The Journal of Wales / Ask Or...

By TeaAndMadness

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Wales: It's not a diary! Even though the title say's so. It's a journal I swear on my scum bag brothers. Also... More

Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Entry 5
Entry 6
Entry 7
Entry 8 + A/N
Entry 9
Entry 10
Entry 11
Entry 12
Entry 13
Entry 14
Entry 15
Entry 16
Entry 17
Entry 18
Entry 19/ Dare 1
Dare 2
Entry 20 + Dare 3
Entry 21
Entry 22
Entry 23
Ask 1
What's This?
Entry 24
Entry 25
Dare 4
Ask 2 + Dare 5
Entry 26
Entry 27
Entry 28
Entry 29
Hello there~!
Entry 30
Entry 31
Entry 32
Entry 33
Entry 34
Entry 35
Entry 36
Entry 37
Entry 38
Entry 39
Entry 40
Jesus Christ
Entry 41
Entry 42
Entry 43
Entry 44
Entry 45
Entry 46
Entryyy 46
Entry 47
Entry 48
Entry 49
Entry 50
Entry 51
Entry 52
Entry 53
Entry 54
Entry 55
Entry 56
Entry 57
Entry 58
Entry 59
Entry 60
Entry 61
Entry 62
Entry 63
Entry 64
Entry 65
Entry 66
Entry 67
Entry 68
Entry ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Entry 70
Entry 71
Entry 72
Entry 73
Entry 74
Entry 75
Entry 76
Entry 77
Entry 78
Author's Note
Another Authors Note
Entry 79
Entry 80
Entry 81
Entry 82
Entry 83
Entry 84
Entry 85
Entry 86
Entry 87
Entry 89
Entry 90
Something I just thought up
Entry 91
Entry 92
Entry 93
Message from the Author
Entry 94
Entry 95
*spills the alcohol*
Entry 96
Admin's BS for today
More of Admin's BS
Entry 97
Entry 98
Entry 99
Entry 116


15 1 0
By TeaAndMadness

Admin is fucking bored and since this has Wales in it I was like fuck it I'll put it in here!

Hey guys, I've brought you here for an interview, nothing major, it's not like you killed anyone, we just want to know about you. So can you tell me your names, gender, birthday. You know the basics information?

1) "I'm Wales but my human name is Felix Kirkland. I'm obviously a woman last time I checked..... Wait.... I have a dick.... I'm a man.... Uh.... My birthday is March 1st."

2) "I'm Ireland and my human name is Brandean Kirkland. I'm a fucking guy and..... Shit when is my birthday? I forgot...."

Felix: "Well maybe if you didn't drink so much you'd still have the brain cells to remember that."

Brandean: "Oh go tend to your sheep!"

Cool, so do you two know each other? If you do how'd you meet?
Felix: "He's my fucking brother!"

Brandean: "Don't you just love brotherly love?"

Felix: "Fuck you Ireland!"

Brandean: *punches his lovely brother in the face*

Ok guys, I know we kinda um... brought you here quite quickly, but do you guys normally dress? Anything of importance, like a lucky charm, or a funky cap?
Brandean: "Well when I go out I wear a white short sleeve dress shirt, black trousers, sneakers and a black bowler hat. However when I'm sitting around in my home I wear a black hoodie and dark blue jeans looking like a god damn emo."

Felix: "I wear a dark brown sweater, white dress shirt, grey jeans and black loafers. But sometimes I wear a black t-shirt and jeans. Oh and I do wear a Celtic cross around my neck."

Brandean: *trying to steal it*

Felix: *slaps him*

Brandean: "Owww....."

Awesome, well where about do you guys live? Some funky apartment? Or maybe a 30 story mansion?
Felix: "I live in a small home on a...."

Brandean: "With all those lovely, lovely sheep." *smiles*

Felix: *rolls eyes*

Brandean: "I live in a house somewhere in Ireland.

