Deception || s. stilinski [2]

By xthe-dreamerx

96.7K 3.1K 527

"You think I can tell you something?" || "Oh, I know you can." || It's been three weeks since the McCall pac... More

bonne nuit
life or death
just like derek
a thousand stars
we don't know
promises you can't keep
la insanité
we don't like it
it doesn't

ils tromperont tout le monde

3.6K 145 49
By xthe-dreamerx

They will deceive everyone.


"Bea, come on. We've gotta go to school."

Allison stands in the doorway of Stiles' bedroom, her chocolate eyes focused on the redhead sprawled across the boy's bed. Her back is to the brunette, his pillow clutched tightly to her chest.

Two days have passed since the Stilinski boy disappeared from the hospital, leaving a terrified Bea in his wake. The only one who has heard from him is Noah, a simple text stating he is safe all he has offered. In that time, Bea has scarcely left his bedroom, waiting for him to come back. Though, a part of her feels like she's hiding from him, as well.

The words Nogitsune had left her with in the hospital hallway two days ago have been on constant replay in her brain. Don't worry, Beatrice. I'll be back for you soon. She can still feel the immense darkness that surrounds her boyfriend. The empath hasn't forgotten what Nogitsune said about the pair in her dream, how they are connected. She doesn't want to figure out what that means.

"It's only been two days, Allison," Bea retorts, refusing to meet the girl's eyes. "He could still come back." She can hear the pitied sigh that escapes Allison's lips from behind her, making her roll her eyes. All she's gotten for the past two days are pitied glances and sighs.

"Bea, if anyone's gonna go missing for two days and then show up perfectly fine, it's Stiles."

"But that's just it, Allison!" Bea exclaims, finally sitting up and turning to face the huntress. "He's not fine. He's possessed by some demonic, Japanese fox spirit. He's the farthest thing from fine. And if he does come back, who knows if he'll even be himself."

It feels incredible to be able to actually say Stiles has been taken over by Nogitsune. Now that he has revealed himself, he has released the hold he had on her that kept her from spilling his secret. However, she is still unable to inform them of the hold he has over her or their apparent connection.

"Bea, I know this is hard. But waiting here for Stiles isn't gonna do anyone any good. You need to go to school. You've missed too much of it already, and you've only been here for a few months."

A defeated sigh falls from the redhead's lips. The logical part of her mind knows Allison's right–like she usually is. But she doesn't want her to be right. What she wants to do is stay here, curled up on Stiles' bed, hiding away from everyone on the outside; hiding away from him.

"Why do you always have to be right?" Bea mumbles as she stands from Stiles' bed, immediately feeling some sort of loss in her body as she lets his pillow fall to the comforter. She walks passed the brunette to her own bedroom to change.

Bea begrudgingly changes into some jeans and a hoodie, pulling her hair up into a messy bun. She struggles to pull on her Converse, pulling the second one on as a sudden surge of pail rolls through her body. The girl steadies herself against the wall, pausing as she takes a breath.

Since Isaac's accident at the hospital the night Stiles disappeared, there have been random bouts of pain throughout the day. After a brief conversation with Scott, she knows it's because the alpha has gone to the hospital to relieve some of the boy's pain. It only adds to the incessant sting she's consistently felt since that night because of the beta's electrocution.

She is quick to shrug the feeling off, grabbing her school bag before meeting Allison downstairs. The two walk out to Allison's car, hopping in, and starting their drive to the last place Bea wants to be at the moment. Allison glances at her from the corner of her eye, noticing the girl's dejected countenance.

"We'll get him back, Bea," she encourages halfway into the ride. "We'll find a way. We always find a way." Bea wants to believe her, but the pit in her stomach tells her only something awful can result from this.

The two friends step out of the car once Allison pulls into a parking space at the school. Allison walks up to the front doors with her head held high while Bea follows sluggishly behind her. They enter the air conditioned school, students chattering all around them as the early morning sun shines through the windows.

Everything sounds louder in her ears, making her grimace as she walks down the hall to her locker. It's almost like two days ago when Stiles' was getting his MRI and she prematurely heard the clanging of the machine. Her senses are sensitive, constant goosebumps on her arms despite her long sleeves.

Her fingers shake as she reaches up to twist the combination to her lock. She takes deep breaths as she pulls the lock apart, quickly opening the metal door. Her head starts to ache right behind her eyes, and she squeezes her eyes tight in an attempt to make it go away.

You feel me, don't you, Beatrice?

