Something Blue (On Hold)

By MelaninGurl

446 49 20

Commitment-phobe Mandy is the last person you would expect to be penning The Greatest Black Love Stories. Es... More

Let me Put it Out There
Disclaimers And Invitations
Hold The Orange Juice
Mafia Type of Loyalty
Excerpt 1: Something Star-crossed
Pitfalls of Evolution
Friends like these
Excerpt 2: Something Nontraditional
Sibling Wisdom
031 Cuddy Buddy
Excerpt 3: Something About 4
There's no I in Struggle
Well Wishers
Black Girl Magic....?
The 5th Stage of A High

Did it happen if nobody knows?

16 3 1
By MelaninGurl

"So how was fashion week?" Kenya asked as they lounged around the pool of the resort they were all staying in for the long weekend.

"It was good," Mandy was grateful for the oversized Ray Bans covering her face because if her high pitched response and subsequent cringe didn't give her away, the look on her face would. Act natural, she tried to train herself.

"Lee was there...ugh." Dammit, why did she offer that information? Kenya paused to study her face before, lying back down. "Did you know he knows cuddy buddy?"

"At some point, we're going to need a name." Aami dryly commented from Mandys other side, as she flipped through this months Marie Clare.

"That would require conversation, which would defeat his purpose." She shrugged carelessly.

"Well he seems to be doing a great job, you're glowing." Ntombi mentioned from opposite her. Five pairs of eyes settled on her, and Mandy regretted the circular formation they sat in. Laughing it off, she failed to mention she hadn't slept with Lungile since the last time shewas in Durban.

But Kenya had a super power.  She knew when Mandy was being selective about the truth. Which would mean she would have to confess to sleeping with Lee the previous night.

And the midafternoon after he nursed her to health.

Though she didn't consider the second time to be sex, but rather a...gesture...for his help.

It was really no different from sending flowers to your doctor  for example.

Hoping to change the focus of conversation, she switched to the twins. "I thought I would see you guys there at least, I could've have gotten you front row tickets. I know a guy."  She smirked.

"Oh, H&M had us hosting a thing in Milan." Zee waved a dismissive hand in the air

"But I heard the parties were insane. Kendall Jenner is such a bore. Maybe it was because Asap was hitting on Zee." Tee finished off. They both said this in the humble and dismissive way only the twins could do.

"Oh that sounds lovely, also fuck you." Mandy added as they laughed. "I can't believe that's your lives casually. Why weren't you there Ntombz?"

"I was stuck in Sandton."  She rolled her eyes. "My girlfriend found out about my other girlfriend in Cape Town." She grinned mischievously, fixing the headwrap that kept her curls in check. "But I also heard the parties were insane. Did you go to any?"

Again five pairs of eyes fell on her.

"Er I went to one. I remember absolutely nothing." She stated,  in that noncommital way men use when they lie about their dms.

"Good day ladies, don't you all look radiant?" The devil is liar, of all the times for him to show up...

Lee magically appeared next to her, and took a seat on the edge of her lounge chair. Alex and his younger brother, Gabriel sat by Kenya and Ntombi respectively. Mandy, on the other hand, tried to ignore the heat that crept up from the point of contact, where her thigh touched his muscular thigh.

Which didn't help stop the conjuringof images of that same thigh prying her legs apart among white sheets or supporting her weight against the hotel shower walls....


"Huh?!" She shook herself out of her reverie only to find 8 pairs of eyes looking right at her. Six of them seemed to be looking at her expectantly, one suspicious, and the other, closest to her, amused.

Of course, Lee lightly trailed his fingers across my knee in a supposedly innocent manner, "I was just telling them about the party we went to."

"Not really went to, as if we were there together," she was babbling, she was babbling and she couldn't stop,  "more like, we were the same time." A weird squealy noise escaped her mouth "Because of...the party...." To stop herself from saying another damning word, she reached for her gin-inspired cocktail and started gulping.

"That is usually the point of a party, to be in one place." Lee added, more amused than than ever. Now Aamis eyes joined the suspicious as she looked between us.

Panicking, Mandy searched for something to throw everyone off scent.

"Where's Shaka?" She blurted out. Only it seemed it was delayed and mid a completely different conversation. Now Alex was the amused one, Deputy Demon with the Dimple stiffened besides her.

"He's held up at work, but will be here tomorrow morning. Why?" Alex asked, grinning. "Are you feeling my boy?"

Lee yawned pointedly and looked to the pool.

"Please don't ever use that expression, especially with that posh ass British accent of yours." Mandy said leaning towards the table inthe middle for the pitcher, Lee instinctively reached forward and poured her a drink. Mandy was glad she splurged for the lowwww cut swimsuit as she smugly watched Lee almost drop the pitcher, staring. They stared at each other for a charged second longer before she lowly thanked him.

