The Secret Love: A Cedric Dig...

By Lizzie_Lolly45

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"I like you. It's doesn't feel like its nothing anymore." He said to the young brown hair caramel eyed girl i... More

Chapter 1: Quiditch World Cup
Chapter 2: Triwizard Tournament
Chapter 3: Plan of Action
Chapter 4: Plans to be Successful
Chapter 5: 4 Champions
Chapter 6: Midnight Note
Chapter 7: First Task and Revealing Stories
Chapter 8: Newspaper Relationships
Chapter 9: I'm Always There For You
Chapter 10: Date Drama
Chapter 11: Yule Ball
Chapter 12: Love Rebels
Chapter 14: The Second Task to Love
Chapter 15: All I want is You
Chapter 16: Tell The Truth The Hard Way
Chapter 17: The Truth and a Hogsmade Day
Chapter 18: Wanting More
Chapter 19: Conflict with Girls
Chapter 20: What's Stopping Us?
Chapter 21: Before The Storm
Chapter 22: The Third Task
Chapter 23/Ending 1: The Hurricane Hit
Chapter 24/Ending 2: The Rolling Black Clouds Hit
Chapter 25/The Final Ending: The Sun Comes Out
Chapter 26/Final Ending pt. 2: Cedmione Forever<3
Final Author's Note/The End

Chapter 13: It's Our Secert

3.6K 67 14
By Lizzie_Lolly45

   A/N: This chapter is rated M for sexual actions. It's about half way through this chapter but just to let you know. Also like the pic I used? Probably not. It's and edit of mine. Enjoy the story:-)

   Days went by after the Yule Ball night. Weeks went by and still nothing. Cedric and Hermione didn't see each other much after that night. They were with their friends a lot. Cedric went to hang with his friends and still trying to figure out what to do for the second task. Hermione was trying to help Harry but not to much not wanting her to be his ticket to success.
   "Harry the second task is a few days from now." Hermione exclaimed as they were walking through the hallways to their next class. "Just do what Cedric said to do. He's an intelligent person so you should trust him."
   "Yeah but Harry gave Cedric what the whole first task was about while he responded as a clue. Why would he do that?" Ron said to Hermione.
   "Ron! Maybe the second task is more difficult than the first." Hermione said back.
   "I'll go to the bathroom tonight." Harry said to Ron and Hermione. "How does that sound?"
   "Sounds good. Ron and I can help you after."
   On the way to Potions, the trio ran into someone. The girl that was in the library the same time as Cedric and Hermione was the Christmas Eve night.
   "Luna." Harry said to the girl that was leaning on the wall reading.
   "Harry, Ron, Hermione." Luna said as she took her specters glasses off to see them clearly. "Hermione, haven't seen you in a while."
   "Hey Luna." Hermione said. "Do you need anything?"
   "No I'm...surprised." She responded back.
   "Surprised of what?" Ron questioned.
   "I'm surprised that you haven't been with him in a while. You guys were always together in the library as often as you can. He would say he's studying when really he's with you Hermione." Luna said to answer his question.
   "Who?" Ron asked.
   "Wait, Mione is she telling the truth." Ron turned to Hermione.
   "I mean Christmas Eve night they spent the time together." Luna spoke up to say.
   "Ok I'm going to Potions now." Harry said as he quickly walked away to get out of drama.
   "Hermione, what do you do in the library." Ron said once Harry left them in the hallway that was now about empty.
   "We went out that night." She said quickly. "I didn't know Luna knew this whole time."
   "Well I guessed that after Max got a little curious of what Cedric was doing at the library so often." Luna said.
   "Ron it's not what you think." Hermione exclaimed then she ran to Potions.
   "Did I say something?" Luna asked Ron.
   "Oh you said enough Loo...I mean Luna." Ron said when he left."
   "Well I guess I did nothing." Luna thought to herself as she skipped away to Care of Magical Creatures.

   Lunch time came around. Everyone started to head to the Great Hall for their break until their last two classes began.
   "So do you have plan for the second task?" Lukas asked Cedric as they left Charms class.
   "I have a plan and hopefully it's going to work."
   "What is it?"
   "Bubble-Head Charm."
   "That's a good one to use also that's what I would do too."
   "I mean it not impossible it's...just...hard."
   "Yeah. What do you think the thing you'll have to look for will be Ced?"
   "Something important but I don't know."
   "Have you talked to her in a while?"
   "Not since the Yule Ball."
   "You know you really should hang with her more often. How many weeks has it been?"
   "Yeah, one to many weeks."
   "When was the last time you've seen Lynzie?"
   "Yesterday at Hogsmade."
   "Ok the time before that."
   "Two days ago when we hanged together after school."
   "Go ask her if you that interested. But that last thing to do is date her."
   "I won't I won't. You act like I want her."
   "No I don't besides what if Hermione wants you."
    "She doesn't cause he's with her friends."
   "Then why is alone in the Great Hall?" Lukas asked as he pointed towards the direction of Hermione.
    Cedric looked in the direction he was pointing his body towards the girl who sat alone with her nose in a book. No one was near her to talk to her nor was her friends around to see her.
   "It's your chance." Lukas whispered to Cedric.
   "I'm just doing this just so you this talk can end."
   "Whatever you say."

