Undercover (LeviXReader)

By AngelDragon428

244K 7.4K 9.2K

**Story Completed: 09/02/2018** **The Sequel is out!! Check it out!** (Y/n) (l/n) had just finished training... More

Before We Start!
~Chapter Four Special~
~Belated Christmas Special~
~Nineteen~ (Final)
Thank You So Much!
Sequel is Published!!
Q & A Responses!
Q&A Responses!


8.3K 299 539
By AngelDragon428

Your POV
The day began like any other, the heinous alarm ringing it's awful tone for my day to begin. I felt around my nightstand for it and practically slammed it off. I laid in bed for a few more minutes in a vain attempt to fall back asleep. Quickly realizing that it wasn't going to happen, I rubbed my eyes tiredly and stretched while laying flat on my back.

I lethargically opened my lead-like eyes and sat up, glancing around my room so my eyes could adjust to the lighting. It was surprisingly dark for the time I was getting up, making me think that I accidentally set my alarm for too early. I didn't, it was just really dark outside.

I got out of bed and went over to the window to pull back a curtain. The sky was a dark grey and filled with clouds everywhere, a clear sign that it was going to rain today. Thankfully, we weren't going to be doing anything outside, at least to my knowledge. I softly sighed to myself as I left the window pane and went to get dressed for work today, not in my uniform since we would be staying here at the apartment.

I emerged from my room a few minutes later and saw Levi at the small table where we would normally work at with his head on the table. I could tell from the gentle snoring that he was working all night and probably fell asleep recently. I quietly moved into the kitchen where I made myself a small breakfast and one for him later, if he woke up soon.

I quietly sat down at the table and carefully moved some of the files that were neatly spread out so I can set down my breakfast. I got up and grabbed myself some (f/d) before heading back to eat. Levi softly began to stir as I sat back down at the table.

"Good morning Captain." I said softly as he lifted his head up.

"Shut up (l/n)..." He groaned with annoyance as he yawned and stretched his arms above his head, the dark circles under his eyes looking a little more prominent than before.

I figured he was just upset from his lack of sleep, so I didn't think much of his tone. I ate my breakfast with him, more or less, in silence as he resumed looking over some case files with a troubled appearance gracing his face. I got slightly curious as to why he was looking like that, but I wasn't sure if it was my place to ask. We were partners, so I decided against my better judgement to pry.

"Something wrong?" I asked softly prior to taking another bite. He simply looked up at me with an uninterested look, clearly not in the mood for conversation. I quietly sighed to myself as I look back at my plate, occasionally glancing at the file he was looking at which was the most likely suspect's file.

"Did you find something?" I inquired softly as I straightened up my posture to get a more clear look at the documents.

"No, it's what I'm not finding. I know that they practically match our suspect profile, but I'm still factoring in what you've told me." He replied in his usual and flat tone of voice. "Are you sure that there is no way your memory could've been altered by time?"

"Sir, there is no way. When something as traumatic as watching your father die right in front of you happens, you remember every little detail of it. I'm sure you remember every detail when you lost your team, right?" I said in a slightly defensive tone.

"Yes, I do remember. But that was only two years ago, much less than when that happened to you." He said with a bored voice as he looks at the file, never taking eyes off of it. That was my signal to drop the argument.

I quietly sighed again, just not really able to hold it back. I knew what I saw that day, there was slim possibility that I was able to forget or if the details have changed over time, but I could never be too sure. Maybe there could've been an accomplice? Who knows, from our sources, Grim Reaper was working solo but there was the change that they could be wrong too.

I finished my breakfast in silence and left the table to clean my used dishes, leaving Levi back to stare at the same file for who knows how long. We were only supposed to be dealing with our case and interviews today, possibly doing a little more research for who could be responsible.

Before we knew it, despite the time being rather early, we heard a knock at our door. We both had a feeling that it was the man in the tuxedo again to tell us to stop the investigation on the behalf of his client. We don't know why he was bothering since we weren't going to stop. Maybe if we could get him to stay, we can find out who is the person behind this, and if we're lucky, they could be the Grim Reaper.

Levi groaned as he stood up from the table and headed towards the door, practically dragging his feet towards it with his shoulders slumped down. He straightened himself out for the sake of a good appearance and opens the door. Lone and behold, the man in the same tuxedo with the same face was there.

"Hello, I'm here on the behalf of my client to ask that you cease the investigation on Exosin at once." He routinely said the moment the door opens. Levi sighed and was about to close the door on him before I stepped in.