A shaky breath flows passed her lips as fear grips her veins at the voice in her mind. Her fingers curl around the edge of her locker door, keeping her face shielded from the passing students in the hall.

How does it feel, knowing you can't tell anyone about our connection?

The girl's phone vibrates in the back pocket of her jeans, causing her to jump in place. Her blue eyes shoot open as she fumbles to pull the device from her pocket. A text lights up her screen, Scott's name at the top.

We found him. Meet us in the basement.

Her eyes widen in response to the message, her fear gripping tighter. She contemplates ignoring the message and going to English. While part of her wants to see Stiles, to see if he's okay, a bigger part of her wants to stay as far away from him as possible.

Oh, don't ignore us like that, Beatrice.

This time, the voice is that of the way Nogitsune spoke through Stiles the other night. It sends a chill down her spine and tears stinging the back of her eyes. She closes her locker door harshly, her jaw clenched as she rushes through the halls to get to the basement.

Her heart pounds uncomfortably loud in her ears as she wanders through the basement in search of Scott and Stiles...or Void as Noshiko had put it the other night when helping Bea explain Stiles' situation to the others. Based on the voice in her head, she has a strong inkling that what she's about to come face to face with isn't really Stiles; just something that wears his face.

"I think something worse. A lot worse," she hears Stiles' voice, sounding so much like the boy she loves that she wants to believe it's truly him. But as she turns a corner and her sapphire eyes lock on the familiar face of her boyfriend, she instantly knows that it's not really Stiles looking back at her.

His eyes are dead. The warmth that usually gives his eyes the golden honey color she loves so much is gone, replaced by a dull, cold brown. His skin is paler than normal, just like the other night. And then there's his voice in her head, saying, It seems like you're not so easy to trick, Beatrice.

She desperately wishes she could tell Scott and the twins who really stands before him, but his hold on her shoves the words back down her throat. All she can do is stare at him apprehensively, not taking any steps closer to the group as her hands shake at her sides.

"Bea?" his voice breaks as her name falls from his lips. She nearly rolls her eyes at Nogitsune's act, her shaking fingers clenching into fists at her sides. Bea watches as Scott's and the twin's eyes turn to her at Void's voice. With their eyes on her, she walks closer.

"Stiles," she breathes, mostly from relief that Void hasn't seemed to do anything to harm the boy's body. "Are you okay?"

The girl now only stands a few feet away from him, next to Scott. She doesn't miss the alpha's curious eyes on her from her peripheral, probably wondering why she hasn't jumped into her boyfriend's arms at his return.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," Void responds, nodding his head as he holds his arms open. While Bea is hesitant to step into them, she has a feeling he won't try something here; she knows he has a more elaborate plan in place.

So, more for her benefit than his, she steps into his arms, allowing them to wrap around her as she wraps hers around his torso. For a moment, she closes her eyes, allowing herself to believe it really is Stiles. His flannel still smells like his cologne. His body still feels the same. Tears build up in her eyes as she knows this is physically her boyfriend; just not mentally.

You know he's screaming at me right now? Begging me not to hurt you? How pathetic.

"Sorry to break up this heartfelt moment, but we have some bigger issues to deal with," Aiden interrupts, causing the two to pull away from each other. She's grateful for the interruption, his words drowning out Void's. The demon is not as thrilled, glaring at Aiden, but the former alpha seems unaffected.

"What the hell were you doing? Building a terminator?" Aiden questions as he gestures to all the tools they had pulled from the bag Void was carrying with him laid out on the table. Bea glances around the contraptions, swallowing harshly as to what the demon could be planning.

"Thank you for that," Void retorts sarcastically.

"Guys, this is a map," Scott states, pulling a roll of paper from the bag. He spread the map out on the table, revealing different highlighted lines.

"Isn't that the cross country trail?" Bea asks, pointing to a line that starts by the school.

"That's the Tate's car; where Malia Tate's family died," Scott explains to the twins, pointing to an X on the map.

"You mean, that's where her father put the steel-jawed traps." It's not a question.

The group's eyes widen as the wheels start to turn in their heads. They rush out of the basement back to the main floor, desperate to get the cross country track before something horrible happens. Bea follows close behind, but her cell phone ringing in her back pocket brings her to a stop.

"Hello?" she answers Lydia's call.

"Bea? We need you to come with us," Lydia announces on the other line while Void stops and turns around to look at her with raised eyebrows, along with the werewolves.

