
Por Alex-Sinclair

335K 12.6K 1K

Secrets and lies were never a part of my life. Until, that is, I met him. Then, everything changed. Or, mayb... Más

Dominic's Story


1.8K 109 5
Por Alex-Sinclair


"Oh, thank God!" Arms wrap securely around me and suddenly, although I'm not sure why, I feel extremely safe.

"Kasey," I breath out a sigh of relief.

She lets go of me, keeping her hands on my shoulders in order to observe me from head to toe. "James hasn't found you yet, has he?"

I shake my head, causing strands of hair to brush freely across my cheeks.

She sighs heavily. "Good. Who knows what he would have done?" A devious grin spreads across her face. "Then again, maybe I should have let him find you."

"He's my mate." The words spill from my lips faster than I can stop them. They cause reactions that I was expecting; surprise and hope.

Kasey's eyes widen at my sudden revelation and it appears as though she thinks I've got all of my memories back. Oh, how I wish that were the case. "Do you remember?"

"No." Her face falls at my reply. "Is he?"

"Yeah. He is. Not a very good one at the moment, though. Don't tell him I said that. He is my Alpha after all... I mean... my boss."

I roll my eyes at her just as we begin walking. "You're a werewolf too, then? Who isn't?"

She gasps. "Who told you?"

"That doesn't matter."

"Sure it does! Gosh, we had such a good plan going! I bet it was Charles. I knew he couldn't be trusted the moment I met that boy. Ugh, now I'm annoyed." Kasey glances over at me with concern etched on her features. "Your brain isn't going to explode by the overwhelming information, is it?"

"Um... well, I hope not."

"Cool! So you know about werewolves. This is good. Tell me what else you know."

My eyes flicker up to the starry night as I go through what had just happened. "Apparently I had a crush on a guy named Carlos."

She starts choking on air, dramatically throwing her arm out in front of her. After regaining herself, Kasey grabs my shoulders so that I'm facing her. "You did not have a crush on him. Trust me." I don't answer, causing her to start shaking me.

"Okay. Okay. I get it."

A sudden smile lights up her face. "Good." She spins around and starts walking forward again.

Wow, this girl is a handful.

After a few seconds of silence, Kasey suddenly stops walking. Her face is blank and her body stiff as she reads from her glowing cellphone. I wait a few moments until she blinks a few times and looks over at me with regret in her expression. "I guess I have to take you home. Honestly, that guy is way too grumpy."


She flashes me a reassuring smile. "Nobody. Come on. Caleb should be here with a car soon. We'll drive you home."

I nod slowly. "Okay." I follow behind her, wishing the travel back to my house is longer, but it passes far too quickly.

So empty.

Hours later, my tired arms hold my knees tightly against my chest in some form of desperate protection. I left my nightstand lamp on and every other light in the house is off.

I don't think I've ever stayed in this house completely alone. It's unnerving and, frankly, I'd rather sleep on Charles' cramped, uncomfortable futon then deal with this emptiness.

A heavy sigh deflates my lungs and I'm left feeling the utmost discomfort of the silence around me. It's so quiet that I'm able to pick up the shuffling from outside of my window. In a flash, I'm up and ready to investigate.

Aware that I need to keep my breathing quiet, I sneak forward until my back is against the wall beside my window. The shuffling gets louder. Inch by inch, I turn my gaze to my backyard through the screen.

The moon shines down on a giant black wolf, looking at me almost expectantly. My first instinct is to scream, however, I manage to hold it back. Instead, I'm left with my jaw hanging and my eyes widening at the beautiful monster that sits a dozen or so feet away from my house.

My heart hammers, causing blood to course through my veins at full speed. Even so, I'm not scared. I'm anything but scared. I feel as though I can jump out of my window, throw my arms around it, and it wouldn't hurt me.

I kind of want to do that. Is that weird?

Yes. That is very weird, Aria.

I stare for God knows how long at the wolf. He's assessing me, I think. Every move I make, his eyes follow. He's drinking me in, as though he'll never see me again.

Slowly, I lift my hand up and wiggle my fingers to wave at him. This causes his tail to start wagging. I can't help but giggle. It's surreal; witnessing an overgrown wolf wagging its tail like a dog to their owner.

I don't own him, yet I can sense through the electric charges running through the air between us that he holds a certain loyalty to me.

Who is he?