"Wait a second Luke," I told him as I walked over, "let's invite him in." Levi looked over at me almost like I was crazy and had no idea why I would even do such a thing. I lean over to him to whisper into his ear what I was planning.

"If we can interrogate him, we can probably find out who's behind all of this." I softly whisper to him, getting a small nod in return. Levi stood out of the way of the door and gestured the man to come in. The man stood still for a moment, looking at us with a vacant expression before giving in to enter the small apartment. He goes over to the small table and briefly glances at the files before returning his sight back to us.

"So what did you want me here for?" He says with a baritone voice, sounding uninterested and not wanting to really be here.

"Just to ask a few questions, that's all." I said as I closed the door and went over to where he was standing, mainly to close the files open on the table so he wouldn't pry into it. "So what's your name?"

"Derek Princer." He replies with no change in voice. He looked at me with a small scar on the side of his face, mainly catching my attention. It looked similar to Grim Reaper's, but it was a bit smaller and seemed to have a bit of face powder on it. He must've been covering up more of it. Now I felt like we had someone else to add to our list.

"Well, Mr. Princer, who do you work for?" I asked as I offered him to sit down, to which he politely refused.

"Confidential. I'm not allowed to tell you."

"Even if it's on the middle of a multiple homicide investigation that you seem to be trying to stop? I can get as warrant if you need me to." I spoke in a firm voice as I crossed my arms, Princer not showing much of any reaction other than a slight uncomfortable demeanor and a nervous shift.

"Unless I get permission-" he began before I decided to cut him off.

"I will get a warrant if I have to." I snapped at him as I slightly narrowed my eyes in an attempt to intimidate him, which was working as he loosened his tie.

"If you promise not to make him the center of the investigation." He offered as he put a hand into his pocket.

"He will be since you've been trying to stop us this entire time." Levi spoke up as he watched us, pouring himself a cup of tea. Princer sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck, pulling out his phone with his spare hand and checking the time.

"Sorry, I have to get going now." He said in a rushed tone as he quickly left for the door, slamming it as he did so. We both watches him leave and I shook my head.

"Well, it was worth a shot." I said with a small shrug.

"It was a good hunch, but we would need a warrant if we're to find out who's behind this. They might be our Grim Reaper." He says as he holds his tea cup in his strange way and takes a sip. I still never understood why he held his cup like that, but I doubt I would ever find a way to ask.

I nodded my head as I went over to my phone, going to place in a call at the court to get a warrant. I went through the routine and was told that we should hear tomorrow from the judge. It was time to wait, so hopefully we could get what we needed.

I pulled out our potential suspect list, which was a total of three people that were employees of Exosin. I examined their files and began to make some logical assumptions about these people. We have done full background checks on them, but we couldn't be too sure about who it was going to be since they all seemed like our Grim Reaper. I stared at the files, hoping that if we got the warrant we could finally catch the bastard who killed so many people.

"You should take a break from this." Levi spoke up as he took a sip of his tea. I perked up and looked at him with confusion.

"What? I'm assigned to this, I need to get this done." I argue back in a calm manner to avoid further aggression from either of us.

"I understand, but until we get that warrant, looking at the case isn't going to do either of us any good. We should take the break that we have and relax." He replied in a calm and a seemingly caring way. It was strange to see this side of him since I really saw him as a colleague, but I guess they could care for each other as well.

"But sir-" I tried to say my point before he cut me off.

"It's still early out today, would you like to get some lunch later?" He asked, barely averting his dark blue eyes. What's up with him? This isn't anything like I'm used to. I slightly smirked at him and wanted to tease him a little, even though I was probably going to get killed for it. But hey, what a way to go, right?

"What? Are you asking me on a date or something?" I said with a false seriousness and a teasing tone. I did not get the furious reaction I expected.

His cheeks turned a light shade of pink that no one could deny. He shifted his stance and took a sip from his cup, now completely avoiding eye contact. He gave off a shy atmosphere that made me curious as I felt my own cheeks heat up.

"A-Are you actually asking me on a date?" I inquired with an honest curiosity. Levi kept his eyes away from me as his faint blush remained on his cheeks.

"I guess you could say that." He spoke softly into his tea cup before taking another drawn out sip.