Felix: "Yet you feel the need to stay with me."

Sounds great, now let's find out how you think of yourselves. What do you think is the best and worst thing about you?
Felix: "The best thing would be.... Hmmm.... I guess I have somewhat of a nice fashion sense.... And the worse thing would be the fact I hate interacting with people... Like a CERTAIN SOMEONE WHO WON'T GO HOME!!!!"

Brandean: "I'm drink a lot and I'm an ass."

Felix: "You're supposed to say the best thing and the worst thing about you..."

Brandean: "I did."

Felix: "Oh..."

Really? Wow...that's a bit odd, but anyway, so what do you think is the best and worst thing about the person next to you? You heard what they think but what do you think?
Felix: "Jesus Christ.... Well the best thing about the ass sitting next to me is.... *sighs* I actually enjoy his company except when he's being a fucking ass and won't go home. The worse thing is that he's an alcoholic."

Brandean: "The best thing is that he fun to mess with. The worse thing? Let's just say he takes lovely care of his sheep..."

Felix: "HAVE YOU BEEN HANGING OUT WITH ARTHUR? FUCK YOU! I don't.... Fuck..." *sighs*

So let's hear a bit about your history, what's your family like? Any siblings? Are your parents together? Got any girlfriends or boyfriends? What about old school friends? Come on tell me.
Brandean: "I'm a single potato...."

Felix: "Was that a pun?"

Brandean: "No."

Felix: "I regrettably have a boyfriend.... My family consists of dicks and annoying brats.... I don't think we have parents but I did have two parent figures in my life.... Many moons ago..."

Brandean: "I had a father figure.... I watched him die horribly when I was.... About 6...."

Felix: "I am so.... Sorry...."

Ok that's cool, do you work, go to school? Or are you an unemployed bum who lives on the street corner begging randoms for their spare change?
Felix: "I take care of sheep. Then I have a boss.... Such an exciting life. "

Brandean: "My boss makes me go out on errands but I think he just does that because he's embarrassed of me...."

Felix: "Our bosses might be really thankful that where here right now and not with them..."

Ok let's delve a bit deeper into your minds shall we. *holds up one of those card things with the ink blots on them* what do you see in this, anything significant?
Brandean: *having flashbacks*

Felix: "Bunny...."

Wow crazy, now for a more random question. What's your favorite song, food, colour, animal, book and movie/tv show?
Brandean: "My favorite food is lamb stew.... I like potatoes too but that's not the only thing I eat. I like other things then just potatoes people! I like seals. Any movie that has to do with my countries mythology and such. Secret of Kells, Song of the Sea, etc. Songs? I like a lot of songs but one I've listened to recently was Dúlamán.... It's very catchy~!" *starts singing*

Felix: "That song is rather catchy.... Favorite show is surprisingly the Powerpuff Girls. Mainly because it's little 6 year old girls that beat the shit out of villains. I'm pretty sure that's why it was popular it the first place. My favorite colour is red. Such a powerful color~! My favorite food? Uhhh... Welsh cakes? Maybe... I like food in general so it's hard to say. (admin really wants to try Welsh cakes! Going to try to make them sometime and hopefully not burn the house down....) I like a lot of songs..... Even though dragons are bad ass I like small fluffy animals.... They're so cute~!"

So before I asked about if you had a girlfriend/boyfriend. What I was wondering is if you have experienced anything with the same sex. As in have you kissed someone of the same sex, done a bit of groping? Or maybe even more? *wiggles eyebrows in highly suggestive manner* Don't worry; it's not as if this interview will end up on the internet or anything.
Felix: "I have a boyfriend... And I once had relations with a nymph.... Which gave me my wonderful son~!"

Brandean: "Love hurts too much so no. I did have relations with someone once though.."

Hahahaha nice, what did you have for dinner last night? It can tell a lot about you.
Felix: "Leek soup...." (leek soup is admins life)

Brandean:"Same thing."

