ToO uNsUrE tO mAtE

By CozyBXBLover

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Copyright © 2017 by CozyBXBLover. All rights reserved. ::.Sequel To 'Too Young To Mate'.:: Eddy life is co... More

Chapter 1: Eddy
Chapter 3: Peter
Chapter 4: Kyle (Part 1)
Chapter 5: Kyle (Part 2)
Chapter 8: Kyle
Chapter 6: Peter
Chapter 7: Eddy
Chapter 9: Peter
Chapter 10: Eddy

Chapter 2: Kyle

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By CozyBXBLover

Welcome Home

"Home sweet home." Cole said as we drove down the rocky path to our new pack camp. We had made it back early then expected. Twelve in the afternoon and I was beyond pumped. It was really hard to find the path and Cole was about to just give up and drive through the woods. But, I had ended up spotting it. The pack camp seemed like it was very far out for any civilization because the last town we passed was maybe 3 to 4 hours away. And this path was really had to find. I guess they hid well. We drove for about an hour down the path then came up to a big black iron gate. was connected to two big post with lighting lamps on top of them. There was a security box were two young guards walked out of on the other side of the closed gate and I nodded.

"Wow. Impressive." I teased. Cole rolled his eyes at me as we came to a stop at the front of the gate. The two young male guards we didn't recognize smiled as they let the big gate creak open slightly enough for the smaller guard out of the two could pass through, when they seem to recognize Cole and me.

"Oh! Alpha." The young guard said towards me in a surprise tone. "Head leader in command." He bowed slightly to Cole. "We weren't expecting you until the end of this month." He said flipping through some papers on a clipboard he was holding.

"We decided to come back a little earlier then that." Cole said in a authority voice i've never heard him use. I looked at him with a bemuse face and shook my head when I saw him glaring at me from the corner of his eyes as I held back a laugh.

"Look, it's nice meeting you and all but could you let us thru. I'm tired and I want to see my best friend and mate..."

"Oh! Of course." He quickly cut me off. He looked over to the serious looking guy behind the gate. "Open it up. It's the alpha and head commander." He told the guy, who immediately bowed towards us and quickly ran into the security booth, then opened the gate. Cole thanked him and started to drive through.

"Wait!" I yelled and Cole came to a quick stop sending both of our bodies flying forward. I looked over at him surprised and he was glaring at me full on.

"What Kyle?" He fumed. I looked at him innocently.

"I just wanted you to tell him not to tell anyone we're here." I murmured. Cole smacked his lips.

"He knows that." He said waving me off and went back driving on. After about thirty minutes the pack ground came into view. I smiled looking over all the houses and small stores. I swear it looked like a small town that was hiding in the middle of the woods. There were different streets with signs showing which ways to go for different things when you first pull into the pack camp. One pointed straight ahead that said beta and alpha's living quarters. I looked over at Cole, as my nerves started to pick up. He smiled over at me then ruffled my hair.

"You'll be okay silly. I'm sure they missed you." He tried to assure me. I scoffed. He didn't know that for sure. I hadn't talk to Eddy in a year and he didn't even know I was coming home. I hadn't talk to Leo at all since the day I had gone from the old pack ground. So if you really looked at it. Everything probably was going to be a complete mess.

"I'll drop you off at the Alpha's first then, i'll go see my family and spend time with them to give you and him some time alone, then tomorrow i'll come over and pay my respects." He said as he started down the dirt road towards Leo. I took slow steady deep breaths. I thought I was going to be really excited to see him. But now... Now, I was feeling hell of nervous. As we drove down the road slowly, I notice that the pack seemed to have grown and everyone was more lively then when me and Eddy were younger. Young kids were playing on the streets while their parents went shopping from store to store. Teen boys were playing basketball at a gated court that was set up next to a big lake where a few teen girls and boys were playing in the water, while other sat on the shore line talk and tapping away on their phones. Everyone seemed really happy and free. It was a nice sight. I always knew Leo and Max were going become great leaders and make everyone feel safe. Stuck in thought I didn't even know we had stopped. "I think this is it." Cole said turning off the engine.