"Who is we and where?" Bea questions as the group turns and walks up to her.

"Allison and me, and we're going to Derek's loft to talk to Peter."

Bea's brows furrow. "And why in the hell are we going to talk to Peter? That sounds like a pretty terrible reason for pretty much anything."

"I'll explain on the ride there. Meet us in the parking lot at Allison's car."

Lydia doesn't give her a chance to respond as she hangs up the phone, leaving the redhead staring at the device with a confused countenance.

"Who was that?" Void questions, glancing at the phone suspiciously.

"That was Lydia," she answers, though her eyes look to Scott as she shoves her phone back into her pocket. "She wants me to go talk to Peter with her and Allison."

"Peter? Why?" the alpha inquires.

The girl simply shrugs. "I don't know, but it sounded important. I should go with them. You guys go find out what's going on on the trail. I'll be fine. We'll meet up later."

"Are you sure?" Void steps in again, earning another apprehensive glance from the banshee. She knows he wants to keep suspicion off himself, so she is hopeful he won't press too hard to keep her with them.

"Yes, I'll be fine. Now, go, you're wasting time." She barely spares him a second glance before she's turning around, rushing down the opposite end of the hall to the parking lot.

A breath of relief falls from her lips as she escapes through the front doors, fresh air flowing through her lungs. Her tense muscles start to relax as she treks down the steps toward the lot, finding Allison and Lydia already waiting outside Allison's car for her.

"What happened to me needing to be in school?" Bea teases the brunette as the three girls get into the car. She slightly smiles at the way Allison rolls her eyes, the twitch of her muscles that she hasn't used in a few days bringing her a form of comfort.

"We've got more pressing matters at hand, apparently," Allison responds, pulling out of the parking lot and toward downtown where Derek's loft resides. "Ask Lydia, because I'm still not quite sure."

"Lydia, why are we doing this?" Bea asks from the back seat.

"Because he can help us," Lydia starts. "With our banshee abilities. I know he can."

"And why are we even trusting him? This is Peter Hale, right? The serial killer?"

Lydia rolls her eyes at the redhead. "We're not really trusting him. More like he's the only one who's willing to help."

"Still not a good enough reason to talk to Peter Hale," Bea mumbles.

"Well, you still got in the car, didn't you?"

Since Bea can't really explain the reason is because she would rather talk to Peter Hale than be around Void, she just shakes her head. "Hopefully he actually provides something useful for once."

The rest of the ride, Bea stays quiet in the back seat while Lydia and Allison quietly converse in the front. Her sapphire eyes stare out the window at the passing buildings as they drive further into downtown. The tenseness in her limbs has eased slightly, but all she can think about is the demon across town, controlling her like a marionette doll.

Eventually, they arrive at Derek's loft, making the long trek up toward his door. "While it's smart to bring me with you, I still think the rest of this is totally insane," Allison remarks as they pause outside the rolling door.

"We tried to find Stiles, and we led everyone into a mental institution. I call that a colossal failure," Lydia snaps, her emerald eyes meeting Allison's. The huntress gives her a pointed look, earning a sigh from the shorter girl. "Look, we just need to figure this out, and he's the only one offering help."

"Peter doesn't offer help. He offers a chance for you to be manipulated into giving him what he wants."

"Fine. Let's see what he wants," Lydia relents, pulling the sliding door open before either of the two girls can protest.

"On va tellement le regretter (We're so going to regret this)," Bea mutters, her arms crossed over her chest as she shares a glance with Allison.

"Parle-moi de ça (Tell me about it)," the brunette responds as they follow the strawberry blonde a few steps into the loft. They see Peter with his back turned to them, standing behind the desk in front of the window in the midday light.

"The hunter, the banshee, and the confused mix," Peter announces, turning to look at the girls with a sickening smirk. "Ladies, come in."

Hesitantly, the three girls walk further into the loft, standing in front of the desk. Bea doesn't miss the way Peter's eyes immediately fall into a glare as he glances at Allison. "She goes," he demands, gesturing to the girl.

"The last time I was alone with you, I almost bled out on a lacrosse field. She stays," Lydia counters, earning a snort from the empath.

"Do you actually think I was trying to kill you when I bit you? You were my backup plan, remember? Not to mention, the bite is what brought out your nascent abilities. You think power like that was going to come out on its own?" Lydia's jaw clenches as Peter clicks his tongue. "I'm the spark that lit your fire, sweetheart."

"You attacked her and almost killed her," Allison corrects, eyes hard and posture tense.

