Prophecy (Naruto fanfic)

By Ink0006

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The girl's of Prophecy. Pulled into the world they know as the Naruto world the 4 girl find out they were apa... More

Prophecy (Naruto fanfic)
Chapter One: Where Are We...?
Chapter Two: Asuma, I'm with You!
Chapter Three: Pass The Test!
Chapter Four: MIZUKI!
Chapter Five: Missions
Chapter Six The Mission Just Got Harder
Chapter Seven: Fuck!
Chapter Eight: The Truth and Some Past
Chapter Nine: Plan!
Chapter Ten: Travel Back
Chapter Eleven: Say Sorry! No! Hospital? WHAT?
Chapter Twelve: What the Fuck is it?!
Chapter Thirteen: INO!!!
Chapter fourteen: Train And Train Some More
Chapter Thithteen: My encounter with Kankuro
Chapter Seventeen: Hotel to Exam
Chapter Eighteen: Written Exam!
Chapter Nineteen: Something and Someone Special!
Chapter Twenty: Forest Of Death And The Fun Begins!
Chapter Twenty-One: Rematch!
Chapter Twenty Two Fuck You Kakashi!!!
Chapter Twenty-Three: Girls Are Easy To Fight!
Chapter Twenty-Four: Sprinklers
Chapter Twenty-Five: Training Ground Six
Chapter Twenty-Six: Train!!
Chapter Twenty Seven: Takashi
Chapter Twenty Eight: Ice Cream!!!!
Chapter Twenty Nine: Thanks Misplaced
Chapter Thirty: Koori
Chapter Thirty One: The Finale [Part 1]
Chapter Thirty Two: The Finale [Part 2]
Chapter Thirty Three: The Finale [Part 3]
A/N MUST READ!!!!!!!!!!

Chapter Sixteen: Story Time

513 14 3
By Ink0006

Chapter 16: Story Time


“I couldn’t care less,” Gaara said coldly. Then all three sand ninja jumped off. Kankuro hesitated, but eventually he leapt off.

I shrugged. I guess he missed his hat. 


“I’m going for a walk,” I said with a frown and started walking off in the same direction that Gaara and them jumped off in. I don’t care where they went; I was to be on my own for a bit.

“You’re not going after that kid are you?” Sasuke asked,  grabbing my shoulders. “You did do, you know, with him, didn’t you?” Sasuke asked.

“I don’t see why that’s any of your business,” Julie said. Mentally, I agreed with her.

“No,” I told him, “I’m not going after Kankuro. And so what if I was? I can do whatever the hell I fucking want Sasuke. You don’t fucking own me, asshole.”

“Oh hey, Tam, that came out of nowhere,” Julie said as Sasuke backed off.

I didn’t say anything. I’m sick of people thinking they own me. The care home thought they could do whatever the hell they wanted. Those foster parents thought they could force me to do what they wanted me to do, even if it was wrong in my eyes. They didn’t even bother—not once to try and find out what happened or why I was such a troubled child.

They let me rot on the inside while they rot me on the outside.

Julie looked at me, worried. I couldn’t look at her, so I glared at Sasuke, who looked confused.

“It’s nice to know you think of me as some sorta slut, Sasuke. I wanted to play a joke on you but you all have big gobs on you and now I’m questioning my whole fucking life. I need to think and shit. Sometimes I just think I should just run a knife throw my throat and be done with this life. Maybe in hell I’ll have a better life than on this planet.”

With that I ran off leaving the stunned group of people behind me.

“Tam!” Julie shouted. “Tam, wait!”

I ran and ran, not really knowing where I was going. I told Sayuri to go for another walk; I needed to be entirely alone. When I finally stopped I was in some random street. I looked round for—yes, you have it: my punching bag.

Spotting a bench next to a brick wall I ran down the road. Skidding to a stop I didn’t even prepare myself for what I was planning to do. I didn’t get into a stance. Once the wall was in reach my fist slammed against it as a scream of rage left my lips.

“Why would Kankuro do that?” I shouted to myself. “Someone like me!” My fists hit the wall over and over. “Why am I so stupid?” These are all questions that will never be answered.

And the people I’ve lost because I’m alive won’t come back, either. See, I get close to someone and they’re lost and or murdered. Kankuro trying to get close to me…it only meant his death was coming soon. That’s a kind of prophecy bestowed upon me—some kind of curse I can’t get rid of.

Anyone who became close to me was destined to die or get seriously injured soon after.

Think I’m wrong? Look back a couple chapters. Remember when Julie and I became family? Yeah. She almost got killed by Zabuza.

Realising that if I carried this on much longer I would end up crying, again, I stopped and plonked down on the bench with a sigh as I looked up at the sky, lost in my thoughts.

