Undertale: A Sans x Frisk Sto...

By chescacutie1811

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A human named Frisk went to Mt. Ebott and fell into the underground. She befriend all of the monsters of the... More

Chapter 1: Meeting Toriel
Chapter 2:Toriel's House
Chapter 3: Meeting Sans and Papyrus
Chapter 4: The Underground
Chapter 5: The Confession
Chapter 6: My Gff/Bff
Chapter 7: Happy Halloween
Chapter 8: My Mom
Chapter 9: CHRISTMAS!
Chapter 10: New Year
Chapter 11: The Competition
Chapter 12: The Kidnapped
Chapter 13: My Birthday party pt.1
Chapter 14: My Birthday Part pt.2
Chapter 15: Meeting Ink
Chapter 16: Ink's Birthday
Chapter 17: Sleepover
Author's note
Chapter 18: (Secret😉)
Chapter 19: Personality changed
Chapter 20: Sans is dead
Chapter 21: He's Alive
Chapter 22: The Phone Call
Chapter 23: The Arrival
Chapter 24: The 2nd Sleepover pt.1
Chpater 26: The 2nd Sleepover/ The Barrier and Ink Papyrus pt.3
Chapter 27: The Barrier is Broken
Chapter 28: My life change
Chapter 29: My best friends (last part)
Bloopers #2
Bloopers #3
Bloopers #4
Bloopers #5
Q n A

Chapter 25: The 2nd Sleepover/ The story pt.2

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By chescacutie1811

Sans' P.O.V

Me and Frisk fought cause this guy has a major crush on Frisk and tried to kiss her. That guy made Frisk froze and like the kiss. I thought Frisk liked the kiss so I walked away from Grillby's and was about to go home but, Alphys called me and told me something about the anti-void. Acording to her research, If a monster is made in an anti-void, That monster will be very powerful like Error. She said there was a monster that is in an anti-void. I quickly teleported to Alphys' lab and she let me see the monster. She dosen't know if it's made or just teleported there. But she said it was very powerful. If that thing escaped, There is a chance that he can destroy the Aus in one snap of his hands or they can destroy it really fast, Faster than the speed of light, And no one can come to save it. Wait a sec, What's the appearance? ink questioned. It has tentacles in the back and it looks like me. It has black goo in his body and he has an assistant. He's assistant is wearing a puffier jacket than mine and it also looks like me, But it was still a baby so they can't control there powers no big. They all sigh in relieve, except for Ink. Wait a sec.......... NIGHTMARE AND CROSS! how did they became a baby?Ink added. Idk but there both babies. After that I quickly teleported me and Alphys into my lab and I know you guys pack up Frisk's things so she can leave with you Ink but I don't care that time. We rushed to my invention where you can go to the void and I went there but before I went there, I told Alphys that if I didn't come back to her lab in a hour, That means I'm dead, Cause I only have one H/P. I didn't come back after an hour because someone is attacking me in there while I was searching for a way out. I survived. I questioned myself, How did I survived? After that, I went on Alphys' lab the next day and I called Ink to check on Paps but he didn't say that Frisk almost died. I had a panic attack and Ink cuss into me. He said that my girlfriend's fever is really dangerous because of me. I started crying in Alphys' lab, It was embarassing. I told Ink that I'll be back at 4 days. I kept crying, and crying, and crying of what I did. I can't take this anymore. I need to be there. So I called Ink again and told him that I'm gonna go to Frisk at 6:00 today. After that, Ink quickly called Alphys to go there. He said that he'll teleport here and pick up Alphys. I told Alphys that don't say to Ink that I'm here. I will go there to suprise them. She nodded and I quickly hide. Alphys came back and I came to Ink's house just in time and Paps was alright but Frisk. She was burning hot because of me, She cut her arm because of me, And she was crying so hard becasue of me. This was all my fault and, and, and, and. I felt something in my cheekbone. It was Frisk's hand. No it's my fault. I let this happend because of me, she said. Let's just forgetdaboutit okay? she nodded and hugged me. I felt so much better cause I get to see her again. Let's continue the game.

( hey guys so yeah, this is only the story why Sans said he died but he's not dead. And I'm writting this story 11 o' clock in the night and I...... Am....... Sleepy! So bye guys peace out- chesca🐱)

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