A Gifted Bunch (Danganronpa V...

By Andraix

79.2K 1.3K 1.5K

How are you going to fair against a class with Astronauts, Inventors, Robots, Magicians and Supreme Leaders... More

Chapter 2: Second Times a Charm. Or is it the Third?
Chapter 3: A Slight Mistake
Chapter 4: The Annoying Inventor
Chapter 5: The Invention
Chapter 6: Now you See it, Now you Don't
Chapter 7: Bad, Bad Bears
Chapter 8: Raining on your Parade
Chapter 9: Recital Prep
Chapter 10: The Night
Chapter 11: Secret's Out
Chapter 12: Lets Talk
Chapter 13: Virtual World
Chapter 14: Level Up
Chapter 15: D.I.C.E is Nice Pt. 1

Chapter 1: Lucky... Not so Lucky

17.3K 178 378
By Andraix

(So this is an x male reader, but it can be read by anyone, that features the characters from Danganronpa V3. The chapters will be about the reader basically interacting with the wild cast of characters in an alternate universe where the killing game never occurred and you all attend a school similar to Hope's Peak.)

(However despite being in an alternate universe there will be spoilers from V3, so beware. Of course I don't own Danganronpa V3 or any of it's characters.)

(Feel free to give some suggestions or ideas for chapter ideas, however can't promise they will all happen though. Anyway, let's get started and I hope you enjoy.)


(Y/N P.O.V)

"I can't believe this is really happening." I quickly toss a large amount of school supplies into my back pack. Before sprinting down the stair's of my house. "I'm heading off now Ma', see you-WAH!" I suddenly trip on my own shoe laces and fall face first into the downstairs floor. "Oww.."

My Mum comes rushing over to me after the massive crash echoed through the house. She let out an exasperated sigh when she saw the state of me. "For God's sake Y/N, how many times have I told you not to run down the stairs?"

"Uhh, at least over forty times." I say with my face still buried to the ground.

"Yet you continue to do so..."

"Oh it's not so bad." I lift my face up to her and show a coin. "When I came tumbling down, I knocked out ¥500 from under the carpet." I say weakly.

My Mum rolls her eyes before quickly handing he a paper bag filled with lunch. "Look just be more careful in future, and try not to make a scene on your first day of school."

"Don't worry, it's just the first day, I'll just be sitting around in class getting to know my new classmates." I pick myself up and head towards the front door. "See you later Mum, and thanks for the lunch." With one last farewell I depart from on my home excited yet somewhat anxious to start my first day at Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles.


I continue to walk towards my new school just thinking of all the possible outcomes. I just couldn't believe I got this chance. The UAGF school was for the most elite high school student's in Japan. So for someone like me who doesn't really specialize in anything to get the chance to be in such a prestigious school was truly a dream come true.

For someone like me who doesn't really specialize in anything, it would seem impossible, but the school hosts a random lottery to pick out a normal high school student for each class to join the and give them the title 'ultimate lucky student'. That person happened to be me, and of course once I heard my name was picked I sprung at the opportunity to join in.

I mean this school was so famous that it actually inspired a game development studio to create game and anime series based around the idea of ultimate student's. I haven't seen anything from either series yet, but I'm sure it's fairly innocent.

After a little while later I come across my destination. In person the school was even bigger than I imagined. There was a large white building taking center stage of the place and it was surrounded by various décor and small trees. The entire place looked really well kept.

I looked down at my acceptance letter to find out where my class is. "Room D2.27." I mutter. As I look back up at the school, I realized that I had know idea where the exact place where my classroom was. "Ah, it can't be that hard to find.

(20 minutes later)

"I should of gotten a map". I've searched around desperately for my classroom for a while and I still couldn't find it. "I'm probably gonna be late at this point." But I refuse to give up. I continue my search until I take notice of what appeared to be another student making his way to class. I decided to ask him for directions.

"Excuse me." The person turns around, to reveal a fairly small boy with pale skin purple eyes and wavy hair of the same color. He was wearing white jacket and trousers, that almost looked like a straight jacket. "Sorry to bother you, but do you know where the room D2.27 is?"

