Saturn meets Neptunia: The Be...

By Saturn_CPU

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Saturn begins on his journey, 30 years of waiting... an old enemy rises from the grave. Thought to be dead or... More

The Beginning
Alive Again & with the living.
New Evil Emerges
The Darkness is The Past
Family Until Death
Blood Finale

Leaning Towards a Future

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By Saturn_CPU

Narrator: The group have now arrived at Leanbox & now plan to proceed to the basilicom of Leanbox. What lays in Leanbox may tell what Saturn's past. It contains secrets that is not known.
Neptune: Can't wait to see Vert!

Noire: You say that every time that you're wanting to see a friend?!

Iffy: Ye-Yeah, she does say that a lot. She even said it when we were walking to Lowee to see Blanc & you!

Uni: Typical  figure of speech *sighs*.

Saturn: These girls can never be normal can they?

Nepgear: My sister can be normal occasionally, but only when she feels like it or when she transforms. 

Uni: *Giggles*. Ye-Yea right? She transformed just to ride on a roller-coaster once.

Nepgear: That was only because they wouldn't let her ride it in her human form because she was too short!

Saturn: You think that she could've just transformed to get on the ride & when it started, she could've just transformed back once the ride started?

Nepgear: Y-You make a reasonable point...

Uni: He's a little smarter than us.

Nepgear & Uni: *Both sigh & look down as disappointment in their intelligence level*.

Saturn: Well,... it's not like, she actually forgot about it.

Neptune: Don't be so sure Saturn, my buddy boy.

Nepgear: You really did forget? Did you?

Neptune: Nah... C'mon Nepgear, I just wanted to get on badly, that's all, and I totally did.

Blanc: As forgetful as ever. Neptune sure can make a hassle.

Rom: B-But, she's nice.
Narrator: The group has just gotten straight to the Basilicom of Leanbox & is now intervened by guards.
Saturn: *Withdraws only one sword*. I stand with my blade aside in my hand. 

Neptune: Woah...... take it easy bud! No need to get in a defensive play here, let me. oh dear, oh dear Leanbox guard, we are here to visit Vert.

Leanbox guard 1(Male): The Lady is busy at the moment & is not to be disturbed by any means.
Blanc: Is she playing those games again?! 

Nepgear: That'd probably be the best answer, but let's not just jump to that conclusion just yet.
Blanc: B-But, it is a high possibility. 

Noire: What is this? We are here for urgent business & we must speak to Vert right away.

Leanbox guard 2(Female): We can't let you. Sorry for your interruption, but we can't break our orders.

Saturn: I so desire your understandings of following orders, but in at times like this, a good soldier knows when to disobey his orders.

Leanbox guard 3(Commander): And so who you might be? 

Saturn: I am the Saturn, the son of the planet Saturn & I am among the rank of the CPUs or at least am able to withhold my ground against such beings. 

Noire: N-No kidding.

Uni: Couldn't have said that any better myself.

Leanbox guard 3(Commander): Still, I am sorry, cannot let y'all in unless word comes from Lady Green Heart herself.

Saturn: I had enough of this..... *A bright light ejects from Saturn's chest, as it just spawned like he was able to use magic & it makes the guards sleep even the guards further down the Leanbox basilicom*.

Leanbox guard 1(male): Wha?? Is this?

Leanbox guard 2(female): * drops to the floor*.

Leanbox guard(Commander): Are you a?

Saturn: Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. just go to sleep now, you'll wake up forgetting all about this. 

Compa: What did you just do!?

Noire: Did you just?!

Uni: Put them to sleep or actually just killed them silently?

Iffy: That sheer power, it was like.... it looked like a share crystal?

Nepgear: Shouldn't that be impossible?

Neptune: Let's let him explain.

Saturn: Their not dead, I just put them in a medical coma state. They're asleep for now, I only used a small percentage of my power to stabilize the effects, if I didn't then yes, they would be dead. No more time, we came to speak with this female named Vert, did we not?

Noire: Ri-Right, let's go before they wake up.
Narrator: The group now went up the Leanbox basilicom to meet up with Vert, however, they stumble upon one of Saturn's old frenemy.
What is in store? Let's find out.
Iffy: We made it, now where's Vert? 

Neptune: If we go to where her game setup room is, we easily find her.