When something—or should I say someone tapped me on the shoulder, I jumped like 5 feet into the air.

“Are you okay?” Asuma asked. How did he find me?

“How long have you been here?” I asked.

“Since you ran towards the bench. Are you okay? What’s wrong?” Asuma asked concern in his voice.

“I’m okay really Asuma, I’m just thinking,” I said with a sigh, looking down at the floor. Asuma lit a fag then handed it to me before lighting his own.

“You sure? Your hands are bleeding and everything,” he asked, his voice still laced with concern.

“No. She’s not fine.”

I knew who it was. Asuma did, too. Julie walked over and stood in front of Asuma and me.

“She blew up at Sasuke—at all of us because of something Kankuro did,” she told Asuma.

“That so?” he asked. He looked between me and Julie, and then said, “I’ll wait over there. Seems you girls have something to talk about more than I do.”

He got to his feet and walked a distance away. Julie took his place beside me.

“So, you gonna tell me what happened?” Julie asked. “What did Kankuro do?”

I sighed. “I just wanted to play a joke on Sasuke, but Kankuro overstepped his boundaries,” I told her, emphasis on overstepped. What, he did!

“Ah, so he did some stuff and now you’re confused?” Julie asked. I sighed and nodded.

“It’s not just that,” I said after a moment. “It’s a lot to do with past stuff. My past stuff.”

Julie hummed. “Well, like I’ve said before. I’m here to listen.”

I took a long drag of my fag and sighed out. Then I started telling her about my past.


My real mom and dad tried to kill me when I was six. They left me a "present" in the kitchen--what kind of present is gas fire? I cried out for them to help me. I was just a little kid, and didn't know they were trying to kill me until I saw the flames tearing up everything. I ran to the window and banged on it as hard as I could, trying to get the attention of someone--anyone to come save me.

That was when Jake came into my life.

He singlehandedly broke into my house and saved me from the fire. He  took me in with his girlfriend, Gemmer. They were my new mom and dad. My life was perfect again.

But just for a moment.

My old parents--if I can still call them that without bile in my throat and hatred burning in my chest--found me. They attacked me for “running away”, killed Jake and Gemmer for “abducting their child”. Luckily as they dragged me out the house, the neighbors had already called the police. My parents left me in the yard and disappeared to God knows where. I was glad they were gone; but my happiness doesn't really last, now does it?

I was put into a care home. I didn't care that I was eight--I started getting into gangs and fighting all the time. The police--all of 'em--knew me on a first name basis and put me in care again.

Every home Teddy, my social worker, moved me to was abusive and demeaning. They only faked their love for me so they'd get the benefits of having foster children. They never loved me. But they sure as fuck let me know that they owned me with all that abuse. But I never let them "own" me. They'd never own me, not even if they thought that for a second.

That was for the next seven years; I don’t want to talk about the rape incident. Teddy and Sammy, Teddy’s fiancé--they really wanted to be my parents, and I really wanted them to be my parents. But the thing that stood in the way was, well, also my fault. I put Teddy in the hospital when I first met him.

He loved me anyway.

And my parents were STILL after me, after all that time. Killing everyone I love. Trying and failing to kill me. The only ones that've survived them are Teddy, Sammy, Liss, and Tash.

And I swore to defend them the week before I came here.

“One of their attacks is where this came from,” I said, pulling up my shirt a bit to show Julie the bullet wound.

“Noticed that in the bath back at Tsunami’s place,” Julie said, touching it gently. I put my shirt back down as she moved her hand. “Bet you’ve seen my share of scars.”

“Those all from somewhere?” I asked. I did remember all of her scars. They were on her back, her arms. A lot of places.

“Only if you want to know about ‘em,” Julie said.

I sighed, my fag burnt out to the end. “I’m here to listen, too.” I said with a smile.

Julie sighed. It was sharing time for her, too.


My past wasn’t really a walk in the park, either.

Like Tam, my parents abandoned me. But instead of trying to burn me alive, they did the next worse thing:

They left me at my aunt’s house.

My parents were too young to raise me—my mom was fourteen, dad was sixteen—and I was too young to understand what was going on, so for a long time I thought my aunt was my deadbeat mom. My aunt would never tell me about her brother, my dad. Whenever I asked her, she’d smack me and tell me to shut up.

My aunt was always drunk; she was a big, lonely old woman who only fed me when she remembered or, even worse, when she felt like it. Whenever she saw me, she’d find something wrong with what I was doing and hit me for it. She was highly abusive, and most of it was because she was drunk.

The other part of it was because of my eyes. My eyes were red, as you’ve seen before. Red, in her book, is a devil’s color, and devils deserve death and hell. Believe it or not, she was my first “Christian” experience. Every Sunday she’d leave me alone and go praise the Lord at her local chapel. She was a “Christ-fearing, hell-stomping woman”, so you know how much pain I was in, being the hell she had to stomp daily.