The boy looked at me from head to toe for a moment. "You must be a new student as well?" he said with an innocent smile. I nod my head in response. The smile on the boy's face increased. "Well your in luck, I happen to know where it is. If you'll just follow me I can take you there."

I quickly begin to follow the boy. "Thank you so much. My name's F/N L/N by the way, the ultimate lucky student."

"Kokichi Oma."

"So what exactly to you specialize in?" I asked slightly curious.

We turned around a corner leading us to a hallway that appeared to be a bit dimly lit compared to the rest of the place. "For me to tell my specialty to a complete stranger would be  weird. But since you asked so kindly, I'm the ultimate supreme leader."

"Supreme leader?" I asked with intrigue.

"Yep, I happen to be the leader of an evil society that has over 10,000 members."

"An evil society with 10,000 members... r-really."

We came to a sudden halt in front of an unmarked door. "Well, who really knows. After all, there is one other specialty I happen to have." In a flash Kokichi ended up behind and whispered, "Lying." He then pushed me forward into the door, forcing me to fall inside a dark storage room. He then quickly locked the door behind me.

I picked up myself up and angrily started banging on the door. "H-Hey! What the hell are you doing?"

*Nishishi*,nothin personal, but as the leader of an evil society, this just the kind of stuff I do."

Just hearing him laugh about this, built my rage up. "Wait a second, I thought you just said that was a lie?"

"I could of been lying, or I could of been telling the truth. I'll just leave you hanging." I couldn't believe this first day, I haven't started class yet and something like this is already occurring. Kokichi continued his mocking. "It's funny isn't it, for someone who's supposed to be lucky, you appear to have the worst of luck. Anyway, catch you later."

I continue to bang on the door. "HEY! LISTEN HERE YOU! YOU'D BETTER LET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!"


"Ok I may still be stuck in here, but I'm sure someone will get me eventually..."

(Even later)

"Ok, no need to worry it's not like I'll stuck here for the whole day."

(Even more later)

"This is my life now, isn't it?"


I had pretty much given up on estimating how long I've been locked in the storage room. I was currently trying to amuse myself by playing with an electric keyboard that was in the room. However it wasn't plugged in, so I was  basically messing around with the keys. "If I ever see that guy again I'm gonna-"


I stop as the sound of a door being unlocked emits. "Finally."

As the door opens,  it reveals a girl with blonde hair and purple eyes as my savior. She eyed my oddly. "What on earth are you doing in here?" she asked, taking a step into the room.

I quickly stood up and made myself closer to the girl making her take a step back. "Thank you, thank you, you don't know how long I've been in here."

She looked at me a slight bit weirded out. "No problem. So, why were you in here?"

"*Sigh* there was this jerk who tricked me. I was looking for my classroom and I asked for some directions. He offered to guide me there but, he just brought me here and locked me in."

The girl covered her mouth in shock. "I'm so sorry to hear that."

I dismissively wave my hand. "Ah, don't worry about it. It's not like you had anything to do with it. Actually, how come your here? I mean, I've been here for a while and not one soul has come by to help me until now."

"Well I came here for the electric piano that's just behind you. Our final session allows us to practice and harken on our talent's and specialties."

My jaw nearly dropped to the ground as I heard those words. 'Final Session.' "Y-You mean, I've pretty much been here for the entire school day?"

"I'm afraid so."

I hang my head down in defeat. "Well, might as well try to make the most of my remaining time. Do you know where the classroom D2.27 is?"

The girl's eyes widened a slight bit as I mentioned my destination. "Wait, D2.27? That's my classroom. *Giggle*, we must be classmates."

"I guess so." I stick my hand out to her. "My name's F/N L/N  the ultimate lucky student, nice to meet you."

She smiled at me and took my hand to begin shaking. "I'm Kaede Akamatsu the ultimate pianist, it's nice to meet you as well." Once we finished our shake Kaede walked out of the room. "Here, I can take you to your real classroom."