Noire: For once, Neptune knows where to look. 

Neptune: Am I really that much of a slacker to you? I thought you liked that side of me.

Noire: I-It's not like that I dislike it, it's just that you're usually slacking off by eating pudding, sleeping or playing games. Which is what surprises me that you know where to find Vert.

Neptune: I get serious when I need to, thank you very much.

Blanc: Don't bother, I found her. 

Neptune & Noire: Wha!?

Blanc: In her gaming chair, asleep.

Everyone(expect Saturn): *Sighs*.

Saturn: Y'all be knowing it'd be like this huh?

Noire: Nepgear would you?

Nepgear: Huh? Oh right? Let's say that Vert loves to game a little too much.

Uni: More like, way too much.

*a few hours pass*.
Noire: Yo, Vert Wake Up! *shakes on her shoulder gently*.

Vert: *wakes up yawning*. Oh, you? And a few others here to talk or hang out with me?

Saturn: We must speak.

Vert: Who's this Mysterious new person?

*Saturn & Vert talk of what's happening, Saturn explains it all*. A creature called the
Vert: A creature called liqikous? Does Auberon want to wake it?

Saturn: Affirmative, well that was until I found some interesting new intel from one of my assassins.

Vert: Who is this assassin you say?

Saturn: He'll introduce it at the right time. I am one who doesn't get to say his name. 

Noire: Then what's the point?

Saturn: He must stay a low profile & stay in the shadows, by not saying who he helps keep him underneath the radar. 

Vert: What was this new intel, and I'll let your assassin come later.

Saturn: The new intel I got, not only does Auberon want to wake up & control the Likiqous creature, he wants a legendary sword from the planet Saturn. 

Neptune: What's this legendary sword name?

Saturn: If I knew, I'd say.

Noire: a sword with no name? Doesn't sound like a legendary weapon to me.

Saturn: Well Yeah.... however it hasn't been used or seen in over 20 million years & has only been used once throughout its entire life cycle. It was in the hands of Auberon's family but after years of corruption of its abusive handling, a group of warriors took upon their own hands & stole it. Burying it somewhere in the world. If it's taken by Auberon, he'll use it to wipe everything out at a fast rate with the help of liqikous. 

Compa: Wise Warriors & brave ones?

Saturn: They were..... they were my parents & some other families that had risen with my parents. My mother & father were the first to rebel against the old ruler of my world. 

Iffy: Who?

Saturn: Tethy... he was obsessed with taking every world & making others scrounge day today for food, water & other needs. He owned just about everything back then. My mother and father stood up & fought back forming the Resistance. Most of is history now, but we still follow its legacy.

Compa: What happened to your mother? 

Saturn: She...... sh.... she died after giving birth to my younger sister, Sachiko. 

Nepgear: You....?

Compa: I-I'm sorry for asking.

Saturn: It's fine... you didn't know. 

Nepgear: Where is your sister now?

Saturn: She? *Heres voices*.
*Event of how he arrived*.
Sachiko: Go! We can hold him off! 

Auberon: May run, but I have the patience to wait to find you!

Saturn: Sari! You better watch over her!

Sari: Sure thing, I won't have her get hurt any time.

Saturn: Hope not... *Teleports into a meteor*, oh? This is not good. Armor lockdown... it's going to enter that earth's atmosphere, the friction is going to burn me alive if I don't get inside the meteor. *Drills into meteor & activates his defensive shield power*. Not going to be a safe landing..... *Big Crash into Gamindustry.
Nepgear: Saturn? *Has her face close to his*.

Saturn: She? Sachiko stayed behind with Sari. They held Auberon back when I used my teleportation power. 

Nepgear: So does this legendary sword kill this liqikous creature?

Saturn: Fortunately yes, she is fine. The sword can kill it, we just have to find it.

Vert: This is definitely a dangerous path, but if we don't all of our worlds would be ending. 

Saturn: That is what I & a few others have been trying to do in the last few weeks. 

Ram: you've been fighting back for 3 weeks?! And who do mean others?

Saturn: Sari, Sachiko & my assassin, we've been the only four fighting back & not once made progress due to his force being one step ahead. 

Neptune: Who's those 2 you mentioned?

