
By LoverboyAshton

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Summary: Princess Aria makes a deal with the sea witch. Three months to get the prince to propose marriage or... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8: Epilogue

Chapter 1

80 3 0
By LoverboyAshton

Three months ago...
'You have three days to get the prince to propose marriage.'
'Three days?! You can't be serious. Three months.'
'You came to me, princess. You're not really in a position to bargain.'
'I don't want to be human that bad. I'm not stupid. Human males aren't that different from mermen. I can get him to mate me but marriage is a completely different thing.'
The sea witch sighed and twirled her fingers through her tentacles. 'Fine, three months. You have until the third full moon from tomorrow night's.'
'And if I fail?'
'There are things worse than death.'
'Fine. Deal.'
The sea witch grinned, reminding the little mermaid of a shark. She'd heard tell that the witch had taken the jaw of a great white as punishment for a deal that was broken. 'Excellent.' The witch drew her in gently with her rolling tentacles. 'Sealed with a kiss, child.' The little mermaid felt an odd warmth suffuse her on the back of the kiss. Her entire body glowed like an angler fish in the depths. Then that glow faded but the warmth did not. 'Three months from tomorrow.'
The little mermaid drifted from the undersea cave on a current that was not natural. Bucky waited outside for her. His brilliant blue eyes practically glowed in the low light. 'You're still a mermaid!' He darted for her and captured her in a hug. His muscular arms held her tightly against his broad chest. A warmth, not unlike the one she felt from the sea witch's kiss, spread through her. Her fins and fingers tingled at the tips. He held her out to arm's length, his concerned and curious eyes looking her over. 'You didn't do it?'
'I did.'
'Where are your legs then?'
Aria sighed and flicked her tail, agitated. 'I'll get them tomorrow with the full moon.'
Bucky frowned. 'I do not like this.'
'I haven't a choice, Buck. I'm the youngest royal daughter. I'll likely be married off to some distant pod and get eaten along the journey there.' She sighed and sat on the rock. If only HE loved her with something more than platonic love. She never sensed a change in his heartbeat or his pheromones around her. And no doubt, he could sense both changes in her when she was around. But he made no attempt to mate her or claim her. With seven other sisters, her father the king would have gladly given Bucky her hand. All he need do is ask.
'We always have a choice, Aria.' His tail fin caressed along hers and she couldn't suppress the shiver that took her. And yet his motions didn't cease, he moved closer in fact. 'Allow me to accompany you to the surface?'
'It is dangerous.'
'I am dangerous.' He grinned. His nearly translucent fangs curved up out of his mouth and very nearly touched his eyes. She sighed, not hiding the dreamily look from her face. He would have a fantastic mate, protective and a great hunter. He was one of her father's best. It helped that his father was a viperfish.
'I know you are.' She caressed his sharp jaw. 'If I am to never return to the ocean, then yours is the last face I wish to see.'

The following night. The full moon.
Steve looked out over the ocean. He chose to ignore the rumblings of mutiny among the other sailors. His shipmates were an unsavory crew. But then Prince Rumlow hadn't wanted the most upstanding men on this voyage. They weren't hunting or fishing the normal fair. Oh no, they were hunting something legendary.
They hunted merfolk and they'd yet to find any. The crew thought the prince mad but the pay was good. And who didn't want to be on the boat that caught a true mermaid! Steve joined because he believed, not because he wanted to capture one. He'd seen them. Rescued by a pair when he was but a child and he longed to find them.
'There!' A crew man pointed to a glowing patch in the water that couldn't be explained by the moon. They could nearly make out two figures within the eerie glow. Steve stared, riveted to the spot. A redhead broke the surface with a gasp so loud they heard her over the open water. She screamed in what must have been horrific pain.
'Is it a woman?'
'Is it is a mermaid?'
'Something's attacking her!'
Steve finally shook the shock from his limbs and moved into action. 'Quick! To the boats!'
The door banged to the captain's quarters banged open and Prince Rumlow stalked on deck. 'What's all the racket!'
'There, your highness! There's something in the water.'
'Bring it to me at once!'