"Power doesn't come without a little pain and struggle. Our friend, Beatrice, knows all about that." Bea doesn't react to his words, simply averting her eyes from his gaze.

"I didn't ask for it," Lydia snaps.

"But you're embracing it now, aren't you?"

"How about the fact that you brainwashed her and used her to bring yourself back to life?" Bea questions, raising an eyebrow at the former alpha. She winces as another surge of pain rolls through her body, causing her jaw to clench. Selfishly, she wonders how long it will take Isaac to heal.

"So that I could be here today to help you two master your abilities. Isn't it amazing how things come full circle?" Peter revels in his manipulation of events, that same smirk never leaving his lips.

"He's insane. We're leaving," Allison states, grabbing Bea's and Lydia's hands to lead them to the door.

"You want to know the truth, Lydia? Bea?" Peter calls, causing them to stop and look at him over their shoulders. "It's not the scream that gives you power. All the scream does is help drown out the noise, allowing you to hear what you really need to. I can help you focus your hearing."

"But you want something in return," Bea states, knowing it's not a question.

"No, I'm dedicating my life to helping out narcissistic teenage girls," he retorts sarcastically. "Of course, I want something in return."

He takes a wooden, cylindrical container, twisting off the top and dumping its contents onto the desk. Five brown werewolf claws clatter onto the table, drawing everyone's attention. Bea and Lydia walk closer to the desk, staring at the claws. Bea has a feeling she knows whose they are.

"These are the claws of Derek's mother?" Bea aks, receiving a nod of confirmation from Peter.

"My sister, Talia. Before she died, she stole a memory from me," he starts. "It's something only a very powerful alpha can do. That memory is locked inside those claws."

"Why would your sister want to steal a memory from you?" Allison inquires.

"Well, if I remembered the memory, I might be able to tell you," he snips, causing the huntress to roll her eyes.

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Lydia questions, gesturing between her and Bea.

"Take them in your hand and focus. Focus on what they're trying to tell you."

Lydia sighs, taking the claws in her hand. She closes her eyes, trying to listen for something. Anything.

"Focus," Peter snaps after several minutes of nothing, earning a glare from the empath a few feet away.

"I am focusing!" Lydia exclaims, her eyes opening to glare at the man.

"You're not! I can see the wheels spinning behind your eyes. Your hearing is attuned to a level of the universe no one else can hear. But only if you're listening."

Lydia sighs, her countenance dejected as she passes the claws to Bea. "You try."

Bea opens her hands for the claws, moving them around her palm as she lets her eyes fall closed. Instead of voices, she gets a vision flashing behind her eyes.

She sees a dark haired woman with blood red, alpha eyes. Talia Hale. She's conversing with a younger woman, one Bea doesn't recognize. The woman also has dark brown hair and icy blue eyes that glow, much like Peter's. Her skin is tanned, and she notices a protruding bump around her stomach.

"What do you hear?" Peter asks cautiously, noticing the way her brows cinch in concentration.

"I don't hear anything," Bea states, her eyes still closed tight. "I see Talia talking to another werewolf."

"Do you know who she is? What does she look like? What are they talking about?"

"I don't know who she is. She has dark brown hair, and her eyes are like yours," Bea details. "I can't hear their conversation. But it looks like the woman is...pregnant?"

"Can you try to hear?" Peter pleads, though his tone is still harsh.

"I am trying," Bea snaps, repeating Lydia's words as her eyes open to continue her glare at the werewolf. His face is tight with anger.

"Try harder!" Peter yells, storming toward her. Allison acts fast, pulling her electric baton on him and holding it in front of his face to create a barrier between him and the redhead. Bea sighs, handing the claws back to Lydia. She feels tired.

"Your aunt had one of those," Peter taunts, smirking at the brunette. "Auntie Kate."

"Stop it. Both of you," Lydia demands, though neither one of them pay her any mind.

"Didn't do her much good as I ripped her throat out, did it?"

"She didn't shove it up your–" Allison starts, though is cut off by Lydia's yelling.

"Stop it!" the strawberry blonde exclaims, throwing the claws across the room. All five stick into a wooden post, and suddenly, the whole room is filled with voices.

Whispers fill Lydia's and Bea's ears, sending chills down their spines. They listen intently, slowly approaching the post. The closer they get, the louder the whispers become, their words clearer.

