Kamen Rider Vanguard

By -HyperMuteki-

1.5K 23 88

Akuda was a normal highschool student, one day he found a box full of the card game "Cardfight Vanguard", joi... More

Ride 1: A New Beginning Part 1

Ride 2: A New Beginning Part 2

498 12 47
By -HyperMuteki-

on Cray, a blue and white mechanical like little dragon appears, across him was a man with brown armor surrounding his body

"Chrono Dran G! (5000)" Chrono said, a ring with the Gear Chronicle clan symbol surrounds him

"Ride-Player! (5000)" i said, a ring with the Gamer Rider clan symbol surrounds me (oh btw the clan nation is Star Gate so its gray and im still working on the clan symbol)

"there are 5 phases of a players turn, stand phase, draw phase, ride phase, main phase and end phase,at the start of a turn is the stand phase, in this phase you can change all of your resting units and stand them but since my vanguard is already staning ill go straight to the next phase which is the draw phase, the draw phase allows you to draw a card each turn" he said as he picks up a card from the top of his deck and puts it in his hand "next is the ride phase, in this phase you can evolve your unit to a stronger unit by stacking a card with a grade no more than one, this is called "Ride", i ride Chronoethos Jackal (7000)" he said as he stacks a card on top of his vanguard "Chrono Dran G moves to the rear-guard circle because his skill called Forerunner"

On Cray, the blue and white dragon turns into a mechanical egyptian fox with a staff and behind it was the blue and white dragon that was in the vanguard circle

"next is the main phase, in this phase we can call units to help our vanguard fight, Call Pulsar, Stratos Falcon (7000)" a mechanical bird appears on the field "next phase is the battle phase, this is where your units clash but since its the first turn i cant attack, and last is the end phase which is the end of a players turn, i end my turn"

Hand: 4
Damage: 0
Soul : 0


"Your turn Akuda" Chrono said

"alright draw" i looked at the cards "umm....i Ride Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Level 1 (7000)" i said

On Cray, the brown armored man vanishes replaced by a roulette with various of characters on it "LETS GAME! MECCHA GAME! MUCCHA GAME! WHAT'S YOUR NAME?" the roulette stops and selects a character "I'M A KAMEN RIDER!"
then a figure appear, he was wearing white armor and had a gamepad and health bar on his chest, he had spiky pink (MAGENTA!) hair on the armor, the only thing weird is that...it was chubbier , it wasnt like the brown one

"no continue do clear shiyaruze!" the man said

"same like my starting vanguard, he has a skill that lets you call him to the rear guard circle" Chrono said

"right, i move Ride-Player to the back of Ex-aid, and i call Kamen Rider Brave level 1 (7000)"

Besides Ex-aid appeared a man that looked similar to Ex-aud but had a knight motif and a little shield on his left arm and a little sword in his right hand

"Proceding Bugster extermination" Brave said

"Umm...Hiiro-san those aren't Bugster's" Ex-aid said

"I dont care intern" Brave said

"Oh okay then" Ex-aid said

"Battle phase...umm....how do i attack?" I asked

"Oh i forgot to tell you, when you attack you turn the card you want to attack with horizontaly, also grade 0's and 1's posses a special ability called boost, they can power up the unit in front of it"

"Okay then....with the boost of Ride-player i attack with Ex-aid (7000-12000)"

"When you attack with your vanguard you perform a drive check, you reveal the top card of your deck and put it in your hand, but theres a chance you'll get a trigger" Chrono said

"A trigger?" I asked

"Yup, there are 4 types of triggers, the thing that all of them have in common is that they guve 5000 plus power to one of your units but each trigger has a different effect, first is a Stand Trigger which lets you stand a rear-guard, next is a draw trigger which lets you draw a card, then theres a critical trigger which lets you add a trigger to one of your units, then theres a heal trigger which lets you heal a damage from your damage zone" Chrono explained

"Alright...drive trigger check Burgmon (Critical trigger) a critical trigger, ill give the power to Brave and the critical to Ex-aid"

Ex-aid jumps and hits Jackal 2 times with his hammer with a "HIT" marker with it

"When i take damage i perform a damage check, similar to drive check's i reveal the top card of my deck but instead of putting it to the hand i put it to my danage zone, the player that gets 6 cards in the damage zone first loses" Chrono explained "damage check, first check (Chronobeat Buffalo) nothing, second check....(Chronovalley Rabbit) Critical Trigger, ill give all effects to my vanguard"

"Next ill attack with Brave!"

