Hear the Ocean

By MorganFReeW

7.9K 115 68

When a teenager in Sinnoh moves to "boring old Sandgem town", he finds a mysterious shell and is thrown into... More

Ch. 1 My Crappy Life Begins
Ch. 2 Clueless Much?
Ch. 3 I Will Never Eat in a 7-Star Restaurant Again
Ch. 4 My First Battle. Unintentionally.
Ch. 5 I Possibly Die From Magikarp
Ch. 6 Awkward...
Ch. 7 Remember That Time I Got Blown Up, THEN Sucker Punched?
Ch. 8 I am Assaulted by Toddlers in Swim Tubes
Ch. 9 The Baby That Ruined My Life
Ch. 11 The City on the Sea
Ch. 12 My Homecoming (But Without all the Tuxedos and Stuff)
Ch. 13 The Invitation

Ch. 10 Opening Up

375 8 0
By MorganFReeW

I groaned as I turned over on my pad, the closest thing to a bed I could get. It didn't have a pillow or anything, so I was forced to use my paws to cover my ears, desperately trying to keep out the frustrating sound of Ed and Dr. Footstep talking. I didn't think I'd ever find someone who rivaled in sheer volume, but lo and behold, this guy showed up.

After trying and failing to drift off to sleep for several minutes, I decided to stand up, and walk over to the door. Thankfully, there was a little Pokemon door, which I stepped through and onto the beach outdoors. It was a new kind of beautiful. The normal serenity of the beach was accented by the moonlight reflecting off the waves and the darkness adding a sense of quiet. I walked out a little bit before stopping and staring up at the moon.

I was mentally exhausted. Everything that had happened in just a few days was beginning to drive me nuts. My anger and frustration, temporarily buried by spending some nice beach time, had been rekindled by my talk with Phione.

"Man, I could show a thing or to that smug little..." I muttered, before stopping. I rubbed my head with my paw.

"Me. Of all the people in the world. It had to be me."

I looked at the ocean. "Why me? I dunno. Maybe I'm overconfident. Maybe self obsessed. A grade A jerk to everyone around me. People who are trying to help me, and I can't even give them a chance!"

I took a few steps. "Maybe you picked me because I deserved it. Well guess what? I'm sorry!" A few more steps later, I found myself at the edge of the water. I stared down at my reflection in the water, an image of a creature that wasn't me. That I didn't understand.

I slammed a paw in, disrupting the image. "I'm sorry about it! I'm sorry, damn it! I want this to be over!" Tears filled my eyes as I screamed into the night sky. "MAKE ME MYSELF AGAIN!!"

I fell backwards onto the sand of the beach. "Please." I whispered. "Please."

I lay there for a moment. Almost wishing I could drown. But I couldn't. Every gulp of ocean water felt like a breath of fresh air. And I hated it.

The sound of a door opening drew me back to reality. I lifted my head off the ground to see Ed walking over through the sand. As he came up to me, he began to say something.

"I heard something from out here, are-" I didn't let him finish. Even though it was strange, uncomfortable, and every fiber in my body that was still human screamed at me for doing it, I ran up to him and jumped into his massive arms. I had had enough, and I wanted to be at peace.

He did nothing for a moment, though he thankfully caught me. I just quietly cried into his chest.

After a moment, he gave me a pat on the head.


I opened my eyes to the sunrise, the bright rays reflecting off of the water in a way that temporarily blinded me. I rolled over to find a large, familiar vest in front of my face. I backed up slightly so that I could fully view Ed sleeping peacefully beside me. I rolled my eyes, and began walking off towards the man's house. 

Partway there, however, I stopped myself. Looking back at Ed, I saw a bit of weirdo, who really cared about me despite the fact that I treated him like dirt.

I sighed and walked over to him. I stopped beside him to say quietly, "Morning, big guy."

He slowly opened his eyes and rolled over to get up. Unfortunately, said roll was onto me. "Ah, the morning light. Words can't really do it justice, eh?"

"ERMMMF!!!" I muffled from underneath his body. 

He looked around before likely noticing my paw emerging from under him. He quickly got up and brushed himself off. "OH! My apologies! I didn't even notice you there."

"No...problem." I groaned. "But next time, before you do that, maybe lose like...50 pounds."

As I got to my feet, he asked, "Are you alright after last night?"

I looked out at the water. Given that I didn't want to punch Ed in the face (too much), it certainly seemed that way. "Yeah, I guess so." I replied.

For an awkward moment, the two of us stared out at the sea. Then, I finally worked up the strength to say something.

"I'm sorry."

He only looked at me, with a curious, concerned look on his face.

"Ever since this trip started, I've disrespected you, mocked you, and given you no chance. I treated you like you were just a distraction, and that you would be gone if I just dealt with you long enough." Tears welled in my eyes again. "I should never do that. To anyone. Especially not someone like you, who didn't deserve it in the slightest."

I sat there and tried to choke back the tears. After a moment, I felt a hand on my back. "You know, I don't believe I ever got your name."

I thought about it for a moment. I suppose he hadn't. All he had known was that I was a human who was turned into a Pokemon, and that I generally disliked his personality. "Yeah. It's...uh, it's John. Or Jack. I prefer Jack."

"Well then," He replied, extending a hand, "It is very nice to meet you, Jack."

I stuck out a paw and took it.

"Nice to meet you, Ed."

We broke the handshake, and Ed held up his fist for a fist bump.

"Don't push it." I told him, before walking away from the water.

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