The geek and the mafia

By mikeyrj24

3.6K 103 6

"This is what is wrong with me " he grab the side of my face with huge ass hand pull my face to his and put h... More

About me
First day out


696 22 0
By mikeyrj24

Pj pov

"So you are telling me that Leo the Leo your best friend kiss you and said  that he is in love with you and you feel the same way"  says my best friend sam she been my best friends for the last 10 years and I love her like a sister

"Yes .....yes I am I got to talk to him about so we can figure this out I don't want to start dating I want to be friends first then become couple " As I put my homework away

"Okay okay I get what your saying anyway did you do you homework"

"Yes and my missing work because I almost failing most it not all my classes this year is hard after the twins brith it's been hard "

"Good good gotta go bye love see you tomorrow "

"Okay bye love too Sammy "

I hurried up call Leo so we can talk

"Hello" a deep voice say on the other end of the line

"Um is this Leo "I ask unsure

"Yes and pj what happen earlier I am sorry "

"It okay should know I don't stay mad or hold grudges and Actually I called to talk to about that " as I bite my bottom lip it this one of my many nervous habits i have

"What about that "

"Umm I love you too and I want go out with you but first I want us to be friends then work up into being a couple scene you been gone for so long "

"Yes I guess and do you really mean it "

"Yes I mean. I really do love you  more  Friends "

"Pj getting your ass down here and do these damn dishes "my mom yelled at me

"Okay mom "

"Umm okay I got to go bye " i hang up with hearing him say good bye I run downstairs to hurry up get back to my room Finnish this. Book  on wattpad it about a girl and she get kidnap and her dad cuts out her baby it a really good book I feel like my eyes getting sleepy and I am  surrounded with darkness


The next morning I wake  with Leo staring at me from my beanbag chair

"Why in hell are you In my room Leo you scared " I hurried and cover my bottom half I was wearing booty shorts and tank top

"Well I climbed in side your bedroom window " him and smsrt ass mouth

"I meant why are you in my room and how long have you been there" i lean against my head  board

"I'm about six minutes "

"Okay do mind like leave or turning around so I can get ready for this program and don't come in my room with just to watch me  "

" okay I will do that okay bye I call you "

I can't my phone will be off so Umm  I call you right after we get done "


I get a text message from zack  my friend that is boy he help me study and able pass my freshman year

Zack what you doing this weekend

Pj Nothing but ccc trip I text guy when I get done

"Who is we that you are texting " says possessively

"It nun of your business but it zack and he is help " I watch as his face get red "Why is it any of business you agree that we start as friends and nothing more nothing less u yelled at him

"I guess you right   " he jumps out  my window I ran to the window to see if he okay because when ever we get into   argument he do the things like   get into fights

I hurry up got dress before I missed the city bus because I do have a car won't take the  bus and it comes in the next 20 minutes . I hurry up got in the shower I picked out what I am wearing is some black leggings and And red long shirt hey go little higher then mid thigh


I have one min till the bus  comes I rush out the door  with my snacks , phone , and purse and run down the block so I don't  miss the bus

I made it as the bus is just made it on time I paid and sat in the back and. Check my phone  texts frome


Were are

Are coming

Bitch hurry the fuck up

If. It here not the next ten minutes your ass is grass


I am sorry call me

I just had a bad day

I am so so sorry

Kim another good friend of mine knew her sense the sixth grade and I had her back and sh she's mines

Were you at

Did you bring food
She always hungry but don't gain no weight


Want go to them mall

Lil sis

Mom said get some milk

And I got some voicemail from
Leo (10)

I look inside my bag for my iPhone headphones and plug it into my phone


Umm I called to tell you sorry and that do you want go to the mall

I am sorry but answer the phone

Why aren't you answering any of my my calls

The rest of the voicemails go on the same way


Were are you the bus is leaving i the next 10 minutes and don't forget the snacks

I deleted all  the voicemails and text back

I am on my way and I got you in food

I accept your apologies but can't talk to u later

Lil sis

when I get back I call you later

When I got done texting  them  it was my stop I got off and ran  to the bus before they left me

Mrs .king come off th bus with her clip board" it took you long enough now  hurry up " damn she all ways had that means ass attitude

I hurry sat next to Kim "so what took you so long " she says taking pictures on Snapchat

"Umm Leo ...... see what happen was that he woke up me up and he scared shit out me and got into a aruement "

" So you blame Leo instead you should be thanking  him if it wasn't for him you would not be here would you " question me

"Umm I guess "

"Okay than "she says as she flips   her long  weave   over her shoulder "did you get my snacks"

"I what  do mean bye your snacks it my snacks "I snap back playfully I back and hand over her snacks  that I got her

Skip the trip

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