"Now here's where the guard mechanic comes in, remember the shield part of a card? Thats where this comes in, i can place a card from my hand to the center which is the guard circle and add attack to my vanguard depending on the shield of the card i guarded with, i guard with Stratos Falcon" Chrono Said

Brave was about to hit Jackal with his sword until a Falcon defends him and takes the hit

"When a unit is used to guard, it goes to the drop zone" he said as he place the card to his drop zone

"I end my turn" i said

Hand: 5
Soul: 0


Hand: 3
Damage: 2

"My turn draw! I ride Chronobeat Buffalo (9000) and i call Cronoclaw Monkey, boosted by Chrono Dran i artack with Chronobeat! (9000-14000)"

the Buffalo charges Ex-aid

"No guard"

"Drive trigger check, (Chronotheraphy Hamster) Heal Trigger, power to Chronoclaw Monkey and i heal one damage"

The Buffalo hits Ex-aid with a powerfull punch

"Damage trigger check (Kamen Rider Snipe level 2) nothing"

"Chronoclaw Monkey attacks! (14000-21000)"

"No Guard"

The Monkey slashes Ex-aid with his claws

"Damage check (Bugster Grunt) Draw Trigger, all effects goes to Ex-aid and i draw a card"

"I end my turn" Chrono said

Hand: 3


Hand: 6
Soul: 0
Damage: 2

"My turn Stand and Draw! I ride Kamen Rider Ex-aid level 2 (9000)"

"Dai Henshin" Ex-aid said as he crosses his arms together before he grips the panel on his belt and folds it open reveal a screen underneath and a figure


He transforms into looks like a grown up version of Ex-aid, he had a visor, the game-pad and the health like his level 1 form but the health and game-pad piece had extra armor pieces, the head looked similar to Ex-aid's level 1 form but he has a green collar now, on the legs he had gray kneecaps and green sneakers, on his back is what looks like his level one mask

"I attack with Ex-aid with the boost of Ride-player! (9000-14000)"

Ex-aid presses the A button on his mallet

"Ja-kiin!" The mallet fips up a blade, Ex-aid charges the buffalo

"No guard"

"Drive trigger check, (Bugster Grunt) Draw trigger, the power goes to Brave and i draw a card"

Ex-aid slashes Buffalo in the chest

"Damage check (Stratos Falcon) nothing"

"Now i attack with Brave (12000)"

"Guard! (Chronovalley Rabbit) (10000)"

Brave slashes his sword but was blocked by a Rabbit

"I end my turn"


Hand: 3


"My turn Stand and draw! Open up a new world! Ride! Chronojet Dragon G! (11000)"

The buffalo transfromed to a mechanical dragon, it looked like the baby dragon from before but it was an adult version

"I attack with Chronoclaw! (16000)"

"I guard with Burgmon (10000)"

As the Monkey was gonna attack Ex-aid, he wasbbloacked by a Burger-like creature (RIP Burgmon ;-;)

"Chronojet attacks! (16000)"

"No guard"

"Here's the good part of grade 3's instead of drive checking one card i can drive check two, twin drive! First check (Chronojet Dragon) nothing, second check (Chronotheraphy Sheep) Heal Trigger, power to Chronojet and i heal one damage"

Chronojet punches Ex-aid

"Damage check (Kamen Rider Lazer level 2) nothing"

"I end my turn"
Hand: 5
Soul: 2
Damage: 1



"My turn stand and draw, Ride! Kamen Rider Ex-aid Level 3 Robot Action Gamer! (11000)"

Ex-aid holds up what looks like a red game carthridge, he presses the button on the side


Then a red little robot appears infront of Ex-aid, he shuts the panel on his belt and inserts the carthridge into the second slot on his belt


"Dai Dai Dai Henshin" he saud as he spins his arm around and opens up the panel again


The little red robot eats Ex-aid and it becomes armor, Ex-aid's armor is now red in the chest and his visor is now red on the sides, he had red shoulder pads and now he has a red giant fist on his left arm

"I call Kamen Rider Snipe level 2 (9000)"


Bewides Ex-aid a man appeared, he looked like a soldier, he was dark blue and he had a patch on his right eye, he had a scarf and a gun on his right hand

"Mission....Start" Snipe said

"Now ill attack with Snipe Level 2 to Chronoclaw (9000)"

"no guard!"

Snipe shoots the Monkey, the monkey dissapear's

"boosted by Ride-Player i attack with Ex-Aid (16000)"

"Guard! (Chronotheraphy Hamster) (10000)"

"twin drive, first check (Kamen Rider Brave level 1) second check (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Level 1)" i sigh "i end my turn"

Hand: 7
Soul: 2
Damage: 3

Hand: 4
Soul: 2
Damage: 1


"my turn, stand and draw! now this is another special part of grade 3's, when both players have grade 3's in their vanguard circle, they can do whats called a "stride""


"yup! see those cards on the left side?" he said pointing at the silver-colored cards

"yeah? what about them?"

