Aboard The Fantasy (One Direc...

By BerliozKitty

29.1K 387 58

What would you do? If you were offered the opportunity to show off your latest art works on a cruise ship? If... More

Aboard The Fantasy (One Direction Fan Fic)
Chapter One - Wonderland
Chapter Two - Meeting the Boys
Chapter Three - Dancing with Harry
Chapter Five - Oh I Don't Sing
Chapter Six - Do You Know Who We Are
Chapter Seven - Our Secret
Chapter Eight - I Really Want To Play
Chapter Nine - Cha Ching
Chapter Ten - Late Night Snacks
Chapter Eleven - Loosen Up
Chapter Twelve - Our Song
Chapter Thirteen - Smash
Chapter Fourteen - Boo Bear and Kermie
Chapter Fifteen - Hitting the Beach
Chapter Sixteen - Is This A Secret
Chapter Seventeen - Interrogation
Chapter Eighteen - Stay Crazy
Chapter Nineteen - Last Day
Chapter Twenty - Now or Never

Chapter Four - Crazy Morning

1.2K 16 1
By BerliozKitty

Shay and Louis woke up before everyone else.

"Morning, Love. How'd you sleep?"

They sat up. "Great. You?"

"Great." He said smiling.

"I better put on some coffee." She started to get up off the couch then Louis grabbed her and slammed her back down. He raised his hands. She gasped, "Oh my gosh. Don't." He smirked and moved his hands closer. "Don't do it." He moves closer and starts tickling her.

"Oh my god! Stop!" She screamed laughing. Louis ignored her and kept tickling her. "Stop!" Shay then started tickling him and he starts laughing. Then they fell off the couch on to the floor making a loud noise. They heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. They stopped laughing, they were completely silent when they looked over the top of the couch, with perfect poker faces. They got up from the couch and walked over to the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked.

"Getting coffee." Shayla said plainly.

"What the hell's it look like?" Louis added.

Niall and Liam exchanged looks of doubt and followed them in to the kitchen. Shayla started filling the coffee maker and Louis grabbed some mugs.

"Where are Harry and Zayn?"

"They're still asleep." Niall said looking at Louis skeptically.

When the coffee was done Louis and Liam each took a cup out to the balcony. I leaned against the fridge sipping my coffee. Niall got up from his seat and came over and stood in front of me,

"Did he say anything?" Niall asked quietly.

"No. I think our secrets safe."

"You're sure?"

Before Shayla said anything she noticed Harry coming down the stairs.

"Morning Harry." She says wrapping him a warm embrace.

"Morning." He said with a smile.

"Are you feeling better?" She said handing him a cup if coffee.

"Yes. I am."

The three of them sat down on the couch.

"What was all the screaming and laughing this morning?" Harry asked.

"Louis and Shay were snogging." Niall said loudly.

Shay hit Niall in shoulder.

"We were not."

"We were not what?" Louis said coming into to fill up his coffee mug.

"Niall thinks we were snogging this morning."

"Oh we so were." He said walking back out to the balcony.

Harry gave me a look of fake horror knowing Louis was joking.

"Is he always this annoying?"

"Always." Harry said.

"So are we doing anything today?" Niall asked.

"I have to meet Cory and set things up for the auction tommorrow."

"When's that?"

"Morning everyone." He said looking around. "Where are Louis and Liam?"

"Out on the balcony." Harry said.

"Well." Shay said standing up. "I'm going to go in the hot tub before we go out."

"I'll join you." Harry said also standing up.

"Are you sober enough?" Shay asked jokingly.

"I hope so." He said going up the stairs.

"Don't fall." Shay said following him.

He smirked and closed the curtain to his room. Shay entered her room and picked up the bikini top and bottom she saw. After she changed, she went out on to the balcony. Harry was already in the hot tub, he gave me and odd look.

"What?"She asked confused.

"And you wear asking if I'm sober, and you can't even match your bathing suit." He said laughing.

Shayla looked down to realise she was wearing a navy and white striped top and purple and white striped bottoms. She started laughing then Louis, "At least she got the stripes right."

"You know what, close enough, my coffee hasn't kicked in yet." She said getting into the hot tub.

"I can tell." Harry said.

"Harry, I wouldn't me making fun of her if I were you."Liam said putting his coffee mug on the small table.

"Yeah, I heard your little, I need a kiss goodnight kiss, thing." Louis laughed.

"Oh, shut up." Harry said laughing it off.

"If anyone deserves a kiss it's me." Louis said flipping his hair. "I'm the gorgeous one." He laughed.

"You guys are ridiculous." Shay laughed.

"I know, I much better looking than Louis." Harry said posing.

Then Liam runs over to the hot tub and lifts Shay out of the hot tub and yelled, "She's mine!". Shay screamed playfully and wrapped her arms around his neck, scared he'd drop her. Liam opened the door back into the room. Shay was still yelling. Niall and Zayn turned around to see Liam running holding Shayla and Louis and Harry chasing him. "Save me Niall!" She yelled. Her and Liam were laughing and they left the room. Harry and Louis stopped and turned to Zayn and Niall.  

"We better follow them before they get to far." Harry said opening the door.

Niall, Zayn, and Louis followed Harry out the door.

Liam ran with Shay all the way to the back of the boat. When they got there he let her down. Shayla's wavy hair was blowing in the wind and Liam's shirt was soaking wet from getting her from the hot tub, they looked out into the sea and watched the boat leave waves in the water. She turned to him, "Good morning, Liam."

Liam smiled at her.

"There they are!" Zayn yelled from a far. They saw Louis, Niall and Harry turning the corner after him.

"Here we go again." Liam said picking her up and running off again. She couldn't stop laughing. They ran through the boat, and even passed through a shuffle board game on the Lido deck. They ran back to their room. Liam and Shay were the only two people with keys so they locked the others out. Liam ran up the stairs to the bedrooms and threw Shay on to his bed. He laid down beside.

"Crazy morning." He said laughing.

"Crazy guys." She replied.

Then they heard a knock at the door. They slowly got up from the bed and walked down stairs. Liam was about to answer it then they heard Zayn, "Let us in!"

Liam turned around to look at Shay then slowly slipped his key under the door and the two ran back upstairs and hid.

"Are you mad Liam?" They heard Harry yell.

"Just a bit." He yelled back.

The boys looked around the room and they didn't see them, so they looked upstairs. When Louis opened the curtain that hid Liam's room Shay hit him with a pillow. They laughed.

"Oh that's how it is?" Louis said getting a pillow from his room.

"Yup." Shay said jumping off the bed.

Niall and Zayn picked up pillows and started hitting Harry. Then Harry got one and fought back. They all starting smacking each other with pillows. Then Niall and Shay teamed up and started taking everybody out.

After their little war. Shay and Harry changed from their bathing suits and met the rest of them in the kitchen.

"I'm starving." Shay says.

"Then let's get lunch." Niall offered.

"I agree."

"Can we go to the pasta bar?" Louis asked.

"Yes we can, Louis." Shay said patting him on the back.

They all left the room exhausted.

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