The Emergence Of The Alpha Tw...

By YOLOwriting101

942K 27.4K 3.6K

"You belong to us." "Not one of us, but both of us." "We will share you." "For you are our mate." "We're bo... More

1. Who Are They?
2. Gut Feeling
3. No...
4. Impossible
5. This Isn't Normal, Sorry, But Not Sorry.
6. Food Fight
7. Coy, You're My Only Friend
8. Dexter
I like me some QUESTIONS!
9. Ernest
10. Only To Understand
11. Learning 'Bout The New Me
12. I'm The New Luperca?
13. Embracing
14. Hi...Awkward...
15. Nightmares/Truce
16. Comfortable Kisses
17. Where'd Ernest Go?
Part 2
18. Is This A Game To You?
19. Elizabeth/Monster
20. I am What?!
21. Chocolate's My Favorite Food
22. Secret Stupida** Brother
23. Her History
24. Birth of Four
25. You F**cking Bit Me!
26. Baby Class My Ass
27. Chienne
28. Hearing My...Pups?
29. Lewd Payback
31. Eyes
32. Odd Feelings
33. Hybrid Twins
34. Infuriating
35. Stressed Out
36. Some Information
37. I See You
38. Final Battle
E. 1
E. 2
E. 3
E. 4
E. 5

30. Babysitting...

5.3K 215 2
By YOLOwriting101

Thank you!!!!!!!!! I can't believe my story was has achieved a 100k readers! I was shocked to wake up and see a 100 slap me in the face. Thank you guys, for making that possible and voting and commenting.

I don't know what I can do to lay you all back. But I can write anything you desire and write something you've been wanting to be seen or be done. Just to thank you.

Luv ya! And thank you! 😜😁😘

"Brianna! Please come back!" Gabby and I are chasing after a kid that someone let us babysit. For practice and such. But we are in Target, and this little girl is running around holding a stolen doll.

"I want this doll!" She cries, sprinting off as she turns a random corner. Then I turn around, seeing Gabby staggering behind.

"That Brianna girl is getting in my last nerve. And it's not helping that we are in the public." I nod, helping Gabby as she leans on me." What do you think she's trying to accomplish?"

"We aren't her parents, so she's probably trying to annoy us so much, hat we just give it to her."

"Well it's working." Gabby growled, looking around as some people were staring.

"I've never been in the public as much as this before. Do people always stare at you like this?"

I nod, realizing that I'm used to it. But if it was a normal person, it would be rude to stare.

"It's not normal. It's rude to stare. But they are probably staring because Brianna ran off and we are talking right here like there's not a child running loose. And probably wonders what kind of parents we are and why a Couteau has a kid and is probably wondering if I have a secret child." Once I say this she looks away, shaking her head as she starts whistling.

"Also wondering why I'm with a black girl. Bet they thought I only went for white girls but, love has no...color..." Gabby is glaring at me, and I shut up.

"It is not always about you. It's the first thing you said that was right. We need to get Brianna, so far I'm being a horrible practice mother." She got off me, jogging off as she turned the corner Brianna went. Instead I sniffed the air, like a damn dog, smelling a scent of sour patch kids and pretzels. Brianna smells funny, what should I expect, like a child's favorite foods.

I turn away from the direction Gabby went, being directed to the cat supplies. When I get on the isle I see Brianna, playing with one of the cat toys. She hasn't noticed that I found her, so I sneak up, snatching the toy up as she looks up, surprised.

"You won't catch me!" She yells, but I grab her wrist as I pick her up.

"Already did. I guess I don't have to catch you after all." She pouts, and I head out as I place the doll on a random shelf." Why are you being so bad. I get it, Gabby and I aren't your parents, but we are babysitting you. We have to make sure we bring you back home in one piece and not stolen by a stranger. You know how much trouble we'd be in?"

I ask, and she looks away as she nods solemnly.

"Now, we must find Gabby and then we need to finish shopping. I don't want you running off again okay-?" I feel myself bump into a cart, looking off to my side as I see a woman with her kid in the cart. He looks up at me, and he holds a Nintendo, then looks away as he rolls his eyes. Brat.

"I am sooo sorry for hitting you! I wasn't paying attention and my son caught my attention. I mean, you know how kids are these days?" She asks, and her cheeks fill with color as I shake my head.

"No. No I don't."

"Isn't that your...?"

"I'm babysitting."

"Ooh! That's so sweet. I've never seen a man so dedicated and kind to a child their babysitting before... I'm Polly."

I am uncomfortable because this Polly woman is making a move on me. But Gabby is creeping up behind her as obvious anger is in her eyes. Jealousy was present as well, and Brianna saw her too, making her giggle.

"Wait a minute...aren't you - oh my gosh your Liam Couteau! I - I - I love you!" She bursts, her son looking at her, embarrassment clear on his face. But it paled when he saw Gabby, and it had him jumping out the cart.

"I love him more. I am pregnant with his twins after all." Polly twists around, and she starts laughing uncomfortably when Gabby shoves her out the way. She walks around the cart, then gets next to me as she looks at Brianna.

"I..I'm sorry. I didn't know he had-."

"Maybe you should stick to watching your son instead of flirting with men you don't know like a bitch."

"Gabby!" I growl, the woman looking to her son as he was clearly amused.