A warm hand lands on my shoulder, and I'm way too preoccupied with my stare-off to notice, which causes me to yelp in surprise. I whirl around to see Charles' looking like he just ran a full marathon.

"Aria," he breathes heavily. "You really know how to scare a guy; you know that?" Charles shakes his head disapprovingly. "What are you doing beside your window? It's freaking cold."

I quickly snap my attention back outside; the wolf is nowhere to be seen. I manage a casual shrug of my shoulders. "I'm not cold."

Charles, after emitting a deep groan, lands on my bed with a belly flop. "What a day. I'm pooped. Mind if I crash here?"

"Go ahead," I say, rolling my eyes, considering he's already half asleep. I crawl in beside him, trying to ignore the fact that he stole all of the pillows and blankets.

My heavy eyelids close with gratification. It doesn't take me long to drift off into a blissful sleep, dreaming of beautiful black wolves and an alluring electric current.


"Good morning, beautiful." My eyes blink open to see... not Charles.

My body instinctively flings forward with so much momentum that I end up on the floor. I scramble to stand, glancing in all directions to find Charles. All I see is Carlos still leaning beside my bed with a mischievous grin on his face.

"Cute shorts," he says as his eyes rake my bare legs.

My hands fumble with my comforter and I quickly wrap the material around my body. "What are you doing here?" I exclaim. "And where is Charles?"

"He left about an hour ago. Took him long enough, too." Carlos flops back on my bed, resting his head on his arm. "We have a lot to talk about, chica."

"In here? Right now?"

Carlos nods as though it is the most obvious thing in the world. "I warned you and you didn't listen. Do you really want to get captured by the big bad guy?"

I pause. "How can I trust you?"

"Trust me. Don't trust me. At this point, I really don't care." Carlos swings his legs in order to hoist himself up. He's much more intimidating when standing in front of me. "You need to get out of here. That friend of yours... Taylor, is it? She has probably already told Victor where you are. You need to leave. Now."

My mind is whirls. Who can I trust? Ugh, I'm giving myself a headache. "I..."

He shrugs his shoulders casually. "Your choice." Carlos saunters towards the exit of my bedroom. "Oh, and it wasn't my idea to get you to pack your things and leave. It was your parents' idea. They want me to take you to them. Like I said; your choice." And now he's gone.

My parents? My heart drops at the mention of them; I'm desperate to see them. To have them explain what the hell is going on. To have someone I know I can trust. My hands rise and grasp my scalp in exasperation.

It's all too frustrating for me.

A crashing sound from downstairs startles me. What is Carlos getting himself into? I huff out a sigh and head in that direction.

The air is colder as I descend the stairs. I find myself suddenly anxious... nervous, even. The moment I step onto the ground level, I'm immediately aware that I have company... and it sure isn't Carlos.

I stare into two green eyes that appear nowhere near calm. The amount of tension in the air almost chokes me on the spot. I notice the back door swung open, hinges broke off. The man before me breathes heavily, straining the back shirt that he wears.

I internally shake myself once I realize I'm staring.

The man, clearly pissed off, has his attention solely placed one me.

Just my luck.

"You seem very... comfortable around him," the man, James, speaks through clenched teeth. Despite the invisible steam radiating off of his body, I find it close to impossible not to ogle him. Such a perfectly carved jawline... And sparkly eyes... Messy chestnut brown hair... Warm sable skin. I find my fingertips twitching in a need to run my hands through that hair.

I manage to hold myself back.

"Who?" I ask, mostly since I wasn't listening to his words. I was focusing on the deepness of his tone that had my inside whirling.

Why is my body reacting this way? I mean... sure, he's gorgeous, but I've seen many gorgeous guys in my time.

James scowls at me. "Carlos," he says as though the name could create venom.

"Carlos?" I repeat casually. I'm thankful I don't sound as affected as I am. "I don't even know him. Well, I probably do... but..."

James shakes his head slowly... intently. I swallow in anticipation. "Do you want him, Aria?"

I shiver at the sound of him saying my name, regardless of the fact that his voice is dripping with discontent. "What? No."

He laughs darkly. Man, is he ever wound up. "You belong to me, Aria. I got you to see that once before. I have no problem doing it again," he takes a step forward. "And again," another step. "Until it's impossible for you to forget."

Part of me wants to let him close the distance and allow his skin to make contact with mine. The other, more rational part knows that I need to get the hell out of here. My eyes gaze around quickly; there's no way I can reach the front or back door. He would jump in the way before I could get the chance to get there.

