
By rhyan-speaks

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Jamila Smith is a preacher's kid with strict parents and no social life whatsoever. Sadly, everything she wan... More

Not An Update
Not An Update
New Book + Undercover Sequel??
Undercover Sequel Announcement
Undercover Trilogy Announcement


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By rhyan-speaks

Jamila's P.O.V.

10:00 A.M.

I woke up with a small stomach pain, it felt better than yesterday, but it still hurts badly. I looked at the end of my bed and saw Dakota knocked out sleep on a pizza box.

"Dakota," I whisper yelled. "Dakota."

He was snoring loud so I knew he wasn't getting up anytime soon. I got out of bed going into my drawers to grab some more PJs and underclothes before going into my bathroom locking the door behind me.

I turned the shower on stripping out of my clothes stepping into the shower washing up my body. About twenty minutes later I dried off, lotioned up, and put my other PJs on.

I unlocked the door and glanced across the hall seeing Dakota dressed up in a gray shirt with some blue jean shorts.

He walked across the hall coming into my room smiling. "Hey Mila."

"Hey sleepy." I smiled.

He chuckled and looked at me sideways. "Whatever, I got some good sleep regardless."

"Mhm, but where you going?"

"Finna go do grown folk stuff."

"I wanna go."

He rubbed his goatee. "Lemme think, um, no."

"Why not?"

"Because you're sick."

"Not anymore I feel perfectly fine."

"Mhm, whatever. Plus you need to get dressed anyways. You have a doctor's appointment at eleven-thirty."

"You know for me to have an appointment, you sure didn't set an alarm or anything."

"I did, I set it for eleven o'clock.

"Do you know how long it takes me to get dressed? Plus I'm not sick anymore."

"Still going." He said folding his arms across his chest.

"It was just a stomach bug nothing major."

"Whatever. Mom already scheduled it and if you hurry up I can take you."

"How? You have no car."

He smirked. "Leave that to me baby sister. Just hurry up and get dressed. You got seven."

He closed my door after he walked out, I rolled my eyes not wanting to go to the doctor. I hate hospitals with a passion.

I went into my closet grabbing a black fitted tank top with a pair of Aeropostale blue skinnies. I slid on my clothes along with my studs and some black Converse.

I walked out of my room grabbing my phone before leaving. "I'm ready Dakota."

"Great let's go."

"But how we-----"

"You ask a lot of questions young one." He laughed.

"Just saying."

We walked down the stairs and I frowned. "Dakota you know what I just realized?"

"What?" He said grabbing his keys.

"We haven't seen the rest of the house. Like there's a whole 'nother part of the house and we haven't seen it yet."

"We'll check it out when we come back Ms. Nosey."

I stuck my tongue out and walked outside seeing this red Audi in the driveway.

"No. Way."

"Oh yes. Jamila meet Rosie, Rosie meet Jamila."

I smiled at the beautifully polished car. "When did you get her?"

"Last night. Pops bought it for me."

"Figures. Did he give you that long responsibility speech?"

"You know it."

I scoffed. "Not surprised."

I stood there and looked at Dakota who was smiling hard as crap while rubbing the car.



"You gone unlock the car or...."

"Oh shit my bad." He clicked the unlock button on his keychain and looked at me seriously. "Do not mess up my baby."

I held my hands up in surrender. "Got it."

I slid into the car taking in the new car smell. Which just so happened to smell like his Polo cologne.

"So where were you last night?"

He pulled off and shook his head. "He went and we bought this car. Then afterward we go to Red Lobster and mom's boss came and sat down with us. How about dad told him I was going to become a lawyer and power attorney."


"Yeah, he pissed me off. But luckily Mr. Ausage understood my dreams to be in the music industry telling me about how his son works at the radio station at GSU."

I stifled out a little laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

I giggled. "Wait a second."



"Yeah, that's his last name."

"What's his first name, S?" I bent over laughing, feeling small stomach pains but I shook it off.

