5 Seconds Of Psycho

By deuxathankspete

607 49 69

Sophie is exited about her dream job! But little did she now, Michael was waiting on her, but he wants to pro... More

Intro. 1
Intro. 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
cHaPteR 8
ChaPter 9
ChapteR 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
chapter 13
ChApTer 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

chapter 15

11 2 0
By deuxathankspete

Sophie's Perspective

I packed all the stuff I needed for the trip. Calum invited me to go on a trip to Spain, which I gladly said yes to. I checked my list for all the stuff I would need. I miss something. I looked around in the room. Then it crossed my mind, deodorant. I grabbed it from the bathroom cabinet. When I closed my suitcase it knocked on my door. I walked through the small long corridor and felt a odd feeling. I opened the brown wooden door, and the first thing I saw was that dude from the graveyard. Then a saw the man standing in front of me, Michael. I didn't notice the last time I saw him but he has green hair now and a piercing in his eyebrow. "Michael?" I asked him. Michael looked me straight in the eyes, which made me crawl in my own skin. "Are you alone?" He asked me with a cold tone. The guy from the cemetery opened his mouth and stared at Michael with a death gaze. "Michael go easy on her" He said clearly annoyed. I looked over at the guy with dirty blonde hair, why does he look so familiar? I quickly changed my gaze over to Michael. "Yes, I am" Michael said with his right eye covered with his green hair. Michael walked into the apartment without asking. I gasped. "I can take care of him later" I thought to myself. I looked over at the stranger, no wait there's two. The other one has brown hair with blonde in the peaks. I crossed my arms. "Who are you two?" I asked them with a serious face. "I'm Mikey, a friend to Michael" he said and gave me a smile. His cold attitude faded away and you cold see a happy little child with a lot of energy. 

"I've missed you little sister" The guy from the cemetery said and gave me a sad smile. I froze. Oh my gosh... it's Ash. That's why I recognised him! I realised my jaw is dropped and a tear falling down from my eye. "Ash?" I asked him. I'm not really sure if it's him like he maybe is saying he's my brother but maybe not? I don't know. He nodded and I saw a tear fall from his cheek. I jumped up in his arms and both of us cried like I don't even know. Happy tears of course. Man I've missed him. "Just so you know we have a pretty big problem to deal with"Michael said behind my back. We pulled away from our hug and I turned around facing Michael very close, like really close to my face. We stared into each others eyes. His green eyes staring into my blue ones. I feel safe. Stop it! You have a boyfriend that you love! I took a step back and walked into my apartment with a sassy attitude. I putted on some coffee, because yeah it's sounds like a hella of a story they're going to tell me. The three boys walked into my small kitchen and sat down at the small dinner table that luckily has four chairs. 

"So what's up?" I asked them with a shaky voice still a little unsteady after me and my brothers reunion. "You're going to die" Michael said with a cold voice. Mikey chocked and Ash dropped his face. "Of course I am. Everyone does" I said with a half laugh unsure if he's joking. "No like really soon" He added. It felt like my world just stopped. I completely froze and just stared at Michael. I could hear Ask yelling at Michael, but the world is to silent for me to understand what they're saying. I'm going to die. I won't even have a kid. I'm not ready for death to take me. I want to get married create a family with Cal. "Oh no you ain't going to create a family. Especially not with Calum" Michael said with a aggressive voice kinda irritated and you could hear that he is scared, but it's very good hidden in his Australian voice. How...the fuck... I still have a frozen body. 

