Spirited away 2: Meeting again

By janita_001

31K 590 535

Chihiro is now 17 and is attending high school. She still hopes every day that Haku and she would meet again... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Good ending/happy ending

Chapter 3

4.3K 85 76
By janita_001

Hi! Here is chapter 3! Sorry it's so late, but I have a exam week so... yeah. Hopefully you like this one as well! You can use this chapter as replacement to the movie. The usual time for one chapter is probaply 1 week or so if I have enough time, but if not then it's between the 1 or 2 weeks. (I do NOT own spirited away *sigh*)


I told them when I first moved to this town, and how I ended up in the spirit world.

'Well, you don't know, but Haku was a spirit.'

'SPIRIT!?' And Yuuki was practically screaming and I covered my ears.

'Yes, he was a spirit. But he turned into human for my sake. But I lied to you that I met him in a theme park, but I met him in the spirit world. No, I already met him when I was very small when I lost my shoe in his river.'

'His river?' Asked Misa.

'Yes, Haku is the spirit of the Kohaku river.'

'Hmmm... That's interesting.' Subaru might be enemy of Haku but he was still interested in what I told them.

'When I moved here in this town, my father thought he was taking the short cut to this town. But we were riding down a path and ended up at the beginning of a tunnel. My father said it was from plaster and then we walked trough the tunnel to look around. When we were out of the tunnel, my father said that it was a bankrupt theme park. Then we walked further the path to a river and then my father smelled something and he followed the smell and he thought it maybe was still open. When he found the place where the smell came from, he and my mother ate the food. While they were eating I was walking around the place and found a bath house. Then Haku saw me and said that I had to leave the place with my parents, but when I found my parents they were turned into pigs.'

'Pigs!?' And the girls shouted all at once.

'Yes, they were turned into pigs by Yubaba, the boss of the bath house.'

'But then Haku helped you to get outta there?' Subaru said.

'No, I couldn't go back immediatly so I stayed at the bath house, but I had to work there so that I wouldn't be turned into a piglet or a lump of coal.'

'And what happened next?' Ann asked.

'When I had to work there I met Kamaji, a spirit that looks like a man with six arms. And I met a spirit that looked like a woman in her thirties, called Lin. I also met a monster called No-face. But a few days later Haku had a inside bleeding and almost died because he swallowed a golden witch's seal he had to steal for Yubaba. I saved him when I gave him a part of a herbal cake I got from another river spirit. The seal was from the twin sister of Yubaba. Her name is Zeniba, but I call her granny. There was a spell casted on the seal that would kill anybody who has it, but the spell was broken by an emotion, love.'

'So that was when you two fell in love with each other?' Misa asked.

'Yes, so when I brought the seal back to Granny she had forgiven Haku for stealing her seal, then Haku came and picked me up from her place and then took me back to the bath house. Yubaba then set up a deal, she said if I could pick my parents out of a group of pigs, I could go home with my parents. I eventually knew that my parents weren't some of the pigs so I could go home. But Haku said that I shoudn't look back anymore if I was over the river till the end of the tunnel and we made the promise that we would see each other again.'

'And then you came back in the human world again, where you actually should be?'

'Yes, but as you see, we found each other again.'

'But what happened these days then with you and Subaru?'

'Well, you girls still remember when I was telling you about Haku right?'

'Yeah.' They answered.

'Well, when I and Subaru had to do the cleaning duties together, we were talking about Haku, but he said that his first love was someone in this school year. But at that time I didn't notice anything strange.'

Subaru was looking the other way with his hand over his mouth and his elbow was resting on the table.

'The next day, so today when we were doing the cleaning duties he....'

'Yes? He... Did what?' Ann was asking anticipating.

'I kissed her!' Subaru shouted with a beet red head.

'YOU WHAT!?' The girls shouted almost into his ears.

'THAT WAS HER FIRST KISS YOU RASCALL!!!!' Ann shouted in his ear and then they made a fuss of everything.

'Calm down please!' I said to the girls.

'But he took your first kiss!'

'It's fine. If Haku is with me then it doesn't bothers me.' And I smiled.

'Che. Then I can't snatch you away from that spirit.' Subaru said.

'Wait, but how did you know that Haku was a spirit before I told you?'

'Some spirit of love came to me and told me that he was a spirit. And that you already had gone once to the spirit world and that I could make a wish.'

Haku was looking a little worried about what Subaru told us.

'You shouldn't trust that spirit, because there isn't a spirit of love. Instead it would be the spirit of emotion.'

'Why should I trust you?' And Subaru and Haku were glaring at each other again.

'Uhm... Shouldn't we ask Granny about this?' I suggested.

'Fine then.' Subaru said with a bashful voice.

