By almondsnmilk

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BOOK ONE He was a monster. A marvellous monster. More



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By almondsnmilk

As they arrived all heads turned to the pair. Conscious shifted, suddenly uncomfortable at the attention again. Anytime she was near Tom everyone looked.

Slughorn looked at the two with a wide smile. "Don't you look amazing together!"

Tom smirked, before moving to the seats in the middle. They had sat together next to the other eight students, three Ravenclaw, two Hufflepuff and three Gryffindor.

"Conscious." Slughorn said smiling. "Why don't we start off this dinner with you since you are new."

She looked up, feeling once again all eyes on her. "I suppose, how do I start?"

"Tell us about your family darling, I'm rather curious about the way you learned." He explained.

She was hesitate at first. "My mother had always taught me, generation from generation it's a tradition in my village to be taught the best." She said. "I started learning when I was five and been taught everything really till I was ten then just practiced and mastered almost all spells and such."

"Rather impressive my dear. You mother taught you well you certainly are very bright." Slughorn gushed. "I'd love for you to show me some of those skills one day perhaps."

She nodded with a smile. "Of course sir."

The night was spent with the other students talking about their summer. Across the table a Ravenclaw boy had been staring at Conscious for most of the night. At times she caught him staring and simply rolling her eyes in response. She wasn't the only one to notice the boy looking at her, Tom as well had seen.

For some odd reason it made him feel something, perhaps jealously? But he couldn't quit say.

"Conscious what does your name mean, I've never heard such a unique kind of name." The Ravenclaw asked.

"It has no meaning." She replied picking at the dessert, looking up slightly.

"Well there must be a reason behind naming you."

"No there really isn't." She stated getting rather annoyed.

"Where does the name Conscious come from then?" He pushed.

Tom had held a nasty look towards John the whole time but no one had seemed to notice. He was a mudblood , and a pathetic excuse of one, causing more feelings to give him.

"I don't even know your name." Conscious huffed out.

The Ravenclaw sent her a smile. "John, John Evens"

"Well, John Evens, I would appreciate it you not speaking to me." She smiled back before returning back to her dessert.

Johns face flushed red while other students at the table snickered- including Tom.

The clock struck ten which meant the dinner was over. Slughorn thanked them all as they left. The two Slytherins walked side by side towards their house.

"Wait." She muttered. Tom sighed loudly and stopped as the girl took off her heels.

He's brows knotted together. "What in Merlin's name are you doing?"

"Taking my heels off?" She questioned. She stood back up and continued to walk looking over her shoulders calling Tom to join her.

"That ravenclaw was awfully annoying." Tom said out of no where.

She stopped for a second before looking at him. "He was." She replied. "I've never seen someone so interested in a name"

"You're name is rather different." He commented looking down at her.

She said looking up at him. "Oh well thank you?"

"It wasn't a complaint."

"I see." She murmured.

"I hope know this invite wasn't a symbol of friendship, I only knew you'd be to stupid to know where this dinner would be." He started.

"I'm not stupid." She replied back. He was just making jokes about John now he's was right back to being the cold hearted bitch he was. Tom really was a confusing boy. He didn't say anything because he didn't need to. He knew she wasn't.

"I don't need you to think we're anything more then school partners." He said, referring to the rumour they were more seeing how he acted with her the first day of classes.

"Amazing." She said sarcastically.

Insolence again. He hadn't the patience for it.

"Why must you act like a child."

She raised a brow. "Your the one seeming to whine and complain about me."

Again. Gosh was she ever going to stop.

"Do not talk to me like that girl." He hissed.

She was really pushing his buttons and she damn well knew it.

"Does my tone annoy you Tom?" She smiled, eyes batting up to him.

"Your lack of respect does." Anger lacing his words.

"Well Tom," She started moving slightly closer. Pushing him more. Testing him. "Maybe the things we hate about others is the things we actually love."

He's expression hardened. "I don't love."

She laughed slightly. "Tom love doesn't mean the kind of love we all know, love means in my home something that isn't hate. Do you hate me Tom?"

He's eyes narrowed slightly. "No I don't not hate you Conscious. But your lack for respect i will not stand for."

She smiled looking right into his green eyes. "Then you love me." She turned away and walked to the common. He followed seconds later seeing she had vanished around the corner.

His eyes glared slightly as he went to his Prefect room. Tom laid on his bed look at the ceiling. He couldn't stop thinking of 4 words;

Then you love me

Love, love, love. What was it good for? Absolutely nothing. He couldn't love nor did he want to. Love was weakness. He had no idea why said had said that. It's not like Conscious was fond of love. He tugged at his hair turning to his stomach. He folded his arms letting his chin rest in the middle. This girl had left him confused and wanting more. He wanted to solve her but for once he didn't know how to break someone. He is feared by everyone. No one bothers him because they know he's meant for bad.