I stared at him with big eyes. "How could you know what I'm thinking?" I asked with a shaky voice. I'm on the border to start crying right now. This is too much for me to handle in such a short time. Those words I said caught Ash's attention and he stopped yelling at Michael and just stared at him with a jaw that's dropped and big circle eyes. "Oh shit dude" Mikey whispered high enough for me to hear. "I just guessed" Michael said quickly. The room went silent for a couple of seconds but then suddenly Mikey bursted out to laughter. "I'm sorry" he said a few times beneath his laugh. "This dude can read minds" Mikey said under his laughter then he realised what he just said and putted his hands over his mouth and stopped laughing. "Shit I'm sorry" He sound with his mouth covered with his hands. Michael turned around to face Mikey in the eyes. He looked dead serious in his eyes. They went black. Michael's eyes went black. Fucking pitch black, even the white. I can't believe what I'm seeing. Michael's normally green grey eyes turned pitch black in just a milli second. Michael started to make a kinda dog ish sound. Sounds kinda like a mad dog, or a dog that protects his loved ones from something dangerous. I just gasped. How am I even suppose to react. Omg this is too much. The world started to spin and get a little black with stars, then it just went all pitch black.



My eyes faced a bright light and a blurry face. The blurr faded away and the face is Ash's face. I smiled a little. "What happened?" I said and rubbed my eyes. I'm really dizzy. "You fainted" He said and smiled a little. I stood on my feet. The feeling of blood rushing through my brain, which made the room spin a little. I grabbed the wall and putted my head between my legs, and took a few deep breaths until the dizziness went away. "You okay?" Ash asked with a concerned voice. I nodded and walked out of my bedroom. I walked slowly dragging my feet after me. I heard Michael and Mikey chatting in the kitchen. My mouth formed a little smile when I heard Michaels deep relaxing voice. When I walked into the kitchen they both stood up from their chairs and stared at me. "What?" I said and grab a coffee cup. I poured my self a cup of coffee and sat down in a chair. They are still watching me. Their eyes shows relief, almost like if they thought I was dead. "You were...gone" Michael said under his breath. I smiled, they're so stupid. "I didn't die. I just fainted" I said and let out a small laugh. I turned my gaze down in the mug. The brown liquor looks like water, almost like if a shark would jump up from the water. Maybe dolphins playing around and gulls flying over the ocean looking for food. "You have to break up with Calum" Mikey said with a cold tone. "What?" I turned my eyes up from the coffee cup and looked into his eyes. I felt my eyes tearing up. My vision got a little blurry. One tear after another fell down from my eyes. I love Cal! I never want to leave him!  Michael moved his body to the chair right beside me and took the tears away with his thumb. I just stared at Mikey, right now I don't give a fuck about Michael touching me. Normally I don't let people I'm not friends with touch me. I just push them away. "You will die if you don't get away from him" Mikey added. Oh right I totally forgot about that part. I stood up from the chair quickly. "I need to take a shower" I said with a low voice. I'm shocked. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I stripped my clothes of and walked into the hot shower water. 

I felt the water rushing down my body in a tortuous way. The hot water relaxed my muscles. I closed my eyes and let the water flow down on my face. My thoughts are overwhelming my head. Okay so Michael can apparently read minds. His eyes... how could they? My big brother is here! Here in my normal big apartment!

"You're going to die" 

"You have to break up with Calum"

Their sentences rushed through my brain. 

 "This dude can read minds" 

Those eyes. 

"I've missed you little sister" 

"You will die if you don't get away from him" 

The same sentences is on repeat in my brain. Placing my hands on my head, taking a hard grip go my hair as I screamed to make the voices stop. This is too much! 

The bathroom door was kicked in. I screamed in embarrassment and covered my private parts. This shower is just a tub of glass so you can clearly see the person standing inside of it. 

It was Ash and Michael.  They both went red when they realised it wasn't something dangerous that could kill me or hurt me. "Omg" Ash said and they turned their backs to me. Well I can't shower if I don't have a door. Time for me to get out. "Give me my towel" I said feeling the heat in my cheeks. Ashton placed his hand for his eyes and grabbed my grey towel and handed me it. I swung it around my body and walked out of the shower. 

"What the fuck!" I said and hit them with my fist on their shoulders. "We're so so so so sorry!" They said in choir actually showing that they didn't mean it. "You two are buying me a new door!" I said and walked angry out of the bathroom, pushing them aside. 

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