Well I was wondering what is the thing you are most afraid of. Heights, graveyards, spiders or maybe something a bit different?
Felix: "Spiders are demons from the 8th circle of hell!"

Ireland: "I shouldn't say his name..."

Do you know any other languages or maybe just a couple of words in French?
Felix: "Uhh... Welsh obviously!

Brandean: *resting bitch face*

So what is your obsession? Everyone has one or two and I want to know yours so spill.
Brandean: *sips beer* "You say something?"

Felix: "Sleep."

Ok this is the big one. What is your deepest most dark secret of all time? The one that basically no one knows. Everyone has one and I know you two do. Just spill. Only you, me and the person sitting next to you will ever know, because like I said, it's not as if this is going to end up on the internet or anything.
Felix: "My child is part fairy.... It was me being gay but it's 2017 so I can be open about it now..."

Brandean: "Why do I feel like admin was inspired by The Song of the Sea for your child being a fairy?"

Felix: ???

Brandean: "Darkest secret? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................. I once stabbed a man...."

Felix: "Oh please, that is not your darkest secret!"

Ok how would you like to die and why?
Brandean: "I'd like to die in my sleep because that's the most peaceful. However I'm a county the only way I'd die is if my Country where to fall.... And that's not going to happen anytime soon!"

Felix: "Same as my brother..."

So if you had three wishes what would they be? You can't ask for more wishes, bring someone back to life or true love, those are the big no no's
Felix: "A puppy, the souls of all who have displeased me and my little brother not to be a dick to me for a day."

Brandean: "Souls of all who have displeased you? The fuck? Anyway I'd wish for a united Ireland, to be human so I can love someone and a to North to leave me the fuck alone."

Felix: "You want a united Ireland yet you want North to leave you alone?"

Brandean: "He's annoying...."

What are the three things you would take with you if you got stranded on an uninhabited island?
Brandean: "food, water, and alcohol."

Felix: "The first two things that Ireland said and a book. Even though it's only one book I'd have something to do."

Ok another more slightly personal question. What do you like most in the opposite sex? Both appearance and personality wise.
Brandean: "Long hair and somewhere between skinny and cubby. And is able to deal with my bullshit."

Felix: "Long hair.... Shit I don't know.... Uhhhh.... Smart..."

How about the same sex as yourself?
Brandean: "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....."

Felix: "Ummm...."

So what does your house normally look like? Super tidy or worse that a pig pen?
Felix: "It's usually pretty tidy.... However they're are days when I'm to lazy to clean the house."

Brandean: "It's clean enough that I can have guests over."

Wow interesting, I'm running low on questions but I think I can find a few more, ah yes, if you could change anything about yourself what would it be?
Brandean: "I'm not very fond of my freckles....."

Felix: "I don't know.... Not bitter all the damn time..."

Um this might be slight embarrassing but remember this shouldn't end up on the net, are you are virgin at all? Or have you already had sex?
Brandean: "Yeah I lost that."

Felix: "That's been gone...."

Um ok, do you believe in magic? Any sort of fantasy thing? Or are you a total non believer?
Felix: "My son is a fucking fairy and my best friend is a god damn dragon!"

Brandean: "I don't event think I need to answer that... Can I leave now?" (No)

So this is like the last question before we let you go. What would you do if you were kidnapped and submitted to a hell of a lot of questions, that would supposedly never in a million years end up on the internet?
Both: "That's what this is."

Brandean: "I have been kidnapped before by someone named.... Nimi....." *sheds tear* "Did not want...."

Ok any last words? Maybe some from your creator?
Both: "Fuck you!" (Admin can feel the love TTwTT)

Cool now as a tiny final request tag someone or a few someones, spread the meme love.

Admin tags anyone who wants to do this

especially Nimi_The_Knight even though I know her ass isn't going to do this cuz she lazy 

heres a link to the blank

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