I was honestly surprised as I felt my cheeks start heat up even more, an obvious symptom of me blushing either out of embarrassment or shock. I felt my heart quicken with his words and my palms become dry. Why was I reacting this way? I mean, I've been asked out before in high school but never felt this way with any of them. Levi was a beautiful man, I couldn't deny that no matter how hard I tried, and he was incredible at his work. We've only been working together for around a few months, but that shouldn't mean I was feeling affection for him... right?

"(Y/n)? Hello? You in there?" I heard him speak up as I realized my mind had wandered and left him without an answer. I shook my head slightly to clear my remaining thoughts as I glanced up at him, Levi now making shy eye contact with me.

"Yeah, I'm here." I replied almost as if I hadn't been paying attention. This wasn't anything like me either, so what's going on here?

"Are you going to answer my question or not?" He said, gradually returning back to the cool voice I was familiar too, however he had a hidden anxiousness in it as he awaited my response.

What did I want to do? Did I really want to go on a date with my Captain, who was practically my boss? Am I not supposed to so under the rules of the precinct I worked at? I quickly erased the thoughts out of my head before letting out a soft sigh to calm myself down.

I began my reply by stuttering uncharacteristically, a faint chuckle escaping from Levi's lips which caused my blush to deepen into almost a rose red. I drew in a slow breath as I collected my thoughts and gradually let it out.

"I would like to." I blurted out at a rapid pace, making it even difficult for me to understand. I could tell that he also had a rough time comprehending what I had just spoken.

"So was that a yes?" He asked slightly hesitantly as the faint blush grew into a light shade of red.

"Y-Yes it was..." I mumbled in response as I averted my eyes and played with the end of my shirt, a habit I picked up over the years whenever I was being overly bashful or nervous. I wanted to see Levi's reaction to what I said, but I didn't have the courage to look him in the eye at the moment.

"I honestly wasn't expecting that." He said in his cold voice, back to the way he was before this happened.

"Well what did you expect?" I asked, keeping my eyes off him.

"Not your answer." He replied seriously. There were sometimes I could hardly believe him, and this was definitely one of them.

"Levi, be serious." I groaned with annoyance and slightly rolling my eyes.

"I am, I thought that you would be uncomfortable with me asking or even suggesting it." He said with honesty and slight sincerity.

"Now the real question for me is, why did you ask in the first place?" I shyly gazed at him, finally getting the courage to see his face. His cheeks were a soft red and he wore a more caring look despite what his voice suggested.

He takes another sip of his tea before replying to me. "Well, you're a beautiful woman and very intelligent. You've been one of my better partners and you haven't quit on my yet. You're determined, and we really seem to get along rather well. I figured it was worth a try."

I slightly blushed at his complements in his explanation to me and nodded my head as he gave me his reasoning. I honestly have been feeling something towards him lately, I just never really acknowledged it before.

"My turn for a question. Why did you agree to?" He asked as he looked into my eyes, leaning against the counter in the kitchen not to far away from the table.

"Mostly for the same reasons," I began as I glanced down at my lap, "you're a handsome person and are really good at what you do. You're really passionate about it too, and although you don't really show it much, you have a kind heart. I too think we get along really well, and I honestly think that I've had feelings with you for a while. I know it's only been a few months since we've really met and don't know each other out of work, but I just feel like we've known each other for much longer."

I heard no response and my mind immediately assumed the worst: I spoke to much and annoyed him. We aren't even 'together' completely yet and I already feel like I messed it up. I hesitantly looked up at him and my eyes widened as I saw his face.

Instead of annoyance with my words, his expression was genuinely touched. A few faint tears welled within his eyes and a soft smile creeps onto his lips.

"That... That's the nicest thing anyone's ever really said to me." He says with a slight break in his voice. I've never seen him like this before, he seemed so fragile and almost childlike.

"It's just the truth sir- I mean, Levi." I said with an embarrassed blush crawling over my face. I can't believe I just called him that.

He faintly smiled at me and sighed. "Well, until lunch comes, you should relax and get ready."

I smile back at him as I get up and head into my room, softly closing the door behind me. I almost couldn't believe what just happened to me, I was actually going to go on a date with him! I was excited but nervous, joyful but scared. I softly sighed and calmed myself down once more before I went to get into a nicer outfit rather than my other work clothes for the day.

(A/N): Thank you all for your patience! ❤️ It really means a lot! I didn't review it, so if there are any errors or spots that don't make sense, let me know! 😊

It was suggested to me a while back, but next chapter will be placed differently as a filler chapter! I think you guys will like it! :)

Until then, stay awesome everyone!

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