Styles Grace

By aurorascarzone

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Author's Note
All About Me: An Introduction
Chapter 1: When It Really Hit
Chapter 2: Finding Her Treasure
Chapter 3: Returning Her Prized Possession
Chapter 4: Living On My Own
Chapter 5: My Home Town From The Beginning
Chapter 6: I'm Thankful For Him
Chapter 7: I Got To See My Family One Last Time
Chapter 8: Hanging Out With Friends
Chapter 9: Moving To London?
Chapter 11: Living The Life In London
Chapter 12: Working For Harry Styles
Chapter 13: Visiting My Old Town
Chapter 14: He's Been Attentive Lately
Chapter 15: Planning Everything Out
Chapter 16: Confessing My Love
Chapter 17: Moving Back To Florida?
Chapter 18: He's Been Acting Strange
Chapter 19: The Unexpected

Chapter 10: It's Official!

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By aurorascarzone

Hannah's POV

After many days of deciding and consulting with my friends and other family members, I have made the decision to make it official. I am moving to London. This decision was kind of a difficult one to make, but at the same time, I'm happy with my decision because, I kind of want to move on from Florida and all the bad memories I had. I will definitely not forget about the fun & great memories, but the bad ones have been sticking in my head for the past few months/years. I'll be moving to London within the next 3-5 months, and I'm really looking forward to it! If you're wondering where in London I'm moving to, I'm moving to Worcestershire, which is the area that Harry is from. And he was really nice enough to let me stay at his place where he stays there, since he lives in Florida permanently now. And I don't have to pay for anything because Harry is still paying for the expenses, since he still stays there during vacations and other important events.

I first started packing my old clothes that I haven't worn yet, then I continued to pack more of the new clothes that I had just recently bought, and the clothes in my closet that I haven't worn yet. It took me about 3-5 hours to pack all of my clothes. The next thing I was going to pack were my shoes and jacket/sweaters/hoodies, which took me about 2 hours to pack all of this things. When I was done with those, I decided to take a quick lunch break and find something to eat in my fridge. I couldn't really find anything to eat for lunch, but I did find a snack that I was able to finish, which was the leftover jello that I made the other day. I sat at the dining table and finished the rest of the jello. After I was done, I decided to finish packing the rest of the things that I could fit in the boxes that I had left. By the end of the night, I was able to pack all of my clothes, sweaters, jackets, hoodies, shoes, and most of my stuff that I wanted to bring with me when I move to London. Most of my stuff that I had, I decided to donate it to a local charity, and bring some stuff to the local GoodWill because I won't be able to bring most of my furniture and decorations.

I can't wait to move to London. I've always wanted to visit London when I was a little girl, but who would've known that I would be living there, being the fact that I'm only 16 years old. And I'm also very blessed to have a friend like Harry Styles to help me with my move to London, and even being a great friend in general. And I'm also grateful to have friends like AJ, Destini, Sydne, Aimee, Jenniffer, Annie, and many others. Without them, I wouldn't be who I am today.

And most definitely, I am grateful for my parents and my little brother. Even though they are not here with me today, I know that they are watching down on me in heaven and they are very happy for me and that I'm moving on with my life and starting a new chapter in London.

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