Honestly, anywhere was better than her house.

I kept my life outside Auntie Marm’s home. I hung out with a lot of the stray animals in the neighborhood—they were my first models for drawing—but I also got mixed into the wrong group of “big kids”. They’d steal from the general store and because I was the youngest, I had to steal four times as much to prove my worth to them. They caught on early that I could fit into the crevices too small for them. And whenever I went home, my aunt was there, waiting with the phone in her hand, accompanied by quite possibly the thinnest switch I’d ever seen, because Mrs. Jenkins had visions about me stealing.

Everyone believed Mrs. Jenny Jenkins.

One day, Aunt Marm pushed it over the edge. I came home late while she was “cooking dinner”. I went into the kitchen at the wrong time. She stabbed me in my side.

With that being the last straw, I took my four year old self outside, screaming my head off. I went to the neighbor’s—yeah, Mrs. Jenkins—and told them everything. They called the police, but they took me, too. I didn’t even listen to their assurances that they were going to bring me into foster care and I was going to be put in a good home. All I wanted was to go back to my momma and poppa.

But I was a little kid. I was stupid.

From that point on, I was sent to abusive home after abusive home. It was because of my eyes and the fact that I said nothing to anyone. I quietly built up my hatred until the home I was in at six. They broke me out of my hatred, and they decided to raise me well.

Ken and Maki Parks were quite possibly heaven-sent, God’s answer to my subconscious prayers. Them, Joseph, Jeanie, and Josh. Before that, I had been “devil”, and “demon” and “heathen child”. Here, I was Julienne, Jujubee, Juju, Jubee, Julie-Bulie—I didn’t care how lame the nicknames were because they were all mine.

I was late getting into school, so I was in kindergarten at six. That was when all the stuff with my older brother and that fight happened.

For the next ten years, I’d be mixed into another wrong crowd because once you get in this life, you can’t leave it. You go to people, you ask them how to fight. They teach you, you sell their dope in exchange.

So yeah. I did drugs, I smoked. I even got into some relationships, but those went sour as soon as the guy got me pregnant. Unbeknownst to my foster family, I’ve had several abortions. I don’t know how many more babies I can kill, but the guilt of getting rid of something growing inside of you, that weighs heavy, and it hurts.

I escaped all this by studying harder than necessary. Sometimes, the result of studying really hard made me fail several exams, and I gained a lot of stress weight. Because of that, I got picked on. Because of that, I hate my favorite color, Purple. Because of getting picked on, I got into a lot of fights to prove my worth to those asshole girls who thought they were prettier than me, because they were.

I needed another escape.

I read manga, watched anime, drew my heart out, and turned every bad situation in my life into a story for the masses. And that one Friday was the day I was going to escape everything because, well. My week had been horrible. I’d had my fifth abortion that Monday, and my parents were getting suspicious about my “caving up” in my room.

That’s when I decided to read Naruto from start to finish. To ignore everyone, and just escape into another world. That was my wish. Complete, utter, and total escape.

That’s when I came here, to the Naruto World.

And it was the greatest escape I could’ve ever made.


“Babe,” I said, putting my hand on her shoulder. She shook her head. She was crying hard.

“I’m kinda glad I’m blind now,” she said. “Now, I don’t have to see cruelty like Aunt Marm or your parents.”

Before I could say anything, she continued. “Don’t ever feel that you’re alone. We’ve both been through shit, and you’re my family now.”

Asuma walked over at that moment. “You both should be Sarutobi, because you’re so sisterly. But as of right now, my house is packed and Gai’s doing a pretty good job of taking care of you, Jurei.”

Jurei smiled and nodded. “Yes, he is.”

Asuma pulled some bandages out and started wrapping them round my bleeding hands before sighing and giving me a gentle pat on the back. He pat Julie on her shoulder before sitting on the bench on the other side of me. The three of us sat there for a long time.

“Hey Asuma?” I asked after some time of us just sitting there.

“Yeah?” He looked at me with a smile.

“I saw Konohamaru today,” I said. “And he said that he heard you and gramps talking. He also said that you said I was like a daughter to you and you told him to treat me like family. That true?” I asked.

As much as it’s a really sweet thing to do, I don’t want them hurt because of me. You read my past.

Asuma stuttered a lot before he finally said, “Yeah, that's right.” A small blush—and I mean small—was on his face.  

“Thanks,” I said, then looked down at the floor. “But I don’t think you want to me a part of your family.” I told him.

“Why?” he asked confused.

“Well, they get hurt because of me. I’m just a living nightmare that you don’t want to get involved in,” I told him.

“I rather be a part of a nightmare and help you through than let you walk it alone.” He and Julie said.

