He smiles and removes his boxers and my panties.

"Oh Elliot....I love you" I smile before grasping his shoulders as he pulled me gently on top of him.

Paige's POV

I woke up at around 9:30 and figured my mom was awake since she is usually
Up before me, I head to the kitchen and see my dad's stuff on the counter. I smile and walk to my moms bedroom. I hear some noises from outside

"Mom? Dad?!" I yell into the closed door

" Morning Honey! Give daddy and I a minute okay?" My mom yells back shakily.

I heard a soft moan and then I rolled my eyes

"Aw cmon mom! You could've made me breakfast before you started to have sex!" I laugh and walk away from the door

I sit on the couch in the living room and see some files open on the table, figuring they take a while I open them up and see photos of so many girls, they were beaten to a pulp. I cringe and read the descriptions. I give my parents so much credit for what they both do and I aspire to be as generous and brave as them when I grow up. I can't wait to be a detective when I'm older. A few minutes later I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I quickly put down the file and look back and see it's my dad

"Hey!" I smile and hug him

"Don't worry mom and I showered" he laughs kissing my forehead

"Together probably" I laugh and look to my right and I see my mom blushing intensely.

"That's classified information... just like my files. I told you not to read them. I trusted you" My mom looks at me sternly

"I'm so sorry... I did...I didn't know how serious you were." I look up at her sadly

"Yea...yes I know. Well don't touch them okay?" She responds back sharply.

I never seen her so angry. I look at my dad and he just smiles at me sympathetically while rubbing Olivia's back.

"I'm sorry." I whisper before heading back into my room shutting the door

Elliot's POV

Liv sighs rubbing her temple, "I don't know why I snapped... I just don't want her involved with our work, she's too young to see stuff like that."

"Hey it's okay. She'll be okay. She's upset you're mad at her."I respond kissing her temple. 

"I know. I suck. I suck at this whole mom thing." She sighs resting her head on my chest

"No you don't. You're an amazing mom. Paige and our new baby are so lucky to have you" I put both of my hands on her flat stomach and smile

"Pretty soon you'll be carrying a little human. A little human we made." I smile and kiss her stomach.

Liv smiles putting her hand on her stomach, "I can't wait to have a baby."

"Our baby...part two." I smile and pick up the files.

"Should I go check on Paige? I think I upset her." Liv asks as she heads to the kitchen washing her hands

"Give her some space help me make breakfast." I kiss her neck softly and wash my hands as well.

"This all happened so fast El... just a week ago life was how it's always been." She responds facing me as she dried her hands.

I took them both in mine rubbing my thumbs over the top of her hands soothingly, "It happened so fast but not a moment too soon. I was ready to be with you and Paige gave me a reason, there's no more rule why we can't be together and I'm taking advantage of that. Kathy is out of the picture and Maureen is all grown up.

( sorry if this contradicts something I said earlier! Elliot has been divorced with Kathy for years and he only has one kid and that's his oldest Maureen and she's about 24 because in the show it says El and Kathy had her when they were both really young. )

"El what if I'm too old to have a baby? I'm 41..." she asks me placing her head on my chest letting me rock her gently in my arms.

"It's possible but you're in good health. We can get checked out tomorrow when Paige is in school." I respond holding her tight to my chest. "I'm getting old too Liv I'm 43!" I laugh and kiss her softly on the lips and move my hands down her body.

She lets out a soft moan and grips my shoulders, "We just had sex but I want more."

"Mmm... me too baby." I smile rubbing her inner thigh with my hand.

She moans again softly, "We gotta cook. And we have things to do today."

"Ugh like what?" I ask before kissing her softly on the neck again.

"Well for starters we need to start packing up my stuff so we can move in with you. We have to get ready for court because tomorrow we have that case thing and I know that Buchanan is gonna drill me on the stand. We have to get Paige new stuff for her new school. I'm supposed to take her shopping. Donnelly wants to see us in her chambers today with Paige to go over everything for Tuesday's court date. Um and we need food in the fridge." She responds back with a small chuckle

"Wow we got a full day ahead of us... I guess no sex until tonight" I smile and trail my hand back up to her stomach and place my hand on top of it gently

"I'm so excited to get pregnant." I smile

"Actually I'm getting pregnant and that's also something we need to do. Make an appointment to get checked." She smiles and puts her hand on top of mine looking down at her flat stomach.

"Same difference babe. Let's make some food." I smile at her and Paige comes back out of her room all changed and ready for the day.