Unfortunately, my only option is to run upstairs, go into my bedroom, and crawl out of my window.

He takes one more step and that's my inspiration to bolt up the stairs. I make it to my bedroom door and I'm sure I've made; I'm about to swing the door shut until it blasts open. He shuts the door behind him, never looking away from me. James starts walking into the room and I circle so the bedroom door his behind me.

James studies me from head to toe. I feel uncomfortable and exposed. Deciding to wear my little shorts to bed is starting to look like a bad idea.

"What do you want?" I ask strongly, glaring at this strange man's odd behavior.

"I want you, Aria," he replies in a quiet voice.

His eyes have shifted into swimming charcoal black. Despite the animalistic look to his eyes, I can't seem to find myself the least bit frightened.

That is until he takes a step forward.

"You see, the thing is, I can't stay away from you. Screw what everyone else says about giving you space. I honestly couldn't care less right now."

My back presses firmly against my bedroom door. How did I get myself into this mess? I am his prey as he slowly inches his way closer to me. "Um... Listen, James. Maybe you sho-"

In a flash, he is directly in front of me with his finger pressed against my lips. "Listen, Aria, I'm not a patient person. So either you remember everything that happened between us right this second or..." He leans in dangerously close until his lips graze my ear. "I will make you remember."

Now I'm scared.

His head rests against the wall beside me. His hands cage me in and he appears to be calming his erratic breathing. With each intake of breath, he takes in my scent. I'm so overwhelmed by the electricity in the air between us. It feels as though there's a magnetic pull forcing us together. Even so, he doesn't move to touch me.

"I need you," he says in a low whisper. He sounds... deflated. All of his energy is gone and before me stands a hurting man.

That thought alone causes my heart to clench.

"So badly," he continues. James gently grabs a strand of my hair and allows it to fall back on my collar bone. "I know I need to wait," he says lowly. "It's just hard."

I feel so conflicted. Kiss him. Don't kiss him. Run like hell. I hate that my memory is gone. I desperately want it back so I can clarify whatever feelings I have for this man.

James pulls back slightly, staring into my eyes. Slowly, his eyes darken and a smirk grows on his lips. "No," he says. "Screw waiting."

Before I have a chance to comprehend his intentions, his lips press firmly against mine. My gasp of surprise gives him perfect access to deepen the kiss in ways I'd never experienced before...well, not that I can remember.

His warm arms snake around my waist, drawing me closer against him. I feel the wall behind me, almost enough to feel uncomfortable. James runs his tongue along my bottom lip and then draws his teeth. I moan at the contact and I can feel his lips tip upward in a satisfied smile.

All of my thoughts go haywire. I'm unable to process the given situation and, honestly, I don't care enough to think it through. I wrap my arms around his neck in acceptance of the eruption of tingles that are coursing through my body.

James' hands travel down to the bottom of my thigh. Suddenly, he hoists me up and wraps my legs around his torso.

This is getting intense.

I take the chance to catch my breath as he trails kisses down to my jawline. His teeth graze my neck and I can't help but let out a breathy moan from his lips against my skin. James' hands tighten their hold on my legs and I feel him press harder against my body.

"J-James," I manage to gasp.

"Mm..." He starts sucking on the sensitive flesh and I'm overwhelmed with sensation. His kisses trail back up onto my face. He bites into my bottom lip again, that time gentler. Breathing heavily, he rests his forehead against mine, his eyes closed. "I missed that," he states.

My hands rest on his shoulders. Despite the position I'm in, I feel nothing but comfort. "I'm sure I did too," I mutter, breathless.

He smirks playfully. The look is quickly replaced by one of disappointment. "I guess that means you don't remember."

"What were you expecting?" I reason. "A kiss would bring it all back?"

"Maybe some of it." James returns to his playful expression. "My kisses are quite memorable."

I laugh. "Really?"


After a few passing moments of silence, I blow out a sigh. "You know, you can let me down now."

James nuzzles my neck, in-taking a deep breath through his nose. "I don't want to."

"You can't hold me all day."

"Sure, I can."

"That's very unreasonable."

"Don't care."

My mind goes back to my conversation with Carlos and I'm quickly drawn back to reality. "I... have a few questions."

Noting my change in demeanor, he sets me down and gives me a wary look. "What do you want to know?"

I gaze down at my feet. "It's about Carlos." A growling causes me to look up at him; he doesn't seem pleased with the sound of Carlos' name. "He told me that my parents sent him to get me."

