「The Cousin」

By weebaesthetic

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「Kill la Kill」 "Mess with her, you mess with me. Try to bring death, and I will bring it." (2014) - I WANT TO... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 7

762 25 0
By weebaesthetic

Hoshi had found a tanktop in the ship, and took off her uniform immediately. Then, she grabbed the shorts she had stashed in the base and pulled them on. She pulled at the drawer of her nightstand and looked at the pieces of metal that had been broken apart.

She grabbed the pieces and held them tightly in her hand, before looking up into the mirror. The half of her hair that had been shaved had grown and even started to curl. There was no point in cutting it now.

She rushed to where Iori was working and pushed the door open. The blond continued his stitching, but cocked his head to show that he was listening.

"I need you to fix something for me." Hoshi said, walking beside him, and showing him the metal.

"How am I supposed to fix metal. I work with fabric, not metal." Iori told her.

"It can easily be pierced by anything when broken. All you have to do is sew it with Life Fibers." Hoshi told him.

"Why can't you fix it yourself?"

"Have you not seen me sew?"

"Show me how it's supposed to be sewn together." Iori sighed, stopping his work and turning to face a clean table. Hoshi placed the metal on the table. She placed it so it would form a circle. "What does this do?"

"It grants me more power." Hoshi replied, watching him grab a needle and Life Fiber threads.

"What's it made of?" Iori asked, as he pushed the needle through the metal with ease.

"Magically-altered steel and Life Fibers." Hoshi replied, turning to look at the blond boy. "Can you fix it?"

As Iori continued to stitch a smirk pulled at his lips.

"If stitching it is this easy, I'll have it done in seconds."

"Iori why have you stopped making progress on the uniforms?" Inumuta asked, opening the door.

Hoshi turned to look at the tealette, and gave him a wide grin. She looked back at Iori who continued to stitch metal together. Inumuta's eyes widened and he scrambled closer to the table to get a good look at the easily pierced metal.

"What kind of phenomenon is this?" Inumuta asked, trying to get closer, until a hand pushed him back.

"Easy, data-boy. It's magically-altered steel and Life Fibers." Hoshi smiled gently as she watched Iori sew the final pieces back together.

The Life Fibers merged into the metal and suddenly became solid. The two boys stared in wonder as Hoshi took it from Iori's hand. They were unsure as to whether she was using wind to make it float, but it began to float.

Black began to etch itself into the metal, showing the kanji for "Spirit." Hoshi grinned, before snatching the metal into her hands and placing it inside her scarf.

"I'll be using this later." Hoshi smiled, walking out of the room.

Inumuta immediately followed her as Iori returned to working on the uniforms. Inumuta began to smother Hoshi with questions.

"What does it do? How long have you had it? Why is it so easily pierced when broken apart? Why is "Spirit" etched into it? How did it etch itself? How was it enchanted? Did you get it from the Spirits? Why did you-" Hoshi slapped her hand over his mouth, giving him a soft smile.

"You're so obsessed with data. You'll see what it does later tonight, I promise." Hoshi smiled, ruffling his hair.

"You don't understand, Hoshi. This information is vital and a necessity! How am I supposed to know more about you?" Inumuta asked, following her retreating figure.

"Talk to me like a normal person?" Hoshi said, walking backwards so she could face Inumuta.

"I just want to get straight to the point, though. Learn everything quickly." Inumuta replied, as Hoshi spun around again.

"Where's the fun in that?" Hoshi giggled as they made it to the upper decks, while Ryuko and Satsuki got ready to transform.

"Who says learning about people had to be fun?" Inumuta asked.

"Boring." Hoshi pouted.

She watched as the girls left for the Original Life Fiber. Smiling she waved goodbye to the girls. It was a smooth ride, until something began to glow under the ship.

A humongous Cover appeared, carrying many humans. Images began to flash in Hoshi's mind.

A Life Fiber wrapped around her ankle, pulling her out of the window. Being underwater and almost drowning. Losing consciousness and Mizu being the last thing she saw before she couldn't hold her breath any longer.

