Styles Grace

By aurorascarzone

234 2 0


Author's Note
All About Me: An Introduction
Chapter 1: When It Really Hit
Chapter 2: Finding Her Treasure
Chapter 3: Returning Her Prized Possession
Chapter 4: Living On My Own
Chapter 5: My Home Town From The Beginning
Chapter 6: I'm Thankful For Him
Chapter 7: I Got To See My Family One Last Time
Chapter 8: Hanging Out With Friends
Chapter 9: Moving To London?
Chapter 10: It's Official!
Chapter 12: Working For Harry Styles
Chapter 13: Visiting My Old Town
Chapter 14: He's Been Attentive Lately
Chapter 15: Planning Everything Out
Chapter 16: Confessing My Love
Chapter 17: Moving Back To Florida?
Chapter 18: He's Been Acting Strange
Chapter 19: The Unexpected

Chapter 11: Living The Life In London

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By aurorascarzone

Hannah's POV

I've been in London for the past few weeks now, and I'm loving every single part of it. London is such a beautiful city, so I would understand why a lot of people love to come here and visit all the time. For the first few weeks, I've decided that I was going to tour around the beautiful city of London and see all the sights that I've only been able to see on TV or in pictures. First up is Big Ben. From the moment I saw this amazing structure, I was mesmerized. I expected Big Ben to be smaller than from what I've seen, but it's actually bigger than I expected. Next up is Buckingham Palace. I've always seen tourists come here, since it is where the Queen lives. From time to time, the guards will come out and do some kind of routine. Luckily when I got to Buckingham Palace, the guards were just about to do a switching of the guards routine. I am so happy that I got to see this because it made me so excited to see these things almost every other weekend. The next place on my list is Westminster Abbey, which is where Prince William and Kate Middleton got married. When I saw their wedding being broadcasted on TV, the church looked huge. But when I got to see it in person, it looked bigger than I expected. It is probably one of the most beautiful structures I have ever seen, internationally.

I took as many pictures at each destination as I could. The next place on my list was, definitely, Tower Bridge. This place was known to be one of the most known structures in London. As I was approaching the bridge, I couldn't help but take a bunch of pictures. Being able to see this bridge in person is just, amazing. After I was done, I went to a nearby cafe to grab something to eat. When I was at the cafe, I heard my phone going off in my bag. When I reached for it, I saw that it was Harry calling. "Hey Harry." I answered. "Hello Hannah. How is London so far?" He replied. "I am loving it so far. It's so beautiful here." I replied. "Are you moved in ok into my place?" Harry asked. "So far, everything is going ok. And your place is beautiful, by the way." I smiled. "Thank you. That's why I love my hometown so much. It's very beautiful there." Harry said.

After having a good conversation with Harry, I finished the last of my food at the cafe and headed out to the last few destinations on my list. There are only two more places/things that I want to visit. The second to last was the London Eye. Ever since I was a little girl, I have always wanted to visit London, and take a ride on the London Eye. When I arrived, I paid for my ticket and stood in line to get on. When it was my turn, I handed the teller my ticket, and he led me into a cart. Luckily, I was the only one in my cart, so I was able to enjoy some time to myself and see the view of London. After the ride was over, I got off and headed to the last thing on my list. The very last thing that I wanted to see, was a London Telephone Booth. Luckily I saw one that was close to the London Eye. I quickly made my way over to the one I saw, and I could feel that I had a huge smile on my face. I have always wanted to see a real-life Telephone Booth in London. I immediately took my phone out and took a bunch of pictures. I kindly asked a fellow London citizen to take my picture in front of the booth for me. After that was done, I went back to Harry's place, which is where I am staying now, and relaxed for the rest of the night.

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