   Cedric walked over to Hermione and sat right next to her. She looked like she was really into her book.
   "Hermione." Cedric said.
   "Cedric, didn't see you coming." She said as she jumped up a bit.
   "What's you reading?"
   "Nothing important." She responded as she closed the book faced down on the table so the cover wasn't visible. "So how have you been?"
   "Alright. Wish I was with you sometimes."
   "Aww, that's sweet." She said as wrapped her left arm around his neck.
   Cedric wrapped his right arm around her waist. Not caring that other students were around Hermione scooted closed to him. Looking into his stormy gray eyes, Hermione couldn't know what else to do. Looking into her chocolate brown eyes, Cedric didn't know what else to do. Other than kissing, they had no idea what point they were. Hermione wrapped her other arm around his neck and she turned her position to be staring right in front of the pretty boy in front of her. The world around them seemed to stop. Sounds were only made from each other in this moment.
   "You know this I've never done right?" Hermione said.
   "You know I've never been in front of a girl like you before?" Cedric responded back to Hermione's statement.
   "You know I've never kissed someone in public." Hermione hinted.
   "You know I've never done this before." Cedric said before he leaned in for a kiss.
   Somehow the ailment of their kiss lined up within that two seconds. It was like they real first kiss you would want with the one you truly love. Tongues touched for a long time that it felt like forever. Cedric tearing away from Hermione, he stood up and offered his hand to Hermione wanting to take her somewhere. Hermione looked at it curious of what he had in mind this time.
   "Don't you trust me?" He asked her as she decided whether or not to follow him. "Promise we'll be back in time for the next class period."
   After that got into her head, she took his hand. Quickly, he lead the girl to the entrance of the outside area.
   "I had to ask you this outside so none of the professors would hear." Cedric said quickly painting a bit.
   "What do want to ask me then?" Hermione asked him back.
   "This may contain breaking a rule or two."
   "Ok what is it then?"
   "You and me in my common room after school? I know that's risky but I'll do anything to be with you."
   "Sure." She responded in return. Not knowing why she would break a rule for anyone like him but she committed to that.
   "Ok, meet me back here after classes ended."
   Cedric and Hermione returned to the Great Hall. Harry and Ron were there while Lukas, Max and Carson were at their table. They went to their own ways.