I looked at them both, surprised they said the same thing. “Are you sure you really want to be the father to such a troubled child?” I asked Asuma.

“That makes it all the more fun,” he said with a slight grin. “I’ll set you straight if you’re on the wrong path, though.”

“I guess, boys are able to cope with this better. I guess you’ll be okay. If you really want in on this then I guess there’s nothing I can do about it, is there?” I asked with a slight slime.

I guess…on the inside, I really wanted someone to call family and a place to call home. I just needed to find the right place and person. Maybe here with Asuma and Julie is the right place.

“I’ll always be here for you, as a father and as a friend,” he said.

“I’ll be here, too,” Julie said, wrapping her arm around me. “I’ll be here for you, whenever you need a girl to talk to.”

“Thank you,” I said in a quiet voice. “Thank you both!” I swallowed the lump in my throat, and Julie rubbed my arm for comfort. When I controlled myself, I stood to my feet and looked to Asuma.

“Let go home, As- da- As- da-Asuma?” I questioned. He chuckled at my confusion as he too got to his feet, then placed a hand on my shoulder.

“Dad or Asuma I don’t mind, it’s up to you,” he said. 

“Okay, it will be whatever I feel at the time, so get use to dad and Asuma,” I said with a smile.

I turned to Julie. “Are you going home, too?”

She nodded. “I’m going home soon,” she said. I nodded and walked off with Asuma.


As Tam and Asuma walked away, I stood there, watching them on their way. I folded my arms as I watched them; to my parchment vision, they truly looked like a father and his teen daughter.

Tam, though. She's had it so hard. I try not to think of my own life, and how hard it’s been, but relative to hers? I thought about it. What if my parents tried to kill me that day when they abandoned me, too? I was too young to be saved. It would be a miracle if someone found me at that age.

I’m glad I have my poppa and momma at home, though. They still cared about me, despite all their suspicions.

Gah, I don't want to think about it anymore. I turned around and bumped into someone. Just my luck, the person smelled like the source of my fear and my main attraction all at once.


I won't tell you when I started liking Zabuza, because I honestly don't know myself. Like with all my crushes, it just happened one day. But back at home, because of the assholes I actually dated, word got around school that I’d been pregnant and had abortions. Going to a Christian school, “Baby Killer” was the nickname for whores who fornicated and got abortions.

So, because of being a “Baby Killer”, most of my confessions after those certain relationships ended the same way: rejection.

I start hanging out with the guy, I kinda hint at that I like him, and then when I get the guts to tell him...rejection, followed by the sentence: “I can’t date a whore.”

Zabuza just happened to be another asshole who got my heart racing. The way he talks, the way he carries himself. Besides being an ass, he’s totally respectable. Tam respects him enough to call him brother. I find him respectable enough that I almost love him, even though he almost killed me.

It’s a strange emotion, especially because that leaf headband he wears now is a symbol that he’s trying to make things right. Maybe, one day, I can make things right, too.

But I don’t think I want to go back, even if this ends the way I know it will.

"What'd you hear?" I asked, clearing my throat.

Zabuza shrugged. "Enough."

I unfolded one of my arms and scratched the back of my head. "She's had it rough."

He grunted in agreement. “So have you,” he added.

I sighed, folding my arms again. Sometimes, I'm very impatient when it comes to my own feelings. I'll let you know that right now. It's probably not the best idea, but I've got to at least let him know. That’s how I felt about the other guys, even though I expected the same answer.

"You know I'm afraid of you, right?" I asked, turning my back to him.

"Ne? That's out of nowhere," he said. "But I guess so."

I sighed again. Jashin, I was nervous, even though I knew where this was going to go. "Well, it's for two reasons. One, you almost took my life, and two..." I hesitated. Here we go.

"Wait,” He said, holding out his hands, and blinking at me. I tilted my head to the side. “You're not going to confess to me, are you?"

Rejection time. "Here we go" works here, too.

"...That's exactly what I'm doing," I said. "Don't have to be around someone forever to love them, right?"

He shifted, scratching the back of his head. "Guess not."


"So what?"

I squeezed my arms a little tighter. "Can I like you?"

The silence that followed slowly tore me to bits.

He looked at me, then up at the sky.

"I don't know how to do this," he said.

I bet he was talking about rejecting me. Part of me hoped he was talking about a relationship.

"I haven't known you that long," he continued. "Our age gap's huge," he added.

I gnawed the inside of my cheek. I tasted blood. I knew it was going this way. I knew it.

"If you're saying no," I said, sighing. "Please, just say it."

He paused. For some reason, I felt that he was smirking. "Not that I'm saying no," he said. "Just think you should find some asshole your age first."