"Ahaha he's an Islander."

"That man's name is Sausage."

I started laughing so hard I was hitting on the door. "Aye man, can't be doing that to Rosie."

I looked at him sternly as he stopped his car in the middle of the road.

"She didn't mean it baby I'm sorry." He rubbed the dashboard and hugged the wheel.

"Anyways. Where are we going now?"

"To scoop up Adri. She wanted to go with us to the doctors."

"Do we have to go?"


"But I feel better, it's just sore now."



"Still going."

"Dakotaaa." I whined.

"Dakota nothing. I'm not going to just drive around and God forbid you come up dead. I don't want that shit on my conscience."

"Fine." I folded my arms pouting. "Meanie."

"You'll thank me later."

I looked over at him and saw a purplish red bruise peeking out from the collar of his Polo shirt.



"What is that on your neck?"

He stopped at a red light pulling down the mirror examining his neck.

"Shit." He mumbled.

"What is that?"

He mumbled something but I couldn't even understand him. "What?"

He mumbled again and I got frustrated looking at him while he tried fixing his shirt back on his chest.

"Dakota what is it?"

"It's a hickey Mila."

"What the fuck is a hickey?"

"It's a bruise from where somebody was sucking on your skin or biting it hard."

"You had sex?"

He wouldn't even answer right away, he just sat there chuckling biting on his bottom lip.

"Several times." He mumbled while grinning.

"With who?" He pushed the mirror back up and pulled off from the light. "Dakota."

"Fine, but don't tell her I told you."

"Promise I won't."

"Pinky promise?"

I stuck out my pinky interlocking with his tightly. "Pinky promise."

I put my hands back into my lap, looking at him skeptically.




"At least it's just her, I trust her so it doesn't matter."

"Yeah, she's not the only one." He mumbled.


"She's not the only one."

"Who else has it been?"

"Couple other girls."

I arched my eyebrow at him. "How many?"

He looked at me chuckling. "Are you my mom or my sister?"

"Both now how many?"

"About, three or four, including Adriana."

"I thought you guys were like....."

"Nah we just got clingy that day. Along with a few other things."

I frowned. "Okay, now I think I'm sick. Change subject please."

He laughed leaning all on the steering wheel cracking up. "Anyways, you talked to Maya?"

"No." I mumbled.

"Good I don't want you talking to her anymore."


"Because she might have some to do with you being sick and for that, y'all need to stay separated."


"I'm for real. I'd hate to have to hurt her."

"Okay Dakota you've made your point."


We drove to Adriana's apartment complex in silence, we pulled up to the curb. Her and Nia were already standing outside ready to go.

"Yay Nia's here." I smiled. Nia is funny as hell, I woke up yesterday to a bunch of memes in my iMessage from her along with an 'are you okay' message.

They walked up to the car hopping into the back after seeing me through the passenger window.

"Wassup peeps." Nia said smiling.

"Hey tiny people," Adri said grinning. "How you feeling boo?" She rubbed my shoulder.

"I'm okay now. Thanks."

"Good. I was worried about you kid," Nia said looking at me from behind Dakota's seat.

"Yeah, but butthole over here is still making me go to the doctors."

"You need to go," Adri replied. "We gotta make sure you okay."

Dakota looked at me. "See. You still need to go."

I frowned looking at him. "Don't make me go there Dakota."

He saw how serious my face was and looked back at the road as he drove to the doctor's office. We finally pulled up about six minutes later hopping out.

"Y'all going in with us?" I said unbuckling.

"Hell yeah, I didn't come to sit in this car." Nia laughed.

"Aye. Her name is Rosie."

Nia looked at me holding back her laughs. "My fault folk."

We all got out walking up the sidewalk into the doctor's office. The girls sat down while me and Dakota walked up to the receptionist's desk.

"Hi welcome to Henrietta Egleston, appointment or walk-in?"