"I'm sorry for being a jerk and reading your file, I'm just so interested in what you do as a detective." She looks at olivia sadly

"Hey, it's okay love just please ask me okay? There's sometimes stuff in those that I really don't want you to see. It's so gruesome and you're just a kid." Liv responds back kissing her forehead.

"I wanna be a detective just like you both." She smiles and I shake my head quickly

"Honey I don't think that's a good idea." I respond back to Paige.

"Why not? I wanna help people like you and mom." She raises an eyebrow at me.

"Well it's very dangerous I don't want you to put your life at risk." I touch her brown hair before my eyes met hers.

"It's dangerous but I can handle it! Look who my parents are. Almost Sergeant Benson and Detective Stabler." She responds crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well honey. I think you can be anything you wanna be when you're older but you are only thirteen... I know I know... fourteen on April 3rd only a few days away..." Liv smiles back at her.

I give her a disapproving look before kneeling down to look at Paige, "it's not a good job. I love it but it's demanding, I'll never be home with you. Mom and I... we have no idea how much time we will spend at home with you because our hours are crazy."

"I don't care. Take me with you to work! I can help solve the case I know I can!" She yells back excitedly.

"Oh Paige... I wish we could bring you to work too but that's just not okay because we both are so busy we wouldn't be able to pay attention to you." I respond back

"That's okay! I want to see you and mom work! And uncle munch and fin, and cragen!" She jumps up and down

I look over to Liv and smile a little bit, "we are going to see the judge today and you can come... okay?

"That's perfect!" She smiles

Olivia's POV

"You're so cute."  I smile and kiss Paige on the cheek

"I wanna help you solve a case! Please mom please!" She begs pulling on my shirt

"Oh my gosh honey" I laugh "I can't let you do that I'm sorry."

"But I'm smart! I can help!" She begs "You're the sergeant can't you do anything?"

"Oh honey I wish" I laugh kissing her cheek.

"Breakfast is ready girls." My husband, well boyfriend calls from the kitchen. Paige and I walk in and sit at the island smiling at each other

"Miss Stabler your food" Elliot placed a plate of food in front of Paige.

"What about Mrs. Stabler?" I smile at Elliot and he smiles back placing food in front of me and a cup of coffee

"Am I the best?"

"You're the best El you're the best." I smile and kiss him.

"We are almost ready right? After we eat we can go see the judge?" Paige asks as she ate her food.

"Yea hun. We can go right after we eat I just need to do my make up. We are going shopping today too right?"

"Yea we gotta go shopping." Paige smiles

"Baby you don't need make up." Elliot replies back to me playing with my brown hair.

"I wish you were right." I smile and let him continue to play with my wet hair that was beginning to curl.

"I am right. You're so naturally beautiful" Elliot smiles at me taking our empty plates and putting them in the sink.

I smile blushing looking at him, "We should get going soon."

"Paige are you wearing my clothes?" I smile and laugh at her wearing my blazer and work pants that were a tad too big on her.

"I wanna look professional!" She smiles sipping my coffee making a disgusted face

"Silly. I have some smaller pants from when I was a bit thinner in my closet on the bottom shelf. Go try some on. I'll come with you."

I walk into the bathroom and apply light make up and blow dry my hair so it's straight. I then get a call from Cragen

"Hey what's up Captain?" I ask after answering my phone.

"We got a problem." He responds back to Me.

"What's going on?" I ask while slipping on my boots, closing the bathroom door with my free leg so Paige couldn't hear me.

"Melissa is suing the station for harassment. And she wants Paige back." Cragen whispers sharply into the phone. In shock, I nearly drop it

"She what! Paige is my baby!" I yell hanging up.

I began to cry, I know I'm her biological mother but what if I can't keep her. El walks in wiping my eyes lifting up my chin, "what's wrong Liv?"

"Melissa wants to take our baby. I can't let her do that" I nuzzle my chin into his shoulder my tears dampening his shirt.

"She what?" He holds me close.

I pull away and close the door so Paige can't hear.

"She wants to take Paige back. Adopt her. She's claiming we aren't prime parent material." I sigh and sit
On the edge of the bathtub

Paige's POV

I put on my shoes and my jacket smiling at my self in my mom's old work clothes. I head back down the hallway and walk into my parents room looking around. I heard whispering coming from the bathroom. I walk over to the door and listen

My mom spoke softly, "What if she's right? What if I am a horrible mother?"

I breathe in sharply. My mom is NOT a horrible mother she's amazing.

"Things like this happen. Someone can adopt her, the judge might not let us keep her. What do I do?" I heard her sobbing.