"those are our g-unit's, when we both have grade 3's in our vanguard circle, we can discard a grade 3 or cards that sum up to a grade 3 and do a stride, Generation Zone Release! Stride Generation, Metapulsar, Huang-Long! (15000+)" he screamed out

The dragon was replaced with a bigger dragon, it looked like Shen-long from dragon ball z (thats what i see when i see Huang-Long)

"when you stride, your g-unit gets a power boost equal to the power of your vanguard, so now Huang-Long is 26000, Chronojet Dragon G's stride skill, i call Steam Battler, Ur-Watar and Time Leap it!"

"Time leap?" I asked

"Yup! i forgot to tell you, each clan has its own unique keyword and it does special effects when you do a certain condition, mine is Time Leap, which lets me send a card to the bind zone and call a unit from my deck thats one grade above it, but it goes back to the deck at the end of my turn and i call back the card i sent to the field, but not this time, i activate Ur-Watar's skill, i can put it in the bottom of my deck to draw two cards" he draws two cards "perfect! I call History-Maker Dragon and Chronodash Peccary (9000 and 8000). Peccary boost, i attack with History-Maker Dragon! (17000) History-Maker Dragon Skill, generation break 1, counterblast an Chrono-Dran G Time Leap, Mesh-kia call! (7000)"

"Generation Break?" I asked

"Oh right! Some units have effects if there are cards face up g-units in the g-zone or on the field, this is called Generation Break, anyway Mesh-kia skill, i can rest her to draw a card and give 4000 attack to one of my units, i give it to Huang-Long!"

"Guard! (Bugster Grunt and Kamen Rider Ex-aid lvl 1) (10000)"

"Huang-Long attacks! (30000)"

"No guard!"

"heres another part of g-units, they can do a triple drive! Triple drive! First Check (Chronocharge Unicorn) second check (Steam Maiden, Gigi) third check (Chhronovalley Rabbit) critical trigger , power to Chronoclaw, critical to Huang-long"

"Damage check...first check....(Kamen Rider Brave level 2)....second check....(Poppy) (Heal) heal trigger, i give the power to Ex-aid and i heal one damage"

"Chronoclaw attacks! (21000)"

"Guard (Kamen Rider Lazer level 1) (10000)"

"I end my turn, when you stride, the g-unit you stride with goes to the g-zone but face-up instead of face-down and i bring back Chrono Dran G back to the field

Hand: 5
Soul: 2
Damage: 3

Hand: 6
Soul: 2
Damage: 1


"My turn stand and draw! Generation zone release! Stride Generation! Kamen Rider Ex-aid Level 4 Burger Action Gamer!" I said

On the field, Ex-aid holds up another game carthridge but this time it was yellow


Then a small burger like robot appears in front of Ex-aid, he closes the panel on his belt and changes the red carthridge with the yellow one


He opens the panel


The burger robot eats Ex-aids head turning into armor

"Now ill activate Level 3's stride skill! I counterblast 1 and pick a unit on a field and i level it up!" I said

"Level it Up?" Chrono asked as he didnt know what that keyword does

"Yup! Thats my clans skill! Just like in a video game where you level up your character, i pick Kamen Rider Brave level 1 and put it into the bind zone and i call from the deck, Kamen Ride Brave Level 2!"

"proceeding to level 2" Brave said as he opens the panel on his belt


Brave level to comes onto the field, it looked sinilar to his level 1 form

"But at the end of this turn he goes back to the deck and i call back the card i sent to the bind zone" i expalined

"So its like Chrono's Time Leap but more specific, interesting..." Shin said

"Yup! Now i activate Brave's skill! When hes called from the deck, i can counterblast one to destroy a grade 3 or lower unit in the front row, i pick Chronoclaw!"

Brace slashes Chronoclaw, Chronoclaw dissepears

"Next Ride-players skill, when a card is called from the deck, i can move it to the soul to add 3000 power to kne of my units, i pick Brave, i attack with Brave (12000)"

"No guard, damage check (Chronobeat Buffalo)"

"Next i attack with Ex-aid! Ill activate his skill, sould blast 2 to Level Up again, i pick Brave and call his level 3 form!"

"Proceeding to level 3" Brave said as he holds up a yellow carthridge and pushes the button.


"Perfect Guard! (Steam Maiden, Arlim)"

"Perfect guard?"

