What to do

By LaurensNormani

9.2K 453 97

Breaking up,making up. They don't know what to do. More

Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 9

755 43 39
By LaurensNormani

Darius was a good boyfriend. He called Normani when he said he would. He showed her the attention she needed and left her alone when she wasn't in the mood. He was what a stable relationship looked like. Normani didn't have any trouble trusting him because he didn't seem like that type of guy. Or because she knew deep down inside she didn't love him all that much at the moment to care if he broke her trust. Normani's mind has been going in different directions since her and Lauren's first therapy session. It had been a little over a week since they went to Dr.Link and Normani didn't plan on going back. She missed Monday's session and Lauren has been calling her to banter her about it. She couldn't go back to that room. She couldn't handle the darkness of their relationship. She didn't want to believe Lauren would want to hurt her that much.

"Babe,are you listening?" A deep voice interjected her thoughts. She looked over at Darius who was  driving. He looled focused on the rode but also focused on the conversation. "Um no sorry Dari, I wasn't." Normani said with a slight frown. "Are you okay? You've been zoning out on me alot today."

She had been zoning out. No matter how much she tried,Lauren made her way into her mind. More specifically the way Lauren kissed her after the session. Normani hated herself for actually liking it and not wanting her to stop. Lauren's touch felt so familiar and safe. She wanted to feel safe with Lauren,but after the session she didn't feel safe with her anymore.

"No babe, I'm just tired." Normani reached over and rubbed her hands through his short curls. She bit her lip slowly looking at her boyfriend. "I missed you." She tells him.  It wasn't a lie. She did miss him. She missed his rough hands on her skin,the way he gave her a stern look when she wasn't listening to him speak. She missed being turned on by him. Darius was so sweet most of the time but when it came to sex he was the complete opposite. He'd fuck the brain cells out of her,made her forget how to walk and talk. And in that moment she needed it. She needed to forget about Lauren and just be fucked.

"Babe pullover." She said. Darius eyebrows raised in confusion.

"But Mani we're very close to the restaurant.  Why should I pull over any-"

"If you want to get your dick wet you'd pull over right now."

And with that he pulled over,rolling up the tinted windows.

Lauren POV

Normani hasn't returned her call in a week. She didn't show up for Monday's session and it pissed Lauren off. She was trying to work out their problems but it seemed like all of it was too much to work for Normani. The label was finally off her ass and the album promotion was going great. Her new single was top 5 right now. Everything else in her life was going well except for her love life. Lauren knew that she wouldn't be satisfied with life until she had Normani back by her side. But the older woman wasn't talking to her. She went MIA on Lauren again and she hated when the older woman would do that. If Normani wasn't gonna answer her calls in private maybe she'd have to make answer her in public.

Lauren took out her phone,opening up the Twitter app. She knew what she was about to do would piss Normani off even more but it would mane her talk.

"@LaurenMJ:@NormaniKH Pick up the phone! I miss my nugget!"

In less than three minutes the tweet got over  50k retweets. The twitterverse was sure to break. This forced Normani to atleast give her a call even if it were to yell at the younger girl. She hated how Normani just gave up on them so easily. Something that she always tended to do. For once Lauren was gonna make her fight for their relationship. She continued to look
at all the reactions on twitter until Dinah walked through the door with wide eyes piercing into Lauren.

"Hey Din-"

"SHE IS GOING TO KILL YOU!" Dinah cut off.

"Who?" Lauren knew exactly who she was talking about but playing dumb was a more fun choice.

"Lauren! Seriously. Do you know what you've done?" Dinah is now pacing back n forth.

"Calm down. It's just a harmless tweet Dinah.  She bailed on me this week! I needed to call her out on her bullshit somehow."

Sitting down next to Lauren,Dinah rubs her temples gently.

"When will you two grow up? I'm younger than you both and I'm more mature!"

        It's true. When it came to relationships,Dinah was was the mature one out of the bunch. So much so that she got married and knew that they were completely ready to be tied to one another.

"Love makes you a immature asshole." Lauren says breaking the silence. Normani was going to be the death of Lauren. The older woman made her feel too many emotions and she couldn't imagine anyone else making her feel that way. The silence once again filled the room. Both women in deep thought about the situationat hand. Nothing about Lauren and Normani's relationship was ever simple. They were two opposites that are so much alike its confusing.

The banging on the door shattered the silence and the deep thoughts the two girls were sharing with themselves. "LAUREN I KNOW YOU'REIN THERE" Normani'svoice boomed through the door. Lauren's eye's widened. Normani sounded mad. Really mad. Lauren slowly got up from the couch and moved towards the door with Dinah following close behind. Normani was still banging even when Lauren opened the door slightly. Once fully opened the door revealed a very frazzled and angry Normani.

"Well um. I'll see you later Lauren," Dinah said before turning to Normani ," Don't be too hard on her. I already yelled at her a bit." Dinah quickly moved passed Normani,leaving the toxic couple alone. Normani entered the apartment without looking at Lauren once. She began to pace as she tried to figure out the right words to say to the younger girl. Lauren was nervous. The new found silence Normani was giving off meant she was more mad than Lauren had expected.

"Mani I-"

"Nope! You've done enough typing and talking for the day." Normani held up her hand cutting Lauren off. She continued to pace. Lauren could tell this was gonna take awhile so she sat down on the couch neatly.
She felt like a child that did something bad in school.

"We're trending number one worldwide right now. I had to dodge paparazzi on the way here. Shit,there's probably photos of me banging on your door surfing the web right now."

"Well I tweeted you to call me. Not come over!" Lauren said trying to lighten the mood. Normani just gave her a death glare in return.

