Alternate Soul

By lanfear619

1K 100 39

Shannon found her in the desert in the dead of night. Her entry into their world was the change to the timeli... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 3

42 3 1
By lanfear619

The next two weeks were a blur. They crammed her head full of knowledge she never even dreamed possible. They taught her some martial arts so she could protect herself should the need arise. They also trained her in the use of weapons even though she wouldn't be taking any with her. They trained her in interrogation techniques that were used by the military and terrorist groups. They said she needed all this to toughen her up because she needed to be strong in body and mind to handle what may come.
She and Robert became closer. He told her about himself and his family and how he came to work for Galaxy Research. He also told her that after an accident he had decided that he wouldn't be going on any of the missions instead he would train others. She didn't pry into what that accident was she felt it was still too painful for him even though it happened 20 some years ago.
It was a few hours before launch. Robert had told her early on that the craft she would be in was automatic so she didn't need training on it. She found that strange because she should have at least been taught emergency procedures. But he had promised she would understand when he explained everything today.
She was getting the idea that this mission didn't really involve going into space. They hadn't showed her any star charts or explained cryogenic sleep or anything close to it. She knew enough about space travel that it would take years to reach another galaxy.
They were sitting at the table in Robert's room eating hamburgers. It's what she wanted for her last meal here on "Earth".
Robert was staring at her trying to figure out the best way to go about telling her what this mission was all about. Haley was very smart and he figured she was catching on to what it was all about already. So, it shouldn't be too big a surprise. So, he decided to just be straight forward about. She would want it in normal speak as she says, not geek speak.
"Haley, it's time for me to tell you everything. You have to understand that we had to wait until the very end like this in case you insisted on backing out. So, I'll ask you one last time before I go on. Are you sure this is what you want to do?"
Haley swallowed hard and she thought about it. "Yes, this is what I want Robert." She was sure. She was ready.
"Ok then, the best way to tell you about the mission is to tell you about me and my sister." He looked down at the floor for a minute and then at Haley. His eyes were full of pain and yet full of hope. Robert started at the beginning.
He and his sister Jessie came to work for Galaxy Research 25 years ago when they had just turned 16. They had just graduated college. They were twins and geniuses. They had and extraordinary connection. Growing up they did everything together. They were going to go on this mission together but two days before launch Robert was hurt when a piece of equipment they were working on malfunctioned and exploded giving him a concussion. So, he couldn't go. Jessie was determined to go anyway. The mission went on as scheduled but with just her. He lost part of himself that day.
It was supposed to be time machine that could make the jump into the future but it didn't work. Instead they think it went into an alternate reality. They believe this because evidence should have been found over a five-year period after the first jump but nothing was found. They had every expert in the field at the time and since go over every bit of data that they had and the alternate reality was the only answer.
Since becoming CEO 10 years ago he had put all their available resources into finding a way to communicate with the alternate realities. They had come up with a possible way to communicate now but had no way to test it. This is where Haley came in. She had the intelligence and mental capability to make this work. They had worked with her to strengthen her mentality and had been successful. She had improved greatly.
Once she was over there she would use a pendant as a beacon of sorts. She would go into a deep trance or dream like state and be able to communicate with Robert who would also have a beacon of his own. Of course, this is all in theory no one knew if it would really work. If it did then they could begin finalizing the work on bringing her back to this reality.
"So, what do you think?"
Haley didn't know exactly what to think. Her mind was trying to make sense of what he had just told her. Could this really be possible?
"Are you sure this is for real? I'm not just dreaming this right? You just told me that I'm going to go into an alternate reality, right?"
"Yes. This is real." Robert said hopeful. She was turning white and holding her head in her hands. He could tell that this was taking a toll on her. He just hoped she wouldn't back out now. She was the first person they had found that could and would do this.
"So this is what all the meditation and dream control training was about. I just thought you all were trying to throw me off the trail of what was going on here. Glad I paid attention." She laughed.
Robert let out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Does that mean you're still going to go?"
"I've come this far and it's just too interesting to pass up. I mean I get the chance to see what's on the other side. Maybe it's a better place. I hope it's not worse." Haley jumped up excited. "Maybe Sean and Drew are still alive and I can find them!"
"Wait! Hold on, Haley!" Robert grabbed her arms stilling her. "You have to be very careful about that. If you do find them. If your alternate self is there it could cause all kinds of paradox. We just don't know. Not to mention they may not be the same. It is an alternate reality."
Haley backed up against the wall and slid down. She didn't cry. She didn't have any tears left to cry. He was right. They would be different. They wouldn't be her Sean and Drew they would be alternate Sean and Drew. All her hope was gone, the sadness was back. Robert came over and sat next to her. She leaned against him.
"Haley, you are one of the strongest people I have ever met. You have been through hell. I don't know how you have survived. I don't think I could have. Think about it. You survived losing your parents, your first husband almost beat you to death, and then you lost the love of your life and child. I don't know anyone who could make it through that. Your about to go on the adventure of a lifetime as you say. You could start all over again. Make a new life, find love again and have a family your only 33. You still have time." He didn't know what else to say to encourage her, to bring her back from wherever she was in her mind.
Haley heard everything he said she was just lost in herself. She sat for a while longer and then the thought popped in her head.
"You know I may not be able to get my family back but I might be able to get yours back." She turned and looked at Robert. "Your sending me to exactly the same coordinates as Jessie, right?" Robert nodded. "I'll find Jessie for you. She has to be there somewhere. She's smart so she won't be with you, but I'll bet she'll be close to you. If you're as close as you say she won't be able to stay away for long. She'll have to make sure you're ok." Haley jumped up excited once again.
"Well, come on, let's get this show on the road!"
Robert couldn't believe what he was seeing. One second she looked like she was dying the next she was jumping up and down with excitement. He followed her down to the launch area.
On the way, he explained more about how they thought alternate realities worked. How small little things someone did could change everything. The world could be completely different from here or it could be almost exactly the same or anywhere in between. Time should have progressed at the same rate as here. So, 20 years should have passed there as well.
When they reached the launch room he strapped her into the launch chair.
"Ok we aren't quite sure exactly what you're going to feel but I'm sure it's not going to be pleasant." He laughed "Here is your pendant." He leaned over and whispered in her ear. "I wasn't supposed to do this but I put a picture of Sean and Drew inside. It's a trick lock. You'll figure it out." He kissed her forehead.
"Robert, I know you're not allowed but could you somehow let Sandy know what's happening? I know she's worried about me. I want her to know that I'm ok."
"I'll do what I can" He started walking away but stopped. "Haley, thank you. When you find, Jessie tell her that I love her and I miss her" He turned and hurried out of the room he didn't want Haley to see him cry.

Launch countdown was down to 20 seconds.
Well here we go. If I die thanks for my chance at life. If not, it's time to start over. Here's to a new beginning.
Robert was talking over the speakers now.

5! deep breaths relax
4! relax you'll be fine
3! breath
2! good luck
1! see you later Haley

Everything sped up around her and stretched out. Colors became very bright and vibrant. She could see a bright light heading for her. Everything was shaking, she felt like her body was stretching and pulling apart. God her head hurt. The bright light enveloped her and then nothing, everything went black.

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