Childbirth is such a beautiful thing for people like us, Corinne. Bea hears Talia's voice tell the woman. She assumes it's the same woman she saw in her vision. We pass down a bit of power to each of our children. Part of us will always live in them. Isn't that beautiful?

I don't want this baby, Talia. And I certainly don't want anything to do with him.

Don't worry, Corinne. I will take care of it all. Peter won't remember a thing.

"Lydia? Bea? Do you hear something?" Peter asks as the girls' eyes widen. "What is it? What are they saying? Is it the memory? What did Talia take from me? Tell me what you know!"

The two girls slowly turn, their countenances stoic as their eyes lock with Peter's. "You're not just an uncle," Lydia reveals, unsurprisingly causing Peter's eyes to widen in shock.

"What is it? What's its name? Is it a werewolf?" Peter asks frantically, firing questions at incredible speed after he recovers from his initial shock.

"We don't know," Bea denies, lying through her teeth as the voices continue to whisper details in her ears. It's better for everyone if he doesn't know.

"Tell me the truth. Are you forgetting that I can hear your heartbeats?" he inquires as he takes menacing steps toward them. The two girls take a step back with every step he takes forward.

"She said we don't know," Lydia repeats. "We don't know its name, if it's a boy or girl, or if it's some mutated wolf-baby."

"You're lying. Tell me what you know. Tell me! Tell–" Peter is cut off when Allison sticks the electric baton in his back, sending him to the ground, convulsing.

"Now we're leaving," Allison announces, grabbing Lydia's and Bea's hands once more. As they close the door, they hear Peter scream Lydia's name, only causing them to move faster.

Dark clouds settle overhead as they exit the building and make their way to Allison's car, rain drops starting to pelt them. Bea's phone rings as they approach the car, Scott's face lighting up the screen. "Hello?" she answers.

"Bea, you need to meet us at the clinic right now. We'll be there in five minutes," the alpha rushes, his tone frantic.

"What? Why? Scott, what's going on?"

"I'll explain when you get there. Stiles needs you here. Just hurry!"

She very well can't explain to him why the fact that Stiles wants her there only deters her further, so she simply affirms him before ending the call, her sapphire eyes meeting Allison's.

"What's going on?" the brunette questions as they pull out of the parking lot.

"I need to get to the clinic. Fast," Bea relays the information, dread filling her stomach as Allison presses harder on the gas, speeding through the rain to get to the familiar clinic faster. It's all too fast as they pull up to the building, the Jeep pulling up right next to them.

"Do you want us to come with?" Lydia questions, her eye watching as Scott, Stiles, and Kira hop out of the Jeep into the rain.

"No. Take Allison and explain the Peter situation. I'll take this," Bea tells her, knowing if Void wants her here, something bad is about to happen. She would rather them be as far from it as possible.

The redhead doesn't wait for a response from her two friends as she pushes her way out of the back seat, immediately getting soaked by the rain as she steps outside. She closes the door behind her, the red hue of Allison's tail lights illuminating her form in the darkness of the evening.

"Bea, let's get inside!" Scott shouts over the rain, drawing the girl's attention to him.

"What's going on? Why did you call me here?" she questions, rushing over to the back doors of the clinic where the other three struggle to get the doors open. Before Scott gets a chance to explain, several Oni surround them, making Bea's eyes widen.

Scott hands Void the keys as Kira pulls out her katana. "Stiles, get you and Bea inside!" he shouts before turning toward the Oni, beginning to fight them alongside the kitsune.

Void barely spares Bea a glance as he rushes to get the door unlocked, a task that proves to be difficult with the darkness and rain clouding his vision. Bea keeps her distance, her nerves on end just from being around him.

"Kira! Get inside!" Scott yells, looking away from the Oni for a split second. That second is long enough for an Oni to stab his katana right through Scott's abdomen, sending a searing pain spreading through Bea's body.

She brings her hands up to her stomach, right where the katana is lodged in Scott, her breath being torn from her lungs from the pain. The girl begins to sway, and Void catches her in his arms before she can crash to the ground. "All right, come on!" Void yells to Kira over the rain, the girl holding on to Scott. "Get him inside! Get him inside!"

As quickly as he can, Void unlocks the clinic and opens the door. The four of them stumble into the building, the door slamming shut behind them. Void and Kira rush the injured teens to the back.

Bea's skin burns where he touches her as he lifts her onto an examination table, allowing her to lay down as Kira leans Scott up against it. The katana still sticks out of his stomach, poking out both sides of his body.