"Appointment for a Jamila Smith."

She ignored me looking at Dakota. "Are you here to see someone as well?"

"Um no, I'm with her. This my sister."

She looked him up and down smiling. "Okay. Dr. Fell will be out in a bit to scoop you up."

"Thank you." I frowned looking at her drool over my brother.

I sat down next to Nia as my stomach started to get upset a little.

"You okay kid?"

"My stomach's starting to hurt a little bit."

"Here," she gestured to her shoulder, "lay your head down."



"Okay," I said laying my head on her shoulder, I slowly closed my eyes drifting off to sleep.

A while later I felt somebody lightly tapping my forehead and I looked up to see a doctor smiling down at me.

"Hi, are you Jamila Smith?"

"Yes sir."

"Hi, I'm Dr. Fell. Follow me to the back please."

I stood up as Dakota stood up, coming to the back with me.

"I'm a big girl."

"Uhuh sure."

"You're gonna hear stuff you don't wanna know."

"I can handle it."

"Wanna talk about pregnancy and periods?"

He paused and pointed at the chair he was sitting in once before. "Imma just sit right here."

"Mhm, Adri you'll come with me?"

"Of course boo come on."

She grabbed my hand putting her crossbody purse on walking with me to the back along with Dr Fell.

"Right through here ladies." He said opening a door to a room.

We walked in and he smiled at the both of us as we sat down in a chair.

"Jamila Simone Smith?"

"Yes sir."

"Sixteen, seventeen next Thursday?"

I smiled softly. "Yes sir."

"Well happy early birthday Jamila."

"Thanks Dr. Fell."

"You're welcome, now I'm Doctor Marko Fell, been a doctor for almost fifteen years so I assure you, you're in good care."

"Great because I hate doctors' offices."

"No worries. So what's been the problem?"

I looked at Adriana and she nodded for me to go on.

"Yesterday I went into a store and this guy and I were talking. He just happened to work there, anyways he had these little brownie bites-----"

"Excuse my interruptions, but what did it look like? Anything abnormal that you wouldn't see in an actual brownie?"

I shrugged. "Smelled different. And it wasn't gooey like other brownies, usually, it'd stick to your fingers except this one was kinda hard on the outside melting and kinda chalky on the inside."

"Hm, continue."

"So I ate one and left out going to meet up with my friends at the food court." I smiled, friends. Sounded too good to be true.

"Did they see a change in you?"

"Yeah, they said I looked pale and kinda lifeless at one point."

"What were your symptoms?"

"I had stomach pains which turned into stomach aches around the time we got into the car. Went to the store it became both and I started to really feel sick and I passed out on the back seat of my friend's car."

Her head shot up at me. "You passed out? I thought you went to sleep?"

"No. The pains were so bad that I ended up passing out."

"Oh my God, I feel horrible. Something could've happened to you and I wouldn't have known. I'm so sorry Jamila."

"It's okay boo you didn't know, and neither did I until it happened."

He pulled up a chair and sat in front of us taking notes. "So what other symptoms did you experience?"

"Um got home and it was the worse pain I've ever been in. It felt like my stomach was doing flips. Then my mom came in the room and I was about to tell her what happened, but I had the greatest urge to run to the bathroom and throw up my insides."

He was writing stuff down on the clipboard nodding. "Got it, continue."

"My mama of course got worried and scheduled an appointment here. Woke up this morning perfectly fine, but when I got here my stomach started hurting a little."

"Interesting. So how are you feeling now?"

"My stomach's in a knot."

"This your friend?"

"Yes sir."

"Do you mind if she sits in while the nurse runs some test?"

I looked at her and smiled. "Of course she can stay."

"Alright I will have a nurse in here in a minute and she will start running tests okay?"

We both nodded, then I looked at her laughing as she watched him stand up.

"Okay, you ladies have a good day."

"You too Dr. Fell."

He smiled walling out the door and I looked at Adriana frowning.