Steve lowered the first boat into the water. It glided over the eerily calm water to the fading light. 'What is it, Rogers!'
'I think- I think it's a woman.' His calm voice carried over the still night, surprising himself. He leaned out over the edge of the boat, reaching for her. He nudged her prone body and she bobbed in the water. Something moved underneath her. 'Quick, get her in the boat. There's something down there.'
Steve wrapped his arms underneath hers and hauled her, single-handed into the boat. She fell to the wooden floor with a heavy, wet thump. The other men gawked at her bare breasts and cunt. They missed the way her legs glistened in the moonlight. They were pink and raw. Her body had felt tight and tense in his arms before he had released her.
He pushed her hair back from his face and his heart stopped. By the old gods, it was her! Which had to mean her mate was close by. His wide, white eyes searched the water. A splash to his left drew his attention. Yes, there! A blackish blue fish tail, nearly invisible in the darkness. But he wasn't looking at the fin. Steve stared straight into the phosphorescent blue eyes of the mermaid's mate. Did he recognize the human as the one the pair had saved?
'Let's get her back to the boat.'
'She's no mermaid. Just a silly tart what got herself thrown off a ship.'
'What she is a young woman, freezing and in great pain and in need of assistance. When was the last time you saw another boat, eh? She's lucky to be alive.'
Prince Rumlow looked over the starboard side of the ship. 'What is it? What have you found?'
'A girl, your highness.'
'A mermaid?'
'No, she has legs, sire. She seems to be in great pain and she's cold as death.'
Rumlow sighed. 'Get her aboard then. But she's your responsibility, Rogers.'
'Yes, sire.'
Steve waited in the boat with her while his shipmates climbed back aboard then hoisted the boat back into its rigging, made heavier by its passengers. The crew leered at her as Steve lifted her from the boat in a bridal carry and stepped from the boat to the ship with great dexterity and strength. He began to second guess his decision to bring her aboard, his fear for her safety growing with the hungry looks of the crew.
His quarters were cramped; only room for a small bunk, barely any room to walk. He laid her down gently then rummaged through his clothing for an extra shirt. She whimpered in pain, shivering. 'Are you awake?'
Her voice was soft and sweet. It reminded him of gently waves at low tide. 'Where am I?'
'On board his highness Prince Rumlow's ship, the Lumerian Star.'
'Are you the prince?' She focused her eyes on his face, immediately recognizing his sandy blonde hair and his blue eyes. 'No, you're not. You're the boy Buck and I rescued.'
'I'm no boy, anymore.'
Her eyes devoured him, taking in the broad chest and the narrow hips, his thick arms and legs. He would have made a fine merman, a hunter like Buck. 'You are certainly not.' She licked her lips. The hunger that flitted through her had nothing to do with food. That now familiar warmth settled in her lower belly. 'What is your name?'
'Steve, Steve Rogers.' And he recognized the hunger in her eyes. He felt it just as powerfully as she did, maybe more so because he was a human and she a mermaid. But this ship was not the place for sating that hunger, despite how nice her body had felt against his. His gaze flicked to her breasts and the pebbled nipples there.
'I am Princess Aria of the Seven Seas.'
'Forgive my quarters then, your highness. I will speak with Prince Rumlow about moving you someplace that befits your station.'
'No!' Steve covered his ears at the high pitched squeal. She sat up and reached for him. 'Not yet, please, Steve Rogers. Not until the spell is complete at sunrise.'
'To become human.'
Steve laughed incredulously. 'Why on earth would you want to do that?'
'I have no choice.' He sat on the floor next to her. They sat in silence, Steve's extra shirt forgotten in his hands. He couldn't help the little glances he gave her body, nor the pink blush on his face and the parting of his lips, or the throbbing in his cock. 'Do you find my body attractive, Steve Rogers?'
He cleared his throat, blushing fiercely. His cock nudged the britches. 'Yes, and please call me Steve.' His palms practically itched to touch her. This wasn't like him at all. It had to be her alluring nature. He had to overcome it.
'Would your prince find it attractive?'
