Helpless Angel

By abb140

711K 10.2K 3.1K

"W-What have you done to H-Harry?" "No need to worry about that now; you're my baby girl." "I'm not a baby." ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Sneak Peek of Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Sneak Peek of Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Nineteen
New Story!!
Another New Story!!

Chapter Eight

30K 457 142
By abb140

Zayn's POV 

We're back to square one.

Seeing Harry freaking Styles on the TV completely made me lose all progress I had made with Evelyn.

She was slipping. She was trusting. And she was little.

How could I have been so careless? Now it will take twice as long to get her to fully slip.

I'm afraid to get her out of her crib for fear of a full blown tantrum, but I'm gonna have to face the mess I've made eventually.

I step into her nursery and see her sleeping peacefully in her crib. 

"Evelyn, darling. Wake up, sweet pea." I say gently, hoping she wakes up in a good mood.

Her eyes flutter a little before fully opening. I carefully lift her from her crib and into my arms. 

I can tell she's not fully awake yet as she doesn't fight me checking her diaper. All the way down the stairs she doesn't say a word and she doesn't fight me.

Maybe she forgot?   

Finally as I set her in her high chair she utters one word. 


She looks so confused. I wish I could look into her little mind and see what it is she's thinking about. 

Is she torn between Harry and I? Does a part of her want to stay and another want to go?

It's hard to tell, but all I know is... That I'm gonna make her love it here. I'll make her forget about Harry, all she'll ever need is me. 

After breakfast, I set her in her baby swing in front of the TV. She doesn't fight it at first, but after about a minute she starts whining. 

I bend down to her level and say, "You want out, baby girl?"

She nods her head.

"Tell Daddy, sweetheart. Use your words."

She shakes her head.

"Evie baby, I wish you would talk to me. I want to make you feel better. I know you're probably confused after seeing Harry on the TV last night, so let's talk about it. Please." I reason.

"What is there to talk about? Harry's looking for me and I want to go home. I don't wanna be here anymore, I never did. I just... got distracted." She replies with a furrow in her brow.

She's not sure what she wants, I can tell. After seeing Harry so upset over her, she's now questioning giving in.

"Evelyn, you love it here. Remember your play date with Charlotte? And the yummy pancakes we eat together for breakfast? Daddy takes care of everything for you and you love that. I understand that you still love Harry, but you can't deny the fact you love it here too."

"I-I do like it here, but I m-miss H-Harry." Tears well up in her eyes and soon she's crying.

"Baby..." I try to reach for her, but she pulls away.

"It's wrong to like it here. I'm not supposed to like it, I'm not!"

"There's nothing wrong with liking to be taken care of, Evie. It's okay, I promise." I lift her onto my lap and she hides her face in my neck.

"H-Harry would h-hate me if he s-saw me like this."

"If Harry truly loved you, he'd accept you for who you are. There's nothing wrong with us, baby. I love you, Evelyn."

After a few minutes, she leans back and looks me in the eye with a scowl on her face.

"What is it, little one? What's the-" I start to say, but am interrupted by Evie jumping off my lap and sprinting towards the front door.

Not again.    

She can't get out what with the tall gates guarding the front, the electrical fence in the backyard through the woods. Not to mention some of my gang members guard outside my house. 

There's no getting out and there's no escaping

Because of all those reasons, I don't feel the need to constantly check to make sure the front door is locked. And luckily for Evelyn, this is one of the days where I forgot. 

I walk to the front door and see her hiding behind a bush.

"Evelyn Claire, come here right now. I know you're confused, but I need you to come back inside. I won't have to punish you if you come in now, but if not, you will." I have to lay down the law at some point.

"I love Harry not you!" She shouts.

"Baby, who you love right now is not relevant at the moment. It's a matter of do you want to get punished or not."

She's silent.

"You've got five seconds. One, two, three... Evelyn Malik, I'd hurry up if I were you."

She gets up and sprints as I say, "Four." And she's in the house by, "Five."

"Good girl. Since you decided to obey, you won't get any spankings, but I think you deserve a timeout for your second attempt at escaping. Daddy's warned you before so you know better."

She nods solemnly. 

"Ten minutes in the corner, baby girl. I'll come back to get you then. The rules of corner time are no talking and no getting up from your seat, do you understand?"


"Good girl. Go on now."

She scurries to the corner and plants herself on the little chair. I watch her for a few minutes to make sure she'll stay until I decide to call an old friend of mine.

"Hello?" He answers.

"How are you mate?"

"I'm good, I'm good. What're you calling me about this time?"

"Do you have something that could erase part of someone's memory?"

"Yes, I do. Is this for your new little?"

"Yes, there's a certain someone I want erased from her memory."

Author's Note: (PLEASE READ)

Hey guys!    

So, so sorry for the late update! I went to the beach for a week and things have just been really crazy. 

When I came back I saw so many votes from you guys and it just brightened my day so thanks for that!

I'm gonna try to give you guys at least two if not more updates this week to make up for it. And... I'm going out of town again next week so I'll try to squeeze in as much as I can for you guys. Thank you so much and don't forget to vote, comment, and share!

By the way, today's my birthday. I'm fifteen today. :)

~Abbie Grace

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