"You so nasty."

"What I do?"

"You over here lusting after my doctor." I giggled.

"No, I'm not. Not saying he's not fine because girl he's a whole snack."

I shrugged. "Eh, he ight."

"White, blue eyes, buff, good hair, and just ight? Girl I'm starting to think you not ight." She laughed.

"I'm perfectly fine."

"Mhm, but I can't have him. I got your brother to worry about."

I gulped thinking of how heartbroken she would be if she knew he was being a hoe. I mean even though they're not together, she really does like him.



I laughed. "So."

"What are you doing for your birthday?"

"Nothing. Eat, open presents, chill. That's what I've done every year."

"Oh no. Gotta change that. how about a party?"

"Oh no, I don't like being around a lot of people."

"Fine. What about just us? Friend party?"

I shrugged. "I could deal with that."

"Speaking of friends, have you talked to Maya?"

"Nope. Why does everybody keep asking me that?" I laughed.

"Because Maya's.....been down. And we don't know why."

"So you guys thought she'd talk to me?"

"Yeah, I mean you guys were together all yesterday thought you would've talked."

"Yeah no. We haven't talked since we went to the mall."

"What was wrong with her?"

"Long story."

"I got time."

I sighed. "Swear you won't tell anybody?"

"I swear on Tio's grave."

I didn't even question her about who Tio was. "Okay, so I've been kinda thinking lately."



"Girl, you pregnant?"

"No, no it's just that, I've been kinda catching glimpses at females. But I'm not sure why so I'm not jumping to conclusions."

"Wait, so you like girls?"

"I think. I don't know. I mean I find some attractive."

"Like who?"

"No one in particular."

"Mhm, but that's okay. As you see Atlanta is acceptant."

"There's just one problem."

"Let me guess."

We looked at each other and said, "Parents," in unison.

"Don't tell them then. Be in the closet girl."

"I don't know that's a lot of hiding."

"Girl people been doing it for years just, keep it on the low."

"Okay, I'll try. But I don't think this is long-term ya know? Might just be a phase." I giggled nervously.

"That's what a lot of people have said. It's okay to be that way boo. Nobody's judging."

I nodded feeling better. I guess she's right, why fight against it?

"So what does this have to do with Maya?"

The door opened and this pretty nurse walked in with a little pan of utensils.

"Alright girlies, I'm Nurse Reed and we're gonna draw some blood and take some tests if that's okay?"

"Sure," I said smirking at her.

The nurse accidentally dropped her pen and bent over picking it up. The whole time I watched as her ass slightly jiggled when she walked over to the counter with the pan.

Adri looked between the both of us and nudged my shoulder. "Nasty."

I bit my lip shaking my head. "I can deal with it."

"Oh my gosh, you really are gay." She whispered laughing.

The nurse walked over to me grabbing my arm smiling. "Ever had blood drawn hun?"

I smirked looking at her big brown eyes. "Mhm."

"Well then you know how this process goes, look at me and try not to flex your arm muscle okay?"

"No problem."

I looked at her brown complexion as she stuck the needle into my arm taking some of my blood.

"Alright all done." She said putting a band-aid on my arm.

"Okay. Thanks Nurse Reed."

"Welcome now shoes off, phone down, and step on this scale for me."

I slipped off my Converse and stood up giving my phone to Adriana. I went into the corner standing on top of the scale.

She came over measuring me and took my weight letting me off of the scale afterward.

"Alright, you can have a seat back on the counter for me hun."

I hopped onto the cushioned seat crossing my legs as she grabbed her stethoscope.

"Breathe in deep for me."

She put it on my chest smiling up at me. I was trying my hardest not to stare, but she was just so pretty.

"Slow your heart rate down hun." She giggled. "Seem pretty excited."

I giggled looking down as her hand went down some on my chest making me breathe a little harder than expected.

"Alright, I'm gonna hit your knee okay, try not to aim for the face." She laughed.