I nod my head and quickly reach behind me to reach the electric piano. "Sure, that'd be great."

"Umm, you don't have to lift the piano yourself. I can do it."

"Just consider it a form of appreciation for freeing me from this stupid storage room."

Kaede rolled her eyes a slight bit with her smile still present. "Alright then. If you'll just follow me I'll take you to class."

(Time skip)

After a short while of walking Kaede and I ended up at the door of our classroom. Kaede opened the door herself and entered and I quickly followed. Upon entering a boy with blonde hair and ear piercings took notice of her. "Hey there Kaede good to see you back." He then looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "Who's this?"

Kaede stepped to the side allowing the him to get a good view. "This is F/N L/N. He's a classmate of ours, he..... ran into a little trouble when he was looking for class."

"Is that so. Well, I'm Rantaro Amami and I'm the ultimate survivor. Nice to see another fellow classmate."

"Likewise." I respond.

I scan around the classroom to see my other classmates. They all had a rather unique look to them, and they where either chatting with other student's, most likely trying to get to know each other better, or minding their own business at a individual desk. As I continued my analysis the of people around me, I was met with a familiar pair of purple eyes staring back at me.

It didn't take me long to realize that those eyes belonged to that jerk-ass Kokichi.  He grinned at me and gave a slight wave while sitting down on top of a desk. I point my finger towards him. "YOU!" I growl.

I place the keyboard in my arms down by a nearby desk, and begin to stomp towards him with Kaede following behind me in concern. Some of the students go silent as they watch the situation unfold.

"Nishishi, good to see you Y/N. I see you finally made it to class."

"Don't act so innocent your the reason I'm late in the first place. Where you even planning on returning?"

"Hmmm, can't say for certain." he replied innocently.

Kaede stepped in. "Wait. Kokichi was the one who locked you in the closet......*sigh* that explains a lot."

Just then I notice a tall slender man enter the room. He had dark wavy hair that looked somewhat unkempt, along with piecing blue eyes and a black uniform. He took notice in me the moment he got to his desk at the front. "Who do we have here?" he questioned.

Kokichi wrapped his arm around my neck pulling me closer to him. "This goofball here is Y/N. As you can already tell he's extremely late."

The man looked down at a attendance sheet. "Ah yes, Mr. L/N the ultimate lucky student. Care to explain why you're so late." he asked while furrowing his eyebrows.

I yank myself from Kokichi's grip. "This kid here is the reason I'm late. I was trying to find my way here, but he was able to trick me and locked me inside a closet."

"*sigh* Is this true Kokichi."

"Weeeeellllll, you have known me for a day know sir, I think you should be able to figure that out for yourself.

Y/N was slightly shocked it was as if Kokich didn't even care that he got exposed. The man at the front simply face palmed. "Alright Kokichi, I'll have a word with you at the end. As for you Y/N, I'm your teacher Mr. Katashi. Could you make your way to that empty desk that's just in the center there. In fact could you all return to you desk's, I need to explain a few thing's."

A few groans sounded off as we all head to are designated seats. I was right in the middle of a girl wearing a yellow smock along with white hair, who was happily bobbing her head side to side, and a rather strange looking boy who had black hair and a dark mask covering his mouth.

Once we were all seated Mr. Katashi began his speech. "Now of course you all have been accepted into the most prestigious school in japan. Were all about you trying to improve your skill's and general work methods to get you to the highest point's, so you can get into the best career's. I'll be with you for basic education, but you'll have plenty of session's where you'll be able to do your own thing or work with other people as a team. Naturally you can do whatever floats your boat."

I scan around the classroom again, getting a good look at my classmates. As I scan around I see Kaede and Rantaro smile at me. I smile back at them, but my gaze falls back to Kokichi who gives me thumbs up with a toothy grin. I simply roll my eyes. He's lucky I don't tend to hold grudges.

With a mental sigh of relief I begin to think to myself. "Ok, we had a rocky start but we came back at the end. Let's make the best of my time here."


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