blue baby bonnet

By SwaggNation

889 2 1


blue baby bonnet

889 2 1
By SwaggNation

a dark night there was a mom that could not afford having a baby boy because she is poor so she wraps him a blue bonnet then goes 2 miles away from the house in the woods she throws him then walks away with tears.

the baby moves around like there was a nightmare the mom heard she got stranged out she goes 1 mile the mom goes then she hears "blue baby bonnet 1 mile" in a whisper voice.

so she gats scared because thats the babys voice she starts running whan she gets to she house she goes right up to bed.

then she hears "blue baby bonnet standing at your door" in a whisper voice just like the babys voice she gets so scared she puts then blanket on top of here.

 when the baby is right there by here bed she hears the baby then she hears from the baby "blue baby bonnet standing right here"  shes so scared she did not move a FLINCH she was more frozen then ice  

then she hears "blue baby BBOOO!!!!!!!" on that day people believe this was true cause they saw it and people disbeleive because they dont know and the people who dont know got haunted and dies but 6 disbelievers lived will they live the haunted stuff ?

who will win and who will die? ? your choice

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