Saturn: Sari? Sari is & was a good friend of my family, she was such a great repair girl, knew how to repair from scratch, build new items & so much more. And Sachiko, she's my little sister, she can be sassy, but she tries to stay calm & ignores anyone who annoys her or she'll beat them up. She has the power of ice breath & shooting any element from her hands & mouth. 

Vert: Where are they now? 

Saturn: *Takes out symbol necklace of Saturn, a circle with an x in it with a ring around it representing the planet's rings & the x for the moons. The circle stands for blood, honor & resistance. Here's Sachiko's voice*.

Sachiko: *Flashback, static noises*. Go!! Now! We'll hold Auberon off right here!

Saturn: Th-? They stayed behind.

Noire: They?

Saturn: There was no other option left. But they're alive, I know so. 

Neptune: Nobleman, your sister & friends were. 

Iffy: Are you onboard Vert?

Vert: Indeed. I am now wanting to help Saturn. Hearing his story & the world at an emergency call, it is time to start building a team. 

*Leanbox Basilicom Gate*.
Behemoth: *Heavy breathing*

Leanbox Guard 1(Male): Hey! You! Stop right there!

Leanbox Guard 2(Female): you heard him!

Leanbox Guard 3(Commander): Any business here?

Behemoth: *Heavy breathing like a giant carnivorous beast*, just a tiny feast! *Picks up Guard 1*.
Leanbox Guard 1: Attack! *Stabs Behemoth*.

Behemoth: *stabbed in his neck*, tickles! Now I shall break yours *Literally crushes Guard 1's neck with one hand*. Must've been rubber & no bone! 

Leanbox Guard's(all): *Shoots*.

Behemoth: Time for feasting.... *Rushed all of the basilicom guards. They all scream as they get their organs ripped from their bodies. No guns or regular weapons could pierce his armor-like body*.

Leanbox Guard 2(Female): *Last surviving Guard, terrified & crying*.

Behemoth: You!

Leanbox Guard 2: *Looks up*.

Behemoth: *Picks her up by her shirts chest area*, I am not one to brutally kill a female... but I won't hesitate to do it if I desire! *Sniffs her, leaving blood drool on her face*.The fear I smell, get me inside or you'll meet my stomach. No alarms either! *Shoves her in front*.
Neptune: Did anyone hear shooting or any sounds of fighting going on?

Noire: Don't be ridiculous, we're in the Leanbox Basilicom, probably just Target practice. 

Saturn: *Tries to sense*. 

Leanbox Guard 2: Miss Chika?

Chika: Yes?

Leanbox Guard 2: There's Someone here to speak with Lady Green Heart & all of her friends.

Chika: Really? Aren't there enough guests as it is here? Taking my Vert from me?

Leanbox Guard 2: It's urgent.

Chika: Very well. *lets them up in the living area of Leanbox's basilicom*.

Leanbox Guard 2: C-can I Go now?

Behemoth: Not Just yet... *Gives guard, a methane blue grenade* take this & plant it close to Saturn & then you can go. 

Leanbox Guard 2: Okay.. *Walks in*.

Vert: Oh? You? Where's the guy you said that had an urgent message for me? It was to be delivered to Saturn actually & will be translated to you.

Saturn: Me? *takes message... instantly knows, it's a trap*. 

Leanbox Guard 2: Well, I better be off on my way.

Saturn: No wait!? *grabs her hand*, that blood? How'd you get it? I know I didn't hurt you, I only put you to sleep.

Leanbox Guard 2: I-I tripped...

Saturn: A simple trip doesn't leave massive amounts of blood. 

Behemoth: He knows! I must now! 

Saturn: Everyone, get down!!!! *Throws the grenade trap out the window*.

Behemoth: *Sets it off*.

*Methane grenade explodes*.
Saturn: Everyone Alright?

Leanbox Guard 2: *terrified, shaking*.

Saturn: Your Alright. *Gives her his hand*.

Leanbox Guard 2: *Looks Up, sees inspiration in him*.

Behemoth: *Rushes In, punches Saturn*. You did well, now you may leave as my meat cover!
Leanbox Guard 2: You never said that!?

Behemoth: I make the rules here! Unless you want me to devour you & every piece of you!

Leanbox Guard 2: I—-I'll do it.