I peeked out his side of the window and looked over the house. It was slightly bigger then the other ones we had passed. It was a two story and the color of it was a bright yellow. There were big bay window on the first level and regular single windows on the top level with white out linings. I don't know about the back and side of the house since I could only see the front. There was a big white wooden porch in front of it. With a stone marble path that lead up to some stairs from the street. The door had seemed to be open, but the white screen door was close. At least I knew he was home. "Come on get out." Cole ordered softly as he pushed me towards my door and got out the SUV first. I hesitated for a bit.

I was mostly scared then nervous now. I mean I had left my alpha mate without telling him where I was going. I stayed hidden away from him for five years without contacting him once... I couldn't see how he'd be happy to see me. I sighed inwardly. I heard Cole open the truck and I looked back at him, then turned my body around in the seat with one of my elbows resting on the head of the seat I was sitting in. "Hey." I called towards him.

"Hm?" He answered without looking up at me. I looked down at the back seat and paused for a bit before deciding I should just ask.

"Do you think umm... Do you think Leo will be happy to see me?" I murmured. Hoping he didn't catch the pathetic way my voice sound. His lips turned into a deep frown and I knew right there he caught it. My face felt like it had done caught on fire as he looked up at me and his frown went into a small smile as he notice me blushing.

"If I know Leo and trust me I do, i'd say the word happy will be an understatement." He teased. I scoffed and smiled.

"You think so?" I asked with a big grin spreading across my face. He laughed.

"No, I know so." I shook my head at how childish he was being, but kept the smile on my face. Over the five years I was away from home Cole was my beam support. He kept me standing. Because of him I didn't cave in. Which means he's the reason I'm still standing here today, ready to see my mate again and start my new life. With Cole around I knew I'd be alright! "Okay! Get out the damn car and get your ass in there." He scolded me lightly as he placed my last bag on the ground. I scoffed. I take that back. He's an ass. I sighed heavily and did as I was told. I walked around the back and picked up my bags, slinging my duffel over my shoulder and picking up my suitcase in my free hand, then setting it onside of me as I stood on the side walk away from the back of the car. Cole had already got back in the car an had put the window down. Now he was looking at me with a bright smile.

"You'll be fine silly. Call if you need me! You know i'll come running." I nodded meekly knowing he was telling the truth. "I'll wait here tell you get in." He assured me. I drew in a shaky deep breath and let it out slowly as I turned and started up the stone pathway slowly. As I stepped on the porch I felt so heavy it was impossible to move. I could feel the pull towards Leo. Which meant he was in there. I felt my wolf growing excited to the point where it look like he was about ready to take over and just hurry in, then run into his mates arms. But, I held him back diligently and assure him, he had to be patient.

With Cole's encouraging words and another deep breath. I pulled open the screen door and stepped inside. I heard Cole yell good luck then pull away from the house I quickly turned around and watched him go. I was going to be okay without me beam for a while right?! I could do this.

I turned back around and stepped in the house completely. I smiled as I took in how beautiful the house was decorated. It was old looking, but not in a bad way. As soon as you step in off the side there is a opening that led into a big living room. Next to that opening was a oak wood straight shoot stairway that led up to the second floor. Next to the stair way that sat right in front of me was a long hallway. The house was decorate nicely. No way Leo could have done this alone. There were pictures of his family off to the side and I had heard the alpha had got remarried to so the women in the picture off to the side sitting next to the stairs smiling beautifully must have been her. There were a few pictures of Max and Eddy on the walls and on long tables that were set up against the walls of the hallway. A few other pictures of some of the pack member I remembered from the old pack ground were placed neatly on the tables as well. But, of course they looked older.

As I got to one of the picture with just Eddy in it, my eyes widen. It had seem to be a recent one. He was smiling happily as he sat on a tress stomp looking at whoever was taking the picture. Excitement took over me as I looked over my best friend. He looked slightly different. But, by that smile I could tell he still was the same old jokester. He had probably told a lame joke in this picture and laughed at it himself. I shook my head and sat the picture back down. I couldn't wait to see him. I continued down the hall following the pull as it led me to Leo. When I can up to two double class wooden doors, with heavy red curtains that were closed on the other side my wolf started to squirm excitedly again. I laughed. Calm down. I was fully aware our mate was in this room. Our mate was right behind these doors and had no idea we were here. What should I say. Should I just run into his arms then kiss and hug him to death. Should I play it cool and be like 'sup' with a nod of the head. Wait, I don't think people say sup anymore. I'll look stupid. Ugh! Oh. Help me great goddess of mine.