"Never that, wouldn't wanna mess up that face."

She blushed, pushing a string of hair behind her ear, she bent down looking back at me.



Adriana stood up. "Um, I'll wait outside Mila."

"Okay," I said not even looking up.

She walked out leaving me and Nurse Reed together.

"Alright so let's see those reflexes."

She hit my knee and my leg didn't even budge. She tried the other knee and nothing happened, making her smile.

"Alright, you can sit back in your seat so we can have a little talk."

"Got it."

"Need some help?"

"Please." I laughed out.

She grabbed my lower back and waist helping me down, I sat down and she went back over to the counter-punching something in on the computer.

She came and put a chair in front of me with a clipboard in her hand

"So, have you had any sexual relations recently?"

"Um no. I never had any, actually." I mumbled.

"So no sexual encounters?"

"No ma'am."

"Have you done any oral sex to yourself or others?"

"Um, no ma'am. Sex isn't really my style. Well, guys aren't really my style."

She scoffed. "Oh trust me I know exactly what you mean. So you're a fellow LGBT member?"

"An LGB-----what?"

"LGBT. Lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transsexuals."

"Oh um yeah. I'm the B, I think." I said rubbing my arm.

"I can tell."

I frowned. "How?"

"You stared at me as I walked over to the computer and when I dropped my pen."

"Oh," I mumbled.

"It's okay, I get it a lot."

I nodded and she marked some stuff down on her clipboard. "So have you had any differences in your menstrual cycle this past month?"

"Um no. It's been normal."

"Good. Any uncomfortable feelings down in the vaginal area? Burn? Itch? Soreness?"

"Not that I know of."

"Okay good. Last question, do you have any form of HIV or AIDS?"


"Alright. I'll get these test rates in and we'll call you sometime next week to come and check your results okay?"

I slipped my shoes back on smiling at her. "Sounds good to me."

"Alright well you can go ahead and leave out, it was a pleasure to meet you Jamila."

She put her hand out and I shook it smiling back at her.

"Pleasure meeting you too Nurse Reed."

"I'll see you later hun." She winked at me walking over to the computer.

I walked out of the room feeling an uncomfortable feeling in between my thighs. This lady isn't even in my age range, but she could get it.

I don't even know what 'it' is, but she could get it. I walked out into the lobby seeing Nia smirking at me along with Adriana.

"Let's go," I said exiting before they could even respond.

I walked outside to the car and saw Nia clutching her stomach laughing. They approached the car still laughing at me.

"Wait, wait, wait. So you ain't even been here a full week and you flirting with Nurse Reed fine ass? Making her blush?"

She held up her hand and I gave her a high five. "Respect kid."

I laughed and opened the door sliding in the passenger seat.

"Oh here you go boo," Adri said while passing me my phone.

"Thank ya, and forget y'all. That lady knew what she was doing, but I wasn't stopping her."

Nia shook her head looking sad. "I been trying to get with that since I was about nine goddamn."

"Freak ass," Adri mumbled.

Nia sucked her teeth looking at Adri stank. "Girl, everybody be trying to get with her. She's like the Ms. Parker of the hospital."

"Okay gotta go." Dakota chuckled starting up the car pulling off. "So what she say?"

"She told me she'll call me next week and tell me when I need to come back in for the results."

Nia laughed clapping like a seal in the back seat. "She gone call you? Much love to you kid, for real."

"I ain't tryna get with that lady, although she is fine." I sighed.

Everybody was laughing except Dakota who was rubbing his goatee looking hard as fuck at the road.

"You good?" I said.

"Yeah. I'm perfect."

I rolled my eyes knowing he was lying. "Where to next?"

"I could go for some Starbucks," I said. The girls agreed and Dakota pulled into the parking lot as we hopped out leaving him inside.

"He alright?" Adri asked concerned.

"Yeah, he'll be fine."

5:45 P.M.