Saturn: *Kicks Behemoth, Quickly Grabs Guard 2*. Don't listen! He'll eat you, even if you do work with him. Once your usefulness is done, he will devour you. He never swears on a promise, only for his hunger & Master.

Behemoth: *Charges at them*.

Green Heart: *Throws spear at Behemoth*. Back you foul beast!

Behemoth: *Rips spear right from his shoulder, all bloody & torn, as if he doesn't feel pain.*. Pain, I embrace through it! *Leaps at Green Heart & pins her to the floor*. 

White Heart: *Shows Up & whacks him using her hammer to the jaw*. Glad I showed up huh?

Green Heart: *Gets up*. Just nice timing.

Behemoth: Will does not stop me! *Rushes & jumps*.

Purple Heart & Black Heart: *Both hit him with their swords*.

Black Heart: Should leave!

Purple Heart: We outnumber you here!

Behemoth: *Gets up, Heavy breathing... spits out one of his front sharp teeth, it quickly grows back*.

Compa: Did He?

Saturn: Yes, his jaws are like a shark... he can lose as many teeth, but they quickly grow back. He has an infinite amount of teeth always ready to replace another. That's why he never cleans his teeth, he only uses water. 

Behemoth: *Rushes in*.

Saturn: *Left sweeps Behemoth, then uppercuts him with his fist*. Beastly lately?

Behemoth: *Gets up running at Saturn landing a punch sending him into the wall*. You weak then me!

Saturn: *Steps out of the wall with little injuries*, that all? Gotta do better than that to take down this 90 million-year-old warrior.

Behemoth: *Auberon contacts*.

Auberon: Not yet, I give it a 5-star rating. Come on back, you gave me the best gift I wanted.

Behemoth: B-but? I have them in my grasp! 

Auberon: You question my decision?

Behemoth: N-no, but?

Auberon: Then Return to me now! Or you won't get a blood feast.

Behemoth: *Growls*, will do! This isn't over, I will behead all you & next time you won't, none of you won't get to make a move. *Leaps off the Leanbox balcony*.

Saturn: We'll be prepared.

*The CPU's Return to human forms*.
Neptune: Brother was that tough. My legs are sore.

Noire: Quit your whining, it wasn't that tough. 

Blanc: Not the words, that I'd use... however he was quite a tank. 

Nepgear: Have you seen or dealt an enemy that strong before?

Iffy: Never have, least not since we fought the deity of sin. 

Saturn: *Puts away his weapons*. Behemoth is a beastly tank creature. 

Neptune: If you know how strong he is, you know how to take him down right?

Saturn: Not exactly. 

Neptune: No way?! You must know!

Saturn: I never have beaten him ever, only weakened & wounded him yes... but defeated no. His species comes from the caves of the Titan moon over Saturn. Lurking in the cracks & caves only coming out once a year. Behemoth though, he defied what his species lived by & joined Auberon, as he was promised his species would own Titan and a bloody feast. He always works for feasting rights, his species are & were lead as a matriarchy society, and he didn't like having to listen to his own grandmother of living by their codes. He was soon kicked out due to his rage & his lust for killing. He'd even killed his own brothers, he would've eaten his sister too, if it weren't for Arsenio. 

Noire: Are they related?

Saturn: Blood-related? No. But genetically, Yes. Behemoth is part of a subspecies connected to Arsenio's. 

Vert: We can discuss this, but let's rest for a while. Our wounds won't heal if we don't tend to them.

Noire: Right. 

Saturn: It's going to be a long night.. 

Ram: Tell us the story of how you got here! 

Rom: Storytime. Blanc always tells us a story.

Blanc: *Catches up with everyone*, I'm right here.

Rom & Ram: *Both get spooked*.

Ram: Geez, why do you always gotta sneak up like that?! 

Rom: Scary...

Blanc: Sorry about that. But, I am curious about how you got here Saturn.

Iffy: Don't forget the backstories.

Saturn: Well, gather around then... it's going to be a long story. 

Everyone: *Gets in front of Saturn ready to listen*.

Saturn: It started 90 million years ago.
Narrator: The next chapter will be all about backstories for our villains & new heroes. Don't be too disappointed to find out that some will be cut out to make time. That's it, see ya in 2 chapters from now.

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