Steve shrugged. 'I don't believe so. Perhaps had your mate become human, he would find him attractive.'
'I have no mate. That's why I am here.'
'Then who was that in the water with you?'
'Bucky, he is not my mate.' She looked at her legs. 'Oh Steve Rogers, what have I done?' She covered her face with her hands and began to cry, a mournful sound that would drive a lesser man to throw himself from a cliff onto the rocks below to be washed out to sea. Steve could not fight the compulsion to comfort her. He stood from the floor and sat on the bunk next to her, pulling her hands from her face.
He noticed fine webbing between her fingers and textured pads on her palms, for gripping rocks no doubt. He kissed each of her palms then bent from the waist, lowering his warm lips to the chilled flesh of her cheeks. He kissed the tears from her cheeks. The salty sweet taste inflamed him. He moaned, his breath and lips warming her chilled skin. Her hands fisted in his shirt and pulled him down against her. The hot muscle of his tongue cleaned the tears from her face. 'Do not cry, my princess. I am here.' His hands went to her wet hair. The dried tresses crunched with the thick salt of a life underwater.
Steve Rogers knew why there were legends about mermaids now, luring sailors to their deaths. In that moment, he yearned to give her everything she desired if she would only be his. As legends go, mermaid tears have magical healing properties. Princess Aria was no exception. Yet since Steve had no thing for them to heal, they merely healed where they saw fit, making him stronger, faster, and more durable. He burned for her. Holding fistfuls of her hair, he gazed into her eyes. Their breath mingled.
Princess Aria felt that warmth again, heavy and throbbing between her legs. Her body ached for his touch. Her heightened emotions poured pheromones into the room, no long in pain or fear but desire. If she couldn't have her Bucky, she would take her Steve. 'Kiss me, Steve Rogers.'
'Yes, my princess.' His tongue slipped between her lips before his lips met hers. A sharp pain cut his tongue and he immediately tasted blood. He pulled away, his blood mixing with his saliva.
'You must be careful, Steve.'
'Yes, my princess.' The tears did their work and healed his tongue then her lips were on his and her tongue in his mouth. She was a quick study, savoring the taste of his blood and his warmth. A knock startled them apart.
'Yes, Captain?'
'His majesty Prince Rumlow would like to see you and the girl.'
'Yes, Captain.' Steve turned back to her, cupping her cheek. 'This place isn't safe for you. I need to get you to land, where I can protect you.'
'You are very much like my Bucky.' She smiled sadly and his heart clenched in his chest.
Steve helped her on with his shirt and showed her how to button it. When he helped her to stand, the princess screamed. Pain like nothing she'd ever felt before shot up from the souls of her feet, before she collapsed to the bunk to huddle in on herself.
The door flew open. The Captain's eyes were terrified and angry. Confusion flittered across his features as her desirous pheromones still lingered in the air. 'What the bloody hell was that!"
'I think she's injured. She cannot stand, sir.'
'Then carry her for Christ's sake. That sound gives me the willies.' The Captain frowned. 'Rogers, you've got a bit of blood on you.' He pointed to his chin and his chest. Crimson tears had trickled from his mouth to mark him. Steve lifted her up. He noticed now, the soft, fine scales on her legs. That was why they had shimmered in the moonlight. She winced at his touch but didn't scream again. She wrapped her arms around his neck and held her body closer to his.
'Thank you, Steve Rogers.'
'You're welcome, my princess.'
'What was that? What was that you said?' The captain looked over his shoulder at Steve and Princess Aria. 'What language is that? None I've heard afore.'
They exchanged a glance. Only he could understand her? Oh no, no, no, no no! That rotten witch had tricked her! Steve saw her eyes widen in panic and gave his head a single, firm shake. The fact that Steve spoke a different language that he was unaware of knowing and speaking unsettled them both. He thought quickly on his feet. His captain was not a learned man and this journey had been his furthest from home. 'It is Sevonsee, where the princess is from.'
The captain's head whipped around. 'A princess! In her condition? I never.'