"A perfect guard lets me guard an attack to my vanguard and it doesnt get hit even if you get a trigger, but i have to discard a card as a cost" Chrono said

As Ex-aid was about to attack, he was cut out by a shield created by Arlim

"Oh okay then, then triple drive, first check (Kamen Rider Lazer Level 2) nothing, second check (Burgmon) a critical trigger i give all effects to Snipe, third check (Poppy) Heal trigger, ill give the power to Snipe, i attack with Snipe (9000-19000)"

Snipe inserts his carthridge a into his gun "


Snipe shoots Chronojet

"Generation Guard! Retroactive Time Maiden, Uluru!"

"Generaion Guard? You mean those green border cards?" I said as i ask him

"Yup! They're part of the g-unit aswell, to use them you have to discard a heal trigger from your hand, now I activate her skill, i can send on normal unit and one non-normal unit to my deck and add 5000 shield to her! (15000-20000)" he said

The shot was blocked by Uluru with her shield

"Well now i attack with Brave level 3! Ill activate his skill, when he attacks he gains 2000! (11000-13000)"

"No guard, damage check (Chronotehos Jackal)"

"I end my turn, at the end of my turn i call back Brave Level 1 and 2"

Hand: 7
Damage: 3 (2 face-down)

Hand: 3
Soul: 2
Damage: 2

"Youre getting the hang of it, good job!" Chrono said

"Yeah, this game is really fun!" I said excitingly

"Oh and i forgot ti mention, grade 2's can "intercept" from the rear guard and guard an attack"

"....why didnt you tell me the first earlier?" I glared at him

"Well there wasnt a situation to do it so i thought you didnt need to know" Chrono said

"That or he was too into the cardfight to remember it" Shin said

"O-oi!" Chrono said

"Haha, its okay, at least you remembered" i said laughing

"Yeah, hahaha" Chrono said laughing

"Now lets get this over with!" I said as i get into a ready position

"Right!" Chrono said as he get into a ready position

"Come at me Chrono!" I said

"Alright! Stand and draw! Generation zone, Release! Steide generation! Chronodragon Nextage! Stride skill! Gigi call and time leap! Call Chronobeat Buffalo, Chronoethos Jackal boost Chronobeat attacks! Skill, he gets 2000 power (16000-18000)"

On the field, the dragon turned into a much more powerful version of the dragon before

"Guard! (Burgmon) (10000)" i said placing a card on the guardian circle

"Chronodragon Nextage attacks! (26000)" he said attacking with Chronodragon

"No guard!"

"Drive check, first check (Chronoclaw Monkey) second check (Chronovalley Rabbit) critical trigger, Critical to Chronodragon power to History-Maker, third check (Chronodash Unicorn)"

"Damage check (Kamen Rider Lazer level 1) stand trigger, i give 5000 power to Ex-aid, second check (Kamen Rider Snipe Level 3)" i said as i  set the cards to the damage zone "its okay, i can guard this next attack" i thought to myself

"Chronodragon skill, counterblast 1 and i flip a "Chronodragon Nextage" from my g-zone and i discard 3 cards, i send back Nextage to my g-zone and stand Chronojet Dragon G!" Chrono said

"WHAT?!" I said surprised

"Chronojet skill, power plus 5000 and my "Zoodiac Time Beast" cards gain 1000 power,i attack with History-Maker Dragon! (18000)"

"Guard! (Brave and Ex-aid level 1)"

"I attack with Chronojet Dragon G! (21000)"

"Generation Guard!(Kamen Rider Poppy) and also intercept (20000)" i said

"Twin drive, first check (Chronotimer Leghorn) Stand Trigger, power to Chronojet and stand Chronobeat, second check (Chronotimer Leghorn) stand trigger, power to Chronojet and stand Chronoethos Jackal, take this!" he said

"Its not over yet, damage check....(Kamen Rider Ex-aid level 3)"

Final Results
Hand: 3
Soul: 2
Damage: 2

Hand: 3
Soul: 3
Damage: 6

"That was a good for your first fight" Chrono said as he  picks up his cards

"Thanks, it was really fun!" I said as i picked up my cards, i looked at my watch to see it was 4:30 pm "i gotta go home, my mom's gonna be worried about me" i said as i put my deck into my bag

"Oh okay, nice meeting you Akuda" Chrono said

"Nice to meet you too Chrono, Shin" i said looking at them "gotta go, ill be back tommorow" i said

"Okay, see ya!" Chrono said

I walked out of the storeband head home

-time skip-

I was in my room looking at my deck and thinking why did i get this deck? How did it get to the side of the road? How was this clan non-existence before this? There are so many questions that needs to be answered but for now....i need sleep

(Ans thats it....god that was cheesy af, im so bad at writing, i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, but thats all for now, so ill see you guys in the next chapter, jane!)

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