"Thank you Angie! It's always a pleasure when your helping me." I heard Leo's voice speak kindly for the first time in five years. My wolf started to whimper. My knees grew weak and my body trembled I had to perch myself up against the wall next to the door so I wouldn't fall to the floor. This happen to me the day I left. The pain in my chest. The uncontrollable shaking. This was the way your body would become if you neglected your mate for to long. Even though I acknowledge my mate I still chose to leave him. Without a mate mark it was beyond painful and unbearable. But, with a mate mark, it'd be bearable but only for a certain amount of time, then your mate would have to replenish the mark or something like that. I didn't listen to much to when the pack I had stayed with for those five years doctor had explained it to me.

"Of course alpha. It's always a pleasure to help." The Angie girl chimed. I didn't think about it but this girl doesn't sound like an old lady. I assumed she was, not because her name was Angie. It's not a old person's name I know dammit! Let me explain. I assume she was old because that's the only kind of women I wanted hanging around Leo. Not some young, pretty, petite girl with a soft spoken voice calling my mate Alpha like it was chocolate on her tongue. Shaking my head. I already knew I had to keep an eye on her. I took slow deep breath as I slowly recovered from my laps of mate rejection syndrome. "Alpha," she squeaked. My eyes narrowed. Just leave dammit so I can surprise my mate you little sneak. I heard him answer her with a hum and she didn't waste her time speaking up. "I was wondering why I haven't seen you with a mate." Oh! Oh, please tell me she's not doing what I think she is. "Even though, I've heard from everyone you have a mate. It's just weird that, that person doesn't live here." She said in a whisper towards the end. "I'm sorry" she blurted. He must have glared at her. If Leo is still how I remembered him then yeah. He defiantly glared at her.

"Angie. I honestly don't see how that's any of your business." He told her in rude tone. "I'm not going to tell you or any of the other women in this pack again. I have a mate and just because that person isn't here doesn't mean anything. That person is still my mate and I love them and I will
wait for them as long as I need." He informed her. I smiled. Man I love that idiot.

"But alph..."

"Angie! Enough." He boomed. I heard her squeaked. It might have scared her, but that was a total turn on to me. I heard him sigh. "And whoever is outside the door, come in because your pissing me off even more." He sighed heavily.

I froze. There was no way he knew I was right here I hid my scent as soon as I got on the pack ground. That still probably didn't stop his senses. Ah! I had to go in or he'd come out here. I wanted to surprise him, not him surprising me. I nodded and did my famous deep breath thing again. I stood in front of the doors and took the handle in my hand and turned it. Here goes nothing.

I opened the door all the way and went in. The first person that came into view was the girl. She was staring at me with curious look on here face. She was a really small girl. Very cute, she had that little innocent look going on. A baby face. Big blue eyes, softly tan skin. She wore a pink flower sundress with no straps. Her hair was blonde and she wore some of he hair down and some up in a curly ponytail with a soft pink ribbon tied around the ponytail. To complete her outfit, she had on a some soft pink slip ons with what seemed like net materiel. She was defiantly a threat.

There was a wall blocking my view of half of the room. So I needed to walk in more. It was a big room. His office no doubt. There were big cherry wood bookshelves lining up against the walls filled with books. A small sitting area with three dark red leather love seats in a semi circle and a coffee table that sat in the middle of them. The floors were a dark brown wood but most of the floor was cover with pretty looking red,brown, and black vintage rug. "Well, aren't you going to come all the way in or are you wasting my time also." I heard Leo grumble for the side where the wall was blocking my view. Wow, isn't he an impatient asshole I thought to myself as I walked all the way in and my breath hitched as my eyes landed on my mate. He was sitting behind his father's old desk. Looking down at some papers. He peeked up at me then dropped his eyes back down on the paper but in a flash did a double take. His eyes widen as he looked me up and down. He stood up slowly which made me get a better view of him. He looked fine.The same from when I left him. He seemed like nothing was wrong on the outside. But, in his eyes and by the way his body was trembling, plus the heart aching look on his face, I could tell he wasn't okay. "Kyle." He called weakly as he stumbled towards me. I snapped out my trance and gave him a warm smile then nodded.

