
By okaycait

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Jaysyn Moon, school rebel, known for her waist length brown hair and beanies, Australian accent, and her repu... More



1 0 0
By okaycait


As the English teacher begins teaching the class, which, by teaching I mean he starts dancing on the tables to some song that one of the Seniors plays from their boom box and speaking Spanish, again, in English class, I sigh and put my head in my hands before speaking up.

"Hey, Mr. Parker, do you think we could actually learn something in the English language?" Literally the only reason I speak up is because this teacher is a 21 year old guy whose dad is on the board which is how he got the job at all. Every weekend he parties and drinks with the student at different places. It's incredibly cringe worthy and completely humiliating to anyone in their right mind. Of course, none of the teachers at this school are good teachers anyway, which is why there are so many students. Because the teachers don't care about anything and that's how the students like it.

"Oh my God, stop," I groan as he begins doing the "pony" dance from Magic Mike. No thanks to the other Jay in the class for putting the song on in the first place. I repeat my earlier statement but to no avail as Parker keeps dancing on the tables.

"PRINCIPAL!" The senior beside me yells and all the students get off their phones, the music stops, and Mr. Parker stands in front of the board, writing something down. I chuckle, knowing the principal is in his office, as he always is after lunch.

"Hey, thanks. That was incredibly disturbing," I  say quietly and look over at the lad dressed in dark jeans and a dark shirt as he looks bored out of his mind. He rolls his eyes and taps his fingers on the desk as the class goes back to how it was after they know the coast is clear. "You're welcome. God, how much longer is this class?" he groans.

"Each class is an hour long, and we've only been her for ten minutes," I inform him, grabbing my bag from off the chair. "Oh God take me now," he groans and slams his head on the desk. I laugh at this. "Just ditch, mate. None of the teachers here care what they do, they don't take role, either."

"Obviously. Is that what you're doing?" He looks at my bag then back at me. I nod. "Come on, I'll show you where I go when I ditch." He grabs his bag and follows me out the door. "You know, you're pretty cool," I look up at him.

"So are you. I'm Elliot, by the way." He sticks his hand out for me to shake. "I'm Jaysyn, but everyone calls me Jay." I take his hand and shake it once. I lead him down to the end of the hallway and stop in front of a door. I check behind us down the hall for teachers and security before I open the door and pull him in.

"Where are we-" I put my hand over his mouth as I shut the door. "Shh. We aren't supposed to be in here, by law, but the faculty leaves it unlocked for God knows what reason." I explain as I flip the light on.

"So what do we do now?" He whispers, looking round the small space. I shuffle past him and over to the back corner where the ladder to the roof is and turn back to Elliot. "Flip that light off and follow me."

I lead him up the ladder and onto the roof. "You can see practically everything from up here," I say, walking around. He walks the other way. "You wanna go over there?" He points in the direction of the entrance of the woods that's roped off.

"It's blocked off. We aren't allowed over there." He looks at me with a raised eyebrow to my response. "So we're going then?" I smirk as I run across the roof to where the building drops off to a lower level. I turn and wait for Elliot, who walks over to me. "Any day now. Take your time, love." I say sarcastically. He smirks and continues to take his time. I groan exaggeratedly and fall onto my back, kicking my leg up in the air in the process.

"Well, how do think we're gonna get down, Princess?" He retorts as he finally meets me. "Well, considering somebody took their sweet old time, I decided we're gonna jump." I stand up and brush myself off before stepping to the edge of the building. A look of uneasiness crosses his face, but it's gone as fast as it came. "You're actually crazy."

"Mate, look. The building slopes down in levels. From here to the next platform, it's an eight foot drop. And you're obviously over six foot, so if you hang on the edge and lower yourself down, you'll be fine. As for me, being only five foot, I'll have to drop like a foot or so to hit the ground." I crouch down and sit on the edge, ready to flip myself around.

"Wait, wait, wait." I stop and look up at Elliot. "Is there a problem?" I quirk my eyebrow at him. "Let me go down first so I can help you." I laugh at him. "You act like I've never done this before." "Shut up. Just let me go down first." He rolls his eyes and gets into the same position as me. He turns himself around and climbs down. "Okay, come on," he says as I watch his feet hit the pavement of the roof.

"You know, I can do this myself." I turn around and lower myself on the wall. Elliot grabs my hips and lowers me the rest of the way. "How far is the next drop?" He peers down to the next platform. "It's like six feet and then about ten feet from there to the ground." I look up at him. He nods his head and begins his way down again, going through the same process where he helps me down.

"Be careful on this one, it's kinda far," I say as I watch him lower himself down the side and jump the last about three feet. "Okay, come on, be careful." I pull myself over the ledge and lower my body down until I'm hanging by my finger tips. Elliot's hands grip my waist as he holds me and when I let go, he lowers me to the ground.

"You good?" I turn around and look up at him to answer his question. "Yeah." He smiles and turns toward the forest, "Ready?" I smirk up at him. "Let's go." We run across the street to the taped off entrance of the small forest and duck under the rope. "You seem to know where you're going quite well. Have you been here before?" I ask him as I step over a fallen tree. "That I do," he turns around and smiles at me.


And boom. Chapter 2 done. Is this moving too fast? Ah I don't know! I really do like the concept I have for this story going, I just don't wanna rush it. Anyway! Thoughts on Elliot? *wriggles eyebrows*

Any who, I'll catch ya at the end of next chapter! Have a good one!


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