I grabbed a towel getting out of the backyard pool smiling. Oh yeah, we gotta pool. Along with an attic, two big rooms down in the basement, and a small in-home theater.

Mom and dad were thinking about making one of the rooms a gym and the other an office, but Dakota is trying to convince them to let him make it a studio. Doubt it'll happen.

I went inside running through the shower and throwing on some sweats and a black tank.

"Dinners ready!" My mama yelled up the stairs at me and Dakota.

I slipped on some fuzzy socks and bumped into Dakota in the hallway in a wife-beater and some shorts. He looked me up and down scoffing.

"Hell wrong with you?" I mumbled.


"No, you're not. What's wrong Dakota?"

"I'm fine lesbo." He said looking at me stern.

"Keep your voice down," I said through gritted teeth. "Are you trying to get me killed with your false accusations?"

"Nope. You like females, that's enough information for me."

"Why are you acting like this? I thought you were fine with it."

"You should be more worried about what our spiritual parents are going to think about your new sexuality."

He looked me up and down one more time shaking his head walking downstairs. I felt my heart racing as I walked down the stairs going into the dining room.

I rounded the corner and seen daddy, mama, and Dakota sitting down at the table with food in the center of the table. Didn't even notice how hungry I really was until I saw it.

"Come on honey your fathers about to say grace," Mama said smiling.

I sat beside mama at the end of the table across from Dakota.

"Let us bow our heads." Daddy said making us lower our heads.

Here we go.

"Father right now in the name of Jesus we come to you right now to tell you, thank you. Thank you for what you've done for our family, and thank you for blessing us with the new church and the new house God."

My head shot up and so did Dakota's, we looked at each other and our expressions changed quickly. I bowed my head hoping this would end soon.

"Also God, thank you for protecting our son and daughter from the evilness in the outside world. Keep them safe and away from any unwanted friends. Show them their true careers and jobs God. And bless this food that we are about to eat for the nourishment of our bodies. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen."

"Amen." We all said in unison. Everybody lifted their heads and as soon as I reached for some chicken, my mom touched my hand.

"Uh uh uh. Go slow on your eating you'll get sick."

"I'm not sick anymore. Plus I get my results next week."

My dad looked hard between me and my mom. "What results? You bet not be pregnant."

I looked him up and down. No father I barely even like guys why would I, of all people, get pregnant.

"If I was?" I snapped.

"Girl you better fix that tone of yours."

I took a deep breath trying to stay respectful. "Look, I got sick from eating some brownies. There. Happy?"

"No, watch that attitude Simone. I'm not playing."

My mama touched my hand looking at my dad sympathetically.

"Leonard you know she would never do something like that without being married."

I shook my head and looked at Dakota who was smirking. I counted down from five in my head because he was really starting to piss me off.

"Whatchu shaking ya head fa'?"

He looked at me dropping his fork. "I do what I want Jamila."

"Well, Dakota you got something you wanna share?"

"Nah, but I heard you do tho."

He picked up his fork and continued to eat as I burned holes into the top of his big ass head.

Mama looked between us looking worried. "What is up with you two?"

"Nothing." We said in unison.

"Well, it must be something."

"Just drop it mama." I said.

I suddenly lost my appetite so I just sipped on my sweet tea.

"Fine, what did you guys do with your friends this week? Go anywhere special?"

I shook my head. "Usual. Mall, Starbucks, Adri's house."

"Who's this Adri girl?" Daddy asked.

I looked at Dakota smirking. "One of Dakota's females, but our first friend we made when we got down here."

Dakota started choking on his cabbage looking at me with a red face.

"Keep playing LGBT." He mumbled. I frowned and kicked him under the table. "Why'd you do that lesbo?"

I shook my head looking at him. "Keep on, Adri's just a call away."

"Why do that when our parents are right here."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because you know it isn't right, finally got some friends and don't know how to act."

Somehow that.....really hurt.

"Okay, what is going on?" My mom said.