"But seriously, coz he would be interested,"

"Why would Mandy settle down now, when there's so much potential in Cape Town. Did you see anything you liked Lee?" Kenya asked, in that way the diabolical manipulative way the villain asks in movies to stir up trouble.

"Yeah I did, as a matter of fact. I definitely would do it again." His voice dropped, and sounded all snack-like as he glanced at me for a split second.

"I wouldn't!" Mandy blurted out. What was the matter with her?? This is why she would never get away with murder. Annelise Keating would look at her like dirt under her Louboutins.

"Wouldn't what?" Ntombi asked bewildered.

"I wouldn't settle down." She cleared her throat loudly. Please stop talking...she begged herself.  "It might have seemed like a good idea at the time, under the influence of certain medicinal products...but I wouldn't. Even if all three times...clear headed weren't admittedly bad...I  just... Is it hot in here? Out here?" she trailed off, fanning herself and trying to deliver a performance of her looking for why it was hot.

"I think it's  the sun..." Ntombi suggested uncertainly  looking  at Mandy as if she had grown a second head.

"Ahh yes! " Mandy made a show of looking directly into the sun as if juust discovering its presence. Next to her, Luthulis body shook with silent laughter. " I thought Spring was still coming..."

She leaned back and closed the eyes no one could see. When she reopened them, she was met with really confused looks.

She should just get a sign that said "I accidentally slept with Lucifers Right hand man."

A couple of times....

A couple of mind blowing, damn-youve-grown-boy, forgot my name, times.

Once in that comfortable, kingsized bed, twice on the floor, the shower, the balcony... Until what number was one no longer allowed to use the word "couple" and switch to "multiple."

Not much was said, at least on her part for the rest of the time and they all agreed to have dinner in 2hrs as they packed up their stuff. Mandy didn't trust herself to speak after Lee took off his shirt and everytime he laughed, would touch her knee lightly. Mandy didn't trust herself to breathe because her body was on high alert and would react in a highly embarrassing manner like dropping her glass when held. Or touched. Or looked at.

As they all piled into the lobby, with Lee giving her a parting smug look, was the last straw as she waited until everyonehad dispersed to yank him into his room. Which would have been impressive, if she then didn't accidentally flash him.

Alot of her body parts accidentally make their way out her clothes when he's involved she realised.

"Well I like how this is going..." He commented, looking down at her swimsuit, as he made to pull her towards him.

"No! This is why I called you in here-"

"More like yanked me-"

"We can't afford for what happened at the poolside to  happen again." She stated seriously, crossing her arms for effect. Which only brought his attention to her chest.

"We?" He spluttered incredulously, "you're the one who basically confessed to everything. Including being high..."

"Well.." he had her there. "Don't sit so close to me next time!" She was really grasping for straws here...
Which judging by the darkening look of his rather unfairly handsome face, she would soon regret.

"Why? Do I make you nervous?" He asked, in a deep dizzying voice as he his arms circled her waist drawing near.

"No, you just distract me..." She dismissed, her voice softened, as he crushed their fronts together. One hand already making its way to her thighs.

"Because I make you nervous..." He whispered in her ear, pressing her against his hotel door, her thigh wrapping itself around his torso. Her breath was getting a bit laboured he slowly slid her swimsuit to the side.

Why was she here again? Something about...whats his face....?

"Only because I make you just as nervous," she accused, reaching between their lower bodys, trailing down his ripped body to free her favourite part of his anatomy. His lips seemed to be everywhere, leaving a sizzling trail in their wake.

"Mhmm..." He agreed, hiking her leg up higher, she was rather short for this position.  "You also make me mad," he emphasised the word by picking her up and sliding in quickly, without warning as he slammed her against the door. Her breath left her body.

"Howw s-so?" She stuttered as he continued his assault, still in her, he walked them to his plush bed.

"Do not-" he slammed her onto the bed. She was sure she heard the bed creak and hoped they charge his rough ass. "Mention Shaka like that again."

"What you're going to do about it? " she asked goading him, as his smile switched to predatory as he climbed towards her. In seconds, he had her under him, inside her, wrists restrained above her head.

"Don't play this game with me Mandy, you will not win." He stated, rocking in and out of her harder than he ever had, it was almost animalistic.

"On the contrary..." Mandy managed to breathe out among the moans and shortness of breath. Lifting her pelvis, she took advantage of his slackened grasp and used her leverage to flip them. Body arched into him, she spared him a victorious look from above as she started moving.

"I always end up on top."


After making sure there was no one in the hallway and there was feeling in her legs, Mandy darted to her room thankful the resort placed them close enough. Slipping in, she leaned against the door in an attempt to catch her breath, and collapse on her bed.

Except, someone was already there.

Looking the most unimpressed she had ever been, she closed the Vogue Mandy had had on her bed and looked her  directly in the eye.

"So...when were you going to tell me you're screwing Lee again?"

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