"What if I don't like anyone my age?" I asked him. "What if it's just you? What if this fear I feel is actually because I'm afraid you'll go away like everyone else does because I’m…unappealing somehow?" I wasn’t going to call myself a whore. I’d never call myself a whore. I’d hated it when Zabuza called me a bitch, but honestly, it was better than whore.

"No,” He said, looking at me sideways. “There’s nothing unappealing...” He sighed. “But you like me that much?"

I hummed in agreement. Jashin, my heart is breaking. I can't breathe, but I'm trying really fucking hard to. More silence. I sighed out and started to back away.

"Regardless of your answer, I really like you, Zabuza. I don't know why, and I don't know when it started, but I do."

My throat burned. Guess I was crying. Jashin, I hate crying.


"Don't say it. I know what you're going to say."

"Well I'm not going to tell you what you want to hear to assure you, or whatever. That's pity."

I stopped backing away. I looked up. "What?"

“Quit jumping to fuckin’ assumptions.” He put his hand on his hip and tilted his head to the side. "You want a rejection, right?"

I blinked. Considering it, I said, "Not necessarily. That’s just how it goes. People don’t necessarily want to date something dirty."

"Look who’s talking," he said. “I’m not the best guy in the world.”

“Maybe that’s what I like about you,” I said. “That, and you’re trying to make up for it.”

“I have nothing to say to that.” He chuckled. "Ne, your heart's recovered enough, right?"

I pressed my hand to where Jensen was working away. "Maybe."

Zabuza closed the distance between us and knocked his knuckle against my forehead. "Baka. Tomorrow around lunchtime come  see me at the training ground that we used to gather at for team training.”

“Eh? Why?”

“I want a rematch."

"Rematch?" I asked, blinking. He knocked me on the forehead again. I winced.

"You could've dodged that shit earlier," he said. "I want a rematch. Loser owes the other a meal, and I ain’t cheap, either.”

I smiled. "I'll kick your ass. Prepare your wallet."

"Cocksure for someone without a dick," he said, removing his knuckle from my forehead. He stepped aside of me and walked away.

My spirits rekindled, and being the pervert that I am, I turned around and watched him swagger away.

Really? How could he tell me to like someone my age? Nobody’s ass is that perfect at eighteen, and it’s not even my parchment vision—so don’t go there.


We started walking home and I was very quiet ‘til I spoke, “Have you seen Sayuri around?” I asked Asuma.

“I’m here, Tam-san,” Lily said as she jumped off the fence near us and onto my right shoulder. She climbed onto my head.

“You have a good day Lily?” I asked as we carried on walking home. 

“Yeah the village is massive and pretty. I like going for walks ‘round it. So what did you do after I left you?” she said happily. 

“I punched a wall, had chat with Asuma and Julie,” I explained.

“Sounds fun,” Lily said. Then she asked, “Tam-san, why do you have purple make-up on your face?” 

“What? Where? No—no reason!” I repeatedly wiped at my lips and face with both of my hands, which just put more on. 

“Tam, you’re putting more of it on your face. It’s on your hand—what in the world have you been doing?” Asuma popped in. I stopped rubbing my face and gave up. 

“Look, I’ll tell ya later...maybe” I said as we turned the corner.  

“At least tell me what’s in your back pocket,” Asuma asked. I put my hand on my back pocket and pulled out Kankuro’s hat. Asuma and I looked at it. “Why do you have that sand ninja hat?” he questioned. 

“Kankuro left it behind,” was my simply reply. What, he did!

We the turned another corner and I bumped right into someone, which made me fall on my butt. I then saw a hand in front of my face. Without looking up I took it.

“Watch where you’re going next time, fucking hell,” I shouted at them as they pulled me to my feet. I then looked up to see Kankuro smirking down at me.


“Shit!” I hissed then looked back at Asuma and he had a stupid grin on his face. What was he grinning at? I turned back to Kankuro and noticed a small blush. Okay ,that answers my question.

Fucking men! Fucking boys! Fucking life! 

“Can I have my hat back?” Kankuro asked. 

“And why would I give it to you?” I asked and he frowned. 

“Tam, can I have my hat back please?” he said this time. 

“Still, why would I do that?” I smirked at his annoyed face and that is when I noticed Temari, Gaara, and their sensei. “Oh, hey there,” I said, looking at them all. 

“So you’re the squirrel girl Kankuro won’t shut up about,” their sensei said, stepping up next to Kankuro with a smile. “I can see why he thinks you’re pretty hot,” he commented looking me up and down. 

“Get you eyes off me, pervert,” I said with a scowl. “Only look at what you can afford. Kankuro if you want your hat back, you have to catch me and I’ll give you something you want.” I jumped back behind Asuma. “Lily are you staying with me, or are you going home with Asuma?” I asked and she jumped off Asuma, where she had jumped when I fell over.