"Ma'am, I don't believe that language is appropriate for the little ears-."

"I don't think your behavior was appropriate for your innocent son to see," Gabby grabbed his arm as she hugged him, making him blush, I don't think she knows that that kind of stuff around here isn't normal to humans,"watching his mother flirt with a man. My husband."

"Where - where's the ring?" Polly snapped, clearly not noticing the predicament her son is in.

"About to be up your butt and around the corner - keeping it kid friendly." She smirked, the woman red faced, twisting her cart around. I realized soon, that there was a crowd recording this, great.

"Come on Daniel!" Polly screeched, and the boy reluctantly pulled out Gabby's arms.

He slumped away, and I couldn't help but laugh as I couldn't believe that this all just went down.

Gabby folded her arms, grinning as she took Brianna in her arms.

"I'm sorry about that. I was...I was just jealous. Sorry."

"It's cool. It shows that you love meh." I wink, leaning in to kiss her cheek, but I stop as I see an even bigger crowd. I forgot, I'm not a normal person in Target. I'm a Couteau, and seeing me here with a woman and a child will most definitely start rumors in the tabloids. But one of them is true, this woman is mine. And I'm in love with her.

That's one thing that they won't get wrong. And yep, just maybe, technically she is my wife...just...just without the ring...





I grab Gabby's hand as I pull her out of Target, away from prying eyes.

Not to be a freak or anything, but I always carry around my mothers ring. When she died I took it upon myself to take her rig off her finger before they buried her under the ground. I promised myself that whenever I fell in love, I'd give this ring to someone special.

I can remember her words clearly whenever I was twelve:

"Did Father get that for you?" Mother looked at her finger as the blue diamond sparkled in the light.

"Yes. Family heirloom. Means it has been passed down generations from generations. Your father gave it to me, because he loved me. And I said's how all of you - my beautiful children," she rubbed my cheek softly, and I grinned," One day, when you find that one special woman, I would like you to give this to her. And I want to see her face when you do so... That would make me so happy..."

Marriage? I have only had five girlfriends and they all were crazy people that just wanted to be known.

"But...but mother... I don't think anyone will truly love me for me. I am a Couteau, my last name somehow always haunts me and when people hear it... They change from the clueless stranger who wants to know the stranger that knows everything about you and wants to be exactly like you... To be known..." I lay my head on her lap, hating my last name even more.

"One day, a girl will love you, and look past the last name. Will see you for Liam, not Liam Couteau. Trust me..." She patted my head, and I sighed, hoping she was right. Because so far, all I have is blood on my hands, and a heart that wants someone to just...understand...

Without...running away...

"Why are you crying?" I look off to the side of me, Gabby, tugging on my sleeve, as is Brianna. Her eyes are worried, and it made me so happy that I remembered that memory.

Gabby is the one I've been searching for all true mate...

I was close to my mother, so just remembering that memory filled me with a fuzzy feeling.

"I just remembered something from my past...that's all... Ya know," I grab her hand as Brianna leans into her neck, closing her eyes as she was falling asleep," We've...been through a lot. And I've never - like have never ever - met someone like you... And that's a good thing! But, you say we are mates...true mates right?"

Gabby nods, her eyebrows raising. I look around, seeing that I'm starting a scene. We are in the middle of a transportation sidewalk and people have to go around us to get somewhere.

"In the human world, when you love someone, they normally don't have sex and say they're mates. They..." A crooked smile rose to her lips and I became shy." They get to know one another. Then after they do and they confess their feelings, there's a long relationship from there. In the end, the man...the man..." Gabby cradled my cheek softly, her eyes sparkling as she smiled even brighter then before.

"I may not remember everything about the human modern life, but I do know, about proposing. And the ring. And the dress. And then the kiss. I know those small details..." Gabby looked away awkwardly, licking her lips for comfort." Why...why do you bring this up? I thought you were content with being mates."

"I am! I always will be...! But I want more than that...I want something...I something more than a bond to tell us that we belong. I want people to see it clearly. To see our hands, to see a ring that proves," I kiss her ring finger, making my lips tingle,"you're mine."

Her eyes glow, and flash a bright yellow, and all of a sudden, it turns red.

Yellow, fading slowly into a dark orange, then a wine colored red. I pulled away, her eyes quickly fading back into the familiar yellow.

"What is it?"

I shake my head, pulling away as I was confused. If I remember correctly, blue is omega; yellow is beta; and red is alpha. So...what's orange? And why did her eyes change like that?

"Uh...nothing... I think we should take Brianna home." I get off the topic of the ring, feeling my face heat up.

Now I'm nervous, I've never seen eyes like that before. Now I have questions. And she probably knows the answer, but I won't ask her to her face. I'm kinda scared of her and I won't ruin the moment.

But I'm pretty sure it's to late.

"It is to late. What are you bickering about up in that brain of yours? You are thinking so fast I couldn't get it clearly."

"Get out my head." I say, and she shrugs as I look away. I hold her hand, and we walk back to the condos.

The whole time, I can feel my mothers ring burn in my pocket. Telling me that I blew something big because of something I wasn't used to. I didn't know what I was seeing. I became afraid, and backed out.

Even when I didn't know what I was leading up too...

Besides! We're babysitting Brianna, I shouldn't be focusing on trivial matters like that. I'll figure it out later.

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