"Why do you insist on hurting me Lauren?" Normani stopped pacing and flopped herself on the couch next to the green eyed beauty.

"Mani it was a stupid tweet." Lauren let out a frustrated sigh.

"Fuck the tweet. I'm talking about you cheating. The scene of you cuddled up against that girl has been replaying in my head since our session."

Lauren gulped. She didn't want to talk about this.

"Because I'm an idiot okay! I don't want to hurt you anymore. I don't want you to hurt me either" Lauren said,her voice soft. Normani was abit taken aback by Lauren's end of the statement.

"When have I hurt you?" Normani asked.

"Not showing up to our session monday for starters. I want to fight for us Mani. I'm fucked up. I know but atleast I can admit it and try to grow. You just want to force everything wrong on me instead of on both of us. You don't want to fight"

Lauren was tired of being the whole reason their relationship is failing when it's really both of them. Normani sat silent next to her. She looked very off balance. Her hair a bit messy and her clothes looked thrown on instead of her usual put together appearance. It made Lauren wonder.

"I'll try harder then. I just hate you and love you. Its hard."

"Well it's not gonna be easy Mani,but therapy is obviously what we need. I love you. I can't imagine my life without you at this point,so I need us to work this out." Lauren says as she grabs onto Normani's hand.

Normani looked at the younger with wide eyes. It was odd hearing Lauren say "I love you" so often. When they dated she only heard it once or twice every few months.  The younger woman looked so vulnerable. It was a new side of Lauren that Normani definitely needed to see. It made her feel safe with Lauren again.

"You smell like him yknow." Lauren said breaking the silence.
Normani gave her a confused look.

"You're hair and clothes are all messy. His scent is all over you. You just fucked him" Lauren states. She didn't need to ask. She knew how Normani looked after being fucked.

"Y-yeah,but that's none-"

"Of my business? I know. I just want you to know that I see you. I know you. I know your legs are no where near shaking like their supposed to be. I know he didn'tget you off like I can. I know you did all the work while he gave you sloppy thrusts."

"Lauren you're being-

"Inappropriate? I know. You don't love him." Lauren cuts Normani off again. She slides her hand from Normani's and bring it down to Normani's inner thigh. This caused for the older girl to let out a small gasp. Things were heading down a dangerous direction. Normani liked the way her hands was so comfortably placed on her. Lauren leaned  in,closer to Normani's ear as she slid her hand inside of Normani's shorts,still only touching her thigh. Normani was frozen.

"You love me. You love when I tease you like this. Because when I do this I'm not simply just fucking with you Normani. You know when I do this,when we have sex. We're not just fucking like you do with him. We're creating love on a whole new level." Lauren whispers in Normani's ear. Lauren didn't mean to make it this steamy but she couldn't help herself. She didn'twant Normani to smell like him. She needed to delete him from her body.

Inching closer her hands finally reached Normani's center,earning a moan from the frozen woman. Lauren began to rub on the older womans center,feeling the wetness through her panties. "Relax into me baby. Enjoy the moment. Let me finish you off since he can't seem to." Lauren whispered into Normani'sear before nibbling on it. She couldn't believe the older woman did what she was told. Normani let her head fall back as Lauren let her fingers wander under her panties.

The slightest touch was sending her into a frenzy. She needed this. She needed Lauren and Lauren knew that. "Damn baby girl. You're soaked." Lauren whispered again as she began to rub Normani's clit. The feeling was sensational and relaxing. Normani couldn'thelp but to let out a moan. Lauren continued to rub on her slowly. "Stop fucking teasing Lauren." Normani let out a fustrated moan.

She hated when she would does this. Lauren bit her lip smiling abit. She listened to the older girls orders and thrusted one find into her. Normani's breath began to hitch as Lauren pumped her finger in and out before adding in another one. Lauren has been wanting to feel Normani like this again for months. Nothing satisfied her more than Normani's eye's rolling back as Lauren showed appreciation to her. She could tell the older woman was close so she pulled her fingers out and began to rub her clit again.

"Lauren what the fu-"

"Who's pussy is this?" Lauren cut Normani off once again. Normani was taken aback by the question. She was too focused on how close she was. "What!?"

"You heard me. Who does this pussy belong to?" Lauren whispered in a stern voice. She needed Normani to answer her correctly. Darius didn't deserve to touch her. She was Lauren'sand Lauren was hers. No other people truly deserved to touch them but them. She hoped Normani knew that.

"Answer me." She rubbed on the older girl harder and fast causing Normani'sbreathing to become much faster. "Y-y-y yours. It's yours." Normani practically screamed out. This made Lauren smile as she plunged her fingers back into her center,pumping them until the older woman couldn'thold it in any longer. Watching the love of her life's face as she orgasmed made Lauren herself close to doing so. Pulling her fingers out,Normani sighed at the loss. Pulling her finger away from Normani,Lauren brought her soaked fingers to her mouth,sucking them clean while holding eye contact with the older woman.

Normani was at a loss for words. She couldn't even process how she went from yelling at Lauren to moaning out her name. She stood up,fixing herself before heading to the front door. Before she could reach the doorknob, Lauren stopped her. Holding her by her waist,Lauren whispered into her ear.
"Never come around me after fucking him. Because I'll make you forget he exists. I'll see you Monday for our next session.I love you."

That garnered no remark from Normani as Lauren let go over her and.let her walk out the door very confused. Lauren herself was very confused as to how that happened. She didn't plan it but nor did she regret it.

Um yeah lol. I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Its been awhile! Stream Down with US IP! Comment to give me feedback.

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