I stood up from the table pushing my chair in feeling my eyes burn. I shook my head laughing.

"I hope that made you feel good Dakota."

I walked out of the dining room quickly walking through the house going to the backyard to sit on the pavement as it slowly begins to rain.

I pulled my knees up to my chest starting to cry. It's not my fault that I am confused with what I want. Guys are somewhat attractive to me, but since I've seen a bigger perspective, females have become attractive to me.

Feeling that I'm only supported by my newly made friends and not my brother, makes me feel like utter shit. Of all people I thought he'd be the most acceptant, considering that I don't even know if this is what I want to be forever.

I started rocking back and forth as I felt the rain hit up against my skin. Rain always made me happy when I cry, I don't know why, but it did. I see it as the rain being my tears, weird? I know.

I sat out there for God knows how long when I heard the door open and close. I didn't even turn around to see who it was nor did I care at the moment.

"Get inside Jamila, it's starting to rain."

I rolled my eyes when I heard his voice, I didn't even want to talk to him.

"Jamila, I know you hear me. Get inside it's raining and you're going to get sick."

I sat there and actually scooted up some more so that I was completely in the rain. I heard him suck his teeth as I continued to sit there.

"Look," He paused, "I'm sorry Jamila. Okay? What I said was wrong and way out of line, especially in front of mama and dad."

I felt the hot tears still running down my face even though it was still raining.

"I know how sensitive you are about the whole friendship subject and I went too far."

"You think?" I snapped. I stood up facing him still in the rain.


"No Dakota, my whole life I've been forced to have no friends. You, you were my only friend Dakota. You're a people person. And what am I? The preacher's daughter or the drummer's little sister. Don't you think I wanted to have friends? Every friend I tried to make was somehow stripped or scared away from me by dad."

"I know-----"

"No Dakota you don't know. What? You think I wanted this? I wanted to have friends, wanted to join cheerleading and gymnastics. But what did I get? Choir rehearsals, praise dance practice, revivals, church anniversary, stuff that I didn't wanna do. So no, you don't know. I've waited my entire life to have some type of friends and you go and say some shit like that?"

My chest was heaving up and down and I was kinda getting light-headed.

"You don't know anything about me or what I've been through. My life has been planned out for me, but I'm not mad about that. I'm truly pissed off at the fact that my brother, my best friend, my heart isn't even supportive of what may be the biggest decision of my life even though you said you were. So for that, no, I'm not going in the house."

He looked at me all sad, but I really didn't care at all. He hurt me saying that and he knows it. I'm not letting him off that easy.

"Jamila look, I'm sorry. I got mad because you told everybody at the same time. I thought you would've told me first."

I looked at him sideways. "So you damn near got me killed because you felt left out?"

"Yes." He raised his voice. "Just like you were the first person I told that I can't swim. First person I told I can't stand being called by my middle name. First person to know how much I dislike dad. Everything that has ever happened to me I've told you. So yeah imma little hurt by that."

I looked down feeling bad. "I'm sorry Dakota."

"You good, and I guess I was kinda wrong for putting you out like that during dinner."

"Still my brother?" I said smiling a little.

"Of course girl."

He walked over to me giving me a big hug and for some reason, I broke down crying on his shoulder.

"It's okay Mila." He said rubbing my back.

I don't know how long we were outside I just knew that we were both crying in the rain. I finally let him go and he was smiling.

"Alright, can we go inside now? I'm starting to get cold."

I giggled. "Sure. And I promise, from now on I'll tell you everything okay?"

"Okay. And I promise not to be as petty as I was at dinner."

"Great. Now let's get out of these wet clothes."


He threw his arm over my shoulder as we walked through the patio sliding door.


• Ryan in m.m.

• Was Dakota right for doing that?

• Will Adriana find out about Dakota being a hoe?

• Will Dakota and Adriana get together?

• Is Maya ever going to talk to Jamila?

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