“I’ll stay with you,” she said. 

“Okay then Kankuro are we on, or are you scared of losing to a girl?” I asked.

“Just one second,” Temari said quickly. “How can you call our sensei a perv? You’re a bigger pervert than him and Kankuro put together.”

“Well, if he wasn’t checking out fifteen year old girls, then I wouldn’t have called him a perv. He’s what, 30 odd and I’m like, a minor!” I said looking at her in the same manner she was looking at me. 

“Point taken,” she said then looked around. 

“Kankuro are you going to help us find the hotel or are you going to get your hat off this girl?” his sensei asked him. 

“I’ll get my hat then come find you,” he said then turned to me. 

“Would you like me to show you where the hotel is?” Asuma asked them.

“That would be nice,” he answered.

“Okay Kankuro get ready and......GO!” I ran at a human speed down the road. 

“That’s a good girl. Running at a human speed,” Asuma called and I just carried on running, tossing my middle finger at Asuma as I did so, Kankuro not far behind. 

“What does he mean by that?” Kankuro called.         

“Tell ya later,” I sped up a bit and ran to God knows where.

As we got into town it was getting late and we were nearing the Dumpling Shop. I noticed Anko in there, so I ran in and grabbed a stick of dumpling. 

“Hey give them back,” she shouted. 

“I need energy; I’ll pay you back later,” I said pushing Kankuro out the door and carried on up the road. As soon as I pushed him and ran off I heard him shout out. 

“Tam get back here!!!” I looked back to see he was getting slower and slower with his running so I slowed to a walk. As he gained on me I looked back to notice he was almost right on my heels so I started jogging until I tripped on something. I looked down to see an almost invisible chakra string. I went to jump up but it was too late. Kankuro had hold of my arm.

“Got ya,” he said with a smirk as he breathed heavily. 

“Okay so what do you want as a prize,” I said as I yanked out of his grip. He tilted his head with a confused look. “Well I said if you catch me I’d give you something you want. I never said it had to be your hat,” I explained. He straightened himself then started thinking and his face was so funny.

“Okay I’ve got it, you have to spend the rest of today and tomorrow with me,” he said smirking. Doesn’t sound that bad.

“Okay so we spend the rest of the day together, I’ll show you to your hotel, then I’ll come back for you in the morning,” I said as Lily came out from hiding in my jacket. Kankuro chuckled then shook his head.

What is he playing at? What does he want to do?

“You’re going to spend the rest of the day with me, then show me to the hotel, stay the night, then we can spend tomorrow together.” he said with a massive smirk.

Oh no. What have I gotten myself in to? FUCK! I don’t want to be raped again.

“Okay, but no funny business! Lily, go tell Asuma I’m not coming home, but don’t tell him I saying with this plonker,” I said and pointed at Kankuro. “So what do you want to do?” I asked and kept hold of Lily. 

“Can we do some training?” he asked. 

“Fine. Sayuri meet us at the river training ground when you’ve told Asuma,” I said. She nodded and then jumped onto the fence. She looked at Kankuro then to me then to Kankuro again then hesitantly jumped off. “Come on, this way,” I said then walked off in the direction of the training ground.


I watched as Tam’s squirrel jumped on to the fence. She kept looking between the two of us before she left hesitantly. Wonder what her problem is.

“Come on, this way,” Tam said then started to walk off. I ran to walk next to her.

Okay what to do now? What to talk about? What do I ask? What do I do?

“How was your day?” Tam asked, not looking from the path.  

“Well good I guess,” I said, beginning to explain my day. “Before we ran into you, we just got here. After was spent tracking down our sensei then looking for the hotel when we ran into you again.” 

“Cool,” was all she said, nodding her head. 

“What about your day?” I asked, trying to keep the conversation going. 

“Well, I trained with my team and my bro for a bit, then went for lunch, then trained some more. Then ran into you, I left when you all had, talked with my friend and Asuma and then were on are way home when we ran into you,” she explained calmly. 

“Wait so you’ve trained all day? Are you up for training?” I asked. I don’t want her dying on me from using too much chakra. That would be a bummer, y’know? 

“I’ll be okay. I have a good amount of chakra back,” she said and I looked at her for a moment before nodding and walking on in silence.    

“Okay we’re here, I picked this place as I’m guessing as you live in a desert like village so you don’t get to train in a place like this. There’s an open space just there, trees as far as you can see and a river just behind me as you can see too.” she explained and I just stared at her.

“Thanks, that was well thought out,” I said. God, what am I, an idiot? I bet she thinks I’m an idiot.

“What do you want to do first?” she asked with a grin. I looked at her, then to the floor as I thought of what we could do. 

“Umm…I don’t mind,” I answered after failing to think of something. 

“Well I don’t know, you’re the one who wants to train,” she snapped at me. 