I begin to cry and walk back into my bedroom and sigh. I need this to work out. I love them so much. It's not fair

After a while they both walked out dressed like the detectives that I know and love I ran into my mom's arms and hug her tightly

"Oh! I wasn't expecting that lovey" she smiles returning my hug and planting a kiss on my temple.

"You ready to go my little prosecutor in training" she smiles at me, in her work clothes. Even though I look a lot more like my dad she still calls me her mini me.

"Actually...um I don't wanna go can we just stay here?" I bite my lip.

"What's wrong? You were so excited?" She asks me grabbing her purse from the hook near the front door.

"What if Judge Donnelly doesn't let me stay with you guys? What if I go back into foster care?" I ask as my voice was cracking ever so slightly.

"Oh honey. Mom and I won't let that happen. You are our daughter and we will make sure you never ever leave our side." Dad spoke softly as he rubbed my shoulder, I quickly flinch involuntarily.

"Hey... what's wrong? What did I do?" He asks but I barely heard him

"Oh... nothing just thinking of something." My eyes became glossy and red and I looked down quickly

Flashback: April 3, 2014
Paige's 11th Birthday

I walk into the disgustingly dirty kitchen of my foster home and hold back tears as I creep past my foster father passed out on the recliner. The night before he said he would kill me the next time he saw me. He got drunker than ever and he threw a glass bottle of Vodka at me and I ran out of the house. I came back early this morning to get my stuff. I open the fridge slowly to see if there was anything to eat but there was nothing. I had no money because every time I get placed into a new home I lose so many of my personal belongings all I have is the blanket I was given when I was born and a picture of me at the park with my fourth foster mom. She was so kind to me, when she past away I cried. The snoring coming from the living room subsided and I turned to look and saw Darrel getting up staggering into the kitchen a lit cigarette in hand

"You little bitch!" He lunged at me and I step backwards but stumble into the counter top. I try and run but he grabs me roughly by the shoulder and slams me into the refrigerator door. He then dragged me by the hair into his bedroom and he raped me. I tried to fight him off but it didn't work he was so much stronger than I was and I couldn't push him off. I never told anyone that and the next day I took a baseball bat to his car and got placed in a new home. He didn't press charges claiming I was too cute to go to jail. That was how I spent my eleventh birthday and how I lost my virginity. I tried to report it. I told a social worker but they said I was lying and just wanted a new home. I then went to svu but never reported it claiming I just wanted to get a snack from the vending machine. I vaguely remember seeing a detective there that looked like Olivia but I'm not sure. I never spoke about it after that day and whenever I felt sad, or thought about it I just took a shower and then clutched my baby blanket close to my chest hoping and praying one day I would find my mom. Find my dad, someone to care for me. Someone who loved me.

End of flashback

"Paige? Paige? Paige?!" My parents were both looking at me worriedly and I just held back my tears

"L..let's go." I quickly grab my phone and head out the door running down the stairs so quick I trip and fall. I then after a few seconds felt two pairs of hands help me to my feet, I try and walk away again but my mom held me back

"What's going on? You're scaring me." She spoke gently caressing my cheek, I push her hand away roughly

"I..I'm sorry" I look down shaking a tiny bit. Dad put his hands on my shoulders again and I push him backwards with all my force and he stumbles a bit

"Don't touch me!"

"Paige what's wrong?" He asks.

I felt a lump form in my throat all I could hear when he spoke was Darrel's voice. I don't know why it was bothering me so much it hasn't for a long time. "Don't talk to me!"

"Paigey... please" he spoke gently

"I said just leave me alone!" I push past my mom and walk outside and breathe in the cool, spring air. I pace back and forth before I broke down into tears.

My mom walks over to me, I look around for Elliot but I don't see him.

"Can you please tell me what's going on?" She whispers softly wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Why did you come to my school that day? Why did I have to find you!" I cried hysterically

"Paige..." she wrapped her arms loosely around my limp body

"I...I had a flashback" I whisper looking up at my mom.

"A flashback about what lovey?" She wiped my eyes again smiling her warm smile reassuring me everything was okay.

"Can we talk about it later? I just...I wanna get this judge thing over with." I whisper and see Elliot turning on the car.

"Promise we will talk later?" She asks me grabbing my hand walking me over to the car

I nod and open the door to get in the back, "sorry dad."

"It's okay. Are you okay honey?" He asks slipping into the drivers seat looking at me through the rear view mirror.