Conscious sat with her back on the arm of the couch as her legs bent on the seat. Her diary on her lap as she drew yet another picture. It was almost six in the morning and she knew Tom would be down any minute. Last night she had left Tom after she told him he had loved her.

Love was a powerful word. But the word love in that way to her meant that he had not hated her. That is what love was. The opposite of hate and he did admit he did not hate the girl.

Tom Riddle had came down. She glanced at him. It looked like he'd been up all night.

"Good morning." She chirped.

He moved to the couch she sat on and put his head on his hands between his legs trying to hide his yawn. He did not want to feel weak let alone have someone see. But it was nearly impossible.

"Are you alright Tom?" She asked crossing her legs moving closer.

"I'm fine." He snapped.

She glared at him, stood up and was about to leave but he grabbed her wrist before she could.

"Don't tell me i've made you upset." He said.

"No but I can tell someone is not in the mood to be bugged, so i'd appreciate it if you let go."

"Don't leave."He wanted her to explain why she seemed he loved her.

She sighed before returning to her seat.

"Why is it you think I love you. I have no such attraction to you."


"Tom Tom Tom, love is a word opposite of hate. You do not hate me which means you love me." She laughed.

"But I do not love you."

"Tom love means many things but in my language love is opposite of hate. It doesn't necessarily have to apply as a romantic love. It is the love of friendship or acquaintances." She explained. "Do you considered us that?"

"I suppose." He said eyeing her.

She smiled. "I rest my case Tom Riddle. You do love me."

He's eyes narrowed at love. "Stop saying that, people are going to think we're involved. Professor Slughorn already thinks this."

She raised a brow as a smirk began to grow. "Tom Riddle are you denying your love for?"

"Conscious please, I don't love I do not care if it is none romantic I don't love. So no I do not love you and for now you are noting more then just an acquaintance." He snapped annoyed for the first time by her.

"Alright Tom but in my head I shall call it love because it is. You can't stop what I think."

He sighed in frustration. "Why must you call it love. Love is good for absolutely nothing!"

"I know." She said. "But it's the truth Tom love is the opposite of hate."

"I'm not stupid, I know they are."

She grinned. "Exactly so let me think it or would you rather let everyone hear?"

"Think it." He replied quickly.

She grinned more before putting her book into her robe.

At this time some other slytherin's had made their way down. They walked towards the hall not bothering to wait for his followers. As they walked Tom would glance at the girl slightly.

"Conscious!" Olivia yelled as she saw her and Tom enter the Great Hall.

Olivia eyes Tom before speaking. "Come and sit with us."

She was about to say no but Tom had walked past the girls to seat with Malfoy. Conscious frowned slightly before nodding sitting with Olivia along with other girls. She completely tuned out their conversation as she ate. She occasionally glanced at Tom but he was to busy with he's little group to look up.

She ran her tongue over her teeth before standing up and leaving the Great Hall to use the bathroom. For once Tom watched as she left wondering where she was off to.

Lestrange followed his gaze with a frown. "Tom, why are you looking at that girl."

He's attention turned to Lestrange with a harsh look. "Has no one ever told you is rude to stare and eavesdrop? I was merely seeing if she needed help."

"If using her as your little toy is part of the plan your going a rather good job." She snapped clearly jealous of the attention he gave Conscious.

Tom's brows knotted. "What do you mean?"

Malfoy cut in. "Haven't you heard everyone? You two sitting next to one an other, people are able to put things together."

"We have no relationship. It is my duty as a prefect to help students." Tom argued.

Malfoy put his hands up in defence. "I'm only saying what I hear."

"Well make sure no one hears." Tom hissed at him before gathering his books leaving.

He didn't need people thinking they had some form of relationship. That would make him seem weak. He huffed and rushed to the girls bathroom that was out of use. He walked in to see Conscious sitting on top of the window ledge.

She smiled when he walked in. "Are you following me Tom?"

"What no." He said taken about. He wasn't expecting her to be here.

"Then why are you in here?" She asked.

"I always come here."

She raised a brow. "Into the girls bathroom?"

He's face flushed slightly. "Not like that. Why are you up there?"

He was trying to avoid the question. She was going to push more but decided against it.

"Because I can Tom." She smirked.

"Why are you so difficult." He said getting frustrated.

"Why do you ask so much." Again mocking him.

"Conscious." He snapped tired of her.

"Tom." She micked.

"Will you stop it and leave." He sighed.

"It's the girls bathroom Tom, why is it I must leave? You should be leaving." She argued.

He studied her.  "Fine."  With that he left.

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