“Fine show me what you can do, then I’ll show you what I can do” I said back. 

“You first,” she said with smile. 

“But I thought you said you knew all about me? Guess you lied,” I said smugly. 

“Oh I do. I just want to see you first hand,” she said, just a smugly. 

“Okay how about we spar instead then?” I said to her. 

“You’re on!” she said and got in position.

I got ready too and then nodded for her to go first. She started making hand seals: Horse – Tiger—Ram—Monkey—Boar—Horse—Tiger.

“Fire release: Giant Fire Ball Jutsu!” She called and blew a massive fireball at me. I jumped to the left, dodging. 

I pulled Clown off my back and sent him at her. Moving the strings, I opened his mouth opened and thrust out the needle. Tam ran at him a smirk on her face.  She ducked, and front snap kicked the base of my puppet. It jerked back and flew towards me. I stopped him before he crashed into me.

Tam’s smirk just grew in size.

She ran at me as she pulled her massive sword off her back. I pulled Clown back, but she wasn’t aiming for him. She came up on the side and cut the strings to my puppet. I pulled a Kunai and caught her next slash with it. I parried to the side and leapt in that direction. Tam jumped back as she put her sword away.

She landed on her feet gracefully and ran at me again. Tam tried landing a punch on my face but I ducked. I swung at her with my fist but she jumped out the way. She jumped into the air again, flipped over my head, landed behind me, and kicked me in the back before I could move at all.

She’s fast.


I followed Kankuro and Tam to the river training ground. He seems to be infatuated with her, by the way he goes on about her. In case we ever have to fight, we’ll know how to defeat her. This may not be his reasoning for sparring with her, but it is mine for watching this, and from the looks of things so far, she doesn’t use much Jutsu.

Kankuro leapt to near the bend. She was there in a second and kicked him in the stomach. He rolled into the river with a splash. She stepped onto the water and walked out a bit. She stopped when she saw Kankuro’s head pop up next to her. She moved away from him a bit as he climbed onto the water.

He threw a Kunai at her. Pathetic. She caught the Kunai and tossed it back. Kankuro dodged it then ran at her, throwing punches and kicks, but she dodged with ease.

She is related to that Zabuza of the Blood Mist. Clearly she’d be good. Though they act the same, they don’t really look the same. He calls her his little sister so I guess they have to be related.

Tam smirked at Kankuro as she pulled her fist back and smashed it into his stomach. He went flying back, literally. He rolled across the water before coming to a stop and coughing up some blood. He slowly rose to his feet again and steadied himself as he wiped the blood from him mouth on the back of his hand. She started the same set of hand seals as before. This may as well be the only jutsu she knows.

“Fire Release: Giant Fire Ball Jutsu!” she called again. She breathed in and went to blow the fire ball out but fell back into the water and started to sink. When I realised this was not a move from Kankuro, I walked out from the bushes.

Kankuro was surprised to see me, but I said calmly, “Standing there won’t stop her from drowning.”

Kankuro looked at me then ran over to where Tam sank into the water. He placed his hand in the water and brought it back up. All he had was her sword in his hand.

Guess she was drowning after all. Mother, on the other hand, was giddy with laughter.


When I brought my hand back out all I had was her freaking sword. The thing’s so damn heavy I thought it might have been her. I threw the sword onto the floor by Gaara who had just randomly appeared. Looking back into the water I realised I was going to have to go down after her.

Releasing the chakra keeping me on the water I fell under it. I swam deeper and deeper ‘til I could see her. I grabbed hold of her arm and pulled her to my chest as I swam back up. I pulled her to the edge, dragged her out the water and laid her on the ground, starting to check for a pulse. I knelt down next to her after I too got out of the water, Gaara looking on like some kind of rescue supervisor.

“What the hell happened?” Someone shouted. I turned and spotted that squirrel, Sayuri, Lily, whatever it’s called looking at Tam with a worried expression on her face.

“We were sparring and she collapsed,” I told her.

“You baka!” she shouted at me as she jumped on Tam’s chest. “All she’s done today is train so hard she almost passed out and you let her fight!” She scolded me.

“The fuck,” I said, angry at this little rat. “You were still here when we said we were going to a fucking  training ground, so don’t get pissy with me!”

I turned to look for Gaara—maybe he’ll have a heart today—but he was already gone. “Damn you Gaara,” I mumbled. “How am I going to get to the hotel now?”

“What hotel is it?” Sayuri asked looking up at me. 

“The hot spring hotel,” I answered. 

“I’ll show you,” she said and jumped on to my shoulder. I jumped when she did but then picked Tam up bridal style.

“Which way?” I asked, looking around. I heard a couple of people running over.

It was a blond girl and her brown haired friend.

“Shit, what did she do this time?” asked the blonde girl.