   That afternoon was something that the two couldn't stop thinking about. What was the plan to this afternoon on an average Friday. Hermione rushed to the place she was told to meet Cedric at after her last class. Once she got there, she saw him with another girl who he was talking to. Being the curious girl she was, she walked over to them as if she wasn't there.
   "Cedric." Hermione said.
   "Oh, hey Hermione." He responded back to her. "I'll get back to you later." He said to the other Hufflepuff girl.
   "Ok then." The Hufflepuff girl said then she walked away.
   "Who was that?" Hermione asked after she left.
   "A 'Flirty Girl' to sum it up. It's what Lukas, Max and Carson call them because they won't stop trying to impress you which gets very annoying at times."
   "Name wise I meant."
   "Of course, Madilyn MaCrackn."
   "Oh, I've seen her around. Also what does "of course" mean?"
   "Every girl is always interested in who the boy is talking to especially if it's a girl." Cedric said. He paused for a second before taking Hermione's hand. Holding in a way the fingers crossed each other. "Shall we go now?"
   The two walked together to the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room.
   "You sure no one will be in here?" Hermione asked right away.
   "Well we may have to make plan if anyone is in here but no one is usually here at this time." Cedric said as the door slowly swung open to reveal the Hufflepuff common room. "Let's go to my dorm where I know the others won't be back until 19:00 which is in five hours from now."
   "Well I can guess what it will look like."
   Cedric lead Hermione to a sixth year boys dorm that was his. He grabbed the door knob and twisted quickly and pushed open the door to reveal four beds in yellow. Hermione's eyes widen as she though the room would be messy comparing all boys can be messy all the time.
   "Was this cleaned recently?" She asked.
   "Nope." He responded popping the P a bit.
   "You sure?" Hermione asked with the look that only some girls gives when they don't believe in what they hear.
   "Yes I'm sure."
   "So how will you get me out of here?" She asked after she paused for a second.
   "I'll show you when it's time, unless you want to go now?"
   "No, I'm good here." She said as she walked herself to a bed. "This is yours right?" She pointed at the bed she was near at.
   "Wow, your the first to guess the right one."
   "What do you mean?"
   "My mates and I have brought almost every girlfriend we had and they always guess the wrong bed. You on the other hand, just guessed."
   "That's an achievement I would never thought I get." Hermione responded as she sat on the bed she pointed at.
   Cedric sat right next to her. Dead silence came to them. No words came out of either one of them. Hermione wrapped one of her arms around his neck and stared into the stormy grey eyes right in front of her. Cedric and Hermione's instincts told them they were more than just friends, they were soul mates. Desperately, Hermione took her chances and kissed him. Cedric accepted the hungry kiss which he's been wanting to do to her since the day of the first task.
   Neither one of them cared anymore about what was going on. They both let their bodies move at ease. Time felt like nothing anymore. Hermione tore away the kiss. Cedric watched with slightly widen eyes, Hermione pulling off her Hogwarts sweater only showing her naked self with her plain and simple cream colored bra on her then she laid back onto the bed they were on. She smiled at him to let him know she was alright and isn't going to regret her decision.
   Cedric has never had a girl who was this vulnerable as she was. A silent gasp came from Hermione when Cedric pulled the front of her bra down revealing her round breasts. He licked and gently sucked one of her nipples. Being more of a risk taker, Hermione unclipped her bra and threw it next to where her sweater was on the ground. Cedric looked at the girl who was known for being the good girl, now revealing half of her body to him. He gently let his fingers travel down her jaw line tracing her path down to her throat to the valley of her breasts. She gave a small smile back letting him know that she was alright.
   "You a virgin still?" He asked the girl.
   "Still am. You?"
   "I don't think for much longer."
   "I don't think so either."
   Both students gave a small smile to each other, knowing what they wanted to do. Hermione watch Cedric strip himself out of his clothing. He traced his fingers up her thigh pushing up the waistband to her skirt above her waist.
   "You sure you want to do this?" Cedric asked as his fingers pushed her panties down. "I haven't done this either. Also I want to hurt you. You're to beautiful to hurt."
   "I think we both want to do this." She responded. "You never will hurt me."
   "Who would have thought us two would be doing this breaking so many rules?"
   "Do we still have time?"
   "Loads of time left." He said as he took her panties off and threw them aside with a bit of Hermione's help of course.
   His fingers then inched up her thigh to the waistband of the skit. He then slowly tucked his fingers inside and slid it down her legs. Cedric spread her thighs apart so he could settle in. Hermione then wrapped her legs around his waist once he settled into her. They both sighed with their chests finally made in contact with nothing blocking them. Hermione looked at him. She kissed his forehead.
   "I'll be alright." She said to him.
   Cedric gave her a deep kiss before giving the first thrust from his hips. Hermione let a small cry out but it didn't effect her. It was more painful than she thought it would be.
   "You alright?" He asked. "It's supposed to be painful the first time." She nodded in response.
   From each thrust he did, both students lost their virginity to who they wanted to lose it from.
   Cedric made his way kissing her from her lips, down her throat to one of her breast. Hermione tangled her fingers in his hair as he had all his attention on her breasts. Her eyes were shut in her lost feelings. Soon he was buried deep inside her, thrusting hard against her tightness. He sat up on his knees and lifted her thighs onto his shoulders, pushing deeper into her. He saw the opening between her legs. Ready for him, tight, wet, soaked with the desire for him. Each thrust he did into her, he could feel the tightening. The most beautiful thing was right there in front of him. Neither one thought about anyone else by themselves.
    He lowered her thighs and wrapped them around her waist. He bent down to kiss her pushing himself deeper in her. Their bodies moved together. Each of Cedric's thrust pounded into her cervix causing Hermione to gasp with surprise. Kissing each other hard. Feeling each inch of each other.
   "Hermione." He whispered as he buried into her neck, sucking onto her skin.
   Increasing the finish off for the final thrust which then crashed into her tight and sensitive walls.
   "Hermione." He whispered again. "Just you and I."
   "Just you and I." She said back. "Cedric, you know I've loved you for a long time. Just hadn't had the courage to tell you."
   "I think your alright telling me now. I love you too Hermione." He said back giving her one more soft kiss. "It's our secret."

Summary: Something you thought would never happen so soon just happened to them. Just Cedric and Hermione not caring about anyone else in the whole school. Will the secret be safe? Will anyone find out? How will this effect their relationship? Find out in Chapter 14.

A/N: So, so, so sorry I haven't updated you in about two weeks and two days. This chapter took a lot of planing and thought whether or not I should do this or not but I decided I would. Hope you enjoy. Also thanks for the likes and reads. Comment your opinions if you want. They may be negative but I don't care.

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