Pentatonix sickfics

By PTX-Awsome-Sauce

4.6K 62 34

There are not enough sickfics so I decided to make that better. I take requests!!! More

Avi- Stomach Flu
Everyone- Chicken Pox
Kevin- Birthday Illness (Avin)
Avi- Birthday Illness Pt. 2 (Avin)
Scott- Asthma (Scomiche)

Kirstie- Fever Dream

781 13 4
By PTX-Awsome-Sauce

Lmao sorry for the wait. School's been tough.

" Kirstie? Are you feeling alright?" She heard Scott ask. She realized she had zoned out the whole car ride to the hotel. She had felt tired all day.

" Yeah I'm just tired." She said, followed by a few coughs. Scott frowned and felt her forehead.

" I think you have a fever. Does your throat hurt?" He said. She sighed and nodded. She hated being sick especially on tour.

" You know the drill. Complete vocal and physical rest." Esther said as they pulled up to the hotel. Kirstie nodded and got out of the van. She made her sore body up to her hotel room.

" Kirs, I have some tylenol from Esther." Mitch said. Kirstie silently thanked him as she took it. She entered the room, changed into her pajamas, and collapsed into bed.

Kirstie woke up to a hot, dry feeling. She grumbled something about the temperature in the hotel. She opened her eyes to find herself in a desert. She lept out of bed into the sand and looked around. Off in the distance, she could see someone walking.

" Hey! Hello? Can you hear me?" She shouted. The person turned around and Kirstie sprinted toward them. As she got closer, she recognized the figure as Kevin. She smiled at the familiar face.

" I'm so glad to see you Kevin." Kirstie said and he smiled.

" What are you doing out here? It's not safe." He asked.

" I just woke up here. I don't know what's going on."

" Well just come with me. I'm going to a wise sage for advice. He could help." Kirstie nodded and joined Kevin.

After what felt like an eternity, they reached a forest. They fought through the thick foliage until they reached a clearing. Sitting in the center was Avi. He was twirling vines together.

" Avi! What are you doing here?" She blurted. Kevin looked at her quizically.

" You've never heard the legend of Avriel? He's got this connection with the trees and all nature. He's very wise and is known for advice." Kevin explained. Kirstie nodded and approached Avi.

" Speak traveler." Avi said.

" Avriel, I'm lost. I was in bed and then I woke up in the desert. I came here with Kevin, hoping to find a way home." She said.

" You are within yourself. The way home requires two more stops. I will show you the path to the next stop." He said. He stood up and bent down to the ground. He whispered something and a tall tree began to take form. It stretched way above the clouds. Kirstie staggered backwards.

" Are you telling me to climb that?" She exclaimed.

" It's the only way." Avi said. She sighed and accepted it. She said goodbye to Avi and Kevin and began to climb.

She climbed and climbed for ages. In hindsight, she really didn't know how to climb but she made it to the clouds.

" What, how do clouds work here? Can I stand on them?" She asked. She gently lowered herself to find she could indeed stand. She looked around to see people flying around. One of the winged people lowered down to her. She recognized him as Mitch.

" What are you doing up here?" He asked.

" Avriel sent me up here." Mitch nodded at that.

" I can take you to your final stop but let me show you around." He said. Kirstie was beginning to get frustrated with this whole journey.

" Why am I going to all these stops? What is the point?" She exclaimed. Mitch turned around and scoffed.

" Girl I don't know. I'm just here to make sure you pass on through." He said. Kirstie huffed and followed Mitch. He showed her all around the clouds.

" This is nice and all but I need to go home. Can I just go to the next place?" She demanded.

" Sheesh and I'm called a diva. Well, come on let's go." He said, picking her up.

" Wait what are you doing?" She asked as Mitch dove below the clouds. She began to scream as they accelerated.

" Will you shush? I'm trying to concentrate." He said. She muffled herself to the best of her ability. He began to look around for the final stop.

" See that lake down there?" He asked. She nodded. " I'm going to drop you in there. Don't worry, you'll be fine." He said. Before she could protest, he let go.

She screamed the whole way down. Once she hit the water, she fought the thick weight dragging her down. Suddenly, she felt a pair of strong arms lifting her up. She surfaced and gasped for air.

She turned around and saw Scott. He gave her one of his smiles.

" Congratulation Kirstie. You reached the last stop." He said.

" What was the point of this?" She asked.

" Oh there wasn't a point." He said. She felt her blood boil.

" I did all of this for nothing." She said sharply.

" Yeah, pretty much. Do you want to go home?" She nodded vigorously. Scott covered her eyes and counted to three.

Kirstie woke up suddenly and covered in sweat. She sat and realized that she felt 100% better. She checked the time to see it was 7:34. She should get in the shower and meet the others at breakfast.

She texted everyone that she was feeling better as she went to breakfast.

" Kirstie!" Mitch cried. She looked at the rest of the band and began to laugh.

" What's so funny?" Kevin asked.

" Trust me. You don't want to know." She said, giggling.

If you can comment and favorite that would be fantastic!!!!!!

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