“Tam,” the brown-haired girl asked, shaking her. “Tam, are you alright?”

“You’ve got some explaining to do, shithead,” the blonde told me, jabbing me in the chest.

“Who the—oh, I remember you two! You’re Tam’s friends, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, Liss and Tash,” the blonde explained, pointing to herself and then to her friend.

“What are you doing here?”

“We were training over there,” Tash said, “Then we heard your guys’ battle go bad and we came over.”

Liss smirked at me. “Shoulda known you were gonna get your ass handed to you.”

“Okay, can we get Tam to the hotel before we talk anymore? I wanna make sure she’s alright—”

“Ma, ma,” Liss said, waving her hand dismissively. “See that face? She’s fucking fast asleep, the little shit. She’ll be fine.”

I was prepared to say something, but Liss cut me off again. “C’mon, we don’t have all day,” she said, hooking her arm with Tash’s. “To the hotel!”

At the Hotel

As we approached the hotel I noticed the door was closed. Tash walked over and opened it for me. I thanked her and eased my way through so I didn’t bang Tam’s head against the glass.

The lady at the front desk looked up from the book she was looking through. Her eyes widened and she jumped to her feet, running to me.

“What happened?” she asked quickly, “Does she need to go to the hospital?”

“No, she’s fine,” Liss explained to her. “She just needs rest.”

 “I have a room here,” I said as we walk over to the counter. 

“Name of reservation?” she asked looking at the book.

“Oh…umm…Kankuro” I said. I looked down at Tam as she moved in my arms, moving closer to my chest and gripping my shirt tightly. Look how peaceful she looks. I was brought out of my thoughts by the lady at the counter. 

“Your room is Room 102. Follow me,” she said and walked down a corridor. I turned to Liss and Tash.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Liss said. “She’s sleeping in your room?” she asked.

I blushed a little. “Yeah,” I answered.

Liss smirked at me, kinda like Tam did when she was fighting me earlier. “C’mon, Tash. I want ramen!”

“You had two bowls an hour ago,” Tash complained as Liss shoved her towards the door.

“Well I want another one,” Liss said. “Three times the charm, amiright?” She waved her fingers at me as the two of them slipped out the front door.

“You have some weird friends, Tam,” I said to the sleeping girl in my arms.

“Sir?” the lady from earlier called.

“Oh, right.” I left the front desk and followed the woman. As we turned the corner, I saw Temari walking down the corridor towards us. Her eye widened and she ran over shouting like she normally did.

“What happened to her!?” she asked, then looked at Tam. “Why are you both sopping wet?” she asked. 

“Temari, just calm down. She passed out from over using her Chakra. She fell into the river we were training by. Now go, she’s fine. Just needs rest.” I told her, telling her what Liss told the clerk.

“I’m sure she’ll be okay,” Temari said, rubbing my back a little. Before I could say a word to her, Temari had walked off. She knows I was going to yell at her for being all caring about me. Stupid sister.

“Here,” The lady said coming to a stop at a door. She unlocked it and held the door open for me. “Breakfast will be served from 7AM until 10AM. The hot springs are open from 8AM to 9PM. Hope you enjoy your stay here with your lovely girlfriend, and I hope she gets better soon!”

She left before I could work out what she said. Giving up, I sighed and walked into the room. I placed Tam on the only bed in the room. A double bed. I smiled, I guess I get to share the bed.

I can’t really just leave her in soaking wet clothes, though. She’ll catch her death. I’ll have to get Temari to get her into something dry. I left the room for a bit, looking for Temari. Soon she and Baki-sensei came into sight and I walked over.

“Temari do you have something dry Tam can have?” I asked as I approached.

“What is she doing here and why does she need Temari’s clothes?” Sensei asked. 

“She passed out from overusing her chakra and fell in the river,” I explained. 

“I don’t know if it will fit her; She’s smaller than me,” Temari said.

“That should be fine. She can’t stay in wet clothes all night,” I told her. 

“You’re right. This way,” Temari said and walked off. I followed her.

When we got to her room, she grabbed some clothes and we walked back to my room, which was three rooms away. We went in together, but Temari told me to piss off while she changes Tam. So she pushed me out the room again.

I was left outside to wait a good ten minutes before Temari called me back in. “Okay, you can come back in now,” Temari said as she walked out the room and back to hers.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Okay there you go, I hope you liked this chapter. Please let us know. Please vote comment and follow/fan us.

We are still working on owning Naruto but where having no luck at this moment. Sorry


Hello! As you can see by the cast list, the co-writer used to be TheSketcher. Well, she deleted her profile and made a new one under the penname Discordienne, which is me!

So as we’re still working on owning Naruto with no luck, Vote and Comment on this story and fan us up in the meantime!


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