'And don't fight when I'm gone!' I said in a demanding voice and I was going to get the device. When I came back the air felt very tense and I got the shivers. When I stepped into the room they noticed me and looked away like nothing happened and I sighed.

'Here it is.' Then I typted in Granny's number.

'That actually looks like cellphone.' Said Yuuki.

'Well it works like a cellphone, but with this I can call the others from the spirit world.'

'Oh, that's handy.'

*Ring... Ring*

After a few times Granny appeared. 'Oh! Chihiro! It's a pleasant surprise.'

'Hi Granny! I actually want to ask you something.'

'You can ask me everything, so just tell me the question.'

'Okay. Haku said that a spirit of love doesn't exist, is that true?'

'Well, she does exist, but she is a very evil appearnce. Becuase she'll take over your soul if you make the contract with her. But who began over the spirit of love?'

'Well, a sort of... Yeah, friend said that he saw a spirit of love.' When Subaru heared the word ''friend'' it looked like it pierced trough his heart, but didn't say anything.

'Does he knows about your ''adventure'' when you were in the spirit world?'


'Is he with you now?'


'Let me see his face.' Then I turned it to Subaru.

'Hello.' Subaru said with a quite mono-tone voice.

'What is your name?'

'My name?'

'Yes, your name.'

'My name is Subaru.'

'Listen, I'm now going to ask you some questions so how did she looked like?'

'Well, I don't precisly remember her, but she looked like a young woman with a pink-white dress. And there was something odd with her eyes, she had different colours mixed in her eyes and had all sorts of sparkles and smoke surrounding her.'

'And what sort of thing did she promised you?'

'She said that she would grant me a wish.'

'Alright, I know enough. But listen well, she is the strongest of her kind. There are 7 so called spirits of love, and they all will try to get your soul so that thay can feed theirselfs. So NEVER but NEVER encounter the contract that she'll make to get your soul. She can get your soul when you ask her to grant your wish so be aware.'

'Allright, I get it. But why are there 7 spirits of love?'

'Because there are 7 planets in our solar system except for the earth.'

'Oh... Alright.'



'Please keep an eye on this boy, and make sure that he doesn't do anything rash.'

'Oh.... But I don't know if I can do that....'

'We will!' The girls shouted.

'Chihiro, are there more people in this room?'

'Yes... My three friends and Haku...'

'Fine then, let me see them.'

'Alright.' Then I turned it to them.

'You girls need to keep an eye on him for his own sake, but be sure that the people around you doesn't notice you three girls.'

'Alright! We got it!' And they were excited as hell. And then Granny sighed.

'Anyway Chihiro, be sure to keep yourself safe and out of trouble. And Haku.'

'Yes, Zeniba?'

'Be sure to protect Chihiro. And don't let that other boy snatch her away from you.' When Granny said that Subaru was surprised at how well Granny could look trough his feelings and he blushed.

'Yes, I will.'

'Anyway everyone in the room, bye and be sure to be with Chihiro if she is in trouble.'

'Bye bye!' The girls said.


'Bye, Granny!' And I shut the device.

'So, I'll have to watch out for that so called spirit of love because she'll try to get my soul?'

'Precisly, but I still aren't going to give Chihiro up to you.'

'I'm not asking for your permission. Like I said I'm going to snatch her away from you.' And he smirked develish to Haku.

'I'm looking forward to your battle.' And they were laughing at each other, but not in the friendly way.

'Okay. Are they now actually friends or are they frenemies?' Yuuki whispered to me.

'Like hell do I know.' I wispered back.

'Okay! I think we should go now!' And Misa pulled Subaru to the door and the others followed.

'Have a good day! Bye!' Ann said/shouted over to us.

'Bye!' And they walked trough the door, while Subaru was struggling to get them away from him. Because, hey he IS the so called prince of the school and they shut the door when they were going home.

'Your friends sure are enthousiast and pumped up.' Haku smiled.

'Yeah, they sure are. I'm going to bring the tray in the kitch...' When I was going to stand up Haku pulled at my arm and I landed on his lap.

'What are you doing?'

'I want to stay like this.' And then he nibbled on my earlobe. It sent shivers to my spine, but it was a pleasant one.

'St..Stop. Please.' That was what I was telling but my feelings were telling me something different.

'Do you really want to stop this?'

'N..No.' And he began to move to the back of my neck while moving my hair away and sucked on my skin, leaving a kiss mark.

'Then stay still.' And his right hand was moving to the first button of my shirt.

'Ah!' It just escaped of my mouth.


Cliffhanger? Probaply not. But next week I have my exam week. *Sigh* But also stupid enough that my birthday is on Monday. But I will probaply not going to learn much, because my grades aren't low :p. Anyways! I'm going to write a lot more so look forward to it!

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