A warm liquid coats Bea's fingers, and she glances down at where Scott's wound would be on her body. She sees crimson blood staining her shirt and seeping through her fingers, and a shaky breath falls from her lips.

"Shit," she mumbles under her breath, letting her head rest back against the metal table as she presses her hands harder against the opening in her stomach. Her head turns to the side, locking eyes with Kira. "Kira, you have to get that out of him. He needs to start healing."

The girl nods, her brown eyes trailing from Bea to Scott, wrapping her hands around the hilt of the katana. "You ready?" she asks the alpha. The boy hesitantly nods, gripping the edge of the exam table in his hands to steady himself, preparing himself for the impending pain he's about to feel.

Bea's sapphire eyes catch sight of Void looming behind Kira, his dull eyes set on the smaller girl. The redhead's eyes widen, her mouth opening in an effort to warn the girl. However, as she has become accustomed to, the words are stolen from her, and all she can do is watch helplessly as Void grabs Kira's wrist in his cold fingers.

Kira turns to the boy, her brows furrowed as he twists her wrist. The girl whimpers as she's forced to let go of the katana, stumbling back a step from Scott. Void then bends her arm forward, grabbing the back of her head and slamming it down on the metal table. The girl falls to the ground unconscious, and Bea's head begins to ache.

Void's eyes slowly look up from Kira's limp body, meeting Scott's fearful gaze. "You okay?" he asks Scott, sounding so much like the Stiles they know. It scares Bea how this demon can so easily fool them.

"Please don't," Scott begs as Stiles walks closer to him, his slender fingers dancing along the hilt of the katana. "Stop."

"It's okay." Void's voice is anything but comforting as he puts one of his hands on Scott's shoulder and wraps the other one around the katana. For a moment, it appears he's going to pull the weapon from Scott's body. However, he twists it in further, earning groans from both Scott and Bea.

"Does it hurt?" Stiles questions, putting a hand on Scott's face when he tries to look away. "Hey, look at me. You should have done your reading, Scott. See, a nogitsune feeds off chaos, strife, and pain. This morning, you took it from Isaac, then you took it from Coach, and then from a dying deputy. All that pain, you took it all.

"And guess what? All that pain went to Beatrice," Void continues, his cold eyes falling to the redhead lying on the table. Her vision blurs as the loss of blood starts to catch up with her, and a tear slips from her eye as the shell of her boyfriend stalks closer, pushing Scott to the side.

His cold hands send a chill down her spine as they settle on her face, gripping her cheeks harshly. "And now, she's gonna give it to me," he continues, his chapped lips tilting up in a smirk as he stares down at the delirious empath.

"Don't touch her!" Scott exclaims as black begins to run up Void's veins. He tries to rip the demon from the girl, but he's simply pushed back, falling to the ground in his weak state.

The girl's body convulses as Void takes her pain, black running through his veins just like Scott's do when he takes other's pain. While it's Void taking the pain, it's Stiles' body absorbing it. An agonized scream escapes her lips as the pain only circles back through her, intensifying instead of diluting. Scott winces as the sound reverberates off the walls, never having felt more helpless than he does right now.

It feels as though ages have passed until Void takes his hands away from Bea's skin, leaving her on the table in a mess of tears and whimpers. Her chest heaves from the pain, struggling to find her breath. She stares up into the eyes of Void, nothing but fear filling her veins.

"Now you see why nogitsune and empaths are made for each other?" Void questions, smirking down at the redhead as he rests his hands on either side of her head, hovering over her. "Your pain, it feeds me. It makes me stronger. I don't always get an empath emotionally linked to my host, but this is just an added bonus, Beatrice.

"You're the key to my success."

He disappears from above her, returning to Scott. "You really have to learn, Scott," Void starts, putting his hands on Scott's shoulders. "You really have to learn not to trust a fox. Mmm-mmm. Know why? 'Cause they're tricksters. They'll fool you.

"They'll fool everyone."

"Not everyone," Deaton states as he comes up behind Void, sticking a needle into his neck. Void groans as he falls to the ground, slowly losing consciousness. Bea breathes out in relief, though it's quickly replaced by a loud groan as Deaton rips the katana from Scott's stomach. The feeling of the wound healing quickly replaces the pain.

"What was that? Was that a cure? Is he okay?" Scott asks Deaton, his eyes trained on the needle in Deaton's hand.

"The fox is poisoned, but it's not dead," Deaton explains, looking down at Stiles' motionless body with sad eyes. "Not yet." 

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