James narrows his eyes at me. "The lying bastard."

I blink several times up at him. "I believe him," I say in a quiet voice.

He growls again, shooting me a pointed look.

I know what I'm about to say will probably bother him more so I avert my gaze away from his menacing stare. "I think I'm going to go with him."


"I don't think you get it," I continue. "I have no idea what happened for the past three years! I need my parents, James."

He pauses long enough to have me believing that he won't say anything at all. "So you're going to go with Carlos," he murmurs.

"He knows where they are."

"You seriously think I'll let you go?"

"Let me go?" I scoff. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize we've gone back two hundred years in time."

James narrows his eyes at me. "Aria, you're mine."

Despite the fact that his statement causes a swarm of butterflies to set off in my stomach, I quickly shake my head. "I'm going."

He pauses once again, merely staring at me. "Fine," James snaps. The tone of his voice has me flinching but not enough for him to notice. "If that's your choice." He turns around and leaves. Just like that.

I stare at the emptiness he left behind. I want to remember him. Maybe my choices would be so much different. Maybe I would choose to stay here and not need my parents so desperately. However, that isn't the case. I do need my parents and I know that Carlos is the only one who can help me get to them.


I'm such an idiot.

I roll my eyes to nobody in particular. There's a fully stuffed bag on my back that I had thrown together not ten minutes before. I hadn't made the final decision to leave until Carlos called me. He told me a place to meet up.

As my feet crunch against the gravel driveway, I contemplate my options. Stay and be forever shadowed by the darkness of my memory loss or do something about getting it back.

My phone buzzes and I see that it's Charles calling me. In that same moment, I notice a car parked on the side of the road with Carlos beckoning me forward. I swallow back the trepidation and doubt as I make my way over to the passenger seat.

"You sure about this, chica?" He asks after I slam the door shut.

I nod once, ignoring the imminent dread in my stomach. "I need answers," I mumble.

"And you don't think James can give you those answers?"

My head shakes. "Not the ones I want." I shake the impulse to run. "Just drive."

Carlos complies silently and we're off down the empty road, away from the town that is holding those dear to me.

It takes a whole ten minutes before Carlos speaks up. "James is going to murder me." As he speaks, his lips curl up into a menacing smile. "Won't that be a show to remember?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "You don't seem concerned."

He lifts a shoulder in a shrug. "I can hold my own."

I huff out, part of me thinking that statement couldn't possibly be true. I think about James and the way his presence makes me feel like I'm on cloud nine. Suddenly I'm reminded of our heated kiss and I can't stop the inevitable blush that covers my cheeks.

I turn to look out of the window.

"Your parents miss you," he suddenly states, voice low.

My head spins around to look at him. "Why haven't they contacted me?"

Carlos keeps his eyes on the road, although I notice his hands tightening around the wheel. "You'll know soon enough, chica. Just keep in mind, they aren't the same anymore. Victor Cage is one ruthless man. He sure knows how to mess with people."

"What do you mean?"

"You'll see very soon. Sleep. We have a long drive ahead of us."

Though difficult, I manage to sleep on the way. When I wake, I know it's been hours. Wherever we are, it's far from home. After pulling up to a place that looks abandoned, Carlos leads me inside.

The lighting is dim to the point where I feel uneasy in my own skin. Every step I take on the floor boards creates an ungodly sound. Everything about the broken down building is sending warning signs in my brain.

"My parents are here?" I shudder at the thought.

"They sure are." Carlos whistles as he eyes the broken wood. "Your father is quite the wizard."

"Wait, what?" I'm just about to persist in my question until a noise stops me. A familiar noise, causing every nerve in my body to relax.

The sound of my mother's gasp.

My head snaps in all directions, but I don't see her. "Mom?"

"Aria, dear."

"Mom?" My voice croaks. "Where are you?"

Then, everything changes. The broken down building we are standing in washes away. Suddenly, I find myself in an elegant house. The appliances are silver and new. Everything is bright and welcoming. Most importantly, my parents are standing several feet in front of me with sad smiles on their faces.

My heart drops at the sight of them. Carlos was right. I don't think an eternity could have prepared me for what my eyes are showing me.

My first instinct is to run, but that would defy my whole reasoning of traveling with Carlos. I find myself at a standstill between the door behind me and two people who I don't recognize as my parents.

Instead, I see monsters.

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