'It isn't exactly the princess's fault.' She hid her face in his shoulder, hiding her smirk at his lie. It most definitely was her fault. The captain opened the doors and went directly to Prince Rumlow's side to inform him of the new development.
Prince Rumlow's eyes widened then relaxed once he got control on his reaction. A sly smirk twisted his thin lips. 'A princess, eh. Set her down and leave us.' Steve frowned. He wasn't comfortable leaving her alone with his captain, his prince and his prince's man. 'Rogers?'
'Yes, your highness.' Steve set Aria lightly on the chair then turned to go. She snatched his hand faster than anyone could have expected, gaining a collective gasp from the room. Her panicked eyes were wide with fear. She did not like these men. They reminded her of the great white that roamed the oceans with their black eyes and bottomless appetites. She shook her head.
'No, Steve Rogers. Do not leave me.' He pulled his arm from her grasp and walked to the door. She stood, forgetting the pain it caused her feet but not for very long. Her scream chilled the bones of the brawny men on the other side of the table. She collapsed to the floor and began to crawl toward him. 'Do not leave me. Please, Steve Rogers. Do not leave me.'
Steve looked to his captain and his prince. 'Sires?'
'Stay. I can't understand a word she's saying any way.'
'Rogers knows. They were speaking in his bunk.'
Prince Rumlow eyed Steve carefully. He hadn't trusted him and now, with this 'princess's' appearance, her attachment to the man, and him the only one able to understand her, made him trust Rogers even less. He waited for Steve to lift the princess and place her delicately upon the seat. He stood at her side, resting his hand on her shoulder. The princess appeared to calm visibly.
'Forgive me, I believe we got off on the wrong foot. I am Prince Brock Rumlow. This is Lord Jack Rollins. And you've met Captain Sitwell.' Brock smiled at the princess then flicked his gaze from her silent face to Steve's. 'Well, Rogers?' Steve squeezed her shoulder, asking her softly if she understood the prince. She nodded then spoke. 'What's that she's saying? She understood us?'
Steve nodded. 'Yes, Prince Rumlow, she is able to understand you. Just not able to speak to you.' Steve frowned.
'Then how is she able to speak to you?'
Steve shrugged and looked at his prince, genuinely confused. 'I don't know, sire. But she introduced herself. She is Princess Aria of Seveonsee.' He squeezed her shoulder.
'Tell him my father sent me across the ocean to find a husband. That our ship capsized and everyone died. But that I am thankful for my rescue.' She looked up at him. 'To you and to his vessel and him for making it possible.' Steve relayed her words.
'A husband?' He stroked his chin thoughtfully. 'Rogers, ask her if she saw any merfolk before the ship went down.'
Aria shook her head. 'No, I don't want to talk about them. Tell him I'm afraid of them.'
Steve swallowed. 'She said not to speak of them. She's afraid of them. She's heard unspeakable legends about them.'
The prince scoffed. 'Fairy tales. Move her up into the empty state room across the hall from mine.'
'Your highness, what about her feet?'
'What about them?'
'She cannot walk. It causes her great pain.'
'I told you, Rogers, she's your responsibility.'
'Yes, your highness.' Steve squeezed her shoulder.
'Tell him that if I am your responsibility then you must move into the room with me or one close by.'
'Princess, I can't-' Steve's concerned eyes shifted from her to his prince.
'What's that? What she say, Rogers?'
Steve squared up his shoulders. 'Your highness, she said if she is my responsibility then I am to move into the room with her or one close by.'
'She really is looking for a husband. She'll settle for a sailor.' Lord Jack Rollins smirked.
Her dark eyes flashed at him. 'Can I kill him, Steve Rogers?'
'No!' His grip tightened on her shoulder as she leaned forward.
Prince Rumlow frowned. He was a violent man. He respected it. And he recognized it. He barked a laugh at Aria's hostility to Rollins. 'Careful Jack, this princess isn't like the ones we're used to.' She tilted her head at him, and Rumlow was reminded of the way he'd witnessed predators in the wild regard their prey before devouring it whole. 'This one is feisty.' He brought an amber liquid filled glass to his lips. 'You're looking for a husband, you say?'

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