By lovingthejuancock

201K 7.7K 2.8K

"Ill fuck you senseless!" "I bet you say that alot." thanks hoe @Daddy-Tae for helping me with this book and... More

chapter one
chapter two
Chapter Three
chapter four
chapter five
Chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
chapter sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
chater twenty seven
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
Chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty

chapter twenty eight

2.4K 110 67
By lovingthejuancock

"Nothing is wrong with you Jungkook. Nothing." Hoseok said trying to calm him down. Jungkook just hiccuped in Hoseoks neck.

Hoseok sighed when he didn't get a reply." Do you want to go into the living room and watch tv?" He asks. Jungkook shakes his head no.

Hoseok sighed again."Do you want to go to your bedroom and cuddle like we used to?" He asked. Jungkook nodded in Hoseoks neck.

Finally. Hoseok thought as he carried the younger bridal style to his room.

The older set the younger down on the bed lightly.Hoseok then went to the other side of the bed and laid down next to Jungkook. He grabbed the youngers waist and pulled him closer to himself.

Jungkook blushed, while Hoseok just chuckled.

I haven't done cuddling yet with Tae. Tae. Jungkook thought painfully gulping down a lump that was in his throat. He tried not to tear up. I'm such an idiot. Jungkook thought again.

"Hey you okay? You look like your in pain." Hoseok asked concerned for his friend. He been through so much.

"Y-ya I'm f-fine. Just. Just." He never finished his sentence because he burst into tears again.

"Kookie." Hoseok pulled Jungkook closer and Jungkook gripped onto Hoseoks shirt tightly as he sobbed into the shirt.

Hoseok looked down at Kookie and frowned. It was his own fault for bringing it up. He sighed. Why am I so stupid? Hoseok asked himself mentally punching himself.

"I'm so sorry for bringing up your parents, if it weren't for me you wouldn't be like this."

Jungkook looked up at Hoseok," it's not your f-fault Hoseok. I would've b-been like this anyway." Hoseok looked at Jungkook confused.

"What do you mean?"" Well I l-like this guy who's a-a fucking p-playboy. He told m-me that h-he would
c-change. But he didn't because h-he was flirting w-with one of his o-one n-nightstands." Jungkook started to cry again.

"Are you sure he was flirting with this person?" Hoseok asked softly as he rubbed Jungkooks leg. Jungkook backed a bit looking uncomfortable from the touching, because the only one who has touched his legs were Taehyung.

"Y-ya." Jungkook said sniffling." What did he exactly do?"" H-he was s-sleeping in class a-and Ashley woke h-him up and he s-smiled at h-her."

"Kookie that's not actually flirting.""w-what?" Jungkook looked at Hoseok innocently. Hoseoks breath hitched. Why. He thought.

"Ya hes just smiling at her. It could mean anything."
Hoseok shrugged.

"Y-ya anything."" Kookie I bet you that he doesn't even like her. Or maybe anyone for that matter." Jungkook started to tear up again." But if he kept it slow with you did he?" Jungkook shrugged and nodded.

"Well then he may like you because he went slow with you." Jungkooks tears subsided.

"O-ok." He replied.

All of a sudden a phone was going off. Jungkook blushed. It was his." It's Taehyung!" He yelled.
"Answer it." Hoseok said. Jungkook nodded and answered.


"Hey baby you ok?" Taehyung said.


"Well I'm not. I did something really stupid. And I'm really sorry."

Jungkook gasped, because about a thousand conclusions came to his head. Did he kill someone? Or maybe screwed someone. No he's not like that. "What?" Jungkook said surprisingly calm.

"I am so sorry baby. So sorry." He kept repeating the sentence over and over.

"What did you do Tae?" Jungkook asked.

"I just fucked Ashley." Jungkook froze.


"Baby I am so sorry. I screwed up. I was stressed over you leaving and me not seeing you. I was stressed a d sorta pissed because you weren't talking to me."

Jungkook felt a wave of anger."I NEVER WABT TO SEE YOU AGAIN KIM TAEHYUNG!" Jungkook hung up and cried into Hoseoks shirt again...

Don't hate me!
Love you guys

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