I nod and look through pictures on my phone. Mom handed me a tissue and I wipe off the mascara under my eyes. We arrive at the court house and I step out of the car. I walk ahead of my parents I couldn't face them, not now.

They catch up to me and lead me in the right direction saying hello to several people along the way

A stranger spoke, "Liv! El! How are you guys?"

"Oh my gosh! Hi Casey." My mom smiled and hugged the red head tightly

"Who's this?" She smiles and turns to face me

"This is Paige, our daughter." My mom smiled looking at me and I wave blushing.

"Wow she looks like El but I had to do a double take since she's wearing that cliche Benson outfit."

I smile a tiny tiny tiny bit and look at my mom, "Why do they call it chambers?"

"Ask the ADA lovey."

"Wait... you weren't kidding she's actually your kid? How?" Casey asks looking shocked

"Long Story Case... how've you been I haven't seen you in a few weeks since the case load isn't too heavy." My dad asks before looking back down to make sure I was still standing next to him.

"I've been good. Clearly I missed a lot around the 1-6 and to answer your question..."

"My name is Paige" I smile at Casey

"Pretty name for a pretty girl. And it's basically just like the judge's office where she can hear or have private conversations with lawyers and clients without having to worry about open court or the media."

"Cool. So we can go see her now?" I ask looking at my mom.

"Is Elizabeth here?" She asks Casey.

"Yea you know where it is. Just knock. I'll see you guys around. I miss seeing my favorite detectives." She smiles and walks off waving to me and dad.

Elliot knocks on the door and Judge Donnelly opens it, "it's nice to see the happy family, come on in."

We all walk in and sit down in the three chairs across from her.

"I have good and bad news for you." She spoke and looked at me

"Is this about what my captain said?" My mom sighed

"Yes. She will put up a fight but I doubt she will win, however until that time Paige can't be in your custody." She spoke and sadly looked at me

How is that fair? I just want to be with my parents.

"How can our biological daughter be taken away from us?" Elliot asked angrily

"It's the law, the law is hard but it's the law." She responds

"W..where am I gonna go?" I ask tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Back into foster care." The judge responds "I am so sorry honey."

"For how long? Will I get to see them?" I cry and my mom just holds me close to her

"I don't know honey you have to talk to ACS about that I just want to prepare you for your court date Tuesday. And detectives Cabot wants to see you downstairs if you have a minute or two"

"No...No that's not fair!" I cried and stood up.

"I'm staying with my mother and father. I can't go back into foster care... I...I just can't" I paced around the room angrily clutching my fists.

"Calm down Miss Stabler." The judge spoke and I snapped

"Seriously! Don't call me Miss stabler when I'm getting ripped out of my parents home! My home! Don't call me Miss Stabler when I'm being forced into a strangers home for god knows how long when I am perfectly happy and safe with my BIOLOGICAL parents!" I slammed my fist into the concrete wall and I heard a snap, most likely breaking my hand

My dad stood up and gently wrapped his arms around me, I sigh and just hug him, "I don't wanna lose you. I don't wanna get hurt again."

"Hurt?" My parents say in unison looking at me with concern.

"I..I need to see a doctor" I try and close my fist but it doesn't move. My hand is swelling immensely and is bleeding.

"Yea... you do." My Mom spoke and gently touched my hand but I wince.

"We will come back tomorrow afternoon Judge and discuss everything. We will see you in court tomorrow for the rape case though."

Judge Donnelly nods and I rush out as fast as possible gasping for air. What if someone hurts me again, what if someone rapes me again?

My mom wraps her arms around me and spoke softly, "let's order food to the precinct and see what Uncle Munch and Fin are up to."

"Stop trying to distract me from the fact that I'm getting taken from you and my hand hurts."

"Honestly, I'm scared Paige. I don't want you to get taken. I can't let that happen." My Mom sighs shakily and continued to home me close.

"Hun we need to go see Cabot." My dad kissed my cheek and my mom's

"Now. Seriously?" She responds shooting him a nasty glare.

"We have things we need to get done today, remember?" He responds back sharply.

"Fine. Paige come on let's go get this over with." My Mom walks quickly down the stairs and I follow her.


Later that Day.... The Precinct

Olivia's POV

After Elliot and I were prepped with Cabot we head to the precinct to see everybody. I still couldn't fathom Paige being taken from me. It's not fair.

"Hey Benson, Hey Baby Benson." Fin walked over to me and Paige smiling

"Hey Fin...Captain told you?"

