Demigods at Hogwarts

By mocha_13

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(I kept alive: Fred, Snape, and Dumbledore) The seven, Nico, the Stolls, and Thalia, and Clarisse are sent to... More

Camp Half-Blood
Exchange Students
Train to Hogwarts
Sorting Hat
Day One
Demigod Meeting
Oh, There's the Danger, Took You Long Enough
will solace
Dragging My Feet

Bad Memories

3.9K 72 80
By mocha_13


We're all waiting in our common room, and Nico is the last to come out. Our masterpiece is now smudged every direction, and we are turning red trying not to laugh.

Nico growls and searches for a mirror. When he comes out of the bathroom, looking very angry, Travis, Connor, Percy and I are on our feet. Well, Travis and Connor have already snuck away. So me and Percy.

He chases us around the common room, dropping the temperature by several degrees, and the room gets darker.

Percy screams like a little girl, or maybe it was me... I can't tell.

He pulls water from the sink until he's in a floating water bubble. So, Nico turns to me. Double shist.

I jump over the couch, over Annabeth's head, and aim for the fireplace but shadows push me back. Seriously? I try to run, but then I stumble and fall, and I end up trapped against a wall.

Percy is trying to splash Nico in the face to slow him down, but it just makes the ink run.

I can't help it, I start laughing and fall to my knees. He looks like an Aphrodite girl who was crying and ruined her makeup, and now she's mad at the boy who dumped her!

Just before he reaches me, Annabeth appears and puts an arm out in front of him, pushing him back.

"Not now Nico, we're late for breakfast," she says. "You can kill him later. Go get cleaned, Percy put the water in the shower, and Leo..... " she just sighs. Nico is glaring frighteningly as he leaves to wash off the ink. Percy does as he's told, and I brush myself off.

There's a knock at our door. "Is everything all right in there?" Hazel opens the door a crack. It's Ginny.

"Uh, yeah, the boys are goofing around," Hazel says.

Ginny smiles. "Ok. Well, we could hear the commotion in the common room. A friend and I are running late for breakfast. You wanna come with us?"

"Sure, we'll be out in a second!"

~~small time skip~~

Annabeth POV

I can't help but steal glances at Nico. He washed off the ink, but now he has colorful tints over his skin. His arms looked multicolored, so he put on his jacket. Actually, quite a few Griffindors wore jackets because of how cold Nico had made the whole Griffindor dorm seem.

Under his eyes, the glasses left a strange green tint. His cheeks are tinted red in a permanent blush because of Leo's flame doodles. His forehead is strangely tinted black. And so on.

I feel a little bad for him, but it was funny.

"You're late," Hermione points out, a clear question in her voice. We're sitting in the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Ya, some of us woke up late," I answer. We'd walked in late, so more people watched when we all walked through a side door to burn food. Dumbledore knows who we are, as I thought he would. Chiron isn't sending spies, he's sending ambassadors. Basically.

"You missed the new kid. He's a day late, but they let him in. He got sorted into Slytherin."

"What's his name?"

"I don't remember, actually. Something with an 'O'," Hermione frowns, trying to remember.

I shrug. It doesn't matter. We just need to get to know the students, and see if they'd be good allies.

Time Skip

We get our schedules, and we have Hermione read them to us. We all have the same classes, so she just reads mine. I told her we're all dyslexic.

Everyone will make it to all their classes, and the class periods will be just long enough to get to know the class, and in some cases get the first homework assignment.

After eating, we go to our first class, Potions, with Professor Slughorn. He went over types of ingredients, he listed especially dangerous ingredients to be careful with, and then gave us homework to read a chapter in our book.

Next was Herbology. Professor Sprout went over the basics, and then had us take notes on a plant.

We then go to transfiguration, which Frank did excellent at.

Charms was over quickly.

History of Magic was interesting.

Then we got to the good classes. By that I mean... interesting.

Lunch was short, and by then we'd made some more friends.

We all traveled to divination. The lady seemed a little off, but not too crazy. She had us read each other's palms, after a demonstration. She took my hand and inspected it.

"You have seen great danger! But it is not over yet! The lines say more danger is yet to come!" She sounds warning, sad.

I just say, "OK." I'm a demigod. Danger is a part of the deal.