That's why she was wet.

"Mako Mankanshoku, President of Fight Club, back in action!" The brunette shouted. "Don't worry, Ryuko! I'll keep everyone on this ship safe."

Everyone watched in pure awe as Mako defeated the monstrous Cover. As the people fell out of the giant, Hoshi snapped back into reality.

"Prepare to take notes, Houka. I think I have a little transformation I might want to try." Hoshi smirked slyly, as she took the metal out of her scarf.

As it begins to float, the five Spirits emerged from the scarf and enter the metal. The small metal circle emits different colored lights and finally the transformation begins.

The purple scarf unravels from Hoshi's neck and separates into two. They both begin to circle her body, making her transform.

Her shorts go from black to grey, and her boots turn black. Her tanktop disappears, and a silver and steel corset that exposes her midriff appears. As one scarf begins to grow and attach itself to the metal circle, the other wraps around Hoshi's neck. The other scarf wraps around her hips, and clips itself.

Hoshi spots where her blade is resting and smiles, as she prepares to fight the Covers that begin to attack. She slides down the ramp before landing on the ground, the heels of her boots making 'clacking' noises.

"Hoshi-chan?" Mako exclaims.

"Did you honestly think that you were going to fight alone?" Hoshi smiles, slicing at a Cover that charges for her.

She raises her arm, raising a generous amour of water, and freezes the water into a spear like shape. She begins to spin it, and proceeded to throw it at a row of Covers, making humans fall out of them.

"That piece of metal didn't really do anything but give her a pretty outfit. She still fights the same." Houka sighs, until something catches his eye.

Hoshi's veins occasionally become visible from colored lights. With a loud battle cry, she swings, and the veins in her right arm glow green as she frees even more humans.

"It allows her to control the flow of her Spirits in her veins." Houka muttered, watching a smile grow on the girl's face.

Mako ate while she fought, until the bullets from the Original Life Fiber stuck into the ship, causing an overwhelming amount of Covers to appear.

"Mako!" Hoshi shouted, reaching out for her friend, until a Fiber gripped her arm, and she couldn't shake it free.

Another grabbed her leg and then her waist. Another grabbed her other arm. The Fibers flipped her upside down, making Hoshi flail even more. The pressure around her arm began to tighten, causing the Fiber in to dig into her skin.

Hoshi hissed in pain, and her eyes turned into a ruby color. Freeing her left arm, she grasped the Life Fiber into her hand, and ripped it off. She began to rip off the rest of them, and she fell to the ground.

Standing up, she clutched her bleeding arm in her hand, but bent down to pick up her katana. Her scars began to glow, but her eyes were not visible, for her hair covered them.

"You drew blood, clothed bastards. I'll teach you to mess with me!" Hoshi screeched as she let go of her arm, and the wind blew her hair out of her face.

She began to attack without mercy. Somehow she kept the thought of the humans inside her anger filled brain. She attacked ruthlessly, and all everyone could do was stare, until they saw Ryuko get chopped in half as the last Cover was destroyed.

"Ryuko-chan!" Mako shouted, crying out for her friend who fell to the sea.

The Elite Four flew for Satsuki. Behind them, they heard the sound of lightning cracking down. They soon realized that they would be too late to save the disarmed former Student Council President.

Lighting struck down on the Original Life Fiber. Hoshi blocked the attack with her katana, and glared at Ragyo with red eyes.

"Where did you get such an awful outfit?" Ragyo hissed to her niece.

"You people and looks, I swear to god." Hoshi sighed, not even struggling to block the blade, as she held up her own. "To answer your question, it's a present from an old friend."

Satsuki stared in awe at the girl in front of her. Her cousin, again, protects her from harm. Hoshi turns her head to look at Satsuki, and her eyes return to their violet color.

"You're okay?" Hoshi asks, giving her a small smile.

"Of course." Satsuki nods.

"Catch, Satsuki-sama!" Inumuta yells, tossing her the two blades that once formed bakuzan.