"Yea I'm so sorry Liv. You don't deserve this to happen." He looked to the right of me to Paige but she wasn't there anymore she was sitting at my desk

"Can I help?" She asks with a small smile.

"Why not? Just don't tell captain." Munch walked over and sat by her

"Ugh Munch I think she was taking to her Mom." I laugh a tiny bit

Paige already opened all the files and was reading through everything.

"So who do you think is your guy?" She asks reading the statements writing things down on a sticky note. I smile a tiny bit at how professional she is and how passionate she already is at such a young age.

"We think it's him." Munch takes out a picture of our prime suspect and shows Paige. She gasped and stood up immediately.

"What Honey? What's wrong?" I ask her with worry lingering in my voice.

"W..who is that?" She asked backing away from the photos "Where is he? Is he here?!" 

"No, he's not... what's going on Paige?" Munch asked closing the files.

"Th..That's Darrel Stevens...he" she was nearly out of breath. I helped her sit down and pulled another chair over to her holding her hands.

"He? What happened honey? It's okay talk to me." I whisper soothingly while gently rubbing her hand.

"He was my foster dad... and he...he...he... r...raped me" she tried not to cry.

I was in a complete state of shock I just clutched my daughter close to me rocking her in my arms


"A few years ago... on my eleventh birthday." She whispers her voice shaking ever so slightly.

"I tried to report it. I came here and I told my social worker I just couldn't! He said he kill me."

I heard noises coming from the front door Elliot was walking back in with a man he walked past my desk with him and I looked up. Paige did too and she started to cry hysterically

"Oh my gosh. Paige how are you?" He smiles at her and my blood boils.

"H..hi" she looked down. Munch put his hand on her shoulder and told Elliot to get him out of here.

"Alright Paige well I guess we will catch up later! See you soon baby!" He responds and Paige just broke down in tears, Elliot grabbed Darrel by the collar and hit his head against the wall before throwing him, literally throwing him into lock up.

Paige started to hyperventilate she stood up pacing the room just glaring at the small cell in the corner of the room. I walk over to Elliot tears welling up in my eyes.

"That son a bitch raped her and there's nothing we can do" I wiped my eyes and looked up at him.

"He did WHAT!" Elliot grabbed his gun and walked over to the cell it took Fin and I to pull him off. Paige watched him go crazy and that made her even more upset she ran into the bathroom and locked the door.

"Great. Thanks El." I ran after her but when I got into the bathroom she was gone.

"Paige?!" I yell and walk back out. I see her sitting in front of the jail cell just staring at him, her lips are moving but I don't know what's she saying.

Elliot grabbed her hand and lead her away from the cell and into cragen's office. I followed them.

"I'm gonna kill him! I'm gonna kill him!" Elliot took his gun out of his holster and slid it across the desk.

"I seriously will kill him. Take it." He clenched his fists and Paige cried.

"Elliot stop it!" I yell at him trying to comfort Paige.

"Paige...I'm so sorry..." Cragen talks to her he looked so upset.

"It's fine. I just wanna finish the case. Get him in jail." She tried to stop crying.

"You aren't going near that case Paige." He responded looking back and forth between Elliot and I. I couldn't agree more.

"I got a rape kit done. They never called SVU, I came here and I just pretended that I was hungry.  I couldn't do it. I can't do it." She whispers and my eyes light up.

"That was you? Who wanted the skittles from the vending machine. Oh my god." I start to tear up again.

Paige nods and just walked around the small office for a few minutes, "I need some air." She steps out of the office and a few minutes later I heard gunshots. We all ran out of the office and all I could think about was Paige. I draw my weapon and start looking for Paige. I see my blazer on the ground covered in blood but Paige is no where to be found. I start to panic and I look into the cell and Darrel isn't there!

"PAIGE?!" I scream and saw the shooter standing with a pair of keys by the cell. I draw my weapon and just shoot without thinking twice. The bullet went right into his chest and he fell I ran over to Fin the only other person in the room.

"Where's Paige! Oh my god you're hit" I took off my jacket and put it on to his shoulder and munch ran as fast as his legs would allow back in and took over for me.

"Did you see what happened to Paige." Elliot asks extremely worried.

He shook his head and just closed his eyes.

I freak out and run outside and see a trail of blood leading behind the precinct but when I get there. What I saw was NOT what I expected

authors note:

A lot happened in this chapter. I got so excited I finally didn't have anymore writers block I just kept writing. what do you think olivia saw behind the precinct? Is Paige okay? Comment below what you want to see happen next.
Love you guys who stayed loyal
- Liv

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