I trace a finger along Percy's palm, but I don't try to read the lines. I tried, and he got basically the same thing as me. A life full of danger. I'm pretty sure I did something wrong, because there was something about 'water' and 'bad'. But the lines for good and bad are similar, so that makes more sense. I'm making this up.

In Muggle Studies, the new Professor introduces himself and has us everyone introduce ourselves.

"We will study some history of the Muggle world, including mythology. It was the Muggles' version of magic. Stories they told of what they believed to be the magic in the world."

I'm sure we'll pass this class with flying colors.

"First we'll look at Greek and Roman, the two more popular mythologies." Is it just me, or did he look directly at our group when he said that? Dumbledore said he's the only one who knows who we are, so Professor Thistle can't know.

Now we have Defense against the dark arts. Professor Snape yells at the class to be quiet.

"You will not talk while I talk. You will not talk at all unless I say you can. You will do what I say when I say it. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Professor Snape," the class says. I'm guessing he's one of those bully teachers. Not necessarily in a bad way, he's just really strict.

He gestures to a locked container. "Many of you remember this, as one of your previous teachers has used it. Inside is a Boggart. It shows your worst fears."

"Well at least this time Harry's fear won't scare us! We fought a war. I think we'll easily face the boggart this time, we're more fearless now!" Says some kid proudly.

"It still shows your worst fears. Something will always scare you," Snape snaps at him.

We all line up, us demigods at the back. We don't pay attention to the others' fears. When we're all that's left, I'm in front.

"Are you ready, Miss Chase?" He asks.

I nod. I've already cracked the code. I stand with my arms crossed. From the box comes a big spider. The boggart finds your worst fears through your mind. So I just concentrate on thinking about how scary spiders are.

I face the spider as the students snicker. "A spider?" One whispers. "I thought they'd been through really scary stuff, and scared the hat, so now they have to have their own dorm," another mocks.

Snape heard and looks at me. "How are you controling the boggart?" He demands. "This is not your worst fear, or you wouldn't be so calm. You're confusing the boggart."

I stand my ground. "I'm concentrating on making it my worst fear. It can't change into your worst fear if it doesn't know what it is."

"Miss Chase, I believe that's cheating. Everyone else faced their worst fear. Yours can't be much worse than theirs," He scolds.

I hear my friends take in a sharp breath behind me, and Percy stiffens. I glare at Snape. He doesn't think it can get much worse, huh? And this is where pride gets the best of me.

"Fine." I open the gate of my mind. I try my best to stand firm. My friends are all tense, preparing.

The spider transforms. At first, it's black. Then it spreads. Soon, the whole room is dark, only faintly glowing with a dark red tint. I reach back and hold Percy's hand. The floor disappears, and I feel like I'm falling. I focus on the fact that it's not real. A few students yell out. "Why are we falling?!"

"Your not falling!" Hermione yells back. "It's not real!" Suddenly, we're on ground again. Rough, jagged, rocky ground.

Screams and hollars and roars echo throughout the room. It sounds like the room goes on for miles, and ceiling is miles above, mosters and other creatures lurking in every shadow. It feels like dozens of eyes of blood thirsty beasts are watching, ready to pounce. The air is dry, I feel weak. The screams get closer.

It gets worse, and I'm not sure how to explain it. The screams seem more tortured, the roars and growls more murdurous.

Then it's silent.

"You thought you could escape so easily?" Booms a deep voice.

"Tartarus," I breath. It's not real, it's not real, it's not real. I squeeze Percy's hand tighter. The sounds resume, even louder.

In front of us, different forms take place in the semi darkness. Different monsters and things we faced. The empousa, Arachne, arai, Akhlys, Nyx, the giants.

Percy appears as he had been in the pit. A monster stabs him, from behind, and he sinks to his knees. I refrain from running to the illusion, the real Percy has a firm grip on my hand. A tear falls as I watch fake Percy die.

Then a huge black figure with bloodthirsty eyes forms. It keeps growing, and growing, and growing, reaching towards us --" I whip out my wand and say the spell to get rid of the boggart.

I'm shaking, and Percy holds me. He's shaken up, too. The room returns to normal. No sound is made except mine and Percy's ragged breaths.

"That..." Someone tries to speak.

"That wasn't even half of it," I finish.

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