Hoshi takes this as a cue to back off, and in a swift movement, she causes Ragyo to go flying back, and into Gamagoori.

"I am Lady-Satsuki's shield!" Gamagoori shouts, attempting to crush her. Ragyo dodges and just misses the hearts shot by Nonon.

"Look at how much your little Nonon has grown, Auntie Ragyo!" Nonon shouts. Sanageyama attempts to hit the woman.

"You think the blade of a blind man can hit me?" Ragyo asks. She watches a Life Fiber float by with wide eyes.

"This is the secret of my Secret Unveiled!" Sanageyama announces.

The five former Honnounji academy students attack the woman. While Hoshi begins to fight the Covers that the Original Life Fiber releases. She stops when she hears the rumbling inside the Life Fiber. Just as she turns her head, the S.S Naked Sun comes flying out of the center.

"You look like you can't comprehend what just happened. That comes as no surprise. After all, we are utterly incomprehensible." Ryuko shouts.

"The girl you considered a sham will thwart you. Humanity does not live for clothing." Satsuki adds.

The Original Life Fiber falls to the ground as Hoshi goes to jump onto the ship, the Elite four and Satsuki following her lead. They all land safely, and watch as it gets destroyed.

"Attention Honnounji Academy trash. The show is not over yet. Those Kamui and Idiotic Goku uniforms are the opening act. The headline act will be the ultimately chic and elegant fashion show ever created put on by the ultimate Grand Couturier and my ultimate model. Prepare yourselves." Nui announces, causing everyone to purse their lips.

As the giant Nui disappears, Soroi pushed out a cart full of tea.

"Soroi?" Satsuki questions her butler, but the old man just smiled.

Everyone begins to drink tea, laughing and socializing. Hoshi smiled, as she drank her tea, and played with her metal circle.

"What's it called?" Inumuta asked, as he watched her throw it into the air.

"They called it a pendant. They told me it would help me, when it came to using my Spirits. It controls the flow at a pace which my body can handle." Hoshi replies, as she places it back in her scarf.

"So you will not exhaust yourself?" Inumuta raises an eyebrow, collar opening as he talked.


"You didn't have the materials to fix it, so you waited."


"Is that all?" Is Inumuta's final question.

"That's really all there is to it. It's not a very special item, but it's very powerful." Hoshi told him. "Why don't you join the rest of the Elites? I be they're waiting for you."

"I thought you didn't want me to leave your side?" Inumuta smiles, as the girl rolls her eyes.

"Stop being such a smartass, and go join your friends." Hoshi tells him, pushing him away with her free hand.

"Still sensitive to hot drinks even with your eyesight?" Nonon teases.

"Shut up!" Sanageyama shouts.

The Elite four and Iori raise their cups, preparing to throw them down. It would signal that they were ready for battle and death.

"Don't break these cups. We do not go to our deaths. We will return here alive and enjoy another cup of this tea. Right, Soroi?" The man just nods his head.

"You're coming along?" Ryuko asks Mako.

"Yeah! What would be the point of just staying here? I want to see it to the end!" Mako exclaims.

"And if you get injured, we'll sue the Kiryuin Conglomerate." Her father smiles.

"Have some croquettes for the trip!" Mrs Mankanshoku smiles.

"We leave her in your hands. Just know, that if anything happens to her, we're suing the Kiryuin Conglomerate till they go bankrupt." Mr Mankanshoku tells Satsuki.

"I'll keep it in mind." Satsuki smiles. "Cherish this family and don't let their love go to waste. It makes up for our messed up one."

"Who said this family isn't messed up either?" Ryuko replied. "Who said I didn't want you a part of it?"

"Yeah, Satsuki." Hoshi smiles, wrapping an arm around her cousin. "I wouldn't protect you if I didn't care."

"I see." Satsuki says, as she reaches for what would allow her to transform. Hoshi let's go of her. She and Ryuko both transform, along with everyone else. "Let's go take back our Academy!"


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