"Yeah Leo. It's me." I breathed. Trying to hold back the tears in my eyes that was threatening to fall. Which Leo had no shame and didn't hold back his at all as he stepped up in front of me and I looked up at him. His face stained with tears and they kept on flowing.

"Kyle." He choked out this time. I reached down and grabbed his trembling hand and placed it to my lips, kissing his knuckles making him flinch. I pressed his hand to my cheek and I closed my eyes as I leaned into his touch and started to cry as I nodded my head again.

"Yeah, it's me Leo." I cried. Before I knew it I was swept up into Leo's big strong arms and pulled into a tight embrace. It had so many emotions in it and I couldn't quite point all of them out, but I knew which one I was happy to know was there. Longing! He had missed me. He freaking missed me. I couldn't breath. I thought he was going to yell and scream and tell me he didn't want me to be with him anymore despite what he said earlier. But, I guess he really meant it. He held me against him so tight it seemed like he was trying to mold me into him so our bodies could become one. I didn't stop him either. I just rested my head against his chest in return. I heard him sigh in content and rest his cheek on top of my head. It felt good being back in Leo's arms all my doubts had already melted away.

"Umm Alpha." Aggravating Angie called. Ha! I'm gonna use that from now on.

"Angie you can go for today. Make sure you tell everyone not to bother me today." He ordered her. I could tell she was already confused. So she probably wasn't going to add to that. After a few seconds I heard her say good bye then I watched her walk towards the door and opened it, she then glared at me, then walked out of the room slamming the door behind her slamming the door in the process. I turned my lip up after her.

"Geez, what's her problem?" I murmured. I heard Leo scoff.

"You are." He answered? In a whisper. I looked up at him and before I knew it his lips were smashed down to mine passionately. I closed my eyes and instantly started kissing back. Those sparks I felt the first time me and Leo kissed came flying back instantly. They were more intense this time. I was guessing because me and Leo had been away from each other for so long. My wolf howled in excitement begging to be let free to get at his mate that had been finally returned to him. But, I wanted to enjoy this moment first. He still held me tightly like he never planned to let go. His lips worked against mine smoothly and it felt so amazing. I didn't know how much I missed Leo until I touched him. I never wanted him to never not touch me. Any free time he got I wanted it to be spent with me from now and onward, which I knew wouldn't be a problem with him. As he deepen the kiss I felt his tongue slide against my bottom lip a few times begging for entrance. Ugh! As much as I loved to make out I knew if we started we'd never leave this house. I removed my lips from his and he growled in protest. I chuckled.

"Easy big boy." I teased in a flirtation voice as I patted his muscular chest playfully. "We have the rest of our lives to be horny." I laughed. He scoffed and pressed his lips to mine again tenderly this time.

"I wasn't kissing you because I was horny. I was making sure you were real." He sighed. I frowned and looked up at him with confusion plastered on my face. He notice a smiled down at me as he cupped my face with both of his hands on each side of my face, then he stared down into my eyes. "You know how many time I had dreams of  you walking through that door and just stare at me with a big smile on your face saying you were home. It always seemed so real." He sighed. "But... It's actually real now." He murmured as he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against mine. A wave of guilt painful filled my chest. I didn't know Leo was this hurt by me leaving. After what happen I serious thought he'd be happy that I went away for a while. I was just a big ball of trouble. But, I... Guess my thought were wrong.


[A/N: I poorly edit this chapter and left out few details on the house but I'll fix it later~ ! I think we all missed Kyle more then Eddy! But, this is an equal shared story so your going to be getting 3 different point of views. They will all have their own chapters I won't mix them together, some people find that confusing. First Eddy, then Kyle and the third one is a surprise! Umm.. Their mates will get point of view also, at least once or twice in the story only if at least 10 to 15 people ask so use your POV points wisely. Next chapter should be up soon. Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter. ^__^❤️]

[Picture of Older Kyle!]

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